Forms of Stratification
Stratification is that form of inequality in which members of society are divided into high-bottom positions or positions. This height of the situation – the basis on which the lowliness is determined, also determines the form or type of stratification. Two fundamental forms of stratification have been mentioned by early social scientists. One form of stratification is normative and the other is realistic. Conventional stratification is concerned with the nature of levels, such as free stratification and restrictive stratification, or the institutional quantity and nature of the ideal or stratification of a given status and a status quo. Actual stratification is associated with factors based on which stratification occurs among members of society, such as economic stratification, status quo stratification, or power stratification. The two-pronged interpretation of the forms of stratification is very ancient by which members of society are divided into two high-down groups, such as distinct and common, elites and common masses, independent and subjugated, rich and poor, rulers and Governed and productive and unproductive groups. A three-tier form of stratification is prevalent in the modern era, which consists of upper class, middle class and lower class. Sociologists have mainly mentioned the following five forms of stratification.
Slavery –
Slavery is the form of stratification in which society is divided into two classes called swami and dasa. Placing another person or persons as slaves as a practice or practice by a person or persons expresses the slavery-nature of stratification. Slaves are the property of the owner. Owners also had stratification based on slaves’ ability and number of slaves. The slaves also attained elevated positions depending on the nature of the work. Domestic slaves and field slaves differed in position. Two prominent examples of slavery are found in human history. Ancient slavery, which was prevalent in the societies of Greece and Rome, was the much talked about form of slavery. The second form of slavery passed in the southern part of the United States. Has been prevalent for centuries. Even in China, slavery has been prevalent in the form of the domestic slave system, but here the slave was not considered as private property to the extent it was considered in Rome.
2 . Estate –
Estate is the form of social stratification that developed in the feudalistic era after slavery. Estate is also a political concept and a social status symbol. A group with specific rights in the political sphere is called an estate or jagirdari. On the other hand Jagir or Estate is that segment of the population which has a high position in stratification and enjoys special social rights and facilities. These rights and facilities gain legal approval. Under the estate system, the feudalistic society was divided into three upper and lower groups. The first place in social stratification was that of priests who worshiped. In the second place were Bhadra men or noblemen who took responsibility for security at the time of war etc., and in the third place were ordinary people who labor. The basis of the estate was birth and property. The estate form of stratification started at the end of the eleventh century when many slaves were becoming independent. These nobles were not willing to join his group. The definition of this noble became related to money, power and social habits. The oligarchy thus became the master class and the laborers became subservient to it. The military style also made her nature full of orderliness. Distinctive lifestyles became his identity. He lived in a rural area separate from the general public but did not do farming. The descendants of the elite group became eligible for special facilities. In India, she became involved with the estate system. Here luxuries and labor groups were not formed but this form of stratification based on rural agriculture was of economic and military nature. Europe did not have a feudalistic nature, nor did it have an exploitative system. Estate practice was also based on law. In essence the estate was a form of restricted stratification. The practice and tradition of stratification rules was supported and formal laws were also helpful in these rules and guidelines.
Caste –
- In India, the direction of social life and thinking has been determined by the caste system. Caste system with specific characteristics of Indian social structure is a rigid form of stratification which is not found elsewhere. It is that form of restrictive stratification in which a person’s status is determined with birth and he remains in the same position throughout life. The eternal wealth of wealth, or the brilliance of talent, cannot change its status. Religious opinion is associated with caste. Caste has also been interpreted as a rigid class and as a status group. Although caste system appears to be an irreversible permanent system, it is still a dynamic fact. This Indian form of stratification is an adaptation with circumstances. The development of democratic system has brought many changes. It is changing in its cultural form and changes are also being made in the order of steps. Caste is an inborn group in which change cannot be made. It is also an endogamous group. The occupations of castes are pre-determined and cannot go on. The restrictions on food and social interaction or delimitation make the caste system very restrictive. Due to neither restrictions, the disabilities of lower castes developed by mid-medieval period and they became victims of exploitation of upper castes. They were considered worse than animals. In independent India, the processes of technologyization, urbanization, secularization, Sanskritization, democratization and westernization, etc. have brought about many changes in the caste system, but these changes have not changed the basic form of caste stratification. There is a change in the conditions of different castes, but the situation has not changed on the basis of hierarchy and caste-membership. Ethnic stratification exists in the face of numerous religious and political protests.
- Class – Social class is the type of stratification that is more prevalent in the modern era. Classes can be thought of as high-status economic groups that do not receive any religious or legal opinion. Class is the free form of stratification. Class members treat other groups as elevated or lower according to their position. Class consciousness is a special feature of class. Marx has recognized two classes in social stratification. The bourgeoisie is the master of the means of production. He is also a ruler and an exploitor. It is upper class. The proletariat labors, is exploited and poor. Mars Weber has also divided the society into two classes, the wealthier and the wealthier. Class is the typical form of stratification in modern society. Economic status is the main authority of class determination. Hence, property, praya and business class are particularly associated with the concept. In some areas like America, it has become a helpful element in determining species class. Members of a class have similar lifestyles and opportunities for advancement in life are same for them. Qualifications, diligence and aspiration classes – provide opportunities for change. In modern class stratification, these three are the most prevalent classes of high, medium and low. Classes play an important political role in democratic countries. Political classes have developed into totalitarian structures.
5, Status Groups –
In modern societies, subdivision has become the main authority of stratification. Max Weber has tried to determine the level of social upside down by considering consumption as the dominant. High spenders are in a higher position. Briefly explained the following forms of social stratification
Economic Stratification –
The wealth of religious stratification is wealth – wealth and income. A person’s nathic position is not always the same. There are fluctuations in this, 12 fluctuations can also change the applicant position of the whole group if the economic conditions of different classes under the group can also change. The average wealth of each group is different and often varies from time to time. Economic stratification is the economic stratification of various members and groups of society on the basis of property and income.
Political Stratification:
Due to expansion of population and development of civilization, societies have become very complex. Ancient societies were small and simple societies. Therefore, people were not high or low on political grounds. The king, chief or chieftain was the best man and the rest were under him. In the modern era, various types of political structures have developed, under which political situations are being divided. In the democracy, the order of the President, the Prime Minister, etc. has become the hierarchy of many situations.
As a result, political stratification also changes. Stratification also changes as the size of a political organization increases. If the variation in its members increases then the stratification gets expanded and the variation decreases then the stratification becomes narrower. Even in the state of war, revolution or rebellion, it is reversed. Anti-political powers also affect social stratification.
Occupational Stratification
Sorokin has described two types of occupational stratification. Interprofessional stratification is one in which there is a disparity in the conditions of persons engaged in the same occupation. In the highest position are those who own businesses, administer and control employees. The second position is that of the promoters or other high officials, who, despite not being the owners themselves, are important individuals with significant rights. At the last level, the wage earners are ordinary workers and workers. Generally, commercial, political and political stratification affect each other. A person who is in a high position in one region attains a higher status in other areas.
Other Types –
In the modern era of society on the basis of education, art etc.
Inequality is found in the positions of members. Species have also been the main form of stratification. The ethnic pattern and the al format are particularly notable in stratification. Thus social stratification appears in many forms. According to sociologists, different forms of social stratification have evolved in different eras of human history. In ancient times, slavery was the form of stratification, then in the feudal era, the development of estate system took place. Caste has been the predominant form of stratification in Indian society and class practice has been recognized as the dominant form of stratification in the modern world. Out of the appropriate forms of social stratification in India, two are very important, so we will discuss them in detail here – 1. Caste System 2. Class Syste