
  Class A group of individuals who have similar social status. There are many statuses in every society. As a result, many classes are also found according to them. When society is divided into different groups on the basis of birth other than, each group is called a class. Some important definitions are as follows … Read more


  Questionnaires    Questionnaire In the social research process, the place of questionnaire is very important among the methods that the researcher uses to collect data. Questionnaire is composed of many questions, in which questions are prepared in advance about various aspects related to the subject of study. The researcher sends this data to the … Read more

Primary and Secondary Sources of Data

Primary and Secondary Sources of Data The success of research or research depends on the fact that the researcher is successful in collecting how much actual dependable information and facts about his study-subject. This success depends on the reliability of the sources of information being obtained. Therefore, the importance of the source of information or … Read more

Research Design 

Research Design  Before starting the investigation, after properly thinking about each research problem, we should decide that by which methods and procedures we want to work, then we need to implement control. Prasha increases. Research and design is the process of decisions that are made prior to the circumstances in which these decisions are put … Read more

Types of Hypotheses 

Types of Hypotheses    The nature of social events, facts and problems is very complex, so many types of hypotheses are used in scientific research. According to Goode and Hot, hypotheses can be divided into three categories, which are as follows   (1) Hypotheses stating existing empirical uniformities – These are those hypotheses which are … Read more


Hypothesis  The literal meaning of sub-contemplation is ‘pre-contemplation’ i.e. any pre-conceived idea or contemplation. It is necessary for the researcher that he should not enter any unfamiliar field like this, but on the basis of his imagination, experience or any other source for collection of data, observation, construct a working proposition and Later in the … Read more

Process of Schedule Preparing 

Process of Schedule Preparing  Creating a schedule is a difficult task. It is created because it is designed to collect proven, necessary and systematic information about various aspects of the research problem. Therefore, before formulating it, it is necessary to have complete knowledge about the nature of the problem and its various aspects so that … Read more


Schedule  Another method of collecting fact-materials is the use of schedules. Schedule is a written list of questions prepared by the learner keeping in mind the subject of study. In this, the researcher himself goes from house to house and gets answers to the questions through schedules. M . NS . In the words of … Read more

Field work in Sociology 

  Field work in Sociology  Field work has a special importance in sociological studies. Most sociologists accept the fact that field work is used exclusively for the study of phenomena. Social studies done on the basis of field work are called empirical studies. This study is the basis of Applied Biology. Applied sociology is that … Read more

Importance or Merits of Observation Method 

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Importance or Merits of Observation Method    The method of observation is the basis of all scientific investigations. Science started with observations. Observational method has special importance in social research. This method can be achieved by not relying on something as simple as human behavior and social phenomenon. It can be manifested by this Vaitanik, … Read more


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Observation  Like the natural sciences, the importance of observation in the social sciences also cannot be underestimated. The observation method is being used by the social scientist for the study of class, community, gender, institutions. As modern instruments are being used in social research, the observation method is being given an equally important place. Several … Read more

Importance or Merits of Interview Method 

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Importance or Merits of Interview Method    Interview method is useful and important in many ways in social research and survey. Through this, it is easy to understand the attitudes and qualitative social facts of the people. Along with this, the benefit of observation is also available in it. Its importance can be understood as … Read more

Types of Interview 

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Types of Interview    Interviews are divided into several parts. This classification. For convenience, this can be done in the following way – – – (1) Classification on the basis of functions ( Classification According to Functions ) (a) Cause Examiner Interview – Cause Examiner Interview is called when the researcher has to find out … Read more


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  Interview Interview is a dialogue and oral response between two persons or several persons. In this, social relations are established between two persons, one is the researcher and the other is the informer. The researcher collects facts by asking questions from the informant. When these responses are verbal in the karmic sense, they are … Read more