Industrial sociology
Industrial Sociology
Nature of Industrial Sociology
Importance of Industrial Sociology
Industrialization and Social Change:
characteristics of industrial society
Industrialization and Social Change: Characteristics of Industrial Society
Impact of industry on social organization
Industry and labor in India –
development of industries and labor force
Labor Commitment
Formal Organisation: Structure and Change
Objectives of Informal Organization
Work and Technique
8 Technology and Employment
8b. gender and technology
Work and Technique
Labor Market
Industrial Relations: The Nature of Conflict and the Changing Role of the State in Conflict Resolution
Trade Unions Growth of Trade Unions Trade Unions and Politics
Economic Liberalization and Globalization
Labor in a Globalizing World
Status and Privatization of Public Sector, Voluntary Retirement Scheme
Industrial sociology
industrial sociology
Industrialization and Social Change:
characteristics of industrial society
Industrial sociology is involved in the work of groups and internal relations, the role of groups of workers, and the study of machine and equipment in social welfare.
William A. According to Faunk, “While industrial sociologists differ in their definitions of the field, there is a remarkable consistency in the type of material covered in industrial sociology texts.” All of these texts include sections on work groups, the structure of industrial bureaucracies, and union-management relations. Almost all contain some discussion of the industrial process, the major job roles in industry, and the internal organization of trade unions.
Industrial sociology studies the internal relationship, process and method of transactions. According to Schneider, industrial sociologists study the relations of factories.
Meaning of Industrial Sociology
Industrial sociology is the study of the processes, methods, rules and affect relationships with the industrial system. Industrial sociology is very deep.
Industrial sociology studies the relationships that are associated with industry. Although those relations are studied by the scientific method in sociology. In the modern world industrial sociology has an infinite variety and its problems have become very difficult. There are many such unnatural problems that have come anytime and under any circumstances. For example, the problem of slums is a direct result of industry. Thus we can say that industrial sociology is the study of the processes, methods, rules and affect relations with the industrial system. Industrial sociology is very deep.
Following are some important definitions of industrial sociology.
Parker, Brown et al., “Industrial sociology is concerned with how economic subsystems relate to other subsystems, how subsystems are structured in terms of particular work organization and roles, and how people fit into these roles.”
JH Smith, “Industrial sociology deals with industry (or any form of work organization) as a social system, including those factors (technical, economic, political) that affect the structure, functions, and changes in the system.” ”
These definitions of industrial sociology are very deep definitions. It joins the influential factor, its structure, role and changing factor in the field of social system and industrial sociology.
Charles b. Spaulding, “Industrial sociologists focus their interests on the social organization of the workplace, which involves patterns of interaction among people who are responding to or being treated by each other in the context of their roles in work organizations.” Is influenced by those roles.
Miller and Form, “Industrial sociology is an important area of general sociology that may more accurately be called the sociology of work organizations or the sociology of the economy.”
Scope of Industrial Sociology
According to Delbert C. Miller, “If we are to choose one statement that stamps the progress of industrial sociology up to 1947 and beyond, we should perhaps record the fact that sociologists are still struggling to define the field.” were staying.”
Miller and Form describe the field as “broadly concerned with the study of industrial society (and) also with the analysis of the social organization of work.”
The scope of industrial sociology means the study of human relations which have a common point, the field of sociology is very wide rather than the field of industrial sociology is narrow and limited, study only those social relations which are directly or are indirectly linked to the industry.
Industrial Human Relations Studies
Industrial sociologists have discussed this point that industrial sociology is not so limited whereas industrial chain connects with other economic sector like agriculture etc. Many sociologists hold the former view.
Theology also accepted issues of doctrine or social changes. Social relations in industrial organization help in the study of industrial sociology.
Finally defines, industrial sociology is the subject of human relations, developing due to industry, the scope of sociology is very deep while the scope of industrial sociology is small and shallow. in no
Nature of Industrial Sociology
William A. According to Faunk, “While industrial sociologists differ in their definitions of the field, there is a remarkable consistency in the type of material covered in industrial sociology texts.” All of these texts include sections on work groups, the structure of industrial bureaucracies, and union-management relations. Almost all contain some discussion of the industrial process, the major job roles in industry, and the internal organization of trade unions.
Industrial sociology is involved in the work of groups and internal relations, the role of groups of workers, and the study of machine and equipment in social welfare.
Industrial sociology studies the internal relationship, process and method of transactions. According to Schneider, industrial sociologists study the relations of factories.
Importance of Industrial Sociology
Industrial sociology shows its value in human society. The following topics are important in industrial sociology.
Choice of Occupation: An important feature of industrial society is the division of labour. Industrial sociology defines the methods that can be used for scientific patterns and changes.
Industrial Planning: This era is the era of planning everywhere. Everyone who is all about planning for the minimum utilization of available resources. Industrial progress is not possible without planning. Industrial planning means knowledge of industrial sociology.
Social and Labor Welfare: Most of the other problems are related to the labor problem. When the working class wants and important position an industrial society. Social and labor welfare are mostly linked. Both social welfare and labor welfare require a good knowledge of industrial sociology.
Facilitates Family Integration: The family is a unit of the society. It is a central position of the society. Most of the families in the industrial area are organically integrated due to social evils like poor entertainment, prostitution in the form of alcohol, rapid rate of social control, unhealthy living conditions, overcrowding and not enough houses. These problems must be solved to save the other family. In industrial sociology these knowledges are added.
Peace and Prosperity: Peace and prosperity both national and international problem need solution. This objective requires a knowledge of sound in industrial sociology.
Increase in the knowledge of science The modern age is the age of science. Industrial society requires knowledge of science to think. Industrial progress is a general index of the progress of a nation. Scientific knowledge provides solutions to industrial problems. Therefore industrial progress is not possible without the knowledge of industrial sociology.
Stability of Industrial Society – Systematic change is an essential characteristic of modern society. This minimum stability is a condition of social progress. It is not going out of the changes but the changes should be according to a systematic pattern. Industrial sociology derives from there the theory of orderly change and progress.
Knowledge Growth: Industrial Sociology Knowledge Defines New Segments of the Human Mind. The present industrial society cannot be understood without such knowledge. The principals of the industrial society have also been magazine presence in the developed country.
Solutions to the problems of industrial society In our era, many problems have arisen due to the revolution of industrial society, diversity, changing situation and role of social institutions etc. These problems are strikes and lockouts, recruitment problems, accident problems, wage problems and problems of health, housing, sanitation, hygiene etc.
Education, entertainment and social security etc. These industrial problems are related to other society. The solution of all these problems must require a solid knowledge of industrial society.
Helpful in personality development: Undeveloped personality increases social disorganization. Industrial sociology knows the condition of the undeveloped human personality in industry. This knowledge can be used for personality development of the individuals who are associated with the industry.
In ancient times man has been associated with industry. When a man was uncivilized, man was engaged in crude and sick industries. Man is naturally industrious. Because of his industrious nature, he made weapons of wood and stone. When something is manufacturing by systematic and plant pattern, if there may be industry.
The word industry is related to the Latin word industria which means anything under which technology is done efficiently and smoothly. Resourcefulness means using raw materials and machinery economically.
tools of sociology
The meaning of sociology is a different name for social relation. All types of social relations are studied in Sociology. Sociology is a scientific study which means the beginning of a systematic study.
According to MacIver and Page, “Sociology is about social relations, the network of relations we call society.” This definition means that sociology is the science of social relations. If there is a group of people who do not have any relation with each other as a group then it will not be acceptable to sociology. words of william fowles
In, ”What Sociology Offers to the Student of Industrial Social Organization. Today there is not a set of rules of social behavior, but a particular attitude or a particular way of looking at the world of work.
industrial social relations
internal relations external relations formal informal mixed
Internal Relations
In industrial sociology, we study the internal relationships that are directly or indirectly associated with industry. Internal relations are defined by a mill, factory, industry. Owner, manager all employees and labor are connected in internal relation. There are three types of internal relations – formal, informal and mixed. These are as follows:
Formal Relations: Formal relations are those who are associated because of their work and status. Formal relationships do not include personal relationships. Formal relationships in industry are linked to work. For example, two persons are doing the same job in a factory. One person cuts the cloth and another person sews them, the relationship between them will be formal.
Informal Relationship: Informal relationship is the relationship that exists between the members of the management and the employees. If there is friendship or comfort between two groups of a factory, then it will be called informal relationship. Sometimes the members get divided into two groups in a factory. There will be a relation of dislike or hatred between the two groups.
Mixed Relationships: Some relationships are neither formal nor informal. These relations are called mixed relations. These relationships are partly industry and partly personal. For example the worker did his work and he participates in some function. Both these functions are performed by the worker so they create cooperation between the worker and the management. This type of relationship will be known as mixed relationship.
External Relations
An industry has many types of relationships. An industry got license, got financial help from the government. Some of the industries are related to educational institutions and polytechnics. These include workers and officers from these institutions.
A factory, mill or industry is related to other factories, mills and industries, government and many social organizations. These relations are known as external industrial relations. The above discussion presents the social relations which are studied by industrial sociology.
Value of Industrial Sociology in India
All the above points regarding the value of industrial sociology are applicable to its importance in India. The following points may be noted in this regard:
Growth of Labor Organization Unfortunately, trade unions in India are more involved in political games than in labor welfare. Industrial sociology is useful in removing this tradition and recognizing labor unions for realizing labor welfare.
Nationalization: When some private industries fail to resolve their internal disputes, one of the solutions is nationalization. Industries related to raw materials are nationalized so that raw materials are available to the industries at reasonable rates and in sufficient quantities. Industrial sociology can be useful in achieving nationalization of essential industries.
The problem of unemployment is increasing with the progress of large scale industries in India. This has increased unemployment. Automation has been opposed by some labor unions. The solution of unemployment requires knowledge of industrial sociology.
Employer-Employee Relations: Industrial peace and progress depend on the relations between the employer and the employee. Due to this relation due attention is given to many factors like working conditions, rates of wages, security of jobs, provision of housing and scientific method of progress. Scope of Industrial Sociology whose help is required for better relation of employer and employee.
Theology also accepted issues of doctrine or social changes. Social relations in industrial organization help in the study of industrial sociology.
Finally defines, industrial sociology is the subject of human relations, developing due to industry, the scope of sociology is very deep while the scope of industrial sociology is small and shallow. These relationships can be defined as follows:
Division of Labour: The division of labor in India has traditionally been based on caste. The caste system is now seen as a complement in national progress. That’s why efforts are being made to destroy the caste system. This is division of labour. Anyone is now engaged in any profession on the basis of his ability. Industrial sociology can help with the process of division of labor.
Economic Progress: In India, the slogan of removing poverty is heard everywhere today. Industrial progress means progress in agriculture. Without industrial progress, many people cannot get employment. In fact, economic development is essentially industrial development. Industrial development is the subject of study of industrial sociology. This can give direction to economic progress in India.
Social Welfare – The modern state is a welfare state. This is true in India today. Social welfare means welfare of backward classes, poor and middle class are not able to realize their welfare. This social welfare requires direction from industrial sociology.
Importance of Industrial Sociology
industrial society
The weapon shows its value in the human society. The following topics are important in industrial sociology.
Increase in the knowledge of science The modern age is the age of science. Industrial society requires knowledge of science to think. Industrial progress is a general index of the progress of a nation. Scientific knowledge provides solutions to industrial problems. Therefore industrial progress is not possible without the knowledge of industrial sociology.
Stability of Industrial Society – Systematic change is an essential characteristic of modern society. This minimum stability is a condition of social progress. It is not going out of the changes but the changes should be according to a systematic pattern. Industrial sociology derives from there the theory of orderly change and progress.
Knowledge Growth: Industrial Sociology Knowledge Defines New Segments of the Human Mind. The present industrial society cannot be understood without such knowledge. The principals of the industrial society have also been magazine presence in the developed country.
Solutions to the problems of industrial society In our era, many problems have arisen due to the revolution of industrial society, diversity, changing situation and role of social institutions etc. These problems are strikes and lockouts, recruitment problems, accident problems, wage problems and problems of health, housing, sanitation, hygiene etc.
Education, entertainment and social security etc. These industrial problems are related to other society. The solution of all these problems must require a solid knowledge of industrial society.
Helpful in personality development: Undeveloped personality increases social disorganization. Industrial sociology knows the condition of the undeveloped human personality in industry. This knowledge can be used for personality development of the individuals who are associated with the industry.
Choice of Occupation: An important feature of industrial society is the division of labour. Industrial sociology defines the methods that can be used for scientific patterns and changes.
Industrial Planning: This era is the era of planning everywhere. Everyone who is all about planning for the minimum utilization of available resources. Industrial progress is not possible without planning. Industrial planning means knowledge of industrial sociology.
Social and Labor Welfare: Most of the other problems are related to the labor problem. When the working class wants and important position an industrial society. Social and labor welfare are mostly linked. Both social welfare and labor welfare require a good knowledge of industrial sociology.
Facilitates Family Integration: The family is a unit of the society. It is a central position of the society. Most of the families in the industrial area are organically integrated due to social evils like poor entertainment, prostitution in the form of alcohol, rapid rate of social control, unhealthy living conditions, overcrowding and not enough houses. These problems must be solved to save the other family. In industrial sociology these knowledges are added.
Peace and Prosperity: Peace and prosperity both national and international problem need solution. This objective requires a knowledge of sound in industrial sociology.
Value of Industrial Sociology in India
All the above points regarding the value of industrial sociology are applicable to its importance in India. The following points may be noted in this regard:
Social Welfare – The modern state is a welfare state. This is true in India today. Social welfare means welfare of backward classes, poor and middle class are not able to realize their welfare. This social welfare requires direction from industrial sociology.
Growth of Labor Organization Unfortunately, trade unions in India are more involved in political games than in labor welfare. Industrial sociology is useful in removing this tradition and recognizing labor unions for realizing labor welfare.
Nationalization: When some private industries fail to resolve their internal disputes, one of the solutions is nationalization. Industries related to raw materials are nationalized so that raw materials are available to the industries at reasonable rates and in sufficient quantities. Industrial sociology can be useful in achieving nationalization of essential industries.
The problem of unemployment is increasing with the progress of large scale industries in India. This has increased unemployment. Automation has been opposed by some labor unions. The solution of unemployment requires knowledge of industrial sociology.
Employer-Employee Relations: Industrial peace and progress depend on the relations between the employer and the employee. Due to this relation due attention is given to many factors like working conditions, rates of wages, security of jobs, provision of housing and scientific method of progress. Scope of Industrial Sociology whose help is required for better relation of employer and employee.
Division of Labour: The division of labor in India has traditionally been based on caste. The caste system is now seen as a complement in national progress. That’s why efforts are being made to destroy the caste system. This is division of labour. Anyone is now engaged in any profession on the basis of his ability. industrial society
Weapons can help in the process of division of labour.
Economic Progress: In India, the slogan of removing poverty is heard everywhere today. Industrial progress means progress in agriculture. Without industrial progress, many people cannot get employment. In fact, economic development is essentially industrial development. Industrial development is the subject of study of industrial sociology. This can give direction to economic progress in India.
Now different types of tools and machines are used. Man has always made them by the use of his intelligence and his power of adjustment to use the means to his ends. In fact the root Latin word for industry is “Industria” which means skill and resourcefulness and in this sense an industrious man means a diligent and clever worker. Industry in the modern sense means a system of production. Where large sophisticated machines and equipment are used to produce economic goods and equipment is used to produce economic goods and services.
industry as a mode of production
Industry is used today to refer to the factory mode of production where large or small machines are operated to produce consumer goods. This system involves a scientific or rational way to increase production. ‘Factory’ refers to a ‘place’ where a large number of workers work together under one roof. This system is developed by entrepreneurs who are also capitalists or traders. These agents invest their money in big projects and can wait a long time to get their money back. In the late eighteenth century, entrepreneurs developed this system to mass-produce goods of general use. In this type of system capitalists invested large sums of money in land, buildings, machines or labour, workers were called from outside to manufacture many goods. This method of production was found to be very suitable and immediately successful in achieving the objectives. Therefore, it claimed wide acceptance and popularity everywhere in Europe.
This system is very different from the earlier methods of production. In Europe, around the thirteenth century, the guild system of production was prevalent and flourishing at that time. It was a pure handicraft system of production – very slow and time consuming. The craftsman or master or specialization of labour, as a result of which a single worker had to do the whole work, following all the stages of construction. The entire manufacturing process took a long time, resulting in very few orders being placed in a year. In the end the cost of the product produced was so high that only the rich could afford it. Therefore, the guild system was not suitable for ordinary men.
An organization of workers in a particular craft formed what we call the guild system. The guild system had certain rules and regulations. In order to maintain the economy of the owners of the shop’s main staff and to control the fluctuations of the demands, there were many restrictions.
- use of tools and techniques,
- Number of orders accepted by each master every year.
- To increase the number or speed of recruiters being hired.
The main idea was to prevent the lord from getting rich at the expense of others. The guild was also to check the quality and quantity of the products to the satisfaction of the customers. The guild also had sole access to raw materials. All masters and other apprentices were essentially guild members. The guild system differed from the existing industrial system in two ways: first the guilds tried to maintain equality among the masters of the craft at any rate and second it aimed to maintain their economic status, they did this by regulating prices .
The relationship between masters and apprentices was very informal and was more like that of father and son. But once the apprentices completed their training, they aspired to become the master and thus compete with him.
Although the guild system was very popular in the sixteenth century, with the invention of many new metals outside Europe, there was a demand for new products. This demand for new products led manufacturers to look for alternatives, as they could not go for new methods under the existing system. In relation to inventions in Western Europe, America and Asia
New metals and materials such as glass, porcelain, silk fibers etc. made British consumers eager to acquire them. Since under the guild system, no experiments could be made, no new technology or equipment could be borrowed, and the number of workers could not be increased according to the rules. Hence the producers adopted various techniques to meet the increasing demands of the consumers.
These producers went to the villages in search of more labour; He simplified the whole process and introduced many small machines to speed up production. The farmers, who were relatively poor, welcomed this new approach. He showed interest in learning the craft which was very simple and gradually he accepted the orders given to him by the manufacturers. They were provided with raw material, tools and machines along with instructions regarding the design. Farmers to complete work during their off season
agreed to.
Initially this system of distribution of work to individual workers was accepted by all the producers and then this system was known as “putting out system” or “household system”. In India this system is still followed by many small scale industries or informal sectors
Especially by carpet industries. Farmers or new workers got additional sources of income and hence were happy.
But after some time, the farmers started producing defective products and also did not supply on time. The entrepreneurs who had invested their money in both foreign and domestic orders could not afford these losses. Further distribution of raw materials and collection of finished products from individual households consumes a lot of time and energy. This was also causing loss of profit. So they looked for alternative methods of reproduction.
This time, he discovered the “factory system”. In this system, he called upon all the workers to work together under the same supervision and thus tried to avoid wastage of raw material or time. The laborers were called on contract, to be paid only after the work was completed. Workers were trained to use machines and work according to time. Individuals in need were willing to work for entrepreneurs who were now known as capitalists. These capitalists invested their money in building, land, machinery, tools, materials and labor and thus took enormous risks.
In the factory system, the use of wind in machines allowed production to proceed at a rapid pace and on a large scale. This also increased the quality and finish of the products. Industrial products were also more durable than handicraft products.
The use of scientific principles also made the system very efficient. Wastage of time, energy and money can be prevented resulting in huge cost savings. Thus consumer products were available to the common man at very low cost.
The “factory system” was found to be very economical and efficient. It adapted to the demands of the market and was very convenient for the capitalists. The full cost of production can be calculated in advance, thus the price can be fixed with an adequate margin of profit. The scientific basis of this system attracted other entrepreneurs in this field so there was no dearth of funds to develop the system.
The factory system could mass-produce goods, so the government also supported it against the guild system, which was rapidly declining. The government wanted uniforms for the soldiers, coins for economic purposes and other articles of daily use. This requirement was fully met only by the factory system.
The capitalists treated the workers only as employees hired through the contract system. The relationship was very formal and impersonal.