Nature of Rural Sociology
Before narrowing the scope of rural sociology, the question arises whether its content is scientific or not. On this basis we can examine the nature of rural sociology. In order to obtain knowledge related to a particular subject, when we collect facts by scientific method, then such study is called scientific study. Therefore, the basis of science is the scientific method, not the content. Therefore, before understanding the nature of rural sociology, it becomes necessary that we understand the meaning of the scientific method properly. According to Mr. Ludberg – “The scientific method involves systematic observation, classification and interpretation of facts.” On the various stages of the scientific method, Mr. Bernard writes that “Science can be defined by the main processes found under it. These are based on testing, verification, definition, classification, organization and guidance, which also includes pointing to the future and putting them into practice. study and, if possible, attempt to solve them thoroughly and systematically on the basis of observation, verification, classification and study of social phenomena. This method in its sharp and successful form is often known as the scientific method.”
Following are the different stages of scientific method
- construction of a topical or actionable hypothesis
2 . Selection of instruments or tools of the questionnaire
- Fact Observation and Fact Compilation
- to record
- Classification and organization of facts
- Generalization and rule making of conclusions
To adopt the scientific method, the researchers of social science should have a specific scientific attitude. An ordinary person cannot have this. The main goals of the scientific method are the tendency to study, special enthusiasm, hard work, authoritative thoughts, fair discussion, etc. If we do a physical review of the undertakings done so far in rural areas, we will find that this study is related to the economic condition. Rural society is studied for many purposes in rural sociology. So we see that the rural sociologist studies various social methods as well as finds solutions to the problems of the villagers.
This decision was taken in the Sociological Conference held in America in 1937. It was believed that all rural problems should be studied in rural sociology based on scientific studies. Villagers are purely scientific and it is a social science.
Rural Sociology As a Science
From a scientific point of view, the following steps should be taken in the study of rural sociology (1) the truthfulness of the nature of knowledge, (2) its organization, (3) its method (4) theory formulation. As it is clear from the following description that rural sociology verifies all these four conditions.
, Reliable Knowledge – In order to meet the requirements of the scientific method, the material of a subject should be compiled by such scientific methods, whose truthfulness and reliability have been checked and which have been found to be undisputed. Although sociology is a new science, yet the nature and speed with which its study has started is certainly encouraging. It has provided new knowledge in many fields. For example, population, family, group behavior, development of institutions, method of social change etc. In spite of the many constraints faced in the study of rural sociology, its content is reliable and it is absolutely unfair to call it unscientific on the basis of some insignificant shortcomings.
, Organization of Knowledge – The organization of science is based on the relationships that interrelate each field of knowledge. There are many interactions in sociology. He has many tools and equipment for further discoveries, although these are sufficient, but still they do not have the ability to study, analyze and synthesize the entire field from him. It is believed that the compilation of ancient knowledge of social relations will ultimately help in such synthesis.
, Sociology as a Method – Just as correct observations and conclusions are necessary for the study of physics, similar observations and conclusions are necessary for the study of sociology.
It is also necessary in science, however, the observations of physics are based on experiments and the observations of sociology are based on investigation data. For example, if we want to know whether child mortality is more in low-income families or in high-income families, we don’t do that for the mothers of 50 wealthy families, and the mothers of 50 poor families in one room. Bring me in and start watching child mortality. Instead, we collect facts. But first we have to do an integrated study of their food system, customs of that religious group, and finally their lineage. In the context of child mortality, it has been known that by increasing the frequency, the rate of child mortality can be reduced and the life of children remains safe.
The description and analysis of what is ‘ Rural Sociology also studies the ‘what is or should be’ on the other side of such terms. Rural sociology studies the social relations, social processes, social groups etc. found in rural society as they are. As a positive science it looks at events objectively and the way in which they are available in rural society. presents them in the same way. For example, what are the causes of rural poverty and poverty, what are the characteristics of rural culture, what is the structure of rural society, etc.
Explanation of Cause and Cause Any science for the discovery of any phenomenon also finds its causes and effects. Nothing happens without a cause and every event also leaves some effect. Rural sociology also explains what is – on the basis of causality. For example, what are the reasons for the success and failure of rural reconstruction and community development planning? By knowing the reasons, we can also find the solution of any problem.
, Formation of Theories – Rural sociology builds theories on the basis of studies related to rural life. The rural sociologist examines the veracity of his hypothesis and makes observations related to it. He collects and classifies the facts and analyzes them and on the basis of the obtained conclusions builds theories. These principles are universal. To check the readiness of these theories, he examines and re-examines them, which confirms their scientificness. According to the time of the country, if there is any change in them, then amendments are made in them and new principles are decided.
But per In sociology, the scientific method of study is followed with great care. All tasks based on scientific methods are essential in segregation, planning and community development. In the study of rural society, we need social sociology, prior history of social observation and community studies. Scientific study of rural problems cannot be done under the influence of scientific method. Based on the conclusions based on such studies, where scientific methods have not been used, we can only make predictions about the future: we will not be able to get any scientific facts. In rural sociology, efforts are also made to study the relationship between cause and effect, which is the first requirement of scientific study. Along with this, the scattered material is given systematic and scientific form by classification and generalization is attempted by its in-depth study. Thus rural sociology is purely scientific in nature. So we come to the conclusion that sociology is a science.
Importance of Rural Sociology
Rural sociology studies rural society. Most of the world’s population is still settled in villages. Therefore, the study of rural society is very important for us even in this age. Human society has been rural for thousands of years. Urban life has developed only for a few centuries. In fact, if seen, urban life is the beginning of a modern life. It is clear from this that all sociology so far is in a way a sociology of rural life. Laurie Nelson wrote,
The story of a man from a very short time ago is mostly the story of a rural man. “Not only this, before the present era, most of the human beings have been living in small villages in all parts of the world. Some of the big cities which have been built, also have rural areas.
Life itself was visible. Characteristics of civilian life were not developed in them. The whole life of the society was rural life. Urban life started only after the technological revolution. Despite the high intensity of urbanization, most of the society is rural. Except America and some countries of Europe, other countries of the world are up to 90 percent rural. 80 in India. 0 percent of the population is rural. Similarly, in most of the countries of the East, the rural population is mostly found. In America and Europe countries also there is a majority of rural population. Many times we live under the illusion that where more population starts living, there is development of urban life. But this is not true. Due to more population living in one place, and
In fact, there is no development of urban life and most of their life remains rural. Take, for example, the cities of Euruba in Africa. Similarly take Alexandria and other cities in the Middle East. Andersen also wrote in this subject that “Baghdad or Tehran do not exhibit any urban life.”
Importance of Rural Sociology in India
The importance of rural sociology in India can be presented in the following points:
Village is the original source of Indian culture – Village is the original source of Indian culture. Village is a unit in India. To understand Indian society and culture, we have to understand the village here.
Some special studies possible – For the study of Indian villages, we have to do some special types of studies. For example, study of rural households, study of caste system, etc. The study of caste system will have to be done in a special way because caste system is not found in other countries of the world. The effect of this practice has been especially on Indian villages.
Most of the population of India is rural – Most of the population of India is rural. Even at present 80 percent of the population in India is rural. That is why this country is called agricultural.
Indian sociology is rural sociology – India is an agricultural country. Whatever sociological studies we have done in India are in a way related to rural sociology. Because India is primarily a rural country. It is clear from this that Indian sociology is rural sociology.
View of life and poverty – The rural society of India presents the scene of poverty and poverty. In Indian villages, one will get a craving to eat the food that produces food. Indian farmer grows wheat and green vegetables but cannot eat them. Their small children yearn for milk and ghee. The plight of Indian villages is extreme. Doctor . In the words of Desai. “Indian rural life provides a view of a period of real calamity, social degradation, cultural backwardness, and above all, a vestige of crisis.”
“It is clear from the views of the above scholars that rural India is in a state of extreme poverty. We can understand this situation of the whole of India, because 820 percent of India is settled in villages. To handle this situation, we need rural sociology. is extremely needed.
Rural society is not a part of urban society – We have mentioned earlier that rural society is not a part of urban society. Rural life itself has its own problems. Urban life is a different life from that. For this reason it is necessary to study rural life separately, giving importance to rural problems.
Rapidly Changing Rural Society – Indian rural society is bleeding at a rapid pace. As a result of these changes, the rural society has changed so much that its ancient form has almost ended. This change was first due to the influence of the British civilization and the second freedom struggle has also had an impact on Indian villages. For sociology, such societies, which are changing rapidly, are of great importance. For this reason, Indian rural society is also very important. As a result, rural sociology is much needed in India. In fact, only rural sociology can encourage rural retrofitting.
In the context of rural reconstruction, the Indian Union has mentioned in its constitution itself. The following paragraph of the Directive Principles of State Policy is important: RTE India is an agricultural country. The villages here are the basic sources and foundation stones of Indian culture. Here 80 percent of the population lives in villages. From the Himalayas in the north to Kanyakumari in the south, and from Bengal in the east to Bilochistan in the west, it is a monolithic state of villages.
In such a situation, if we say that India is a country of villages, then it will not be an exaggeration. In such a situation, the need of study of rural society becomes clear by itself that how important it is to study a country with such a large population and solve the problems and it can also be imagined how important the science doing this work is. Will happen . Rural sociologist Prof. Desai has written that “The rise and importance of rural sociology in India is a period of time.”
Our India from ancient times was divided into self-dependent, rural units, where differences in language, dress, civilization and culture were found. Karenson has also written about this peculiarity of Indian villages – “The ancient villages were not only economic and administrative units but also centers of cooperative and cultural life. They had their own festivals, festivals, folk songs, dances, games and fairs. Who gave life to the masses and kept their spirits up.”
This feature was naturally present in India. The foreign rule broke this beautiful system. The best quality of self-builder, due to the influence of foreign rule, foreign civilization and culture, due to the process of urbanization, villages started getting destroyed. Technology has put an end to rural industries
Gave .
The Zamindari system allowed the blood of the rural body to remain Aries. Due to the fall in the primary condition of the villages, the social, cultural, religious, spiritual conditions also disappeared and started singing at a low level or even vanishing and getting to a low level. Rural India was surrounded by demons like illiteracy, hunger, unemployment, debt, drinking, litigation etc. Kadamabaji Gradi was surrounded by demons. With the abolition of rural panchayats, the court system made the rural society even more oppressed and the border society suffered even more. In this regard Prof. Desai thus relaxed the archaic basis of techniques and production in this way by the British rulers, but did not develop healthy and permanent innovation in their place even to a limited degree. “In fact, if the British rulers had worked in this direction even a little, then this condition of India would not have happened. Which has happened.
In such circumstances, rural sociology was the only science whose rays of light could be reached to the empty masses. But due to lack of glory and spread of this scripture in the country, he was deprived of taking any concrete steps in this direction. As a result, various economists tried to improve the Indian situation on an economic basis. There is no doubt that the efforts of these economists have been successful to some extent, but still there is an urgent need for rural sociological studies for rural society. After independence, this need has increased even more.
In this regard Prof. Desai has also written, “The systematic study of rural social organization and its structure, functions and evaluation has become necessary not only after independence but also of opinion.”
In this way, rural sociology is a very important science to solve rural problems prevailing in rural life. No problem in the social field can be solved without sociological study. Scientific study is needed to solve every problem. It is a very difficult task to do a suitable solution to a particular problem without its cause and cause. Thus, we can say that the importance of Indian rural sociology has increased pertinently and it is especially essential here in the present era. ,
In this way, in order to reorganize the disintegrated form of our rural structure and make it self-reliant, scientific study of the problems is very necessary.
In fact, only rural sociology can be instrumental in rectifying this dire situation. Mr. Nelson and Taylor have written that “The main objective of rural sociology in India is to study the social, economic, political and cultural systems of the countrymen and present reforms. The work of rural sociology lies mostly in practical discoveries. Uncovers proper social facts by statistical analysis of fields.
In view of India being a village-headed country, it is mandatory for every citizen to have knowledge of this scripture. This science should be taught compulsorily in Indian universities so that the youth of Graz do not remain unfamiliar with village life. Mostly it is seen that after passing university education, workers go to villages and they do not succeed. The youth out of the university hate the rural life. Therefore, the practical approach of rural sociology is important for India. Our present government is engaged towards rural development. In such a situation there is a great need for such knowledge. For this the following It is very important for the departmental employees to have knowledge of rural sociology.
Indian Planning Department – Every officer engaged in the work of Indian planning. In particular, every member of the Planning Commission must have knowledge of rural sociology. Most of the five year plans being made for the upliftment of rural India are implemented in the villages. If the workers of the planning department do not have a practical knowledge of rural life and problems, then their plans can never be successful. Therefore, the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Planning should make it necessary to study this type of scripture.
Community Development Programs – Indian community development programs are directly related to villages. This is a very effective revolution in rural development. It is necessary for every member of this department and ministry to have close acquaintance with rural life. Although the subject of rural sociology has been fixed under the orientation training of community development, but the effort in this direction is not being done as effectively as it should. No training can be complete without scientific knowledge of the major problems of rural life. Therefore, for complete success, the government should take important and concrete steps in this direction.
, Panchayat Department of India – Organization of Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis and Zilla Parishads is being done under democratic decentralization in India. The objective of this program is also to reorganize rural life. The function of Panchayats has been fixed to solve rural problems. From this point of view the knowledge of rural sociology is very useful for the workers of this department as well. The specificity of rural regional society and its social problems can be known through this scripture. this view
Gave .
The Zamindari system allowed the blood of the rural body to remain Aries. Due to the fall in the primary condition of the villages, the social, cultural, religious, spiritual conditions also disappeared and started singing at a low level or even vanishing and getting to a low level. Rural India was surrounded by demons like illiteracy, hunger, unemployment, debt, drinking, litigation etc. Kadamabaji Gradi was surrounded by demons. With the abolition of rural panchayats, the court system made the rural society even more oppressed and the border society suffered even more. In this regard Prof. Desai thus relaxed the archaic basis of techniques and production in this way by the British rulers, but did not develop healthy and permanent innovation in their place even to a limited degree. “In fact, if the British rulers had worked in this direction even a little, then this condition of India would not have happened. Which has happened.
In such circumstances, rural sociology was the only science whose rays of light could be reached to the empty masses. But due to lack of glory and spread of this scripture in the country, he was deprived of taking any concrete steps in this direction. As a result, various economists tried to improve the Indian situation on an economic basis. There is no doubt that the efforts of these economists have been successful to some extent, but still there is an urgent need for rural sociological studies for rural society. After independence, this need has increased even more.
In this regard Prof. Desai has also written, “The systematic study of rural social organization and its structure, functions and evaluation has become necessary not only after independence but also of opinion.”
In this way, rural sociology is a very important science to solve rural problems prevailing in rural life. No problem in the social field can be solved without sociological study. Scientific study is needed to solve every problem. It is a very difficult task to do a suitable solution to a particular problem without its cause and cause. Thus, we can say that the importance of Indian rural sociology has increased pertinently and it is especially essential here in the present era. ,
In this way, in order to reorganize the disintegrated form of our rural structure and make it self-reliant, scientific study of the problems is very necessary.
In fact, only rural sociology can be instrumental in rectifying this dire situation. Mr. Nelson and Taylor have written that “The main objective of rural sociology in India is to study the social, economic, political and cultural systems of the countrymen and present reforms. The work of rural sociology lies mostly in practical discoveries. Uncovers proper social facts by statistical analysis of fields.
In view of India being a village-headed country, it is mandatory for every citizen to have knowledge of this scripture. This science should be taught compulsorily in Indian universities so that the youth of Graz do not remain unfamiliar with village life. Mostly it is seen that after passing university education, workers go to villages and they do not succeed. The youth out of the university hate the rural life. Therefore, the practical approach of rural sociology is important for India. Our present government is engaged towards rural development. In such a situation there is a great need for such knowledge. For this the following It is very important for the departmental employees to have knowledge of rural sociology.
Indian Planning Department – Every officer engaged in the work of Indian planning. In particular, every member of the Planning Commission must have knowledge of rural sociology. Most of the five year plans being made for the upliftment of rural India are implemented in the villages. If the workers of the planning department do not have a practical knowledge of rural life and problems, then their plans can never be successful. Therefore, the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Planning should make it necessary to study this type of scripture.
Community Development Programs – Indian community development programs are directly related to villages. This is a very effective revolution in rural development. It is necessary for every member of this department and ministry to have close acquaintance with rural life. Although the subject of rural sociology has been fixed under the orientation training of community development, but the effort in this direction is not being done as effectively as it should. No training can be complete without scientific knowledge of the major problems of rural life. Therefore, for complete success, the government should take important and concrete steps in this direction.
, Panchayat Department of India – Organization of Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis and Zilla Parishads is being done under democratic decentralization in India. The objective of this program is also to reorganize rural life. The function of Panchayats has been fixed to solve rural problems. From this point of view the knowledge of rural sociology is very useful for the workers of this department as well. The specificity of rural regional society and its social problems can be known through this scripture. this view
Therefore, it is desirable to compulsorily study rural sociology for this department.
Rural Welfare Department – Under social welfare, programs of family planning, women’s centers and children’s schools are kept in rural areas. Thus the success of village welfare schemes is also dependent on trained workers. It is also very important in this area to be familiar with the caste, bureaucratic customs, customs, language, culture of the rural society. From this point of view, rural sociology is very important for the workers engaged in the schemes of social welfare and village welfare.
Wildlife Welfare Department – Although the complete study of wild species is done under anthropology. But as a result of the Indian wild-castes living in rural areas, their social study also comes under rural sociology. Anthropology is capable of conducting an anthropological study of such species only. In rural sociology, because of being able to do detailed social study of these wild species in rural environment, its knowledge is also useful for the workers of this department. Rural areas are the source of ancient culture and civilization, here we get to see wild-ethnic culture in general. On this basis, rural sociology is able to present programs for the upliftment of other rural problems as well as to present forest welfare programs. Therefore, the study of this scripture is useful in this department as well.
Madan, Gramdan and Gramrajya – The goal of the Bhoodan and Gramdan movements is to build rural infrastructure. All the common problems of rural life have to be seen under this movement. The workers engaged in the movement have to travel from village to village to discuss land donation, wealth donation, property donation, wisdom donation, clothing donation etc. It is a socialist revolution in rural areas. The rebirth of the rural structure disintegrated by British rule – lies in revolution. Rural sociology does not find itself related to this program to any extent. Every Bhoodani worker belongs to the rural society. By establishing close contact with the public, the workers who solve their problems can get excellent and creative models in rural sociology. Other branches of rural reconstruction – Co-operative, education, village health, etc. The aim of all departments is inspired by rural reconstruction. They have to put before themselves the ideal of improving rural life. Therefore, it is very important for them to study rural sociology. In this regard Prof. Desai has also said, “Amidst the conditions of extreme physical and cultural poverty, various state institutions, statisticians, economists and social workers are focusing their attention extensively on the problems and events of the Indian people living in rural areas. . ” Gave .
Thus, after this detailed discussion, we come to the conclusion that rural sociology is very important for agricultural countries. For a country like India, which has become the center of rural problems due to long slavery, then this science is even more important. The government is making special efforts in this direction. Wide spread of this science is desirable for the progress of rural areas.