Max Weber has discussed in detail the concept of bureaucracy. He has discussed this concept in the context of social power and prestige. Indeed, bureaucracy is an administrative organization in which the distribution and classification of the power is of a particular kind . Bureaucratization is the result of the emergence of rational on a large scale. As weber puts it once it is fully established , bureaucracy is among these social structure which are the hardest to destroy . bureaucracy is the means of carrying , community action over into rationally ordered social action .therefore ,as an instrument for societalizing relation of power bureaucracy has been and is a power instrument of the first order for the one who controls the bureaucratic apparatus . Under otherwise equal condition a social action which is methodically ordered and led is superior to every resistance of mass or even of communal action , where the bureaucratization of administration has been completely carried through. , A form of power relation is established that is practically unsubscribe.
Functional Features of Bureaucracy
Max Weber has enumerated characteristics feature s of Bureaucracy . These are as follows :
Hierarchy of positions
In Bureaucracy there is a hierarchy arrangements of posts and position s. In Bureaucracy there is one chief functionary and under him there are several assistants , each of whom has in turn many assistant under him.
Impersonal rules.
The Bureaucracy set up is strictly governed by rules and regulations These rules and regulations are impersonal and impartial. This lends permanence and contiuty to the Bureaucrac functioning in Bureaucracy no person is indispensable. The Bureaucratic set up is like a machine in which the parts can be easily replaced without impairing the work of machine .thus it is the laws and not persons that make the Bureaucracy work .
Clear and specified functions .
In bureaucratic set up each member whether low or high in the hierarchy has his function determined and specified .the basis of the division of labour is efficiency and ability .the more able and efficient personal occupy higher wrings in the hierarchy .If this principle is violated ,the Bureaucratic set up is liable to break up.
Rules of control
In Bureaucratic set-up the superior office exercise control over his juniors . however this control is not due to personal qualities of the officer but is on account of rules and regulations.
Seperation between administrators and owners
In a Bureaucratic set up the owners of an enterprise is not necessarily the highest officer . Indeed if an organization requires highly technical personnel .the owner may have no role in the actual operation s of that organization.
Lack of monopoly
In Bureaucracy no person has monopolistic control and therefore no person is indispensable. If need be any person can be replaced .Or transferred.
Written Rules , Decisions and commands
In a Bureaucratic set-up all rules, regulations and decisions are reduced to writing in order to avoid ambiguity and misuse .To write down all laws and definition is very necessary for smooth functioning of Bureaucracy. Weber regards this feature as highly important part of bureaucracy .though some other decisively call it mere paper work .
Expert Training
The office management in bureaucracy is carried on by means of expert training.
Technical competence
Employment and promotion in bureaucracy depends upon technical competence and specialised skill of the personnel in different positions .In is this characteristic which is responsible for technical superiority of bureauracy in the face of any other form of organisation .Weber writes. Precision ,speed unambiguity , knowledge of the flight continuity , didcretion unity strict subordination ,reduction of friction and of material and personal costs these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureauratic administration and especially in its monocratic form .As compared with all collegiate honorific and vocational forms of administration trained bureauracy is superior on all these points .And as far as completed tasks are concerned paid Bureaucratic work is not only more precise but in the last analysis it is often cheaper than even formally undermined honorific service.
Full time vocation
As the official work involves a it is efforts , bureaucratic office holding is a full time vocation .It requires total working capacity of the official.
Bureaucratic appointment are made not by election but by selection based upon definite rules specified by contract.
Pecuniary benefits .
Employment carriers with it provision for pecuniary benefits such as salary with a progressive grade along with perks in the form of free funnished or unfurnished residence , vehicle traveling allowance ,medical disbursement, equity share , bonus and so on .The prestinge of a bureaucratic post is very much determined by the pecuniary benefits that it carries with it.