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It is difficult to give a definite definition of a city. It can be broadly said that a city is a community of social differences wherein the predominance of the secondary groups, controls, industry and trade, densely populated and impersonal relations. So we can say that  A city is a people-community that has certain characteristics of its own. Cities have a variety of industries – businesses, trade and commerce. Because of this, people of every race, species, religion and class from different parts of the country and abroad.  They come and settle in. That is why the population of the city is not only large but there are differences rather than uniformity in that population. It is necessary to understand the meaning of urbanization before understanding the process of urbanization in India and its role in social change. General  Words can be said that urbanization is the process by which the area of ​​cities and urban life style gets expanded.  It is clear that to understand urbanization it is necessary to first understand the meaning of the city.  There is no definition of city which is acceptable and common, it is a difficult task.  It can be understood on the basis of some of its characteristics

  1. Overpopulation
  2. Maximum population density
  3. Dominance of secondary group
  4. People associated with different occupation
  5. Individualism
  6. Selfish preeminence
  7. Appearance
  8. Complexity.



Therefore, various scholars have clarified the concept of urbanization based on the above mentioned characteristics of the city.  According to E.E. Bergell, “The process of converting rural areas into urban areas is called urbanization.  “We call urbanization the process of transforming rural into urban areas • According to Bergell, Urban Sociology. Pl.” Thompson (W. Ihompson) “Urbanization is the process by which people in agriculture-related communities gradually form such groups.  Whose activities become related to industry, trade, commerce and government offices.  “According to M.N. Srinivas:” Urbanization refers not only to a large population in a limited area but to the process by which social and economic relations of people change.  “Based on all these definitions, the concept of urbanization can be understood with the help of some of its key characteristics:

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  1. Urbanization is not only about moving the population from the villages to the cities or increasing the influence of urban attitudes but also the location.  This condition makes urbanization clear when urban characteristics begin to be incorporated into people’s usage habits and ways of behavior, even without change. There is a special way of life that spreads to areas outside the city.


  1. Under this process, agriculture and rural industries – explains the growing influence of urban businesses in place of businesses.
  2. It is a dual process. On the one hand, this process makes clear the condition of converting rural areas into cities or expanding cities.  On the other hand, it is related to a situation in which the influence of the attitudes found in the city increases.


4.The process of urbanization is closely related to industrialization. As industrialization increases in a society, urbanization  Also seems to be expanding in 6. This process  Under OR, there is a decrease in the rural population and there is an increase in the urban population.  7. This process clarifies the formality of social relations.  This implies that the process of urbanization enhances individualism by promoting selfish relationships between different individuals and groups.  Development of cities in India: Regarding the origin and development of cities (1) Marg Rit More (2) Praveen and Thomas No one definite story can be made nor any definite 2. Urbanization one can be determined on the date or the session.  Man has built cities only to fulfill his many needs.  Robert Beerstad wrote in his work “The Social Order” that cities must have originated seven or eight thousand years ago.  In India, 4000 years before the Indus Valley Civilization presents an example of advanced urban civilization, the city emergence consists of many factors but not one factor.  Factors such as industrialization, economic attractiveness, rural urban migration, urbanization, social, economic, etc. contribute to the emergence of the city.  Political factor is very important in the origin and development of cities.  Towns have always been centers of political activity.  The origin and development of cities in India can be studied by broadly dividing into three parts.

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  1. Ancient cities
  2. Medieval cities
  3. Modern cities


  1. Ancient cities: The development of cities in India was also generally similar to the development of ordinary cities.  But still, there is enough evidence that cities have existed in India since time immemorial.  Sufficient descriptions of cities in India are available in epics and Puranas.  Urban civilization existed in India 8 thousand years ago and it can be confirmed on the basis of the remains found in the excavations of Mohenjodaro and Harappa.  Many cities are mentioned during the Gupta period.  But ancient cities were not as big as modern cities.  There were many cities in India in ancient times such as: Kashi, Ayodhya, Taxila, Pataliputra, Prayag, Ujjain etc.
  2. Medieval cities: The development of cities in India during the medieval period has been mainly due to kings and many courtiers.  In the medieval period, various kings invaded India and built large buildings using their architecture at the place of victory and they started living there.  Therefore, army, courtiers, ministers etc. started living with them, due to which the development of cities started automatically.  Such as: Firozabad was founded by Firoz Shah Tughlaq.  Sikandar Lodi settled the city of Agra, Daulatabad was also established.  In the medieval period, Sher Shah settled the city of Sasaram etc.  The growth of cities in the medieval period was in its qualitative state.  Sociologist Lewis Mumford wrote that “the role of the feudal lords has been instrumental in the origin and development of medieval cities.

“3. Modern Cities: In the medieval period, the growth and development of these cities continued to be dominated by the feudalists. But in the last twenty five years of this period, the dominance of the socialists from the city centers started to decline. The process of urbanization due to industrial revolution.  Started and new cities began to develop rapidly. It can be said that modern era is the era of cities. In India in 1781, the area with more than 5000 people was considered as a city. But today  The city is calculated on the basis of 1000 / sq.m. The city has started to emerge due to the solution of problems of modern education, employment, etc. In the modern era, now days – the support of inferior, famine, backward, etc. is now the city  So cities are increasing rapidly in the modern era. Factors that increase the rate of urbanization: The process of urbanization is not new in India, this process has been going on since ancient times. Here Mahajanapada period and Buddhist period  Large cities also emerged in the British.

The development of cities was very rapid in 91 years and favorable geographical conditions, religious beliefs, establishment of military camps and transport facilities contributed more to the development of cities.  Post independence, population growth, industrialization, transport and means of communication, educational institutions, political conditions, civic amenities and economic security are the major conditions which have contributed to increase urbanization.  These factors can be understood on the following points:


  1. Industrialization: As industrial development in India resulted in large scale production by machines in different areas, village cottage industries – businesses and handicrafts started to get destroyed.  Unemployment began to increase in these industries – individuals engaged in trades and handicrafts.  There was a need for more workers in urban industries.  Consequently, a large proportion of the rural population started working as workers in urban industries.  This also led to an increase in the urban population.


  1. Favorable geographical conditions: Favorable geographical location can be an important reason in the origin and development of cities.  The availability of raw materials nearby, special industries – favorable climate for businesses etc. can be very helpful in the development of all cities.  The main reason for the progressive development of Jamshedpur, Bangalore, Calcutta, Mumbai etc. is their favorable geographical location.


  1. Establishment of Capital: The importance of any place increases when it is the capital.  Many people related to Raj work have to come and settle there.  The officials of the government, members of Lok Sabha etc., soldiers etc. are gathered there.  Population increases and development of trade and other service work becomes necessary to meet the needs of that growing population.  The result of all this is the day-to-day development of the city.  Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh etc. are the prime examples.


  1. Sainik Cantonment: Similarly, the development of the city where soldiers’ camp is established.  Some soldiers are accompanied by other members of their family, and to meet these most diverse needs, industries – businesses, trade and commerce also grow and thus develop, Jammu, Ambala, Dehradun, Sikandarvad etc.  Are examples.


  1. Technological development: Along with technological advancement, there is an advancement in the means of transport and communication, due to which, by making the raw materials or the latest machines from any part of the world, not only in the country, industries can be developed and persisted.  The goods can be transported to the national international market.  Today, due to technological development, the city can also be settled by clearing the forest. As we become acquainted with the best machines, the industries also progress.  When more and more machines are used in agriculture, on one hand, time is saved and on the other hand, in agriculture, at least people are needed.  As a result, many people get a break from farming and the requirement of laborers in the cities is fulfilled.  Due to other technological development, there is amazing progress in the production of agriculture and not only the food – materials required for the development of cities, but many basic industries – the essential goods for the trades are easily found in textile, jute, sugar, vegetable ghee and oil etc.

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  1. Population Growth: Before independence in India, only 15% of the country’s population lived in cities.  Even after poverty, the life of the villagers was self-sufficient.  After the independence in our country, when the population started to increase rapidly, the division of farms in the villages started increasing.  As a result, a large section of the rural population started moving to the cities for employment.


  1. Political conditions: The current political conditions have an important place in promoting the process of urbanization.  In the democratic system, people get more opportunities for development in those cities which are the center of political activities.  This is the reason that the process of urbanization is the fastest in Delhi today.  In cities where the capital of different states is in, urbanization is happening more rapidly than other cities


  1. Increase in traffic and means of communication: After independence, roads were built to connect all villages in India with cities.  New development programs were started through the Five Year Plans.  Here as the means of transport and means of communication increased, all the urban and rural areas started connecting with each other.  Due to the use of advanced equipment and seeds in agriculture, agricultural production increased but, the dependence of the villagers on the cities started increasing.  Villagers also increased contact with the cities to sell the crop.  As a result of traffic facilities, selling agricultural produce in cities became more profitable.


  1. Education system: The youth who get education in rural areas generally do not like to do traditional business like farming.  Their effort is to earn a living by working in offices, factories or individual establishments located in the city.  After taking education in the city, the life of the village seems inappropriate to them.  As a result of this attitude, the process of urbanization is encouraged.


  1. Facilities: Another reason for the increasing urbanization in our country is the special civic amenities received in the cities.  Due to more facilities of education, water, electricity, health and safety in the cities, they become centers of attraction for the people living in villages and towns.  Keeping in mind all these multidimensional aspects, Fingersley Davis has concluded that the increase in urbanization can be understood on the basis of all conditions.  Socio-economic change as a result of urbanization: Even today India is a country of villages in basic form.  But today the process of civilization is also rapidly expanding its influence.  The process of urbanization has changed our entire social structure and our social, economic, mental, political, cultural, religious and moral life is taking a new turn.  These effects of urbanization are healthy as well as unhealthy.  We will briefly discuss both of those types of effects here.  Wide Area of ​​Socio-cultural Connections: One notable effect of urbanization is that consequently, the area of ​​socio-cultural connectivity automatically increases.  It is easy to establish contacts with other provinces or countries through news letters, magazines, books, radio, only networks, internet, telephone, mobile etc. of cities.  All these elements are helpful in expanding the field of socio-cultural connectivity.


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More facilities related to education and training: Due to greater inclination towards giving proper education to our children, the facilities of education and training along with urbanization also expand.


  1. Education and training facilities contribute immensely in encouraging the process of urbanization in some cities.


  1. By doing computer and many technical courses, the chances of jobs in cities increase.  Due to these facilities, the importance of the city increases day by day.


  1. Expansion of trade and commerce: Along with the development of cities, the progress of trade and commerce also takes place because with urbanization the population grows and the population increases, the requirements increase and trade and commerce to fulfill those needs.  Expansion of it becomes necessary.  Therefore, along with urbanization, new markets, haats, shopping centers, cinema, restaurants, etc. are also emerging.


4.Increase in traffic and conveyance facilities: Along with the development of the city, the facilities of traffic communication also gets spread because without it the life of the citizens cannot be convenient.  Civil situations demand this.  That the means of transport and conveyance be expanded.  Therefore, along with the development of the city, post offices, telephones, railway stations, courier service, internet, cyber cafes etc. are also developed and bus and taxi services, auto rickshaws are available inside the city.  All these facilities can be expensive, soon becoming an essential part of civilian life.


  1. Political education: Along with the process of urbanization, the functioning of political parties also increases.  In fact, the city is an arena of political parties and they are not only trying very hard to spread their ideals and principles, but a political party also tries its best to degrade the other party.  As a result, the opportunity of learning political tricks – in cities, is not as much in the village as it is possible, because the means of transport and conveyance in the city are at an advanced level and their books and magazines, news papers, radio,  Through TV posters, banners, speakers, etc., it is possible for us to participate in international political life or at least get information about it.  It helps in bringing political education to practical level.


  1. Social tolerance: One notable effect of urbanization is that social tolerance thrives in a substantial amount among city dwellers.  The reason for this is also clear.  Along with urbanization, people of different religions, communities, caste, species, provinces and countries come and settle, and each has the opportunity to meet with each other and see each other more closely.  Is obtained .  This type of contact develops tolerance towards each other.


  1. Changes in family values ​​and structure: Along with urbanization, there is a rapid change in family values ​​and structure, children in cities today are not fully respecting their parents, consider their stubbornness as paramount.  , Get married to a girl or boy of your choice, get to see romance in the name of going to college.  Work – Kazi girls’ affair has become common in the cities.  Increase in number of love marriages and divorce is also seen more in cities.  The media and communication revolution has greatly affected.  He wants to be like his role model.  He is not attentive to family duties.  After marriage, the girl inspires her husband to live in a separate house, increasing the number of single families and the disintegration of joint families is increasing here.


  1. Development of slums: When urbanization continues with the process of industrialization, the population of the city keeps increasing at a very rapid pace.  But in the proportion in which the population increases, new houses are not built in the same proportion.  Therefore, one effect of urbanization is the development of slums

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  1. Changes in social values ​​and relations: Along with urbanization, individualistic ideals flourish.  Due to the importance of wealth and personal qualities in the cities, each person only cares for himself and commits himself to protect his interests.  His effort is to develop his own personality and collect more and more money because on this his social reputation depends.  Hence one effect of urbanization is the sacrifice of community selfishness on the altar of personal selfishness.  Similarly with urbanization, the personal relationship turns into impersonal social relations.  In big cities like Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, people living in the same building with eight to ten floors lack personal relationships.  Similarly, discrimination on the basis of caste and caste, sense of untouchability etc., along with urbanization, weaken and the social values ​​related to them change.  The phenomenon of social distance can be called a notable effect of urbanization.


  1. Commercialization of entertainment: Another notable effect of urbanization is the commercialization of the means of entertainment, ie cinema, theater, disco club, sports, network only, mobile, internet etc. All modes of entertainment are organized by the business entities.  That is why they do not take care of modesty or healthy effect as much as they make them more attractive to the audience and they are being alert to the money lane due to


  1. Accident, disease and filth: Accidents are more in the cities.  More pollution diseases are also more.  Different diseases related to different industries arise.  Not only this, due to the dense population of the cities, the dirt is also high.  Due to dirt, many types of diseases surround the residents of the city.  Even after trying a million, the accident, disease and filth that occurs as a result of urbanization cannot be avoided.


  1. Uncertainty in community life: This is a major problem of the cities and the problem is that due to this uncertainty, the sense of community or ‘we’ does not flourish in the cities, due to which the uniformity in the life of the city does not flourish.  Here someone sleeps at night, some in the day, some is employed today, and tomorrow is useless.  This uncertainty is every moment on every step.  Whether the person who left home in the morning returned home in the evening or not, –

It also has no certainty.  This uncertainty gives rise to elements that disintegrate community life.


  1. Social Disorganization: Uncertainty or greater variability in the status and actions of individuals and institutions causes social disintegration, the pace of social change in cities is also faster due to which social disintegration occurs.  Towns are also more likely to fail bank, rebellion, revolution or war, which also leads to a situation of social disintegration that proves fatal to a healthy social life


  1. Family Disorganization: Members of families in cities  I do not have a very close relationship because most of the members of the household are either separated from each other or have to spend more time outside the family to read, write, get training, do jobs, get entertainment etc.  , Due to this, the family members have very little control over each other, which is often helpful in disintegrating the family.


  1. Personal Disorganization: This is another notable problem of the cities.  The following five forms of personal disintegration are seen in the cities, each of which itself is a serious problem (a) Crime and child crime: Poverty in the cities, problem of houses, unemployment, discrimination in the ratio of female to male, drug addiction,  Business entertainment, business cycle, competition, loosening of family control, prostitution, child labor etc. are important factors due to which crime and child crime are seen more in the cities.

(b) Suicide: Poverty in cities, unemployment, disinterested family life, severe disappointment in life, failure in romance or love, failure in business, etc. are more likely to occur if competition fails, and in any of these conditions the person  Such an unbearable mental entanglement can get rid of which he chooses to commit suicide.  This is the reason that there are more suicides in cities than in villages.

(c) Prostitution: There are more laborers in cities who are forced to live alone rather than live with their children due to the problem of housing and inflation in the cities.  For them, brothels are a good place for entertainment.  Poverty and unemployment found in cities also compel prostitution to many women.

(d) Intoxication: Alcoholism, drinking etc. is an expression of personal dissolution.  This problem is particularly acute in cities.  The extreme form of this problem is seen when big parties in cities, ‘diners’, where the high level ‘gentlemen’ of the society clash, drinking is accepted as a symbol of social prestige and common courtesy.  .  In cities that have failed in their lives, there is also no shortage of such individuals.  It becomes clear to us from the crowd at the liquor shops.

(e) Beggary: In cities, especially in religiously important cities, people not only get begged by the poverty, hunger and unemployment of the cities but also give begging a commercial form.  In big cities, beggars own their work

Making conditions and direction beggars, teaching beggars how to beg, their bodies have to be distorted or shaken in such a way that people feel self-pity.


  1. Other socio-economic effects of urbanization: development of capitalist economy, uneven distribution of national wealth, economic crisis, unemployment, industrial quarrels, mental anxiety and disease conflicts and competition, social mobility, increased labor, division of labor and specialization. ‘

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There are other effects of urbanization, which are seen in India.  Industrialization: Industrialization can be both a cause and a consequence of urbanization.  It is often seen that where industrialization flourishes and the production of machines in large mills and factories takes place, the process of urbanization is increasingly active, many cities have developed in India in the same way,  In this sense, industrialization is the cause of urbanization.  But it also happens that due to some other reason, the process of urbanization is first operational and now when the community takes full form of the city, there is a gradual industrialization of the industry.  Concept: The process of development of large-scale production works by machines and the development of industries in one place is called industrialization.  Some authors state that “Industrialization refers to the introduction of large scale new industries and the transformation of small scale industries into large scale industries.  “In real sense, industrialization is a process of large-scale development of industries. Wilbert Moore (WEMoore defines industrialization in his book Social Change, P – 91 as follows:” Industrialization is the term used for economic goods and  Inanimate sources of power are widely used in the production of services. “(Industrialization in its strict sense of the term, entails the extensive use of inanimate sources of power in the production of economic goods and services.)  Therefore, according to Wilbert Moore, the main goal of the process of industrialization is to earn maximum profit as well as industrialization is related to both goods and services. Causes of industrialization in India: The major five-year plans contribute to the reasons of industrialization in an agricultural country like India.  The second five-year plan was the beginning of industrialization widely between 1956-61. Also many other reasons can be understood from the following points:


  1. New technology of production: by the invention of new methods of production  The rate of industrialization has increased significantly.  Green revolution became possible only due to new hybrid seeds and mechanization in agriculture.  The invention of new textile mills reshaped industrialization.  Today, with the advent of computer, internet in the information revolution, it is taking only a few seconds to send and receive information anywhere in the world.


  1. Natural resources: The greatest requirement of industrialization is natural resources.  If there is no abundance of natural resources in the country, then by the end of industrialization,

will go.  India has huge reserves of mineral assets like iron, coal, mica.  Petroleum is also satisfactory.  India is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in the field of hydro power.  There are forests where herbs are available for various diseases around the world.


  1. Means of transport: In the process of industrialization, the means of transport cannot be ignored.  One has to accept the importance of the means of transport in transporting raw materials, machines and laborers to the production center, transporting the finished goods to the foreign markets of the country, and maintaining the relationships related to industry trades.  Therefore, there is no importance of industrialization without traffic.


  1. Abundance of labor-power: Our country has much more labor-power than developed countries.  There are crores of landless laborers in the village who remain mostly unemployed in the year, they are ready to work as laborers in industries at low wages.  The cost of industrial production done by them is also less.  This is a condition which resulted in easy industrial development here.


  1. Economic policies: One of the major reasons for industrialization in our country is the excess and industrial policies of the government.  A mixed economy was encouraged in India since the time of independence.  In this, the basic industries were developed in the public sector, while the development of other industries was left to the private sector.  Many such laws were enacted for labor welfare and labor protection so that the exploitation of workers can be prevented and their work efficiency can be increased.  This condition also proved to be helpful in the development of industrialization.


  1. International Competition: Another reason for the development of industrialization in India is the participation of India in international competition.  In the present era, any country can strengthen its economic position only if it can import goods from other countries and can also produce large quantities of various goods and export them to other countries.  Our economy is strengthened only by the balance of imports and exports.  After Independence, as India started participating in the international competition in the economic field, industrialization increased here.


  1. Educational institutions: Educational institutions have a very important role in the reasons of industrialization in India.  Various courses by educational institutions which are related to modern production, there are millions of students who are achieving.  Therefore, along with the above mentioned conditions, new inventions, process of urbanization and banking facilities and expansion of service sector etc. are the supporting conditions which contributed significantly to the development of industrialization.  Socioeconomic change as a result of industrialization: Even today India is basically a country of villages.  But today the process of industrialization is also rapidly expanding its influence.  The process of industrialization has changed our entire social structure and our social, economic, mental, political, cultural, religious and moral life is taking a new turn.  These effects of industrialization are both healthy and unhealthy.  We will now briefly discuss both types of effects here.  –


– 1. Extensive Area of ​​Social Cultural Connections: One notable effect of industrialization is that consequently the field of sociocultural connectivity increases automatically.  It is easy to communicate with other countries or countries through news letters of the cities – magazine, book, radio, network only, internet, telephone, mobile etc.  All these elements help in expanding the field of socio-cultural connectivity.


  1. More facilities related to education and training: There is more inclination towards giving proper education to our children, so along with industrialization, the facilities related to education and training also expand.  Education and training facilities also expand in some cities to encourage the process of urbanization.  In some cities, education and training facilities contribute more to encourage the process of urbanization.  By doing computer and many technical courses, the chances of jobs in cities increase.  Due to these facilities, the importance of the city increases day by day.


  1. Expansion of trade and commerce: Along with the development of cities, the progress of trade and commerce also takes place because with industrialization, the population grows and the population increases, the requirements increase and trade to meet those needs.  And expansion of commerce becomes necessary.  Therefore, along with industrialization, new markets, haats, shopkeepers, cinema, restaurants etc. are also emerging.


  1. Increase in traffic and conveyance facilities: Along with the development of the city, the facilities of traffic and conveyance also spread because without it the life of the citizens cannot be convenient.  Civil situations demand this.  That traffic and communication solutions be expanded.  Therefore, along with the development of the city, post offices, telephones, railway stations, career services, insets, cyber cafes etc. are also developed and bus and taxi services, auto rickshaws are available inside the city.  All these facilities can be expensive which soon becomes an essential part of civilian life.


  1. Political Education: Along with the process of industrialization, the activity of political parties also increases.  In fact, the city is an arena of political parties and they are not only trying very hard to spread their ideals and principles, but a political party also tries its best to degrade the other party.  As a result, there is no opportunity to learn political tricks – screws in villages as much as in villages.  This is also possible because the means of transport and communication in the city are at an advanced level and through their and book magazines, news papers, radio, TV, posters, banners, speakers, etc., participate in international political life or less  At least it is possible for us to get information about it.  It helps in bringing political education to practical level.


  1. Social Tolerance: One notable effect of industrialization is that social tolerance thrives in a substantial amount among city dwellers.  The reason for this is also clear.


Along with urbanization, people of different religions, sects, castes, species, provinces and countries come and settle and make each one to get along with each other and make each other


  1. Extensive Area of ​​Social Cultural Connections: One notable effect of industrialization is that consequently the field of sociocultural connectivity increases automatically.  It is easy to communicate with other countries or countries through news letters of the cities – magazine, book, radio, network only, internet, telephone, mobile etc.  All these elements help in expanding the field of socio-cultural connectivity.


  1. More facilities related to education and training: There is more inclination towards giving proper education to our children, so along with industrialization, the facilities related to education and training also expand.  Education and training facilities also expand in some cities to encourage the process of urbanization.  In some cities, education and training facilities contribute more to encourage the process of urbanization.  By doing computer and many technical courses, the chances of jobs in cities increase.  Due to these facilities, the importance of the city increases day by day.


  1. Expansion of trade and commerce: Along with the development of cities, the progress of trade and commerce also takes place because with industrialization, the population grows and the population increases, the requirements increase and trade to meet those needs.  And expansion of commerce becomes necessary.  Therefore, along with industrialization, new markets, haats, shopkeepers, cinema, restaurants etc. are also emerging.


  1. Increase in traffic and conveyance facilities: Along with the development of the city, the facilities of traffic and conveyance also spread because without it the life of the citizens cannot be convenient.  Civil situations demand this.  That traffic and communication solutions be expanded.  Therefore, along with the development of the city, post offices, telephones, railway stations, career services, insets, cyber cafes etc. are also developed and bus and taxi services, auto rickshaws are available inside the city.  All these facilities can be expensive which soon becomes an essential part of civilian life.


  1. Political Education: Along with the process of industrialization, the activity of political parties also increases.  In fact, the city is an arena of political parties and they are not only trying very hard to spread their ideals and principles, but a political party also tries its best to degrade the other party.  As a result, there is no opportunity to learn political tricks – screws in villages as much as in villages.  This is also possible because the means of transport and communication in the city are at an advanced level and through their and book magazines, news papers, radio, TV, posters, banners, speakers, etc., participate in international political life or less  At least it is possible for us to get information about it.  It helps in bringing political education to practical level.


  1. Social Tolerance: One notable effect of industrialization is that social tolerance thrives in a substantial amount among city dwellers.  The reason for this is also clear.  Along with urbanization, people of different religions, sects, castes, species, provinces and countries come and settle and make each one to get along with each other and make each other

You get an opportunity to see the processes of social change more closely.  In this type of serpent, tolerance towards each other thrives.


  1. Changes in family values ​​and values: Along with urbanization, there is a rapid change in family values ​​and structure.  Children in cities today are not fully respecting their parents, consider their stubbornness to be paramount, marry their favorite wood or boy, romance is seen in the name of going to college.  Work – Fiery girls have become common in cities.  The increase in the number of love marriages and increase in divorce is also seen more in cities.  The media and communication revolution has greatly influenced the youth.  He wants to be at his social economic effects of urbanization like his role model.  He is not attentive to family duties.  After marriage, the girl inspires her husband to live in a separate house.  The number of single families and disintegration of joint families is increasing here.


  1. Development of Slums: Along with industrialization, when the process of industrialization continues, the population of the city keeps increasing at a very rapid pace.  But in the proportion in which the population increases, new houses are not built in the same proportion.  Therefore, one effect of urbanization is the development of slums.


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  1. Changes in social values ​​and relationships: Along with industrialization, individualistic ideals flourish.  Due to the importance of wealth and personal qualities in the cities, each person only cares for himself and commits himself to protect his interests.  His effort is to develop his own person element and to collect more and more money because on this his social reputation depends.  Hence one effect of urbanization is the sacrifice of community selfishness on the altar of personal selfishness.  Similarly with urbanization, the personal relationship turns into impersonal social relations.  In big cities like Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, people living in the same building with eight to ten floors lack personal relationships.  Similarly, discrimination on the basis of caste and caste, feeling of untouchability etc.  With urbanization weaken and the social values ​​related to them change.  The phenomenon of social distance can be called a notable effect of urbanization.  One political party degrades another party.


  1. Commercialization of entertainment: Another notable effect of industrialization is the commercialization of the means of entertainment ie cinema, theater, disco club, sports, network only, mobile, internet etc. All the modes of entertainment are organized by business entities.  Therefore, they do not take care of modesty or healthy effect as much as they are conscious of taking money from them by making them more attractive to the audience.


  1. Accidents, sickness and filth: Accidents are more in cities.  Diseases are also more due to more pollution.  Different diseases related to different industries arise.  Not only this, due to the dense population of the cities, the dirt is also high.  Due to dirt, many types of diseases surround the residents of the city.  To make a million efforts –

: Even on the condition of accident, disease and mess problem that results from industrialization cannot be avoided.


  1. Uncertainty in community life: This is a major problem of the cities and the problem is that due to this uncertainty, the community spirit of the cities or the sense of ‘we’ does not flourish.  Due to which uniformity does not flourish in the life of the city.  Here, someone sleeps at night and some day someone is employed today, tomorrow is useless.  This uncertainty is every moment, every moment.  There is no certainty as to whether a person who has gone home from home in the morning returns to the commission in the evening.  This uncertainty gives rise to elements that disintegrate community life.


  1. Social Disruption: Uncertainty or greater variability in the status and actions of individuals and institutions produces social disintegration.  The pace of social change in cities is also fast due to which social disintegration arises.  There is also a greater possibility of bank failure, rebellion, revolution or war in cities, due to which a situation of social disintegration arises which proves to be a detriment to healthy social life.


  1. Family Dissolution: Members of families in cities do not have a close relationship because most of the members of the household have different ways to read or write, get training, do jobs, get entertainment etc.  One has to spend more time outside the family.  Due to this, the family members have very little control over each other, which is often helpful in disintegrating the family.


  1. Personal Disorganization: This is another notable problem of the cities.  The following five forms of personal disintegration are seen in the cities, each of which itself is a serious problem (a) Crime and child crime: Poverty in the cities, problem of houses, unemployment, discrimination in the ratio of male to female, drug addiction, business  Entertainment, business cycle, competition, relaxed family control, due to which crime and child crime are more visible in the cities.

(b) Suicide: A political party is more likely to degrade the other party in cities such as poverty, unemployment, disinterested family life, severe disappointment in life, failure in romance or love, failure in business, etc.  And in any of these conditions, a person can get caught in such an unbearable mental confusion, that he chooses to commit suicide.  This is why cities have far more suicides than villages.

(c) Prostitution: There is more labor class in the cities who are forced to live alone rather than live with their children due to the problem of housing and inflation in the cities.  For this, brothels are a good place for entertainment.  Poverty and unemployment found in the cities also compel prostitution to many women.

(d) Intoxication: Alcoholism is an expression of personal dissolution.  This problem is particularly acute in cities.  The extreme form of this problem is seen when the cities


is ethically neutral.  I have accepted alcohol as a symbol of social prestige and common courtesy in large parties, ‘diners’, where the high level ‘gentlemen’ of the society gather.  In cities that have failed in their lives, there is also no shortage of such individuals.  It becomes clear to us from the crowd at the liquor shops.

(e) Beggary: People in cities not only get begged by the poverty, starvation and unemployment of the cities, but also give begging a commercial form.  In big cities, beggars own their work, whose job is to make beggars, to teach beggars how to beg, to distort or degrade their bodies in such a way that people feel self-pity.


  1. Other socio-economic effects of industrialization: Development of capitalist economy, uneven distribution of national wealth, economic crisis, unemployment, industrial quarrels, mental anxiety and disease, struggle and competition, increase in social mobility, labor division and specialization ‘we’  There are other effects of industrialization which are seen in India.  Westernization: Concept: Westernization refers to the process of change that arose in various aspects of Indian life, society and culture as a result of contact with the western culture that the British rulers had brought with them.  Dr. M. N. Srinivas (Dr.MNSrinivas), while explaining westernization, wrote, I have used the term westernization to mean changes in Indian society and culture as a result of one and a half year rule of British state.  And the term refers to changes occurring at different levels like technology, institutions, ideology, value etc.  (I have used the term weternization to characterize the changes brought about in Indian and culture as a result of over 150 years of British regulations and the term subsumes changes occurring at different levels, technology, institutions ideology and values: MN Srinivas. “Social change  in Modern Indian “. University of California Press, 1966. P. 47)


Characteristics of Westernization:


  1. A broad concept: The concept of Westernization is quite broad.  It includes all kinds of physical and non-physical changes arising from the influence of the West.  Explaining Srinivas’s views in this regard, Kuppuswamy has written that westernization is mainly concerned with three areas:

(a) behavioral aspects, such as food, clothing, manner of etiquette and behavior patterns, etc.;  (b) Knowledge related aspects, such as: science, technology and literature etc.;  (c) Social value aspects, such as: humanism, secularism and egalitarian views, changes in all these aspects of society due to the influence of the West are related to westernization.


  1. Morally Neutral: It is not necessary to have morality elements in the process of westernization, ie the consequences of westernization can be good as well as bad.  Westernization has taken place only in a good direction in Indian society;  this is not the matter .  Thus this process


  1. Culture brought by the British: Many countries like America, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy etc. are understood by the word ‘Western country’.  There is a huge cultural difference among themselves.  The process of Westernization as a factor of social change in India is actually an effect of the form of Western culture that the British rulers brought with them and introduced them to the Indians.


  1. A complex process: The process of westernization involves many complex elements.  This process is also related only to the changes in practices, caste system, religion, family and living that have arisen as a result of scientific and technological progress in Western.  This process is also complicated because it did not affect the entire Indian society equally.  There is a greater influence of westernization in the cities than in the villages and in the upper classes than in the lower classes.


  1. Conscious – Subliminal process: Westernization is not only a conscious process but also a subliminal process.  In other words, social change has occurred only consciously in India through the process of Westernization;  It’s not like that .  We probably do not know when we have adopted many western cultural elements brought by the British spontaneously.  They have sublimated into our public life and caused change.


  1. Lack of a fixed format: There is no single format or ideal of Westernization.  In British rule, the ideal of westernization was the influence of England.  After independence, as India’s relations with Russia and America grew;  The influence of these countries on our technology and social and cultural life increased.  It is difficult to tell from the current changes in the Indian society due to western influence, which country is from this effect in England, America or Russia etc.  It is clear that the process of westernization in our country is not based on the ideal of any one country.


  1. Westernization is not related to any general culture: Westernization is definitely related to the influence of Western countries, but there is something found in the cultural characteristics of all Western countries.  The western country has no common culture.  Even after this  Srinivas has recognized that the process of westernization that we talk about for social change in India is really related to the influence of British culture.  This statement does not seem to be more appropriate because the changes in Indian society are the result of the combined influence of many countries of the West.


  1. Inclusion of many values: Westernization consists of many values ​​whose nature is quite different from the traditional values ​​of India.  For example, equality, freedom, individualism, material attractiveness, rationality and humanism are values ​​that are considered more important in Western culture.  Westernization is the name of the process of adopting these values ​​from the western instead of traditional values.  Impact of Westernization on Indian Society: Dr. MN Srinivas detailed the discussion of Westernization in his famous book Social Change in Modern India (P – 47) and Yogendra Singh in his book Modernization N ..

Processes of Social Change 103 1 of Indian Tradition (P – 9) as well as B. Kuppuswamy in his book Social Change in India (P – 62) discusses the effects of Westernization.  Due to Westernization, there has been a multi-faceted change in Indian society which can be seen on the following points:


  1. Change in Caste System: The biggest impact of Westernization on social life is that caste bondage, untouchability is eliminated.  happened .  This process placed more emphasis on social equality.  With this effect, the person gradually began to understand that the division of castes and the arrangement of high and low among them is not a divine creation but a planned social policy.  As a result, most of the people started opposing caste rules.  As a result of this, today social relations related to caste related to food, untouchability and business have been completely eliminated.  The lower castes started elevating their social status by following the practices of the upper castes.  Today, with the end of all social and economic disabilities of Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes and their special voting rights, the entire structure of the caste-system has crumbled.


  1. Changes in the status of women: Due to secularization, the condition of women began to change.  When personal freedom increased as a result of this, women also tried to increase their economic self-reliance by entering into various occupations and services.  The increasing rights of women in family marriage and public life are the result of these conditions today.  Changes in men’s attitudes towards women are also influenced by the ideology of Western culture that values ​​humanistic and egalitarian values.


  1. Changes in joint family: Due to the influence of westernization, personal freedom is helpful in promoting the individual.  That is why individuals separate from joint family and establish single family in cities.  This culture inspired people to increase their abilities and skills to achieve higher status and to use the income they earned with freedom.  Due to this idea being against joint family system, those people who were more qualified and courageous started leaving joint family.  As a result, there was a rapid increase in single families.  Due to the ideology presented by Westernization related to equality and material happiness, women also started to favor personal freedom and small family.  When women entered various economic sectors, it was no longer possible to remain united as their family.  The result of this is that today, in addition to the cities, there is a continuous decrease in the composition of joint families in the villages.


  1. Changes in customs: Westernization brought about a wide change in customs related to customs, customs, manner, way of living, eating, drinking, raising, seating, and every area of ​​life.  For example, handshake, good morning, sauri, pant – shirt etc.


  1. Changes in Marriage: As a result of Westernization, it was considered better to choose co-education, the opportunity for female men to work together, and to choose a suitable life partner instead of following the rules of intermarriage.  As a result

– Delay – The prevalence of marriage increased, on the other hand, many educated and aware persons started intermarrying.  At this time, marriage was seen as the basis of a healthy family life.  As a result, on the one hand the number of marriages and divisions started to increase and on the other, the rules related to endogamy and outflowing started to weaken.  Along with this, the practice of marriage with the people of their choice increased, which is called love marriage.


  1. Changes in Religious Life: Due to the influence of the culture of Westernization, there is a big change in the attitudes of superstitions, rituals and religious practices based on religion.  When the Christian preachers started attracting the attention of the people towards the blind beliefs and evils prevalent in the Hindu religion and inspired them to embrace Christianity, then the Hindus themselves also got inspired to evaluate the stereotypes based on their religion.  At this time, educated and rational persons started opposing the devasi system, untouchability, sati-practice, child-marriage, widow-marriage control and low status of women etc., devoted by religion.  The Christian missionaries presented the ideal of humanism and social equality in front of individuals, and many reformist communities in India tried to bring about useful changes in Hinduism by clarifying the importance of religious equality, human service and brotherhood in such communities.  , Arya Samaj and Ramakrishna Mission’s role is more important.  Due to the influence of the ideology of westernization, the effect of ghosts and emotionalism started to decrease, as well as the ideology of rationalism and karmaism changed.  Along with this, secularism developed.


  1. Increase in individualistic and material values: Due to the effect of westernization, due to hard work, importance is given to its development and its use in personal interest.  These are the conditions under whose influence secondary and interest-oriented social relations started increasing instead of primary relations in our society.  Today, the importance of performance and appearances in family and friendship relations is increasing.  Most of the people take more interest in those works which can give them personal benefit.  Traditionally, a person’s income was considered to be the moral right of all his close relatives, but today it is considered appropriate to use one’s success only in personal interest.  This change of attitudes and ideas has affected the form of all the traditional institutions of India.


  1. Changes in politics: Due to the influence of westernization, democratic and democratic institutions also started developing in our country.  The British government system was based on capitalist ideals which are themselves combined with many two social defects.  In response to these defects, communist, socialist and individualist political ideas and principles were also spread in this country.


  1. Development of Humanism: Dr. MN Srinivas has said that westernization includes certain values ​​which we can address in the name of ‘Humanism’.  ‘Humanism’ is a spirit in which Kalpana is given special importance without regard to human race, economic status, age, gender and religion.  Such feelings

Processes of social change have resulted in a consciousness of human rights in all sections of society.  The special rights given to the lower castes and backward castes in our society only explain the increase in humanism.  It was the belief of the British that when the neglected and backward sections of the society would be born with a consciousness of their rights, these classes would themselves start demanding equality.  This work could not be done during the British rule, but after independence, these sections have started demanding their rights and equality in all areas of urban rural and tribes


  1. Development of nationalism: Western culture, education and ideologies have not only given us  Not only brought it into contact with the national life of the world, but also created a cultural equality in different opposite groups within the country.  Seeing this cultural equality and other foreign nations, a new wave of unity and nationalism was shown in Indian life.


  1. Changes in the economic sector: As a result of westernization, the means of transport increased and industrialization increased, due to which the economic self-sufficiency of the village gradually ended and the commercialization of farming started.  The second impact on the economic life of the village was the destruction of rural industries, because the home industry could not survive in the competition of the machine industry.  Also, the old land system prevalent in the village was abolished and the zamindari system was developed.  Thus an exploitative system started in the village.  On the other hand, economic growth accelerated as a result of industrialization in the city.  Large mills and factories were established, the use of machines increased day by day and production started on a large scale.  Due to the advancement in the means of transport, not only increased intra-state trade but also increased inter-state trade, it also increased the trade and commerce of the country.  Today, the government policy of globalization and liberalization in business is also a result of westernization in a way.


  1. Changes in literature: Western literature and culture have also been influenced by literature in various Indian languages.  English literature is considered very rich in all modern literature of the world.  The English language provided an opportunity to Indian scholars and writers to read and understand and benefit from these English literature and other languages ​​of Europe.  This led to the incorporation of Western literary styles, material and ideas in the literature of Hindi as well as all other provincial languages ​​and modernized them.  In the novels and stories of Pt. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Rabindranath Tagore, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, the major problems of Hindu society were found, which was the influence of the British rule literature.  Influenced by English rule and education in the last phase of the 19th century, some writers of Bengal wrote about social reform and national enthusiasm in their literature.  Among them, ‘Anand Math’ written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee is called the Bible of Indian nationality.  In the same book, he wrote the national song 1 of ‘Vande Mataram’.  Thus westernization has brought about a multi-faceted change in Indian society which has affected all the fields of family, marriage, kinship, religion, education, literature, art, music, customs, economy, political system.

Processes of social change have resulted in a consciousness of human rights in all sections of society.  The special rights given to the lower castes and backward castes in our society only explain the increase in humanism.  It was the belief of the British that when the neglected and backward sections of the society would be born with a consciousness of their rights, these classes would themselves start demanding equality.  This work could not be done during the British rule, but after independence, these sections have started demanding their rights and equality in all areas of urban rural and tribes


  1. Development of nationalism: Western culture, education and ideologies have not only given us  Not only brought it into contact with the national life of the world, but also created a cultural equality in different opposite groups within the country.  Seeing this cultural equality and other foreign nations, a new wave of unity and nationalism was shown in Indian life.


  1. Changes in the economic sector: As a result of westernization, the means of transport increased and industrialization increased, due to which the economic self-sufficiency of the village gradually ended and the commercialization of farming started.  The second impact on the economic life of the village was the destruction of rural industries, because the home industry could not survive in the competition of the machine industry.  Also, the old land system prevalent in the village was abolished and the zamindari system was developed.  Thus an exploitative system started in the village.  On the other hand, economic growth accelerated as a result of industrialization in the city.  Large mills and factories were established, the use of machines increased day by day and production started on a large scale.  Due to the advancement in the means of transport, not only increased intra-state trade but also increased inter-state trade, it also increased the trade and commerce of the country.  Today, the government policy of globalization and liberalization in business is also a result of westernization in a way.


  1. Changes in literature: Western literature and culture have also been influenced by literature in various Indian languages.  English literature is considered very rich in all modern literature of the world.  The English language provided an opportunity to Indian scholars and writers to read and understand and benefit from these English literature and other languages ​​of Europe.  This led to the incorporation of Western literary styles, material and ideas in the literature of Hindi as well as all other provincial languages ​​and modernized them.  In the novels and stories of Pt. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Rabindranath Tagore, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, the major problems of Hindu society were found, which was the influence of the British rule literature.  Influenced by English rule and education in the last phase of the 19th century, some writers of Bengal wrote about social reform and national enthusiasm in their literature.  Among them, ‘Anand Math’ written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee is called the Bible of Indian nationality.  In the same book, he wrote the national song 1 of ‘Vande Mataram’.  Thus westernization has brought about a multi-faceted change in Indian society which has affected all the fields of family, marriage, kinship, religion, education, literature, art, music, customs, economy, political system.

Industrialization is an important process in the link of social and economic development.  Industrialization refers to the introduction of large scale new industries and the transformation of small industries into large ones.  The industrialization that took place on a large scale in the tribal areas was aimed at taking advantage of the natural resources of the tribal areas rather than developing them by employing tribal people.  Thus wrong advertising policy led to many bad consequences on tribal life such as cultural disintegration, individualism, secularism and social inequality.  Yet not all tribes experienced the same type of influence after industrialization.  In fact, how the impact of industrialization on a tribe depends on the kind of life that tribe has lived before industrialization and the intensity of industrialization.


Studies given by many anthropologists propose that industrialization has had different effects on each tribe.  Study of Prof. Lalitha Prasad Vidyarthi (1976), Study of Sarkar (1970), Study of J. Sarkar (1970) and T.V.  The study of R. Sharma (1960) confirms that industrialization leads to social disintegration, individualism, secularism and social inequality.  But on the other hand there are many such studies as Rajendra Singh (1967) study, Oragalengar (1962-63) study have different results from the effect of industrialization above.  The student studied HEC Hatia (Ranchi).  Before industrialization, there was equality of all kinds in Hatia like in place of residence, population, economic life and other way of life.  But after the industrialization, there was a lot of change in the first phase of industrialization.  Industrialization rendered the tribes homeless, which led to the problem of resettlement as well as cultural, economic and social disintegration.  Hatia developed into a very industrialized place, which often disrupted the community life of the tribes.  The dignity of the elders in the family began to end and the pressure on the person of the family also began to end.  Rehabilitation of language, religion, clothing and social rituals among tribes occurred.  J. Sarkar studied Bokaro Steel Plant in 1970.  They found that in the first phase of construction, their social and economic system has become disturbed and there has been a stir in their quiet life.  Traditional rural institutions such as the Jajmani system festival, ethnic relations have declined significantly and it seems that there is disappointment in front of the homeless tribes.  Sharma’s study of Jamshedpur in 1959-60 found that tribal culture disintegrated in the first phase of rapid industrialization.  There is neither a forest like before, nor the same method of living life as before.  Rajendra Singh, on the other hand, in a study of Patratu Thermal Station in 1970 found that there have been some other changes due to industrialization but the social structure of the nearby villages is unchanged due to industrialization.  A study of Ranchi area of ​​Chhotanagpur in 1962-63 by Oragalengar found that the tribes in the urban area have adopted Hindu deities.  After coming to the city, he has become more religious than secular.  N. K. Bose observed that due to industrialization, the tribes first became individualists and then they became socialized to protect their economic and political interests.  The above harmful effects of industrialization do not lead to the conclusion that the tribal area should not be industrialized at all.  But to remove the poverty and hunger of the tribals, it is necessary that cottage industries were started here.  This domestic and cottage industry should be related to their forest and should be related to their mineral.  With such low capital cost and more employment generating industries, human and material resources will be used properly in the tribal areas.  Therefore, the trend of using heavy machinery in tribal areas should be stopped.  Must pay attention to this matter such that there is no such step of industrialization that leads to depletion of tribal life and culture.

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