is as follows.  It is a difficult task to explain because its classification has been done on many grounds.

(A)Classification by duration:

                Social change can be divided into two categories based on duration-

1.Short-term changes: These include changes that affect the social system for a short time.

2.Long-term changes: These include changes that have affected the social order over many generations.


(b)Classification on the basis of planning: 

           On the basis of planning also classification can be divided into the following two categories-

1.Unplanned social change: This type of change is not controlled in any way and if it does not pose any threat to the social system, then there is no attempt to curb it.

2.Planned social change: 


(c) Classification by Source:

Depending on the source, changes can be divided into the following two categories-

1.Embodied change: If the source of social change is in its own culture, then this type of change is called intergenerational change.

2.Externalized change: If the source of change is external culture or society, then it is called as exogenous change.

(d) Classification on the basis of results: 

On the basis of the result, social change can be divided into the following categories-

1.Social development
2.Social Development
3.Social progress
4.Social spread
5.Social Movement
6.Social revolution
7.Social Mobilization
8.Social spread and
9.Social Back generation 
MacIver and Pages have tried to explain the forms of social change in the forefront-

1.Difference in relationship                     changes 

2.Fixed Continuous Change                    Process 

3.Continuous change in certain direction

(a) Quantity-based, size-related

(b) Qualitative basis, difference in structure or functions           Evolution growth

(c) Qualitative basis, progress according to desired or valid values ​​Decadal decadence Adaptation cohesion

(d)according to the context of the object or system:


Meaning and definition of evolution:


         English version of the word ‘evolution’ is Evolution.The word ‘evolution’ is derived from the Latin word Evolvere.  The letter E of the word Evolvere means ‘outward’ and the word volver means ‘spread’.  Thus the word Evolvere came to mean ‘spread outward’.  This is what ‘evolution’ means the spread of internal powers outward.  Explaining the term ‘development’, sociologists have said that when internal properties begin to appear towards the Vahr, then an object this way, the object’s appearance changes when it develops.Evolution is a process in which hidden or obscure aspects or characteristics within an object reveal themselves.  This is a change in which the internal aspects of the changed object are clearly visible and they can be seen in a specific direction.  From the social point of view, the inner qualities of the members (individuals) of the society are to appear in external form.  This is a major process leading to simplicity in complexity.  Major scholars have given definitions of evolution as follows 


1.According to Herbert Spencer – ‘Evolution is the coherence of the element and its associated motion during which the element changes from an indefinite unambiguous equality to a definite associated heterogeneity.


2.According to MacIver and Page – ‘Evolution is a direction of change in which many conditions of a changing substance are revealed and that reveal the reality of that substance.


3.According to Ginsberg-people say that evolution is a movement that moves from simplicity to complexity is very controversial.


4.According to Hobhouse – ‘Evolution’ refers to growth of any kind.  It is clear from the above definitions that evolution is a continuous change that has been happening in every stage and age and is happening even today.  It is a process of the elimination of the internal aspects of an object.


Key Features of Evolution: 

       Development is a complex and continuous process.  Its main features are-

1.From savagery to civilization: The process of development always leads to civilization from savagery. the meaning of evolution is that an object easily changes into complexity, that is, it moves from civilization to civilization.


2.Universal process: The process of social development is found equally at all places.  There is no time or place where development process is not found.  That is why it is said that the process of growth is a universal process.


3.A definite sequence: Just as scholars have a certain order in the process of development, just as in human life, from childhood to youth and old age comes.  Development in society happens at certain stages.


4.Continuous process: Development is a continuous process.  But one of its main features is that through this process, the path of an object is always towards progress.  Evolution is considered at the same time when an object moves from its former position to a good position.


5.A sense of unity in differentiation: There are many committees and institutions in the society.  They all have different purposes.  Therefore, there is variation in society.  But the purpose of all these committees and institutions is to maintain social order.  This system is formed by the process of evolution. therefore it is said that evolution is a process that produces unity in differentiation.


6.Changes as needed: Scholars state that necessity is the mother of invention.  As the needs of the person grow, new schemes are born.  The development of these schemes is called development.


7.Neutral change: Evolution is a neutral change because it has nothing to do with social values.  Also, it does not depend on one’s desire or reluctance.  It continues to happen automatically as a neutral change.  


Criticism of the theory of social evolution:


     The views which the scholars have proposed regarding social development have been criticized as follows-

1.Lack of universality: The process of evolution is not the same in all places.  Geographical conditions have an impact on the process of development.  Not all places have the same climate.  Hence the process of growth is never the same in all places.  From this point of view, we cannot consider social development as a universal process in the absence of uniformity. 


2.Ignoring Cultural Development: Scholars who are advocates of the process of social development are also aware that the process of cultural development is the same in all places.  This ideology of social development is opposed to cultural development in every form.  Cultural elements do not remain the same at all places.  Geographical elements influence culture.  The customs of one place were different from the customs of other places.It is therefore good to say that social development is a universal process in the field of culture.

3.Ignoring Scientific Inventions: The process of social evolution is not driven by any natural law but social evolution is a process which is definitely affected by scientific invention.  Therefore, technology will inevitably have an impact on social development, which scholars of social development ignore.

4.Ignoring the importance of the person: In the process of social development, social life has been considered as a great factor of development.  But the scholars who are advocates of this theory forget that the person is a major part of the society and the person can take the society in any direction on the strength of his intellect and ability.  If you can control your social environment by keeping control over the circumstances.  This importance of human beings has been neglected in the process of social evolution. 


Meaning and definitions of social progress: 


      In Sanskrit the word pragati is used to move towards the attainment of a suitable objective or goal.  This means that as many goals will be there will be progress. Pragati is a Hindi version of the English word Progress, which is derived from the Latin word ‘pro-gredior’. 

The word pro-gredior also means to move forward.  Social progress takes place at a time when the society should have its set goals and ideals or in terms of public welfare.  Regarding this notion of social progress, scholars have expressed their views on social progress as follows: 

1.According to the MacIver and page: ‘Progress does not only sense the direction of social change, but there is also the feeling of moving towards some end goal.

2.According to Ogwarn and Nimcock: ‘Progress means better change and therefore involves value judgment.

3.According to Hobhouse: ‘Social progress is the growth of those qualities in social life that human beings can associate with values ​​or thoughtful values.

4.According to Lamle: ‘Progress is change but this change is a change in one desired direction, not a change in any direction.  

        In the essence of the above definitions, it can be clearly said that progress means such changes towards the goals recognized and determined by the society, which can enhance human welfare.


Key Features of Social Progress:


                    The following are the salient features of social progress-

 1.The direction to move forward: It is essential to have the spirit of always moving forward in social change.  Social progress is the process of being advanced and moving in a certain direction.  Under this, in order to achieve definite and set goals, one has to move forward in a certain direction on the path of progress.


2.Instability and inequality in meaning: Progress is a social process in which variability is found.  Today we consider an ideology to be progressive, but after a few days, it is considered as anti-social sentiment.


3.Lack of universality: Although the process of social progress is a continuous process, yet progress is not uniformly in every place or society at the same time i.e. lack of universality is found in it. 


4.Development in the desired direction: Sociologists have considered both development and progress as a form of social change.  The only difference between the two is that the social change that happens in growth can only happen in any direction, but the changes due to progress are always in a certain direction, usually the direction set by society.


5.Based on social welfare: Progress is the name of achieving fixed and set goals.  But at the same time, it is also necessary that those fixed and fixed goals are always motivated by the spirit of social welfare and the progress made on the basis of them should have social interest or maximum interest in it.  


6.Accepted by the society: The action of progress is considered to be successful at the same time, while the social changes caused by progress should also be accepted by the society.  In other words, progress and social change is a change that is accepted by society.


7.Definite Purpose by the Group: Progress is the name of moving in a definite direction towards achieving certain objectives and ideals.  But at the same time, one of the main features of progress is that the objectives which are aimed at achieving progress in progress, are determined by the group itself.  


8.Result of consciousness effort: Progress is not an automatic process like development.  Humans have to work to make this process work.  Different types of plans have to be made to achieve different types of objectives.  Instruments and instruments are invented to implement those plans.  Hence the progress of individuals.  Continuous and conscious labour results.   


9.Functionality of members: A key feature of progress is that members who live in a progressing group or community have functionality.  Due to the workability of these people, progress is possible.  If people do not have functionality then the chance of progress is zero will remain.


10.Arrangement of parameters: Progress means set and definite objectives set by the group.  Attainment.  The extent to which these objectives have been achieved can also be measured is when there is maximum welfare of the members of the society, then the direction of progress is progressed and the measure of progress is determined on the basis of utility.  Hence progress can be measured.  


11.Based on social values: How and in which direction progress will be made, it is decided by social values.  The social values ​​are based on the prevalent nightlife.  If the progress is according to the customs and social values, then the people of the group welcome it and if the direction of progress is contrary to the social customs and values, then progress is not approved by the group.


12.Means of increasing social qualities: Progress is the name of a condition in which the qualities of a person grow.  Social progress cannot be imagined if there is no possibility of increasing the qualities of the individual.  Two types of divine and divine qualities are found predominantly in a person.  Selfishness, jealousy, malice etc. are divine qualities.  Philanthropy, sacrifice, tolerance, tolerance, etc. are divine qualities.  In the process of progress, the divine qualities increase and the divine qualities are canceled.  It is known from the above description that Pragati is the name of moving in a certain direction by the society or group to achieve the definite and set objectives.  There is always a sense of social welfare in it.


Importance of social progress:


                The importance of social progress can be explained in the following way- 

1.Progress leads to development of intellectual and moral qualities in the society.                      

  2.Technological development takes place in society due to the progress of society.

3.International relations are established in a progressive society itself.

  1. Progress is the soul of human society.

         It is only fair to say the MacIver and Page, ‘To live means to work.  Working is selection and selection means evaluation.  Therefore, as a human being, we cannot separate from the notion of progress, although we have the right not to accept the notion of progress.


Criteria for social progress:


                   The criterion of social progress is to determine the extent to which society has progressed or progressed in various fields.  Progress is evaluated only by some of its parameters or criteria.  But what are its criteria, it is difficult to tell anything definitively about them.  According to ES Bogardus, a society can be considered progressive when it has the following characteristics-

  1. If the standard of living of the members of the society is high
  2. If the people of the society have the feeling of supporting each other.
  3. If the people of the society are physically and mentally healthy.  
  4. If there is a spread of education in the society that is helpful in the welfare of individuals.  
  5. The society will be progressive if there is a suitable environment conducive to the advancement of individuals in the society with the cooperation of the government and the public.
  6. The growth of appropriate means for family organization and recreation is also a sign of social progress.  
  7. The society will be progressive if equal opportunities are provided by the state for the development of individuals and natural resources are used for public welfare.  
  8. If there is a spread of fine arts in the society, development of divine qualities in humans and the spiritual life of the members of the society.  
  9. If there is an increase in the housing level of the person.  
  10. If there is special development of religious and spiritual aspects of human beings.  
  11. If there is development of vocational, general and welfare education.  
  12. If there is an increase in cooperative life.


Supporting conditions of social progress:


                  It is necessary to have the necessary conditions for progress in society, if there is a lack of these supportive conditions then the progress in the society will either be very slow or will stop.  Many sociologists, such as: Augvarn, Howhouse, Gannar Myrdal and Narmadeshwar Prasad, have mentioned many such supportive conditions which are necessary for social development and progress.  That is, without knowing these conditions, progress cannot be understood in perfection.  These conditions can be understood as progress- 

  1. Industrialization: Industrial development is an essential condition of progress.  The truth is that without industrialization, the process of development and progress cannot become effective.  Industrialization leads to increase in material resources in the society, social mobility increases and changes in social values ​​are possible.  Today, all the developing countries are systematically trying to increase industrialization, so that they can increase the rate of ‘progress’.  
  2. New inventions: Continuing new innovations in the world is also a necessary condition for social progress.  Each invention leads us on the path of progress and many possibilities of the future increase because our ignorance decreases day by day as a result of new invention and man can make his life comfortable and capable.  
  3. Planning: Planning is very important for progress.  Whether planning is related to half of the field or social sector, it is possible to make maximum use of the resources available through it.  Later this condition gives individuals an opportunity to advance in the physical realm.  
  4. Education: High level of education is a very necessary condition for social progress.  Through education, the individual and society get such external and internal power which speeds up its progress.  The progress of society is based on the development of the individuals from whom the society is made.  Education is the means by which only the social conditions and the environment prevail but your future and career can be secured.  This new environment can open the door to social progress.  Through education, a person not only has knowledge of current education but also generates such tendencies that inspire him to enrich social life by upgrading through new investigation


  1. Dynamic Leadership: In present societies, having a qualified and dynamic leadership is very important for progress.  Qualified leadership motivates individuals to accept new ways of working and trains them in such a way that they can be successful in achieving their goals.  This is the reason that in the fry of authoritarian leadership, the chances of progress in the democratic leadership countries are much higher.  
  2. Experimental advancement: Technological progress in society is also helpful for social progress.  According to Karl Marx Technology is the wheel of society |  Max believes that as technology progresses in society, so does progress in society.  With the use of machines and computers, it is possible to produce more by less men.  In addition, trade and commerce flourish through means of communication and transportation.  Not only this, telephone, newspaper, T.V.  V.  With the help of Adi, our knowledge store increases day by day.  This increases social progress immensely.  
  3. Mobility: There is a direct relationship between mobility and progress.  In a society, as: local and social mobility increases, the rate of progress also increases.  Increasing Spatial Mobility allows different groups to get in touch with each other, while increasing Social Mobility leads to useful changes in attitudes and attitudes of individuals over time.  The contribution of mobility in progress can be understood from the fact that in a society which is completely closed or in which no change in the status of the person is allowed, there is very little chance of development.  
  4. Favourable geographical environment: The convenience of geographical environment and the availability of raw materials in sufficient quantity proves highly helpful for social progress.  A country that experiences extreme heat or extreme cold is not able to make much progress.  Similarly, societies inhabited by plateau, hilly and forested regions also cannot make much progress because the geographical conditions there are not very helpful.  Similarly, getting raw materials and minerals also helps the society to progress.  
  5. Connection with other cultures: No society can move forward towards progress unless its relationship with other cultural groups grows.  Self-centered societies can progress only through difficulty.  By increasing contact with other cultural groups, one not only benefits from their inventions but also learns to change and amend them according to their needs.  In this case a person becomes successful in acquiring new means through very few efforts.  In the present societies, the rate of progress has been higher because all the countries have come in contact with each other and are taking advantage of their knowledge and inventions.  
  6. Freedom and equality: The desire or goodwill of members of society to work hard for progress can only develop if the country is independent and people have equal facilities for self-development.  There should also be a feeling of hope and trust in the public.  The latest example of this is Japan and China, which have made considerable progress.  
  7. Model Population and Health: Ideal population and health are also important supportive conditions of social progress.  Poverty in the country due to excessive population, Famines, epidemics etc., and calamities keep coming and in these circumstances the country cannot progress, similarly, if public health is deteriorated, then people will not be able to do the necessary remuneration for social progress.  Therefore, ideal and optimal population and advanced health are essential for social progress.


Meaning and definitions of social movement:

                Movement means to collectively change or oppose social change by individuals.  Its main purpose is to solve some social or political problem.  Social movement can be defined as follows-

  1. According to the Oxford English Dictionary: ‘The social movement is an attempt by individuals to achieve a goal.  But if this meaning is accepted in sociology, it will be difficult to separate the movement from any other collective behaviour.  
  2. According to Herbert Blumer: ‘The collective effort made to establish a new system can be called a social movement.  ‘
  3. According to Aldridge and Merrill: ‘Social movements are more or less conscious efforts to change stereotypes.  
  4. According to Horton and Hunt: ‘The social movement is a collective effort to bring change or oppose the society or its members.  ‘It is clear from the above definitions that the social movement is an organized effort to bring changes in society or to oppose it, which is based on a common ideology.


Salient features of social movement: 

                   The salient features of social movement are as follows-

  1.Based on organized schemes: Whatever the nature of the movement, social, religious and political, it is run by some organized public group.  In India, many organized political parties are carrying out the movement against inflation.  The movement against sati and child marriage was organized by organized organizations like Arya Samaj, Brahma Samaj etc.


  1. The fulfillment of special objectives: Every movement has a specific objective.  To fulfill which a program has to be presented.  It is mandatory to put this objective clearly in front of the public, otherwise it will not get public support.


  1. Nature of Movement: The movement is organized and starts in all the areas where it happens, but if the movement does not end soon, then the movement in other areas and classes or organizations in sympathy of the movement.  It spreads.  It may also be that other organizations do not take an active part in the movement, but demonstrate sympathy towards it and indirectly help the agitators.


  1. Based on sentimentality: The movement is a psychological process.  It requires skilled leadership.  If the leader due to his influence or eloquence, public opinion


If the nature of social change is successful in communicating 59 sentiments, then the movement begins in an instant.  The more emotionally connected you are to a movement, the more emotionally connected you will be to the movement.  


  1. Emphasis on demonstrations and slogans: The form of movement is organized and planned.  It has a central governing board.  Through this mandal, instructions are given to the workers of the movement.  The activists of the movement are scattered here and there and take out a procession by influencing the masses.  They write their demands on cloth or cardboard board so that everyone knows the purpose of the movement.  Slogans are chanted loudly during the procession, so that the sentiments of the people are communicated or the public is also aroused.  


  1. Emphasis on non-violent means: The agitators use only non-violent means.  They propagate the movement through their efforts through newspapers, radio, speeches and do their utmost to do Lokmat in their favor.  Many times in their program, strike, picket, hunger strike, boycott, satyagraha etc., using the means, attract the attention of the agitating people and the government towards their difficulties.  
  2. Pre-informed and determined: Before starting the movement, the outline of the movement is determined and fixed.  The government is informed of the exact date of its commencement.  If the demands are not considered by the fixed and fixed date, then the movement is started.  The cow protection movement in India was started at that time. All the government did not pay attention to the prayers of leaders or teachers of religious organizations.  


  1. Shelter of any religious or political organization: Whatever may be the form of the movement, but it is necessary to have a religious, economic or political organization for its success, because both the mass groups and the government bow to the power of these organizations.


  1. Attempt to influence public opinion: The purpose of the movement is to create public opinion by drawing public attention against any evil or law, so that the anti-social or anti-class law or practice of that society is abolished.  For this purpose, newspapers, radio, television or other means of communication are used.  


  1. Leadership of enlightened persons: Some enlightened person leads the movement.  This leadership work can also be done by a group of individuals.  The purification movement inIndiawas led by Shri Dayanand Saraswati, Mahatma Gandhi led the social reform movements, the National Movement was led by the All India National Congress.


Factors of social movement: 

           Social movements occur from time to time in every society.  The factors responsible for this can be described as follows- 

1.The antiquity of customs: customs prevail in every society, but society is dynamic. If customs do not move according to the society and stick to the antiquity, then they do not fulfill the needs of the society, so some section of the society tries to agitate against them so that by changing those customs. be able to adapt to society and make society progressive


2.Imbalance in Status and Work: Every person wants his place in the society according to his ability and ability and does his work accordingly, but when in position (position) and work  If there is an imbalance, then there is a feeling of discontent in the society and the result is a social movement.  This often happens in societies from tradition to modernity. 


3.Cultural Delay: There are two physical and non-physical elements of culture.  The meaning of material element is derived from inventions and material achievements and non-material elements include customs, social ideals, practices and social values.  Often our physical inventions develop at a rapid pace, while the customs of society do not change at such a rapid pace.  Thus, one side of the culture (material side) transcends the other (non-material side).  Augburn calls it cultural delays.  Due to this delay, discontent arises from the backward class and that disgruntled class organizes and agitates to advance their position.  The position of women in India was high, but the position of women in society was not high.  To rise high in this situation, women have organized and organized a movement.  The reform movement of women in India has received considerable help. 


  1. Discontent in the economic sector: As the feeling of dissatisfaction in the economic sector intensifies, the poor class is dissatisfied and agitates for a change in the economic condition.  Economic discontent affects all other aspects of life.  The economic condition of the workers and women in India was poor, so they started various movements to improve their condition. 


  1. Materialism through education: The movement of the movement will be rapid only in those places where there will be an educated society.  Only the people of an educated society can create awareness in people, because they themselves are also awake.  Therefore, the spread of materialism through education is the real factor of social movement, ie if the educated person is unemployed or has risen in opposition to any government policy, then in such a situation the movement can be quite frightening. 


  1. Discontent among social classes: Different classes are found in the society.  These classes are divided on the basis of age, status, gender, religion, education etc.  There is a feeling of discontent in all the base-built classes.  Women do not allow men to advance, young men are stopped by the elderly, the poor are persecuted by the rich.  In this way, dissatisfaction develops in social classes as well.  This dissatisfaction also encourages the movement. 


  1. Changes in the functions of social institutions: The functions of social institutions are determined by the society and culture, but when these institutions change their functions and take over other institutions, a situation of uncertainty develops at times.  Due to which a situation of social movement arises. 


  1. Apathy towards social values: There are certain beliefs in the society.  If each person walks according to the prevailing beliefs in the society then the organization remains in the society.  But even when there is a difference or apathy in the beliefs prevailing in the society due to any reason, Exercise Books, Long 


Discontent is generated in a section of the society and movements start in search of new values ​​in the society. 


  1. Contact with different cultures: When people of one culture contact people of another culture, the process of exchange of culture starts in both.  Cultural exchanges lead to new ideas.  These new ideas give rise to social movements.  A predominantly dominant culture affects the weaker culture more, whereas it affects itself less. 


  1. Opposition of the evils by enlightened persons: In every society there are some educated and knowledgeable persons who attract public attention against the evils prevailing in the society.  The public is influenced by their views and agitates to change the ancient customs.  Raja Rammohan Roy, Kabir, Nanak, etc. Social reform movements are examples of this category. 


  1. Convenience to travel abroad: A person gets a new experience or new knowledge by traveling abroad.  Meeting other people ends his narrowness.  The influence of customs prevailing in foreign countries brings changes in the culture of other countries and from that the situation of social movement is born.  The reason for improvement in the condition of women in India is the result of foreign cultures.  To overcome the old social practices in India, the knowledge of the leaders of the social reform movement had developed due to traveling abroad. 


  1. Impact of Technology: The use of different types of machines in the society also encourages social movement.  Due to these machines, factories develop tomorrow, causing tension between the capitalist class and the working class in the society.  The working class agitates for its demands.  Due to technology, there is a difference in living in society.  The use of more machines gives a particular class authority over the means of production.  At the same time unemployment increases in the society and there is an increase in the exploitation of workers, due to which the movements are created for the fulfillment of different kinds of objectives in the society.  The student movement in India is the result of this kind of unemployment and it is a product of unemployment technology. 


  1. Development of means of transport and conveyance: Due to scientific inventions, the means of transport has developed.  Such devices have also developed, through which news can be sent from one place to another.  Due to this system, the circumstances of one society have an impact on the other.  If there is a movement in one society due to any reason, then they also have an impact on the other society.  Therefore, if there is a student movement in one corner of India, it cannot be stopped from spreading to the other. 


  1. Creation of organizations on the basis of caste: The formation of many organizations on the basis of caste in the society intensifies the pace of social movement, as these organizations try to develop their own regions and as a result  Various movements are organized.  Many examples of ethnic conflicts are found in Indian society.  Ethnic organizations have played an important role in the movements of backward castes. 


  1. Indifference towards the female world: In the societies where restrictions are placed on the freedom of women, there are feelings of indifference in women.  One reason for apathy in the female society is that they are given equal rights as men.  Under these circumstances, the women’s society has to agitate for their rights.  Many women’s movements in India are examples of this.  Conclusion: Based on the above discussion, it is said that there are many reasons for social and cultural movements in the society. 


 Major stages of development of social movements:


 It is a difficult task to state the stages of development of social movements.  Various scholars have discussed the different stages of development of social movements as follows: Herbert Blumer has given five stages of social movements which are as follows:


  1. Development of certain feeling
  2. Development of morale
  3. Construction of ideology and
  4. Development of operating tips.

 Houtton and Hunt have also given the following five stages of the development of social movements:


1.a state of dissatisfaction
  1. arousal state
  2. a state of formalization
  3. a state of institutionalization and
  4. a phase of completion

Dawson and Gatiss followed the following four of the social movements  Stages have been stated 1. Social dissatisfaction 2. Public stimulus 3. Formalization and 4. Institution. It shows us that there is not much difference in the views of scholars about different levels of development of social movements.  Here is a brief explanation of Herbert Blumer’s ideas: 1. Stimulus: The first level of development of social movement is the feeling of dissatisfaction prevailing among the members towards any current problem prevailing in the society which develops excitement among the members  .  Although some people who take part in the movement may also be calm and polite, but still the excitement brings the people supporting the movement closer.  2. Development of certain feelings: In this second stage of the development of the movement, certain feelings and principles about the movement are formed.  This union spirit is imperative to bring officers closer to each other. 


  1. Development of morale: In the third stage of the development of the movement, the morale of the agitators becomes more firm and definite.  Development of morale is essential for the movement.  If the supporters develop the feeling that the purpose of the movement is pure and that injustice will be overcome, then the movement is sure to succeed. 


  1. Formation of ideology: In this fourth stage of the development of the movement, a certain ideology is created for the continuation of the movement.  This ideology is developed by leaders or intellectuals who support the movement and soon it gets adequate support.  Ideology occupies an important place in the social movement and if the ideology does not have the capacity to influence the social movements then the movement cannot play any important role.  Movements without a definite ideology do not last long. 


  1. Development of operating tips: After the development of ideology, the deliberative tips for conducting the movement are considered and attempts are made to obtain consensus on the alternative tips to be adopted under different circumstances.  It is not necessary that the tips of one country, state or movement help in another country, state or movement.  The selection of operating tips is done by keeping the nature of the movement, the type of leadership and the purpose of the movement in front.  We can also call it formalization and institutionalization. 


 Meaning and definitions of revolution:


 Revolution is a kind of rapid change in which ancient traditions and social values ​​have no importance.  In a narrow sense, revolution is a fundamental change in any aspect of life.  But in sociology, the word revolution is used in a broad sense and is considered to be a process whose aim is to bring about a radical change in the social, economic or political system.  Major scholars have defined it as follows:


1.According to Kimbal Young: ‘Revolution transfers into political power sooner or later.  There is a sudden change in other states and forms of society. 


  1. According to Crane Biton:’ Sociologically, social revolution means that under the current social structure, there is such a change in the attitudes and social values ​​of individuals that they start to see it from a new perspective. 


3.According to Alfred Mensel:’ The word revolution conveys a kind of sudden and far-reaching change outside of the natural sciences, which brings a major turning point in the continuity of development. 

  1. Ogburn and Nimkoff:’ Rapid change in revolution culture, which takes place in some detail, is called.  It is clear from the above definitions that revolution is a rapid change that occurs accidentally, ie it is sudden and usually changes the whole system.  The main causes of revolution have been revolutions from ancient times to modern times in some country of the world, but due to modern-day revolutions, due to the reasons of ancient times, a sufficient amount 


5.Conditions and Directions vary.  The social and political structure of modern states, the nature of governance, the structure and nature of the ruling class, the position of political parties and pressure groups, and the changed basis of public participation in governance processes are not the reasons for revolution which in ancient times  Have been effective.  The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, in his ‘Politics’, has given a detailed discussion of the causes of revolutions.  For Aristotle, even a slight change in the constitution would become a revolution, whereas even the major changes in the constitution are not given the name of revolution at the present time.  The nature of the revolution that took place in each country and the reason for its origin are specific because the revolution depends on the social and political situation of any country.  Aristotle has highlighted both the general and specific causes of revolutions.  The revolution of each country is bizarre and unique and this uniqueness of the revolution is related to the specific reasons of the revolution.



  1. Causes of revolution in ancient times: In ancient times the Greek philosopher Aristotle has explained the reasons of revolution as follows Ma Aristotle has divided the causes of revolution into three parts
  2. Roots of revolution: The origin of revolution in Aristotle political system.  Reason assumes a feeling of inequality.  When a person is denied equal status compared to others in the matter of rights or wealth even after having the same qualifications, then the feeling of rebellion or dissatisfaction starts to take place in him and it results in revolution. 


  1. Common causes of revolution: Aristotle has discussed the following common causes of revolution:
 (i) The feeling of nobility or superiority in a class of citizens. 
(ii) The aspiration to gain respect by immoral means. 
(iii) Feelings of selfishness of rulers. 
(iv) An atmosphere of hatred between the ruler and the ruled. 
 (v) The feelings of jealousy and malice inherent in the ruling class. 
 (vi) Caste and hereditary differences. 
(vii) An atmosphere of fear and terror prevailing in the state. 
(viii) Unbalanced development of any geographical region of the state. 
 (ix) Weak position of middle class in society. 
(x) Many evils related to election. 
(xi) A state of balance of power arises in the state. 
(xii) Work performed by the government inadvertently. 
 (xiii) Family disputes of the ruling class.
  (xiv) Seeing small changes in a neglected sense. 
(xv) Full faith in foreigners. 
  1. Special causes of revolution in various governance systems: The specific causes of revolution in various governance systems are as follows: (i) Revolution takes place due to the excess of public leaders in democracy. 


 (ii) In the autocratic monarchy, there is a people’s revolution against the autocratic power of governance.  (iii) To invoke the revolution by other neglected classes due to limited rank and status in the elite.  II.  Causes of Revolution in the Middle Ages: According to Bodan, there are three main causes of revolution:


  1. Divine cause: These reasons are always invisible and unknown. 
  2. Natural Causes: The effect of constellations is important in natural causes. 
  3. Human reason: In a society, a person makes a revolution by being bound by many social, economic, political, religious and intellectual conditions. 

III.  Due to revolution in modern era: Due to change in country, time and circumstances, new values, norms and norms are established in society.  Therefore, there are no reasons for revolutions in present times which were once seen in ancient Greek states.  Along with the internal causes of modern revolutions, external causes have also become important and effective.  The following reasons can be included mainly in the cause of revolutions in modern times:


1.The collapse and break-up (disintegration) of the social, political and economic system prevailing in the present time.
  1. Due to the continuous disintegration of a large section of the population. 
  2. On the sudden reversal of the economic social development sequence lasting for a long period. 
  3. After the impact of the revolution that has taken place in a country abroad, the feelings of the revolution erupt. 
  4. Because of the circumstances arising from the wars. 
  5. Due to the feeling of deception and excessive degeneration in individuals. 
  6. Due to inherent contradictions or class struggle in the capitalist system. 
  7. Being inspired by the purpose of eliminating color discrimination, caste discrimination and class discrimination etc. 
  8. In modern times, revolutions are done externally so that revolutions can be initiated in planned and planned ways.  In the present day, the ideological conflicts or conflicts of the great powers of the world (America, Russia, China, Britain, France etc.) have also played an important role in creating the role of revolutions, providing them full cooperation, providing technical and economic support.  Communist revolutions were carried out by sending troops to other countries of Europe (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia etc.) by the Soviet Union.  In the military revolution of Fiji on May 14, 1987, the US intelligence agency CIA was accused of being involved.  The revolution that took place in Afghanistan was also conducted by Russia.  Revolutions in Asian, African and Latin American countries were uncontrolled in some form or the other due to external powers.  It is clear from the above discussion that revolutions can have many causes, some of which are circumstantial, while some others occur suddenly.  In countries where democratic traditions have become fully established and well-organized, the chances of revolutions are very weak Condition and direction have been done.  As a result of possible collapse of the system, there is no possibility of communist revolutions in the world now.  At the present time, the prospects of military revolutions in developing nations are becoming very strong.  In the modern world, the internal environment of the country seems to be inspired by the influence of external forces.  Therefore, in the end we can say that there are not one, but many due to revolutions and overall they are related to external and internal conditions.

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