Dalit movement

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  Dalit concept has emerged as an important concept in sociological analysis in recent years.  The people of the society fall in the category of Dalits who have been traditionally considered unclean.  Gandhijee described him as Harijan whereas the Indian Constitution referred to him as a Scheduled Caste.  The reality is that these three concepts … Read more

The importance of social movement

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    The importance of social movement can be understood in all areas as follows:   Establishment of egalitarian system Increase in power of exploited classes Reduction in regional inequalities New  Development of leadership Changes in attitudes Cultural co-ordination Social reform. read also 1.Establishment of egalitarian system: Dr. MS Rao says that the main function … Read more

Types of social movements

    Different scholars have classified social movements in different ways on different grounds. Hary w.Laidler has divided social movements in the following way   Utopian Movement Marxist Movement Fabianism Movement Communistic Movement Socialist Movement Consumer Cooperative Movement II.   According to Richard T. La – Piere, social movements can be divided into the following … Read more

characteristics of the social movement

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      Collective effort: Relating the social movement to the collective  It happens through efforts, not personal efforts.  These collective efforts are those which are undertaken to bring about a complete or partial change in the society or culture for a long time or it is opposed to any change.  It is through collective … Read more

 Stages of social movements


    It is a difficult task to state the stages of development of social movements.  Various scholars have discussed the different stages of development of social movements as follows: Herbert Blumer has given five stages of social movements which are as follows:   1.Stimulation Development of certain feeling Development of morale Construction of ideology … Read more

Social Movement

  Meaning and definitions of social movement:   Movement means to collectively change or oppose social change by individuals.  Its main purpose is to solve some social or political problem.  Social movement can be defined as follows- According to the Oxford English Dictionary: ‘The social movement is an attempt by individuals to achieve a goal.  … Read more


  The meaning of globalization or globalization literally means to make the whole earth or the whole world a circle.  This means a central system.  In the new context, the global system is that in which capital freely moves across national boundaries and promotes the free market system. Globalization is a new process which started … Read more


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    It is difficult to give a definite definition of a city. It can be broadly said that a city is a community of social differences wherein the predominance of the secondary groups, controls, industry and trade, densely populated and impersonal relations. So we can say that  A city is a people-community that has … Read more


  Secularization is the process that results in the elimination of discrimination in social behavior on the basis of religion in a society.  Secularization which is based on rationalism is necessary for modernization, since every society now wants to modernize, it is sheltering secularization.  After independence, whatever state in India was not a secular state, … Read more

Differences in Sanskritisation and Westernization

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  It is clear from the view that both these processes are interrelated with the view that these are the cause and result of each other. On the one hand, Western technology and social values ​​encouraged Sanskritization, on the other hand, in Sanskritization, old age  Due to this, the values ​​of Western culture began to … Read more


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  Scholars conceptualized modernization in order to understand the changes in western societies due to changes in traditional societies or industrialization and to reveal the differences in both.  On one side he kept the traditional society and on the other side modern society.  Thus he gave birth to traditional versus modernism.  In addition, when Western … Read more


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    Revolution is a kind of rapid change in which ancient traditions and social values ​​have no importance.  In a narrow sense, revolution is a fundamental change in any aspect of life.  But in sociology, the word revolution is used in a broad sense and is considered to be a process whose aim is … Read more

Social movement:

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  Movement means to collectively change or oppose social change by individuals.  Its main purpose is to solve some social or political problem.  Social movement can be defined as follows- According to the Oxford English Dictionary: ‘The social movement is an attempt by individuals to achieve a goal.  But if this meaning is accepted in … Read more