Relationship of industry with other sub-systems of society
Industry is directly related to the public as they are the consumers, so the sale of a particular product depends on the quality or usefulness of the product. Its promises, assurances, prices are to be maintained for the satisfaction of the consumer.
Industry is also indirectly linked to educational institutions, as trained manpower is obtained from there. The industry determines the qualifications required to perform a particular job. The education system, to be effective or useful to the members of the society, must keep pace with the needs and demands of the industrial system. Therefore both the systems must be in contact or in contact with each other.
Industry is directly related to the family where thousands of workers come from family traditions and culture largely influence and determine the attitude of the workers towards their work.
Industry is also directly related to the government as it is controlled by it. The quantity and rate of production, selling price, wages of labour, availability of raw materials, land and machines are all controlled by the government and its policies. The industry also deals with other manufacturing concerns, thus maintaining links with them.
Lastly, industry is concerned with trade unions, the organization of workers to maintain industrial peace. Industry is concerned with the needs and demands of the workers and they have to satisfy them.
Industry as a Complex Social Organisation:
One of the “discoveries” of modern times is the realization that industry, originally thought to be merely an economic or technological organization, is primarily a social organization or institution devoted to the production and marketing of goods and services. . Sociology is their impact on industrial phenomena, ie productivity, morale, work authority etc.
These relationships can be internal or external. The former are within the industry itself where they are concerned with management, operative or both. External relations are those that exist between industry and other external bodies such as government, community, educational institutions and so on.
The more important internal relations for this sector can be further subdivided into formal, informal and mixed.
As P. Gisbert says “Formal relations are those that arise immediately from the performance of one’s accepted duties, which may be managerial or operational, depending on whether they are proper to the management or to the worker.” For.
S”. The relations between the management and the workers are designated as ‘formal’ regulated by a formal code of conduct or laid down rules and regulations are always secondary. Impersonal, contractual and temporary these relations are thoroughly regulated and controlled. There is no personal consideration or any sentimental or emotional touch in the relationship.
Other types of formal relations are those called statutory or sanctioned by law of custom as enshrined in collective bargaining decisions, grievance procedures, industrial councils, etc. These are commonly referred to as “industrial relations”, although their literal meaning is much broader and wider. ,
causal relationship:
Are they spontaneously generated everywhere in industry. Through the general rules of morality and custom. These may exist between individuals who are working together and they may develop an emotional connection. Such informal relationships also develop between groups or individuals and groups such as trade unions and workers. Workers from the same region or province or even people belonging to the same religious linguistic groups may come together and develop informal relationships. Among workers, spontaneous “nuclear groups” or gangs operate to meet the workers’ many needs. They may be relaxed, entertained, feeling elevated, inspired, or supported by formal authority. Not only in employees, but also in managers, office workers and technicians. They help in the formal organization of industry.
Mixed relations are what some authors describe as socio-technical relations. in line with one’s duty
- Relationships with supervisors or other colleagues due to the technical or managerial nature of the jobs. Thus, when the superintendent makes a pleasant remark while instructing the trainee or when the workers sing together, while pushing or pulling heavy machines or carrying heavy loads to different places, they are ‘socio-functional’. Or called ‘socio-technical’. “Relations. Even the relations with the foreman during work also fall in this category which are both formal and informal.
External relations are those that exist between the firm and outside individuals, institutions and societies such as the public, custom government, the community in which the firm operates banks, schools and other organizations with which the firm deals.
The relationships are numerous, varied and sometimes difficult to define but no industry can exist and thrive without taking them into account. External relations are growing rapidly in every field and are becoming very important these days. This is the reason why the importance of the role of public relations officers is being increasingly realized.
Social Responsibility of Industry:
Industry is the most important part of modern society. The rapid growth of industry i.e. industrialization has created new ideals, value systems, lifestyles, new objectives and personalities. We have seen how industry is closely related to various other sub-systems or part of the society. As industry is the biggest sector where millions of people get their source of livelihood, at the same time it should be responsible for the members of the society at large.
Industry is not only an economic or technical system where manufacturing is done mechanically but it involves a large number of persons in various ways.
The first and foremost duty of industry is towards the workers who actually perform various tasks using large and different types of machines. They risk their lives, time and make a career with the industry. Industry should consider their grievances, demands and needs. He should maintain industrial peace i.e. establish harmonious relations with the workers, refrain from strikes or their direct discontent.
Industry should take care of human elements and where it is related to them. Since industry is related to the family by way of providing employment to lakhs of family members, it is immediately responsible for the safety of the family. Workers should be given safeguards like family benefits or pension or other medical or insurance facilities. Employees should also be given compensation if they are injured while on duty. In any scheme of labor welfare, the needs of the families should be kept in mind. The family including partners, parents and children and all those who are dependent on the earner should be considered.
Similarly, the industry is connected to the public through behavior. No unwanted product should be delivered to customers at any cost
- Food should not be adulterated, electronic goods should be defective. The industry should provide good services and live up to its promises and assurances. Industry should also go for high profit margin, not take advantage of the needs of the common man.
Industry should not defraud the members of the community or society, especially when the industry is dependent on
m for its existence. Society is what makes the market and therefore the members should not be cheated.
Lastly, industry is also responsible towards the environment or nature as all human beings depend on it. It is the duty of the industry especially the manufacturing industries to see that the environment is clean and free from any hazardous material which may be disposed off by the industry itself. He should stop unlimited exploitation of nature.