Urban Community

Urban Community


Before knowing the urban community and their characteristics, it is necessary to know what a city is.


Meaning and definitions of city



Generally the city is called that whose population is more than one lakh. The size of such a community is usually large. Under this people lead a changeable life. In relation to this, Barth said that cities are those places which are relatively large, dense and there are socially heterogeneous people (people of different conditions) living there.


Three characteristics of the city are clear from Berthe’s ideas. more population. 2 . High density of population, 3. Heterogeneity – that is, having people of different classes, caste, education, economic status and political ideology.


According to Kingsley Davis, the city is inhabited by people of more social differences, there is also an abundance of occupations. He also told that in the city, secondary relatives have primacy. Not all people know each other through direct relationships. Davis clarified his views and said that the density of population cannot be considered as the only important factor in determining the city. Certain types of social elements are needed for the city. The density of population at any place, whether more than one thousand or less, if there is an urban attitude, then it will be called a city.


That is to say that the basis of the city is not just population but the city life method.

Davis told that there are many such villages in India in which the density of population is more than many cities but it cannot be called a city.


According to Lumis’ (CP Loomis), a city is a unit that can be distinguished from its neighboring areas on the basis of characteristics such as size and density of population, nature of occupation and nature of social relations. That is to say that the large size of the city, the multiplicity of occupations, the dominance of secondary relations, the division of labor and specialization, social mobility etc. are such characteristics which are found in the civil community.



According to Willcox, “City” means an area where the density of population per square mile is more than 1000 persons and where agriculture is not done.



“Quinn” defined the city from the legal point of view and said that the city means the areas prescribed by law in which a population of a certain size resides and within whose boundaries the work of establishing order is authorized by the state. This idea is not more important from the sociological point of view.

From the sociological point of view, Louis Mumord described the predominance of formality, pretentiousness and selfishness as important features in the city. Apart from this, the plurality and primacy of secondary relations, division of society on the basis of occupation and other activities, social mobility, individualism, rationality and more social mobility etc. are also considered important. ,

  1. F. Hoselitz (B. F. Hoselitz) considered an urban community as a unit where cheap and skilled labor is found, where capital is available, where there is a market, where changes are high and where there is the greatest amount of traffic. There is convenience. In the modern era, industry and industrial trade are considered to be the most important basis of cities. Modern economic development is not possible without urban life.


In fact, a city is a set of characteristics in which a particular kind of life arises. , It is difficult to explain this by any definition. Therefore, some important features of urban community will be mentioned. So that its concept can be more clear.


Features of Urban Community


, Large population – There is an excess of population in the urban community. The cities are densely populated. From the demographic point of view, the size of the population in cities is large and its density is also high. A fixed base of population is kept for the urban community in each country. This number is not the same in all countries. For example, there are five thousand in India, two and a half thousand in America, one thousand in Argentina and ten thousand in Italy and Spain. But in all countries, along with the population, civic amenities are also considered essential. Today there are more such cities in India whose population is more than one lakh. The density of population in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Madras, Chandigarh, Kanpur etc. is more than two thousand per square kilometer.


, Heterogeneity – Different types of population are found in cities. People of all religions, languages, castes, races and cultures reside here. Differences are also found in their dress, eating habits, standard of living and thoughts.



Different occupation – There is also an abundance of occupations in the urban community. People here are engaged in different types of occupations. The sustenance of the people in the city depends only on business and trade. The sequence of occupational variation can be seen in the field of service starting from the ordinary laborer to the biggest officer and in the field of private business starting from the smallest shopkeeper to the biggest owner and industrialist. can be seen as Occupational diversity is an important feature of the urban community.


Divisoin of Labor and Specialization – Division of labor and specialization is found in the urban community. Different types of businesses and services in the city require special abilities. Without these qualifications it is not possible to work. Therefore, people with different abilities and qualities take interest in different types of business. Gradually, there is division of labor and specialization among them. By being engaged in different professions, a person acquires proficiency in it. In this way a person engaged in different field gets specialization and this division of labor and specialization maintains the relationship between different people and classes.


, Individualism and Competition – Individualism and competition are seen among the people in the urban community. Every person understands the progress of the country, society and family in his own progress. For this, he always tries to overtake himself by leaving others behind. Every person is engaged in maximum fulfillment of his interests, he is not concerned about the other. In this context, Davis said that individualism is found in urban communities to such an extent that individualism considers the accumulation of resources and wealth in each area as the ultimate goal of life. It enhances the competitive spirit in the person.

Individualism and competition are not limited to his economic and political life but also affect his social, cultural and family life. ,


, Secondary relationship – Predominance of secondary relationships is found in the urban community. Due to the large size of the city, people do not know each other by face; primary relations between them are not formed.



Louis Mumphard told that in the urban community, formality, pretentiousness, interest-based relations and formal rules prevail. Huh . That is to say, the people of the locality are not recognized in other localities. This unfamiliarity is considered a symptom of urban life.


Mobility – Urban is the nurturer of local and social mobility. The abundance of occupations, diversity of economic activities, excess of competition and many such opportunities are available in cities which motivate people to move forward at different levels of social stratification. The opportunities and means of urban life enhance local and social mobility. Anytime a person’s skill. With ability and efforts, one can elevate his position. Similarly, due to lack of skills, abilities and attitudes, one can also fall below their present social status. This type of ups and downs remains in the life of the people which makes their social life unsafe.


, Decrease in the importance of religion – The importance of religion is decreasing day by day in the cities. People have started taking interest in religious festivals. People prefer to go to other friend-groups and meetings instead of going to worship and hymn-kirtan at religious places. Their faith in religion is gradually decreasing. The behavior and conduct of the people in the urban community is not only influenced by religious rules. Rather, education and science also have an effect on them.


Logical approach – anything in urban communities. Let’s look at it from a logical point of view and try to understand it. The influence of education and science has removed the superstitions of the people. They do not believe in things that do not stand the test of logic. There is indifference towards customs and traditions in the urban community. Being educated, try to know everything on the basis of logic. Their behavior is also guided not by traditional rules but by new ideologies.




Local Segregation – Opatial Segregation in the urban community – Due to the division of labor and specialization in the urban community, places are fixed for each work. In the middle of the city, a place is fixed for the sake of it. In the center of the city there are offices related to public life. There are major commercial establishments, hotels, canteens, cinemas, clubs, etc. around them, commercial institutions, hotels, canteens, cinemas, clubs, etc. There are also densely populated areas in the inner parts of the city.


In these places, low income people have bungalows of high income and prestigious people in the outer area of ​​the city where they reside. Harris (C. in the book ‘The Nature of Cities’ has explained the characteristics of local segregation found in cities.


Formal Social Control – Urban community control requires formal means. In such communities, informal practices such as religion, custom, family, tradition, etc. do not matter. As a result, social control requires formal means, such as law, court, police, jail, fines and army. They force people to behave according to the rules by putting pressure on them. Yet they are not as effective as informal means.


, Higher Status of Women – The status of women in the urban community is good. There are facilities for the education of women in the cities. There are many job opportunities for them as well. There is no restriction on rules like purdah system, child marriage, ban on widow marriage. It is possible to develop their personality independently. His whole life was spent in fulfilling family functions. As a result of the development of industries in the city, there has been a lot of change in the family functions. Now she has time left after handling the household chores which she uses as per her wish. The control of the family has decreased. Due to the economic independence of women, revolutionary changes have taken place in the traditional functions of the family. Many functions of the family are now being done by other institutions. Overall, the urban community has provided women with proper opportunities and facilities for the development of their personality.


, Social Problems – Various types of social problems keep arising in the urban community. That is to say that the city is the center of social problems. These problems include crime, child crime, alcoholism, prostitution, unemployment.

There are different types of diseases which affect normal life. People go through different types of stress. The reason for all these problems is the urban environment.


, Slums – A major feature of the urban community is the slum. Slum settlements often develop in cities. The people living in these slums go through different types of stress. Slum settlements also adversely affect the health and mental condition of its residents. The miserable problem of houses compels people to live in bad condition. Ultimately, they have to face other problems related to it as well. In addition to the above characteristics, there are some such characteristics which are specially found in the urban community. For example, happy life, financial crisis and mental struggle etc. Necessary expenses also have to be borne in cities. From time to time we also have to face financial crisis. Mental stress and conflicts also affect the life of a person due to various reasons.



Comparison between rural and urban community


Rural and urban communities are different in principle, but in practice they are so mixed. that it seems difficult to pinpoint their isolation. There is hardly any community that is completely “rural” or urban. The reason for this is that many elements of the Indian urban community are found in the rural community and many features of the rural community are also found in the gay community.



From cultural point of view also, business, superstition, exorcist and rural dress are seen in the cities on one hand and on the other hand urban clothes, food, language and individualism etc. are seen in the villages. In fact, this situation is of ‘Rural Urban Continuity’ which is called ‘Rural Urban Continuum’. That is, the characteristics of cities are found in villages and the signs of villages are visible in cities too. These two are not opposite communities but two separate fringes of a continuum.

Kaiver and Page’ (Maclver & Page) in their book ‘Society’ Rural and Urban Communities. In comparison three difficulties are discussed.


Rural and urban difference is a Matter of Degree – In fact there is only language difference between village and town. No clear line of distinction can be drawn between them. McIver and Page have written in this context, “But there is not such a clear difference between the two that it can be told where the city ends and where the village begins”. There is no fixed criterion.


The Manifold Environment within the city – One of the difficulties in comparing the rural and urban community is that different environments are found in the city. Different characteristics are found in different places. People belonging to different caste, race, language, religion, sect, class and occupation are found in the cities. As a result, different environments arise in the city.


The charging character of city and village: The rural and urban communities are not of permanent character, but are of a changing nature. The process of urbanization and industrialization, the culture, ethics, behavior and business of the cities have influenced and changed the villages adjoining the city. They are constantly being found in the urban area.


On the other hand, when the villagers come to the cities to work, they carry the urban features with them to the village. Due to this, urban characteristics are spreading in the rural community. The exchange between the two also goes on. Due to these difficulties, comparison between urban and rural communities becomes difficult. Here some of the major differences are discussed. Following are the main basis of difference between rural and urban community –




Distinction between Rural and Urban Community 


Different sociologists have discussed different bases of difference between rural and urban community. Let us first discuss the differences pointed out by Sorokin and Zimmerman. These people have discussed eight bases of difference between rural and urban community.


, On the basis of Occupation – Most of the people in the rural community are engaged in non-agricultural activities. In contrast, in the urban community, people are engaged in mechanical work, commercial business and government jobs. Under government rules or administratively friendly jobs are done in the city.


, Environment (On the basis of Environment) – The nature of the people in the villages. These people depend more on the natural environment. People depend more on the man-made environment in the direct time of sun, rain and storm etc. For example, traveling in air-conditioned trains, using fruits and food items kept in a chemically preserved solution, etc.


Size of community (On the bais of size of community) – Rural community is kama whereas the size of urban communities is very large.


, Density of Population ( On the basis of densitvof population ) – The density of rural community is less while that of urban community is less.

To say that the density is relatively high, it means that per square kilometer area in the village people live less in the village than in the cities, that is, there is a positive relationship between the township and the density.


, Homogeneity and heterogeneity in population (On the basis of homogeneity and heterogeneity of population) – homogeneity is found in rural community. That is, there are people of the same race, language, dress and ethics. Their lifestyle is similar. On the other hand, heterogeneity is found in the urban community, that is, there are people of different race, language, religion, dress and customs.


On the basis of Social differentiation and Stratification Rural communities have very few grounds for social differentiation and stratification. Stratification is found on the basis of caste in Indian village. The Brahmins, Vaishyas and Shudras are in this hierarchy respectively. There are different bases of social stratification and differentiation in the urban community. Stratification in cities is found in the form of class system. The basis of stratification in class is wealth, education, occupation and position etc. On the basis of these, upper class, middle class and lower class are formed. Just as sub-castes are found under each caste, in the same way there are three classes in each class (like upper-high, upper middle and upper lower).


Mobility (On the basis of Mobility) – Local and social mobility is found less in rural community than in urban community. Often people are associated with their caste – occupation or traditional – occupation. For example, the washerman does the work of washing clothes, the carpenter does the work of wood, the Brahmins do the work of worship. These occupations give rise to the jajmani system. Through this system, each caste serves the other caste through its profession and receives service. But this is not the case in cities. Here people can change their business whenever they want. They go where they get a good opportunity. There are many forms of mobility in cities; For example, regional and local mobility, business mobility, cultural mobility, etc.


Arrangement of interaction (On the basis of interaction) – In a rural community, a person has contact with less people, as a result of which the area of ​​their interaction is often limited. The relations between the people in the villages are personal and permanent relations. Spontaneity, simplicity and loyalty are found in these relationships. In contrast, the contact of a person in an urban community is very wide. That is, the scope of their interaction is wide. Secondary relationships prevail between them. Complexity, artificiality and selfishness are found in these relationships. The relations between people in cities are superficial and temporary.


Shri Desai A. R. Desai) also discussed nine bases of difference between rural and urban community.


  1. business distinction
2 . environmental differences
  1. size differences of communities
  2. Population Density Distinction
  3. Homogeneity and heterogeneity of population
  4. social mobility differences
  5. Distinctions related to the direction of migration
  6. Social differentiation and stratification.
  7. Differences in the method of social interaction.

Richard Dewev has clarified the difference between urban and rural communities on five grounds.

  1. Status unknown

2 . Work division

  1. social and economic differences
  2. impersonal and formal social relations
  3. Desire and effort to get independent position in personal background.


Apart from the views of the above scholars, the difference between rural and urban community can be clarified in the following way.


, Contraston the basis of environment – On the basis of environment, rural community is very close to nature. They enjoy clean air and clear water. They also tolerate harsh sunlight and rain. On the contrary, people in urban community live in artificial environment away from nature. live. They are victims of various types of pollution (water, pollution, air, noise, pollution etc.). The people of the village eat fresh vegetables and fruits, while in the cities people eat stale, kept in cold houses and sealed in the box.


, Anonymity – There is a dominant trait in an urban community – a sense of familiarity. People living in the same locality of cities, people living in a big and high-rise houses do not know each other. Everyone in the village knows the other person. Not only this, everyone gets acquainted with each other’s life discussions and relatives.


, One for all and all for one – Unlimited cooperation between individuals is found in rural community. All the people help each other and when anything happens to any one, all the people are involved in it. There is a lack of participation among the people in the cities. In an urban community, a person interacts with only those people who are members of his functional group. They don’t care what they don’t need.


, Contrast on the basis of social stratification, rural and

Differences are found in the bases of social stratification in the urban community. Stratification in village is based on birth, age, sex and caste stratification whereas in urban there is education, occupation, wealth and position etc. The status which is once attained in the village does not change whereas in the cities it is possible to change the status of the people. People bring change in their situation through their efforts and efforts. Class disparities are found in cities. There is social distance between the rich and the poor. In the village this type of manner is not there among the people.


, Contrast on the basis of economic life – Agriculture is the main occupation of the people in the rural community. Along with this small cottage industries are also there. It lacks division and specialization. Most of the people are aware of everything related to their business. For example, he knows what kind of manure he will apply in which season, if the animal is sick, then what is its treatment? And so on . In contrast, there are different types of occupations in cities and division of labor and specialization is also found there. There are experts in everything who have a lot of knowledge about their field. They take advice from people who need them. Class struggle is seen in the cities. Such a thing does not happen in the village. There is no big gap between the rich and the rich.


, Contrast on the basis of population – The size and density of population in villages is less as compared to cities. People of different races, religions, and cultures live together in cities, while villages have similar language, culture and ethics. Life style of all people is same in villages whereas in cities their own way of life goes


, Contrast on the basis of social relations. Familiar relations are found while in cities the second relationship prevails. In villages, people have ostentatious, formal and artificial relations. Their life is simple and simple. There are formal relations between people. They create and end relationships driven by personal interests and motives. According to Gist and Halbert, “The city encourages more impersonal relations than personal ones.”


, Contrast on the basis of cultural life – People in the village lead a religious life. Tradition and customs have more importance in their life. In contrast, people in the city do not take much interest in religious activities. The influence of education and science is more in cities. The culture here is variable. The culture of the village is of a stable nature.


, Contrast on the basis of social control – Village | Social control is done through informal means. Through family, religion, ethos and tradition, the behavior of people is regular and formed. But due to the high population in cities, secondary means of social control are used. People’s behavior is controlled by law, public opinion, court, army and police. In spite of the force possessed by the formal means, they are not as effective as the informal means. There is no external pressure or force to get religion, custom, tradition etc., but people cannot easily ignore them.


, Contraston the basis of socialmobility – Mobility is found more in urban community than in rural community. There are many sources of mobility in cities. There are such opportunities as a result of which people are able to bring changes in their status and position. On the other hand mobility is less in the village. Due to agriculture being the main occupation, people get tied to one place. Due to lack of plurality in occupations, the condition of the people does not improve quickly. There is a lack of sources of mobility in the village. The whole social structure is such that it does not provide opportunities for the mobility of the people.


There is a difference between village and urban life, but both are not at all different from each other. They are inextricably linked with each other. In fact they seem to be two different forms of the same social system. Neither the village is fully self-supporting nor the city. It is practically not possible to find a complete city or village anywhere.

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