Political recruitment

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Political recruitment

Recruitment and political socialization are two aspects of the same process. The study of political recruitment is the study of various elite groups in which the selection process is studied through which a section of a political elite is recruited from among the common people.

Before the political form of the political system, it is necessary to be educated and initiated in the values and goals of the political system, that is, there should be knowledge of the values and goals of politics. The process of being trained in these values and goals is called ‘political socialization’. When a person is assigned different political roles according to his education and qualification and training

When handed over, it is called ‘political recruitment’. In short, political socialization

Political culture is a learning process. While political recruitment is the entry of members into politics. The function of political recruitment is based on the concept of political socialization. Political recruitment recruits members based on positions, statuses, and roles.

The political system functions freely but there is a lot of differences, favoritism,

Prejudice and group interests etc. are its negative factors. These factors create tension in them.

create a crisis situation. Therefore, for the stability and continuity of the political system

It is necessary that a reasonable degree of unanimity is found. It is the duty of the elites to

Maintain unanimity. Political socialization of political elites and their potential

Favorable roles are assigned, that is called political recruitment. political

Political sociologists mention various factors of political recruitment which are as follows –



Capacity .

These factors have an important contribution in the political system. Which person gets when, where, what and how much depends on who has authority over these factors. Political recruitment is due to power and power is helpful in political recruitment. Political recruitment in India is done on the basis of caste, religion, personal influence, family background, economic influence, whereas in countries like America, Russia and China, people recruited in political elite are military, economic status, ownership of natural resources, administrative ability and war. There is capability, motivation and readiness etc.


public participation


Public participation or people’s participation in politics is an essential and important part of the political system. In every political society, the political power remains in the hands of the elite and it is the effort of these elites that more and more people participate in the political system. It is a universal fact that the more citizens participate in the political system, the more stability the political power gets. Participation gives legitimacy to political power. In a society where the amount of political participation is low, there is a high possibility of chaos or anarchy.

Political participation means that more and more people should cooperate and work in political power. Its importance is more in a democratic system because in a democracy the public gives its consent to the government or withdraws the consent given.

Political participation can be defined.


Mac Blasky wrote that

“Political participation can be defined as those voluntary actions by which the members of society participate in the selection of rulers.

And directly-indirectly participate in the formulation of public policies, can be defined as. In this definition, from casual activities like political conversation of club members to active activities of members of political parties can be included in it.


Public participation is a complex concept as it is influenced by various variables. These major variables can be psychological, social and political and due to these variables the degree of political participation varies between different countries, times and people.

Political sociologists have mentioned several activities of political participation. These activities lead to a clear analysis of the nature and extent of political participation. Voting, giving information, debating, converting, attending meetings, donating, taking membership of a party, participating in elections, giving speeches, writing and contesting elections for political parties are activities of political participation.

There can be many reasons for political participation like education, occupation, income, sex, age, residence, mobility, religion, caste, group, influence etc. It has been proved by many research studies that the more educated, higher income, male class and people living in the city, the level of political participation is higher. While people with low status have low levels of political participation, the political environment increases the amount of political participation.

If the size of a nation is very large and there are not enough resources, then political participation will be less.


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