What is Sociology

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  Sociology   Meaning and Definition ‘Sociology’ as a subject is a new term while society is ancient.  As Bairstead wrote in his book ‘The Social Order’ (1970), ‘Sociology as a subject is innovative while its past is quite ancient.  Thus, the practical form of sociology is as old as society.  But during the development … Read more

Subject matter of sociology

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  Subject matter of sociology   Generally people understand area  and subject matter in the same sense.  It is wrong to think so.  There is a difference between study area and subject matter.  Kshetra means the range within which anyone studies science.  Content refers to certain subjects that any science studies.  The extent to which … Read more

Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences

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  Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences         Different types of opinion have been presented by different scholars on what kind of relationship is found between sociology and other sciences.  French scholar August Comte considers sociology to be the only science of society and insists that sociology has no relation with any other … Read more


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Divorce   The institution of marriage was given social approval as an institutional way to maintain the system of society and fulfill sexual needs.  Some keep their life formally organized despite family tensions and some keep their life organized upwardly due to religious beliefs, family prestige and family pressures, but there is a situation of … Read more

What is Society

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   Concept and Characteristics of Society Society is elementary concepts of sociology. In general , the term society is used for ‘groups of men or collection of individuals’.  Whereas in sociology the term ‘society’ is used for ‘social relations’, which are constructed by individuals.  Sociology studies social relations created by social influence, which we can … Read more

Types of Society

Here some examples of society are being presented so that it can be understood more easily. Various sociologists have discussed the types of society based on their perspectives.  for example .  According to Durkheim, Mechanical Solidarity and Organic Solidarity, according to the Tonys, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, as many examples are given in relation to the … Read more


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    The term ‘community’ is used in a special sense under Sociology.  A community is a large human group that inhabits a certain geographical area.  It is a tangible organization.  It is not built suddenly or spontaneously and is not deliberate and according to plan.  After a long period, it develops on its own.  … Read more


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The association is formed to cater to any particular interest or interests.  There are associations like family, school, trade union, church (religious association), political party, state etc.  These are constructed for the fulfillment of special purposes.  For example, the purpose of school is teaching and vocational preparation.  Similarly, the purpose of trade union is to … Read more



    Human needs are endless.  A variety of committees and organizations have been formed to meet these needs.  Some rules and procedures are made for the efficient functioning of these committees, these are called ‘social institutions’ in the language of sociology.  It is clear that a social institution is a system of rules and … Read more

Distinction between Institution and Association

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    People often use the term institution and associationin the same sense. But there is a lot of difference between these two. Here the difference in these is being clarified There is no fixed limit to the institution. Its scope of work is limited.  Its scope of work can also be the whole society.  … Read more

Classification Of Social Groups

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  There is no single basis for the classification of groups.  There is considerable variation in the form of social groups, so its classification also has different grounds.  Sociologists have different views regarding the classification of social groups.  Different sociologists have presented types of social groups on different grounds.  Thus there can be so many … Read more

Primary Group

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    “Primary group” means groups whose names are affection – frontal relationship and mutual support. These groups are primary in many ways, but mainly in the sense that  These are fundamental in constructing the social nature and ideals of the individual. “This definition makes it clear that the primary group is the group whose … Read more

Secondary Group

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    The group with opposite characteristics of primary group is called secondary group.  Cooley mentioned the concept of primary grouping and this concept developed the concept of secondary grouping.  It is a larger group than the primary group.  Its members form relationships among themselves to fulfill special interests.  Lack of closeness and closeness is … Read more