What is Civilization, Difference between civilization and culture

What is Civilization

 People commonly use the word “civilization” in the sense of culture, that is, in common language – they understand both of them in the same sense. Under civilization, we include the material things through which we can take care of our needs.  Supplements. For example houses, tables, pens that can be seen and touched. It is also called material culture. Why is Harappan civilization called civilization?


 The English word civilization of civilization derives from the Latin language Civitas and Civis, which means urban and urban groups. Such groups are educated, behaviouristic and equitable. The behavior of civil society people is complex  Is, their language develops and differentiation and specialization is found in their works. Many scholars have given the definition of civilization. The definitions given by some sociologists are being mentioned.


 While giving a definition of civilization, Ogborn and Nimkoff said that civilization was a post-modern culture.


  According to Green “Culture becomes a civilization when it has written language, science, philosophy, highly specialized division of labor, complex method and political system.

 ‘McIver and Page have defined civilization differently.  By civilization we mean the entire process and organization that humans have made in an effort to control the conditions of their lives.  In his definition, McIver included social organization as well as physical devices that cater to human needs.  Examples are typewriters, telephones, presses, motors, etc., which are used as a means to achieve human objectives.


   Features of Civilization

  Like culture, civilization also has some major features,

 1 Physical form – Civilization consists of material objects.  Civilization is tangible from the physical point of view.  That is, we can see and touch humankind.  These physical objects are also manufactured by humans.  Such as – table, chair etc.  .


 2 Utility civilization does not include all material goods.  It contains all those things which are important from the utility point of view.  The usefulness of three things ceases, people discard them.  That is, civilization brings joy and satisfaction to humans.


  1. Civilization is the means. .  .  Civilization is a means that includes those things under it.  By which man serves his purposes.  It is a useful item by which a man fulfills his objectives.  Like we easily travel from one place to another by car.


 4 Transnationality – Change in civilization happens at a very rapid pace, with the change in human needs and interests, the means of their husband also change.  This is the reason why there is always change in civilization.


 5 Fixed direction – Civilization develops towards a certain direction.  It always develops upwards.  The pace of development of civilization never turns backwards.  There is continuous progress in civilization.


  1. Measurement possible – It is possible to measure the things falling under civilization.
  2. Receptivity – The quality of receptivity is found in civilization. That is, any person can accept civilization and benefit from it.  Whether the creation or invention of an object is in any corner of the world, but people can easily take it in every field and benefit from it.


  1. Alternativity – It is not compulsory to adopt all the things that come under civilization. It depends on the desire and interest of the person whether he will adopt that thing or not.  For example, a person can travel by train, train, bus or even on foot.  It depends on the will of the person.  Thus it is clear that civilization is optional rather than compulsive.


 Difference between civilization and culture

 People often use the word civilization and culture in the same sense, but there is a difference between civilization and culture.  Civilization is the means while culture is practicable.  Some common things are also found in civilization and culture.  Relations are found in civilization and culture.  Civilization prepares environment for culture and culture is also promoted by civilization itself.  Culture gives direction to civilization.  It is only through civilization that culture is transferred from one society to another and from one generation to the next generation.  Both civilization and culture are influenced by each other and also influence each other.  Both were created and developed to meet human needs.  They have such a close relationship that it is difficult to separate them from each other.  Despite this, there is a difference between civilization and culture.  McIver and Page have made a difference between civilization and culture.  The differences given by them are as follows


  1. Civilization can be measured, but not culture – civilization can be measured.  Since it is related to the utility of physical things, it can be called good – bad, high – low, useful, unusable on the basis of utility.  There is no such thing with culture.  Measurement of culture is not possible.  It cannot be described as comparatively good – bad, high – low, useful, unusable.  People of every group call their culture superior.  Every culture is a product of the time and circumstances of society.  Therefore, the question of its evaluation does not arise.  Let us look at new techniques as an example.  What is present today and it is better than other things and in the coming time even more advanced method will be present in front of us.  We cannot do this kind of culture with you.  The culture of two places and two ages cannot be called superior to each other.  telling .  Not every culture is useful, not useful.  Measurement of culture


  2 .  Equality always moves forward, but not culture – there is constant progress in equity.  It never goes backwards.  McIver pointed out that civilization does not just move forward, but its progress is in one direction.  Today, new innovations and inventions are happening all the time, due to which we are getting advanced things in comparison to old things.  As a result, progress continues in civilization.  There is progress in civilization.  Every first step of civilization, every new invention, every new discovery, every new thing is better than the last step, previous invention, backward search, previous thing.  But this is not possible with culture.  It can never be said with certainty that there is a change in child life today compared to earlier poets, novelist, playwrights, etc.  His direction is also not fixed.  Walls are better today than novelist, playwright, etc.  In culture


  1. Civilization progresses without effort, not Sanskrit – a great effort for the development and progress of civilization, it moves forward with great ease and alertness.  When any new object is used, then everyone uses it.  It is not necessary that we have full care in his relation or contribute fully to his invention.  That is, they can also be consumed without it.  The standard vestia is used without changing attitudes, interests, and ideas.

It is, but with the culture, it is necessary to change the mindset for the spread of Aita Bara Naha Ha culture.  For example, if the person wants to make a change, he has to be mentally prepared for it, but there is no need to think specifically for the use of a layer.  Civilization can be achieved as succession, but not culture.  Thus, it becomes clear that civilization transfers to culture.  Is simpler than that.


  1. Civilization can be adopted without any change or loss, but not culture – the elements or objects of civilization can be adopted as they are.  There is no need for any change in it.  When this one thing is invented, people of different places take it.  A physical object can be moved from one place to another without any change.  For example, when the tractor was invented, it was taken to every village.  There was no need for any change in it.  But this is not the case with culture.  When the elements of culture are accepted from one place to another, there is a slight change.  Some of its qualities become secondary, then some qualities are added.  This is the reason that even after conversion, people are not able to bring about any change in their old beliefs, thoughts and attitudes.  The earlier religion has some or no effect.  Even after doing.  Some of its properties are located from one place to another.


  1. Civilization is external, while culture is internal – under civilization comes material things.  Material objects belong to external life, external pleasures.  For example, electricity – fan, television, motor train, etc.  People get external comfort from all these things.  But culture is related to the inner life of a person.  Such as – knowledge, faith, religion, art etc.  With all these things a person gets satisfaction from the mental, thus it is clear that civilization is external, but culture is related to internal life.  That is, civilization provides only physical pleasure, whereas culture gives mental.


  1. Equality is tangible, while culture is intangible – civilization is concerned with material things.  Material things are tangible.  They can be seen and touched.  Almost all people can benefit equally from this, but culture is related to non-material things rather than material things.  They can be felt, but they cannot be seen and touched.  Culture is intangible in this sense.  Civilization refers to the material side of culture.  Civilization is tangible in this sense.  Such as – chair, house, fan, etc.  The intangible aspect of culture is called non-material culture.  Like – knowledge, belief, art etc.


  1. Civilization is the means while culture is practicable – civilization is the means through which we reach our goals and objectives.  Culture itself is a doable.  Religion, art, literature, morality etc. are elements of culture.  To get them, physical things like – religious books, painting, music, dance – Badya etc. are required.  Thus civilization is the means and culture is practicable.


 Culture and personality


  There is a close connection between culture and personality.  Sanskrit personality is considered to be the factors that contribute to a certain and creation.  The place of culture is the main relation among them.  Culture gives a certain direction to the personality.  The personality is considered to be eccentric.  Culture is prominent among them.  Culture plays a very important role in personality development.  It pays to know the relation of these two.  To know the relationship between these two, it is necessary to know what is culture and personality.  What is culture has been discussed earlier.  So what is Yehouse, it has been discussed earlier.  So there is no need to repeat it here.  What is personality is discussed below



 The Personality

 In the language of ordinary people, the meaning of personality is the external appearance and appearance of rajjathathka, the subjectivity is not just the outer body of man which is evident from his anatomy.  Earlier personality studies used to be in psychology, but now it has become a topic of discussion even in anthropology.  There have been many important studies in the anthropology Kaleshatram, which signifies the role of culture in the creation of personality.  The word vyaktattva is a Hindi translation of English ‘personality’, which is derived from the word ‘persona’ in Latin.  It means shape and mask.  People play a special role by wearing a mask in plays etc.  Masks also change when they change roles.  That is to say, there are different types of masks for different roles.  The same type of mask is worn as it is to be played.  It is necessary to explain here that the meaning of personality is not just face, color, height and dress.  Under this, physical, psychological, social and cultural initiatives are included.  Various scholars have defined the personality in its own way, according to Alport – ‘Personality is the dynamic organization of a person’s psychosocial qualities that determine his unique harmony with the environment.  He has sought to make it clear by his definition that personality is the variable sum of physical and mental qualities of a person, which determines its adaptation with environment.  This is why a person behaves differently under different circumstances.  According to Park and Burgess, – “Personality is the sum of those aspects of a person’s behaviors that determine the role of the person in the group. Like Alport, Park and Burgess have described individual as the sum of different qualities. By these qualities  The behavior and role of personality are determined in the group. Edward Sapir wrote – * Personality is the sum of the aspects of a person’s behaviors that give them meaning in society and separate them from the other members in the community. Meryl and Elduiz  According to – “Personality is a group of innate and acquired qualities associated with each person.  He has described the personality as the sum of birth and birth count.  It is clear from the views of the above scholars that physical, psychological, social, cultural aspects contribute to the creation of personality.  This is why individuals contribute to a common culture.  This is the reason why a person, despite being a member of the same culture, develops a different personality from others.



 Personality Base

 There are three main grounds for building a personality,

  1. Physical aspect

  2 .  society

  1. culture


 These three have a hand in the development of personality, that is, the development of personality occurs as a result of their interaction.  Physical basis – Under this, the physical shape, size, color, form, height, weight etc. of a person come.  Generally, one interprets personality on the basis of these.  That is, by looking at the physical appearance, the person is said to be of charm or great personality.  This basis is important in the construction of hereditary personality.  According to them, the formation of personality contributes to offspring, anatomy closure and talent of the spinal cord and endocrine gland.


 Social Basis – Under this comes the entire social environment.  The absence of society is not the middle.  If a person’s life is very good, but that social environment comes.  In the absence of society, the development of personality cannot be possible in such a situation.  To say that social income composition is very good, but he has been deprived of social contact, but only through contact, the influence of culture is also possible.  A child cannot come when he comes to this earth.  To say that social interaction is necessary.  Through the process of social socialization, it is possible for the society to develop the personality of the person.  When a child comes to this earth, then he is just a biological animal.  The society develops the personality of the person by akaya and then he becomes socially populated by biological biases, various social institutions, situations and mistakes affect the personality.  All of these inertia’s respectability, behaviors, attitudes, values ​​and ideals are created, which will lead to the development of personality.


 Cultural Basis – Anthropologists have termed cultural ground as important in the construction of personality.  According to him .  Many biological abilities are determined by culture.  Anthropologists have discussed the formation of different types of personality based on the differences of cultures.  The names of Mead, Litton, Cardiner, Dubais, etc. are prominent among these scholars.  Yes  The scholars are known as Culture Personality School.  Referring to the interrelation of culture and personality, John Gillin pointed out that after birth man enters a man-made yantra, which has an effect on the personality of the person.  Culture prescribes certain rules and methods to fulfill the needs of man.  They are considered by most of the society.  The practices, traditions, genetics, stereotypes, religion, language, arts etc. which are included under culture express the social and collective way of life.  Culture also uses rewards and punishments for proper and inappropriate behavior.  Ruth Benedict, expressing his view, said that from the beginning of the practices between which a child is born, his or her experiences and behaviors begin to correspond accordingly.  He further added that culture provides raw material to the person from which he builds his life.  If the raw material itself is insufficient, then the development of the person is not complete.  If the raw material is sufficient then the person gets an opportunity to use it properly.  Ferris has called personality the global side of culture.  Each society has its own specific type of culture, which is different from the other.  Each person represents their own culture.  This is why cultural differences also cause differences among individuals.  According to Clukhoun and Moore, each person is in some degree 1.  Like everyone else.  2 .  Others are like some people and others are not like any other person.  First – From a pranistic point of view, all human physical features are the same, such as eyes, nose, ears, hands, feet etc.  Therefore, every human being is equal in some parts to all others.It is, but with the culture, it is necessary to change the mindset for the spread of Aita Bara Naha Ha culture.  For example, if the person wants to make a change, he has to be mentally prepared for it, but there is no need to think specifically for the use of a layer.  Civilization can be achieved as succession, but not culture.  Thus, it becomes clear that civilization transfers to culture.  Is simpler than that.


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