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The field of social psychology is very wide. Its subject matter can be divided into several parts. Is . We can divide the entire field of social psychology into five parts.

. Interpersonal Social Psychology Process –

Individuals not only respond to others, but also act as stimuli for the responses of others. Interpersonal attraction, aggression and socially useful behaviors arise as a result of the interaction between individuals. The study of the nature, classification and factors affecting them, etc., resulting from the interaction of individuals, is an important part of social psychology.

. Experimental Social Psychology –

A human living in a society is called a social human, his behavior is influenced by the climate of any geographical area, soil fertility, population density, available natural and human resources, etc. The study of the effects of all such environmental factors has become a part of social psychology. The study of the effects of social behavior on the natural and man-made environment comes in this area. Education is also a kind of social process and teachers, learners, people who provide education material related to the feats of education are also influenced by the characteristics of education. The detailed study of all these aspects comes under social psychology.




. Socialization and Cultural Effect – The form in which children develop after birth is called socialization. All social and psychological processes and behavior are affected by the socialization of an individual. Various forms of socialization and the differential effects of cultural differences are studied extensively in social psychology. It is clear from the above description that the subject matter of social psychology is very wide and it is an important branch of psychology.

. Social Psychology Group Process –

There are many such behaviors by individuals in a society, which can be considered under the behavior or characteristics of that particular group and the action elements underlying it. Group effect also comes under this. Under the collective influences, aspects such as standards and standards-making processes, homogeneity, leadership obedience can be kept. Within the group process itself, social psychologists did a scientific study of various aspects of social problems like group performance, public opinion, public communication and effectiveness.

. Individuals Social Psychology Process Under social psychology, social psychology studies how the basic psychology processes of any human being affect the society and the customs, social values ​​etc. Individuals, inspired by social factors, perceive other individuals, social opportunities and events happening around the individual. It is the quality and nature of a person that immediately after realizing the event, he guesses the cause of that event. The study of causal relationship perception is done under the heading attribution. A wide section of social psychology focuses on the studies of soul perception, person perception, social cognition and social perception. As a result of his socialization, a person develops various types of social attitudes. In the study area of ​​social psychology, along with studying the nature, structure and construction and measurement of attitude, attitude change is also studied. Many psychologists also place social motivation and self-development under the subject of social psychology.



It is clear from the above-mentioned definitions that social psychology has often been considered to have a scientific nature on the lines of natural sciences and according to the Euro-American tradition, primacy has been given to the behavior of the individual. This was only natural because in the light of the renaissance in the western world, both science and modernity emerged as the main ideological forces. The individualistic view was a product of modernity. The objective study of human behavior was possible only from an individualistic point of view, as a result of the scientifically collected collection of individualistic culture. In this context, it is not without reason that most of the theories of social psychology have become person-centred and social processes are held to originate from the individual or centered in the individual. But due to political, economic, intellectual dominance, such facts and principles were given the status of being universal. Not only this, under the influence of science, these principles (being scientific) were also accepted as absolute from the time of the country. It was also hoped from science that more and more aspects of the social behavior of the individual could be explained. But this is not confirmed by the history of theoretical development so far. No theory has been disproved merely because it.





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