There is a group of individuals who have the same social status. Many situations are found in every society. As a result, many classes are also found according to them. When a society is divided into different groups on any basis other than birth, each group is called a class. Some important definitions are as follows
Maclver and Page, defining class, wrote, ‘Social class is that part of the community which is different from the rest on the basis of social status. “It is clear from this definition that the basis of class is social status. That is, people of similar status form a class which is different from other classes.
In the words of Ginsberg, “Class can be called a group of individuals which are similar on the basis of business, money, education, lifestyle, ideas, sentiment, attitude and behavior, or one of these two grounds.” But they should have a consciousness of equality which makes them realize one of their group or class. “Three things are clear from this definition. Class is a group of individuals, (ii) Class – There are many basis of construction – business, money, education , Lifestyle and attitude etc. and (iii) consciousness of class, which is called class consciousness.
Mawers and Engels wrote, ‘A class is formed by the joining of different individuals only when they fight against the other class as one class, otherwise they are opposing a datarey as being mutually competitive Or dashman only. “This definition makes it clear that the basis of class is conflict. That is, without conflict the speculation cannot be imagined. This conflict is based on economic interests. Based on the above definitions, one can say – class is such There are groups which are based on social and elements and which have the qualities of class consciousness.
Characteristics of class
Definite Hierarchy – Social classes are divided into certain categories. Some of these categories are ranked high and some are low. Those who are upper class members have the least number of members but the highest prestige. On the contrary, those who are members of lower class have more number of members, but they have the least importance and respect. This type of situation has a natural consequence that upper class members often take pride in being lower than members of lower class. In other words, social distance promotes noti.
Achieved System: The basis of class is karma. A person can be rich or poor, industrialist or labor, expert, professor, doctor, engineer or farmer on the strength of his work. Accordingly, its square is formed. This is how the class is earned. A person achieves this through his efforts.
Class Conflict: This feature has been mentioned by Marx. Marx says that the struggle between classes is the element that makes sense of the existence of classes in society. Without conflict, class cannot be imagined and this struggle is based on economic interests. Thus, on the basis of the concept and characteristics of class, it is clear that class is a popular basis of social stratification.
Hierarchy: A major feature of a class is called ‘stratification’. This means that there is a category of classes in a society which consists of several classes from highest to lowest. Clearly high and low levels are seen in these sections. According to this version, differences in rank, prestige and facilities are seen.
Feeling of Superiority – Inferiority: The feeling of high and low is seen in classes. Members of one class have a feeling of highness or inferiority towards members of the other classes. For example, this feeling towards each other is clearly seen between the rich and the poor.
Common Life – Members of different sections of society live their own special way. The way of life of the rich class differs from that of the middle class and the lower class. The rich class takes pride in making more and more wastage. The middle class is often stuck in stereotypes and practices and the way of the lower class is completely different from these two.
Importance of Economic Basis – status is the most important function of class – construction. Modern society is capitalist or technological. In these societies there is no special relation with the membership of gender, pratu etc. Economically, prosperity or inferiority keeps dividing people into upper class, middle and lower class.
Openness and Shifting – The nature of classes is open. This means that if a person is specially qualified or efficient, then he can join any class or can be a member of multiple classes at different authorities simultaneously. To illustrate this situation, Botomore wrote that “whether or not social classes are relatively free, their authority is undeniably economic, but they are more than economic groups.” It is also common for social classes to fluctuate. Any poor person can become financially rich and join the rich class. Similarly, if the financial situation of a rich person falls completely, then he can slip from that class and go to the middle or lower class. This change in class status is automatically tailored to the economic situation.
Achieved Membership- It is clear from the above mentioned fourth and fifth feature of the social class that the membership of the class depends not only on birth but also on the ability, efficiency and economic prosperity. A person has to be active for the membership of the class. If a person belongs to a lower class, then he / she has to prove his / her ability to enter the higher class. Permanently a person is able to live in the same class according to which he has merit.
Essentiality of Classes – – – The presence of classes in society is mandatory. Not all people are equal in terms of ability, efficiency, interest, intelligence. Therefore, it is natural that individuals have their own. You should get the position and honors according to your ability. Only when this happens, the social system can remain permanently. Marxism envisages a classless society. But it is sure that such a society can never be established. .
Less Stability – Money, education, business system are of temporary nature, so the class system based on them is also a stable assumption. One who is rich today may be poor tomorrow.
Sub-classes – Social class consists of sub-classes under each class. For example, in the rich class the poti-class based on the right over money. Lakhpati-class Many sub-classes etc. are found.
Life Chances – Max Weber has pointed to ‘Life Chance’, a feature of the class. Accordingly, “We can call a group when its members have equal opportunities for certain life opportunities.”
Class Situation – Max Weaver has also attracted attention towards this feature, which is related to life opportunity. The absence or absence of property in the possession of a class leads to a specific situation in which the class resides. If the members of the class have property, then naturally they will get more earning, more purchasing and higher living standards. These opportunities jointly will create a specific situation in which members of that class will have to reside. This is the class: situation.
Common Life Style: Similarity is seen in the lifestyle of the members of one class which is also different from other classes on the other side. There is a lot of similarity in the clothes, food, house design, way of living and manner of the people of a class. Also, the family and marital relations of the members of a class are also limited to their class groups.
Class-consciousness: Class-consciousness is the basic feature of class. This means that members of each class have a sense of how their socio-economic-political status and reputation is compared to other classes. It is this spirit that binds members of a class together.
Restricted Social Relations: The social relations of members of a class are usually limited to their class. They eat – drink, get up – sit and have other interactive relationships with the people of their class. Also, they maintain a certain social distance from other classes. This is the limitation of social relations, which is a special feature of class.
Mobility: A special feature of the class is mobility. It is not based on birth, rather it is based on merit, ability i.e. workability. Consequently, a member of a lower class can join the higher class on the strength of his ability and ability. In the same way a person can go to the bottom class through failure. Thus there is impatience in the nature of classes. (
Distinction between Caste and Class
‘(1) The caste-system is a closed class while the class-inspiration is an open or free class. The social status in a caste is determined by birth and there is no opportunity to join any other caste. In contrast, inequalities of human beings are recognized in the class system. In this, the person is given equal opportunities for progress. A person can enter from one class to another depending on his qualifications.
2 Caste neglects individual ability and competence. The situation in the square is exactly the opposite. On the strength of his ability, a person can reach the higher class of society.
- Caste is seen as a closed system of stratification and class as an empty system. Generally the nature of classes is understood to be open but in reality each class prevents a member of the lower class from coming into his class and usually establishes the relationship with the members of his class. Practically a policy of class-intermarriage is also adopted among different classes. This is why some scholars have not accepted any fundamental distinction between caste and class. Nevertheless it is certain that in its nature, actions and prohibitions there are different perceptions of caste and class which can be understood as follows
4.Janity is a closed form of social stratification whereas class has openness. No person, except one caste, can take membership of another caste. The rules of each caste also differ from other castes. In contrast, the door to membership of the class is open to all. A person can become a member of any class according to his wealth, ability, skill.
- Birth of caste membership is birth. Once a person is born into a caste, he remains a member of that caste for a lifetime. But the membership of a class is based on the actions and efforts of the individual and he can change his class by his ability.
- One does not have to try to get membership of caste but it is given by the society. This is why there is stability in caste. On the other hand, the membership of the class is the result of the individual’s personal efforts, and the change in these efforts also changes the membership of the class.
. 7. Each caste has a certain occupation and it is the moral duty of the members of that caste to earn a livelihood by it. But in class system, a member can choose any business according to his interest and means.
. 8. Each caste necessarily obliges its members to establish marriage relations under their own caste. In contrast, there is no fixed rule of this kind in class. Despite this, members of one class try to establish marriage relations within their class. 6. The basis of highness in class is economic while the level of caste is determined by society. Many religious and cultural beliefs are the basis of the formation of castes. From this perspective, there is a system of many rules related to caste purity and impurity. Class-system does not include any kind of beliefs related to purity or impurity.
- In the caste-system, a lot of business is decided from birth. There is freedom to choose the occupation according to the class order. .
- Membership of caste is born. He gets it automatically from the society. In contrast, membership of the class is earned. A person can enter from one class to another with his own efforts