Urban Sociology

Urban Sociology

  1. Basic Concepts in Urban Sociology
urban, urbanization, urbanization
  1. Traditional Theory : Wirth, Burgess, Park
Contemporary Theory: Castells, David Harvey
  1. Development of Urban Sociology in India:
Urban Social Structures: A Case Study of Mumbai
  1. Urban Social Structures : 
Case study of Hyderabad/Bangalore
  1. History of Urban Sociology in India: 
Ancient and Medieval Period, Colonial Period, Post-Independence Period
  1. Migration, Mega City, Global City 
  1. Suburbanization, satellite towns, rural-urban 
fringe, urbanization
  1. Dualistic labor system; 101
Slums: Profile of an Indian Slum
  1. Slums: Profile of an Indian Slum (continued); 
urban violence
  1. Urban transport; water crisis 
  2. Noise and Air Pollution 
  1. Consumerism and leisure time activities; 
Festivals: Commercialization, Secularization, Diffusion
  1. Tourism 
  1. Urban Governance: Five Year Plans, Local 
Self Government, MCGB, MMRDA
  1. Urban Planning: Planning in Mumbai – 

Institutional systems and new planning processes, urban renewal and conservation, citizen action, NGOs and social movements.

1.Urban Sociology Basic Concepts in Urban Sociology: City, Urbanization, Urbanity
  1. Meaning, definitions of urban sociology.
  2. Characteristics of urban community
  3. Scope of Urban Sociology
  4. Growth of urban sociology as a field of study in the West.
  5. Value of urban sociology
6.Basic Concepts in Urban Sociology
  1. urban
  2. Urbanism
  3. Urbanization
  4. Pashmikaran
  5. Modernization
  6. Industrialization

Urban Sociology


Urban sociology studies the city. It is mainly confined to the study of urban society and community and all aspects of urban life. It is surprising to know that people all over the world are willing to live in cities. Rural society is disappearing. All places in America and Europe are urbanized. Large societies in Asia and Africa remained rural, but increasingly urbanized over time. Urban locations are attractive, providing the necessities of life readily available, economic development and political consciousness, media and educational provision readily met.

          In short, one can agree that there are many social problems in cities, such as dacoity, kidnapping, rape, murder, gambling, prostitution, and on the other hand unemployment, beggary, housing problem, restlessness, loose morals, equality and fraternity Deprived . Urbanization is a process of continuously adding new ideas, ideologies and changing physical presence of cities. International terrorism, smuggling and many burning problems are disturbing the life of the city. However, the city is an important place for everyone.



Urban community is a non-agricultural community where all the people are engaged in non-agricultural occupations. The definition of urban community is difficult. We cannot establish any specific and precise definition of urban studies, because urban spaces are different and life is different from rural and tribal communities. Urban sociology studies the city. It is mainly confined to the study of urban society and community and all aspects of urban life. Sociology students are interested in studying urban sociology as an important subject. An urban study is important because a large number of people in the world are living in cities and facing urban realities.


City life has become fast-paced, urgent and citizens are forced to adjust to the given geographical, social and economic conditions. All the civilizations of the world started with the development of city-states. For example, Greek city-states, Italian city-states, Rome, Babylonia, etc. Some ancient and medieval cities were born on the banks of rivers, such as Pataliputra, Banaras and Ujjain. World class cities like London, New York, Colombo, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Mangalore, Cochin, Thiruvananthapuram were established along the sea. Some industrial cities like Surat, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Bangalore and Mysore developed in the interior of the country. However, some cities like London, Berlin, Mumbai and Calcutta were famous for higher education.


Meaning and definitions of urban sociology


Urban environment is different from rural environment in every way. Manufacturing, marketing, banking, financial organizations, corporate sector, including service sector, transport and communication, road construction, real estate, hotel industries are growing rapidly and bringing economic progress. Social services like education, hospitals and health related institutions are always striving for the betterment of the urban community. Cities are the economic backbone and national growth and development depend on how rich financial institutions and applications of science, knowledge and technology are in cities.

Sociologists, anthropologists and students of sociology, economics, politics and geography are interested in the study of urban sociology. Economists, political scientists, town planners, ministers and especially, urban ministries are keenly interested in the study of urban society, its meaning, characteristics and changing urban life. It is necessary to study the problems of urban community, because the city is a place of various social and economic problems. There is public relations and unrest, there is a general dissonance where different governments are engaged in solving the problems of the urban community.





Sociology is the “science of city life”.

The dictionary meaning of ‘urban’ is ‘city’, which describes city life. Following are some important definitions which explain the meaning of urban life.


Louis Wirth, an American sociologist, says that the urban society is “an elegantly designed space with different areas with definite purposes.”

.EW.Burgess states that “Industrialization, modernization and bureaucratic establishment combined with abnormal growth of commercial organizations, skyscrapers, theatres, hotels, slums and survival with many social problems.”

According to Professor Quinn, the urban community is “a non-agricultural community”.

E.Bergel defined “Urban sociology is concerned with the effects of city life on social functions, social relations, social institutions and the type of civilization which derives from and is based on the urban lifestyle.”

Max Weber, the German sociologist in his book ‘The City’ defined urban sociology as a whole system characterized by the complex order of society.

Activities, Social Relations and Social Institutions. It has the following characteristics – a market, a fortification, a complex legal system, consisting of a court and an elected body of administration.


According to Louis Mumford, urban society is “a melting pot of the world’s different cultures because of railroads, industries, and slums.”


The family and social life of an urban person, as his roles and statuses undergo drastic changes, which in turn affect his life span.

The particular interest in urban life among sociologists can be considered a concomitant of the industrial urban revolutions that began in Europe and England during the 17th and 18th centuries. The contributions of Saint-Simon, Comte, Tönnies, Durkheim, Simmel, and Max Weber were in direct response to the social changes associated with industrial urban revolutions.


Urban sociology is a branch of sociology that studies the impact of the urban environment on man, his actions, relationships, institutions, and ways of thinking, acting, and dealing with others. The urban social environment, the physical environment, the conditions that follow the socio-cultural and physical environment, the conditions that are there and the consequences that result from them are all the focus of urban sociology. The social, economic and technological forces that operate through the human social environment play a determining role in the individual,




Urban sociology is a curious, interesting and practical subject that specializes in the study of city life, complex human conditions, urban organization and disorganization, cultural change, overall development of civilization, economic development, political and social changes. It is a completely different place and contrasts with the rural community. City family life is different from village family life, the celebration of marriage; Casteism etc. is losing its importance. Divorces occur because men and women enjoy greater social and economic freedom.

There are many job opportunities in the urban community. The urban community attracts and attracts a large number of rural people. Rural poverty pushes people and urban affluence draws them to settle permanently in cities. Hence there is a gathering (assembly) of people at a particular place and the place becomes expensive, resulting in the development of slums. Modern cities are not far from slums, pipelines, and traffic jams, machinery breakdowns, strikes, strikes, isolation, loneliness, desperation, and an increasing number of social crimes and economic crimes.

Urban sociology borrows heavily from history and other social sciences, economics, social psychology, political science, and anthropology.





The birth and development of towns and cities in the modern world ultimately depends on the standard of living and the application of science and technology in the daily way of life, and the vanishing traditions, morality, simplicity and humility in life. A village turns into a big village and a big village into a town, a city into a taluka place, a district known as a big city, metropolitan, mega-city and metropolitan city. Within a period of ten-fifteen years, all the modern world cities have grown phenomenally.


High population, land grab (snatch), violation and encroachment, increasing number of crimes, lack of law and order, loose moral environment, freedom to men, women and children are responsible for measuring and understanding the size and growth of the city, not Not only geographically, but also ethically, socially and aesthetically.


Government, Public Administration, Business Management, Demography, Social Work, Law etc. It deals with problems arising in the context of public housing and housing, planning and zoning, building codes, slums, sanitation, sewers, garbage disposal, water supply, meter connections. , traffic regulation, school administration, ports, airports, city courts, fire stations, etc. Urban sociologists have to take data from jurisprudence, criminology, medicine, sanitation and architects, town planners, engineers, builders, auto dealers, ministers, teachers, businessmen. , commercial and other remodels. All these types of data should be collected on specific scientific line keeping in view the objectivity criteria

so as to make it possible to arrive at definite conclusions and to interpret and analyze the data brought within the ambit of scientific objectivity.



Town Or City


An important aspect or concept of sociological study is town or city. It signifies the development of human society and culture. The pace of change in contemporary India has accelerated. Rapid transformation of villages into towns and towns into cities. The town is considered to be the result of the process of development of human civilization.


Meaning and Definitions of Town


Kastha is that form of human habitation, which is made up of elements of both village and city in the order of life and activities. In fact, it is the next developed level of the village and the east level of the city. That is, there is a form of human residence between the village and the city. When the trends and activities of the village take a bigger form. Then they are known as Kastha. Some important definitions of town are as follows


In the words of Mewar and Kohn, “When these activities are related in some way to a permanent and close establishment, as well as some effort has been made for community organization, then that place takes on the character of a town.” , however , these activities occur in some kind of combination in a permanent and compact settlement with some measures of community organization , the place assumes the character of a town . Unlike agricultural activities, it is related to commerce and industry.” It is clear from this statement –

  1. The town is an organized group.

2 It is an organization related to commerce and industry.


Ratzel has given the explanation of the three bases of the town –

  1. The town is related to trade and industry.
  2. Centralization of houses, and
  3. A minimum population of residents is more than two thousand.

Thus, on the basis of the above description, it can be said that the town is a civilizational development process. It starts with the management of agriculture, industry and institutions etc., then now this management takes the character of urbanism, then it is known as town.



, EE Bergal defines kasya as, “The town may be defined as an urban settlement that dominates a rural area of considerable dimensions.” “urban settlement which dominates a rural area of considerable dimension” shows from this definition that – 1. Town is a form of rural settlement. 2. In this form of settlement, rural elements weaken and urban elements develop.


  1. M. Mayer & C. F . Kohn (H.M.Mayer and C.E. Kohn) have mentioned in the context of the definition of Kasma that the concept of town is related to the process of human settlement. Urbanism basically develops from industrialization and commercialization trends. Organizations like banks, insurance, labor unions, entertainment, education, transport, communication etc. are embedded in these trends. In this way, when the human population resides permanently on a rural area and the activities of trade-industry, education, health, art, literature, etc. are widespread, then that area is called a town.



Characteristics of Town


A town is a human settlement between a village and a city. It is the result of the process of human civilization. It can be considered as an indicator of the progress of the society. Based on its characteristics, its nature will be more clear. these are the following


  (1) Human Settlement: What is defined as human settlement. Kasya is that form of human settlement where rural elements are relaxed and urbanism is developed.


(2) Organized Group: A town is an organized group. It has a special importance in collective life. Social life becomes orderly through this arrangement. It is such an organization where equality is established among persons with different characteristics.


(3) Rurality and Urbanism: Town is that form of human settlement, which is embedded in the elements of both rurality and urbanism in the way of life and activities. Some rural elements and some urban elements are found in the town.


(4) Business and Industry: Ratzel has mentioned this feature – Town is related to business and industry. Here industries and business establishments are established by the government and others. Money is invested in many areas related to production, so that economic activities speed up.


(5) Center of Education: The town is the center of education. Small-big schools, colleges are established here. There are opportunities for education here, so the town is more educated. Due to being the center of education, the inclination and settlement of people increases here. Commercialization of rural production and exchange of industrial production takes place here. Apart from this Kasba bank insurance, traffic, health, entertainment, hotel, religious place, assembly place, communication and news etc.

Performs functions. They perform these functions for themselves as well as for the neighboring villages.


  1. Homogeneity is more in the village. Equality is seen in most of its people’s lifestyle, food habits, speech, festivals and customs etc. while heterogeneity is more in the town. People of different religions, castes, classes, languages and cultures live under it. They are related to different professions and beliefs. Along with this, there is a lot of difference in their lifestyle, food habits and speech etc.


  There is caste discrimination in 6. villages. Where there is a lot of distance between the upper castes and the scheduled castes, while class differences are prominent in the town. There are many bases of class formation – occupation, wealth, education, lifestyle and attitude etc.


  1. Villages are comparatively stable. They lack social mobility whereas the town is comparatively dynamic. This mobility can be seen in all areas like sociality, housing, profession and status etc.


  1. Close relations are found in the village. As a result, the residents there have primary informal and personal relationships. There is more affinity among them whereas there is a work relationship in the town. As a result, the residents there have secondary, formal, impersonal and indirect relations. There is more competition here. In this way, a distinction has been made between a village and a town on many grounds. Both these forms of human management have different characteristics.





Meaning and definitions of city and urban community


  There is no universal definition of an urban community. The reason for this is that today there is only a fraction of difference between a village and a city. Therefore E. Bergal wrote, “Everybody seems to know what a city is but nobody has given a satisfactory definition.” satisfactory definition, “) Scholars have defined the urban community from different points of view. According to one opinion, the urban community is clarified on the basis of population and density. According to the second opinion, diversity is a special basis. According to the third view, mentality is a special aspect in the explanation of the urban community. According to the fourth opinion, the urban community has social, economic, psychological and cultural bases. According to the fifth opinion, the urban community has its own lifestyle. In this way, as many scholars as many opinions. Some basic definitions can be presented from the point of view of ease of study. this is the following


Ale . Wirth (L.Wirth) has written, “For sociological discussion, the city can be defined as the permanent residence of those people whose number is relatively large and wealthy and who are socially diverse.” (“For sociological purposes a city may be defined as a relatively large, dense and permanent settlement of socially heterogenous individuals.”) This definition reveals the four elements of an urban community—(a) Permanent residence of urban community individuals Is . (b) Its population is large. (c) It is densely populated. (d) It is diverse. People belonging to different religion, caste, class, language, culture, occupation and beliefs live in a city.


R . In the words of Bierstedt (R. Bierstedt), “The history of every civilization is not the history of its villages but of its metropolises and cities. Civilization itself means city and city means civilization.” every civilization is the history, not of its countryside, but of its cities and towns. Civilization means the city and the city means civilization. Here the word civilization is used in a broad sense. Under this comes all kinds of knowledge, science and new creations of the human mind. City is the center where new things – innovation – develop and spread. These great thinkers, artists and scientists benefit the society through their creations.


  1. According to H. Fichter, “Urban community is a part of the city, that is, the group of residents of those areas of the city will be called urban community, between which mutual relations are found.” (“When it community) is urban , it is only a part of the city, not the city itself — an urban social neighborhood in which there exist systematic social relations. There are systematic mutual relations between the people living in them.


E . According to E 0 Bergal (E E. Bergal), ‘ Thus we will call that settlement a city where most of the residents are engaged in industries other than agriculture. “(Thus we call acity any settlement where the majority of the occupants are engaged in other than agricultural activities,”) In this definition, an attempt has been made to clarify the urban community on the basis of occupation. The people of the city are associated with other businesses except agriculture.


  1. Davis (K.Davis) has explained the specific lifestyle and mentality in the form of urban community. Thus the above definition

Languages clarify a particular aspect. Keeping the above facts in mind, a general definition can be given in the form that an urban community is a community of individuals in which there are social, economic and cultural differences. Its population is large and dense. It has a specific lifestyle and mindset. He is considered the father and conductor of civilization. This definition can also be applied to the Indian urban community.

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