


When a person is physically and mentally eligible to work, but still does not get the work, he can be considered as unemployment.  The state of unemployment is there in every society, but in some societies unemployment comes as a serious and serious, economic and sociological problem.  While industrialization and urbanization have created new means of employment on the one hand, on the other hand they have also encouraged unemployment.  Due to lack of competition from the goods produced due to mechanization, small and cottage industries have been destroyed due to which millions of laborers migrated from the villages to the city.  As a result, labor unemployment increased, industrialization has contributed to the development of capitalism.  Due to uneven distribution of wealth and inequality, many social and economic problems were misplaced, in which unemployed person gets frustrated, frustrated and inferior, due to which other mental and other social problems like crime etc. are born. Who should be considered unemployed?  Do such persons who despite being post-graduates do work like bus-conductors or clerks etc. or such skilled workers who work as indirect workers?  All these people are called ‘unemployed’ but not ‘semi-useless’

Today, we would claim to be empowered with scientific power.  Huh .  Considers industrial development as the basis of economic growth and attempts to rate ignorance by expanding education;  But right there we bow our head in front of unemployment, then all our successes and achievements themselves make us laugh.  What a curse it is for a healthy, strong and capable person that despite having the ability and willingness to work, he does not get the opportunity to work and he craves for a living.  This is unemployment and this is also the result of unemployment.  But it is advisable to understand the meaning of unemployment before making any further discussion in this regard.


According to the famous economist Gunnar Miradal, “Unemployment is a condition in which a person does not have any job or job but he is looking for or aspiring for a job in which he is getting money or salary in proportion to his qualification.  .  “According to Middle, unemployment is necessarily involuntary, ie those who are unemployed will not be able to find employment despite their ability and willingness to work and are seriously trying to find employment.


Unemployment is the condition in which a person fails to get work even while he is workable and wishes to work at the rate of wages or remuneration prevailing at that time.


Mr. Karl Pribram, defining unemployment, wrote, “Unemployment is the state of the labor market in which labor-power is more than the number of places to work.”


In Florence’s words, “unemployment can be defined as the inaction of a person who is capable and willing to work.”


According to Fairchild, “unemployment is the unwillingness and coercion of a normal working-class member, in normal times, in normal working conditions, from work on a normal salary.”


According to Saxena (Dr. R. C. Saxena), “A person who is eligible to work and wants to work will be called useless in the event of not getting work at the prevailing wage rate in the country.”  ”


It is clear that a useless person will be the one who is deprived of employment despite having the desire to work and is eligible to work.  A person who is not able to work physically or mentally, if he does not get work, then he will not be called useless.  Similarly, although sages – monks and beggars are able to work, but since they do not want to do so, they cannot be called useless.  Similarly, that person is not useless even though the prevailing rate of wages in the country is 8 rupees per day, and 15 rupees.  Not willing to work on less than a day.  In this situation, because of not getting the wages of his will, that person will not work or he will not get employment, but that person will not be called useless.

  Types or Forms of Unemployment

Following are the details of various types of unemployment on various grounds.


 Voluntary Unemployment – Voluntary unemployment occurs when a person does not accept the available employment at prevailing rates.


  Involuntary Unemployment – When a person is ready to get employment at the prevailing price (income) or less but is not getting employment, that situation is called involuntary unemployment.


 Structural Unemployment – This refers to a long term unemployment situation which is related to the backward economic structure of the country.


Open Unemployment – This refers to such unemployment in which the laborer is without any work.  He does not get a little work.


  Disguised Unemployment – Individuals who continue to use some of their labor force but their marginal productivity (MP) is zero, come under hidden unemployment.


 The following six forms of unemployment are generally described:


Seasonal unemployment – Some industries or businesses have this type of process. Passes run only in a few months in a year.  For example, ice and sugar mills do 6 – 7 months a year.  In the remaining months, the workers engaged in these industries remain idle.  Therefore, this type of unemployment is called seasonal.


  Casual unemployment – Casual unemployment is unemployment that arises as a result of sudden increase in the number of workers.  This kind of unemployment often develops after the economic depression (Ecn. Depression).


Cyclical unemployment – A type of unemployment resulting in fluctuations in the cycle of trade.  In other words, when there was a sudden decline in advanced trade, the workers had to be removed from the work.


Rural unemployment – Farmers in villages are busy for some time only in farming – the rest of the time there is no work for them, meaning they remain idle.  This is called rural unemployment.


  Semi-unemployed – Sometimes more people are recruited than needed in mills, factories and offices.  Chat is less work for these people, so they get less facilities and salary.  This situation will be called semi-unemployment.


  Industrial unemployment – Sometimes thousands of workers become useless due to the workers’ strike or the lockout by the owners in the industrial institutions, or the closure of a mill or factory due to any other reason.  This is called industrial unemployment.


Unemployment in India


We do not have any definite data regarding how unemployed in India are really, yet comparing serious statistics in different years from employment offices shows the seriousness of increasing unemployment in the country.  At the end of 1970, 41 lakh persons were registered in various employment offices, which increased to 51 lakhs in 1971 and to 82, 17, 649 by the end of 1973. In December 1977, the number of job seekers in the register of employment  offices was 1 crore 90 lakh 24 thousand and in December 1982 this number increased to 1 crore 97 lakh.  1990 as on 31 December 1989 according to the government data given in India.  Names of 27, 76, 220 people were registered in employment-offices.  But according to a non-government survey, at the end of the year 1990 the number of unemployed in India was more than 7 crores.  But this is not all.  Neither ManoramaDewan has truly written that neither the ruling party nor the opposing parties are predicting a terrible and dangerous explosion which is going to happen in India in the 21st century, exactly 9 years from today.  The amazing thing is that there is no discussion of this terrible explosion by making a policy.  I. L. O. The VishwaMazdoorSanstha said in a report that when the 21st century begins, there will be more than ten crore unemployed in India, which will be the number of unemployed in the world tomorrow.


In front of them, hunger pangs.  The scene becomes unbearable for him after a period, and it is easier for him to take the path of theft, robbery, forgery, or prostitution than to bear it.

 Many social problems – unemployment, begging, gambling and drinking alcohol give rise to social problems.  A frustrated and unsuccessful person from every side tries to forget all his frustrations by drinking alcohol and invites most of the wastage for himself and his family.  The useless person is playing the gamble likewise – endured wealth also loses in it and returns with all the bouts of life.  In the end, there is only one way left for him and that is to spread the bag of begging, and thus a new problem of beggars is born in the country.


  Family Dissolution – In the state of unemployment, the process of family disintegration also becomes active because women also leave the house to work outside so that the family system is deteriorated and the children are not able to raise properly.


  Revolution – The problem of unemployment can lead to revolution.  The idle person suffers from lack.  Every grief and suffering has to be endured.  In the meantime, when he sees that some of the big men are spending millions and crores of rupees full of comfort and luxury in the vault, then it is not possible for him to bear his lack and sufferings and he can make revolution against those rich


  Barrier in progress – Unemployment is a hindrance in the progress of the country because the society is not able to benefit from the services of the useless people and all together are unable to work for its progress.  This is a huge economic and social loss for the country or community.  8.  Loss to the future generation – In the state of unemployment, the community is severely harmed because in this stage the parents are unable to raise the children properly so that the future generation of the community becomes inept, weak and poor.


  Measures for Eradicating Unempolyment:

Removing unemployment is not an easy task as this problem is related to the entire economic and social system.  Therefore, unemployment cannot be removed without reforming the entire system of the country.  The following measures can be adopted in this regard:

(1) To stop unemployment it is necessary to stop the growth of population.  Employment facilities are increasing in a very small proportion in the country, so it is advisable not to let birth rate rise.  For this it is necessary to adopt family planning.


For this, it is necessary to improve the education system as well.  Simultaneously, more emphasis should be laid on technical education so that qualified and skilled people can be found for the right place.


3) Improvement in agricultural problems is also very difficult to overcome Indian unemployment.  For this, the need is to have a proper system of irrigation, to make more and more miko cultivable and to provide loans to farmers on easy terms.


(4) Seasonal unemployment can be easily overcome by increasing public works.  With the implementation of such works, farmers will be able to work at a time when they remain idle.


(5) Establishment of employment centers (Empolyment Exchanges) is another way to remove unemployment because through these centers, by providing technical education to the workers, they can easily work and establish balance in the demand and supply of workers in the country.  It is possible .  It has often been seen that employment facilities are available in the country but due to lack of knowledge about vacant workers, they cannot get work.  Employment centers will be able to solve this problem.


6) Unemployment insurance can also be helpful in reducing the consequences of unemployment as these beams will continue to provide financial assistance to the workers during the crisis and their standard of living will be so low that they will no longer be of any use.


(7) In order to solve the problem of unemployment in a comprehensive manner, we have to create huge employment opportunities in the rural areas so that the tendency of leaving the village to the cities can be stopped.  This objective can be achieved well through the ‘Area Focused Program for Integrated Rural Development, in which the needs of small and marginal farmers and agricultural laborers should be given priority.


(8) By developing small and cottage industries, we can also take important steps towards solving the problem of unemployment or unemployment;  But small scale industry should not be a small adaptation of big industry;  Rather, it should be an industry that uses an industry that is suited to the conditions of our waste labor and scarce capital.


(9) The government will also have to play an active role to remove unemployment, as it will never be possible to solve this problem until proper plans are made by the government.  The government should itself thrive many such industries in the public sector that can provide more opportunities for employment;  But it should also be remembered that this problem cannot be solved only by relying on industrialization.  .  Since the economy of India is more dependent on the villages, new work-policies have to be made to provide gainful employment in rural areas only.  If the government really wants to find a solution to the unemployment problem, it will have to give concrete and concrete form to Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘idea of ​​self-reliant rural communities’.



 Governmental Efforts to Eradicate Unempolyment Many efforts have been made by the government from time to time to remove unemployment.  Although the mention of those efforts is often impossible, some of the major efforts in this regard can be presented very briefly in the following form:


  1. National Employment Services – PEDMINOT offices were established in 1944 to help people get employment.  The number of these offices was 143 in 1956.  Today it is 869.  It does not include 87 universities, employment – information and guidance bureaus.  Through these employment offices, millions of people are assisted in providing employment every year.  The Central Government has set up 117 centers for the training and guidance of people desirous of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe jobs.  Apart from this, 2,090 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) have also been set up in the entire country where about 4 lakh artisans are being trained in the country.  Not only this, there are 25 special employment offices for the physically challenged.  For them, 19 vocational rehabilitation centers are operating in cities like Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Delhi, Jabalpur, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Patna, etc.  These centers provide outright comprehensive services to the disabled for their rehabilitation.  Special centers for women with disabilities have been set up in Patna and Vadodara.  In addition, under the Higher Vocational Training System (1977), Foreman – Supervisor, Training Scheme (1971), Apprentices Training Scheme (1961), and Industrial Workers’ Share Link Training Scheme (1958), people are also prepared for employment.  .  Vocational training services are also available for women.  The Central Women’s Training Institute is a national women’s training institute based in New Delhi.  The institute provides trainer training and higher training in specialized occupations suited to women.  On 15 August 1979, the National Scheme for the Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment (TRYSEM) was launched as a centrally sponsored scheme.  Its main objective is to provide the necessary technical and skill to rural youth in the age group of 18 to 35 years to obtain the qualification for agriculture and allied activities, industry, services and business self-employment.  About 20 lakh rural youth have been trained under this scheme so far.


2 .  Employment Oriented Program of Khadi and Village Industries Commission – Khadi and Village Industries Commission is running a program to provide ’employment close to home’ on which Rs 1600 crore will be spent.  This will provide 17 lakh jobs in Khadi, 35 lakh in village industries and 20 lakh in new small scale industries.


  1. Self-Employment Scheme – By 1982, 394 District Industrial Centers were established to provide employment through the development of decentralized small and cottage industries – businesses through which people are provided financial assistance for ‘self-employment’.  3 in the year 1979 – 80 alone under this scheme.  It is estimated to provide employment to 66 lakh people.  From 15 August 1983, the Central Government has launched another scheme of ‘self-employment’.  Under this scheme, 2, 50, 000 educated unemployed people in cities below 10 lakh population will get a loan of Rs. 25,000 per person per year to establish their industry or business.  For this, an additional amount of 160 crores will be made available to the banks.  In the year 1983 – 84, under this scheme, 2.  42 lakh youth benefited, while 2 in 1984 – 85.  5 lakh youth were provided benefits.  31 under the scheme during the year 1990 – 91.  62, 18 crores were sanctioned to 597 educated unemployed.  Apart from this, the central government has recently started a new self-employment scheme for urban poverty, on which Rs 250 crore.  It is estimated to be spent and 5 lakh people will benefit from it.


  1. Recent Rural Employment Schemes – Some rural employment schemes such as ‘National Rural Employment Program’, ‘Rural’ during the last decade to provide work to the rural unemployed and under-employed, which affect the rural population, especially the poorest class.  Landless employment guarantee scheme and ‘JawaharRozgarYojana’ were started.  It was started in October 1980 as a scheme sponsored by RashtriyaGraminRojakandra and its expenses were – to create additional opportunities for gainful employment, construction of permanent community assets and improvement of all aspects of the life of the villagers.  On 15 August 1983, the villagers’ on the same basis


BhimlessRojgar Guarantee Yojana (RLEGP) was launched.  It was a 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme.  The objective of the scheme was to improve and expand employment opportunities especially for rural landless laborers and to guarantee at least one member of every rural landless laborer family to provide 100 days of employment in a year.  1, 874 crore and 3, 092 crore respectively on the National Rural Employment Program in the Central and State sectors during the Sixth and Seventh Plan.  Employment was provided for 17, 750 lakh and 14, 780 lakh working days respectively.  ‘Under the Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program, Rs. 394 crore and Rs. 2,640 crore respectively during the Sixth and Seventh Plan.  Employment was provided for 2, 630 lakh and 11, 500 lakh working days respectively by spending.  From April 1, 1989, the ‘National Rural Employment Program and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program were merged into the single village employment program known as’ JawaharRozgarYojana’.  Now we will discuss in detail about the same scheme.


(5) JawaharRozgarYojana 1989 – On 28 April 1989, Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi announced a ‘JawaharRozgarYojana’ worth 21 billion rupees.  Under this, at least one member of 4 crore 40 lakh families below the poverty line in the medium to village panchayats will get employment.  All the schemes till now providing employment will now come under this.  The center will spend 80 percent on this scheme.  Corruption in employment programs will reduce with the implementation of the scheme by the panchayats.  Apart from this, the money spent in this regard will be available to the needy instead of getting it to the brokers and middlemen.  Under JawaharRozgarYojana, 30 percent of the employment will be given to the poor women of the countryside.  Panchayats will formulate employment schemes themselves, looking at local needs and resources.  Under this scheme, 80 thousand to one lakh rupees will be given every year to the panchayat of villages with three to four thousand population.  Under this, at least one member of the families below the poverty line will get 50 to 100 days of employment guarantee.  Also, the place of work will be kept nearby.  Such a financial structure has been created for this scheme, so that the states will be given a proportion of the population below the poor line.  It will be further handed over to the districts.  This will be done according to the criteria of backwardness.  Such as the share of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the total population of the district, the ratio of agricultural laborers to the total laborers and the level of agricultural productivity.  In this program, special attention will be given to meet the needs of geographically specific areas such as hills and islands.  It is expected that before handing over the responsibility of finances and programs to the Panchayats, a larger amount will be spent on the program than ever before.  The implementation of this program will be so much more open and clean, as never before.  Every villager will know how much is there for the program and which schemes will be spent on it.  He will also keep information about who are working in his village in these schemes.  Every person seeking employment will know how much wages he is taking and how much others are taking.  He will also know how many days of work are being given to him and others.  On June 8, 1989, an additional five and a quarter billion was made for the JawaharRozgarYojana.  For this scheme a provision of Rs.2,100 crore was first made that in the year 1989 – 90, it increased to 2623.  08 crores was reduced to Rs.  Until September 1989 this

Under the program, about Rs. 550 crores.  Employment was provided for about 2, 320 lakh working days by spending.


(6) Other important programs – In addition to the above mentioned programs, several efforts have been made at the government level from time to time to remove unemployment in the country.  In 1971, a ‘Crash Scheme for Rural Employment Program’ was started by the government, on which Rs 150 crore was spent.  Additionally, under the National Adult Education Program, 7, 100 people are projected to get full-time employment and 37, 600 people will get part-time employment.  Currently, 2, 59, 476 adult education centers are functioning in the country.  Apart from this, commendable efforts have been made to remove unemployment through the five-year plans of the country.  In the first five-year plan, 70 lakh new employment opportunities were created.  Similarly, 1 crore in second plan, 1 crore 45 lakh in third plan and 1 crore 50 lakh new employment opportunities in fifth plan.  For the first time in the history of the country, the Sixth Five Year Plan was made employment-oriented.  In all, 40 million people are expected to get employment during the scheme.  Not only this, the Seventh Plan is Rs 18 trillion.  Has been made and through this, more than 4 crore people will be provided employment in the country.  Efforts are also being made to provide employment to more and more people under the Prime Minister’s new twenty point program.  Apart from this, ‘Indira AwasYojana’ has recently been started by the Central Government for which in the Seventh Plan, 1743.  A provision of Rs 18 crore has been made.  Employment-generating goals.  3 crore man-days have been fixed.  Not only this, various state governments have also made special efforts to remove unemployment.  The Employment Guarantee Scheme has been in operation in Maharashtra for the last few years.  Similarly, ‘Continuous Special Employment Program’ has been started in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab.  Apart from this, ‘Unemployment Allowance’ is being given to the unemployed by the governments of Delhi Municipal Corporation, Pondicherry, West Bengal, Gujarat, Kerala, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Bihar, Punjab, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.  Recently, the Government of Uttar Pradesh has planned to employ at least one member of every family to raise the standard of living below the poverty line.  It is clear from the above discussion that many efforts have been made by the government to overcome the complex problem of unemployment and are also being done continuously.  It is to be remembered here that the rural unemployment problem is a serious challenge for today’s employers.  For India, its solution is not only essential for economic growth and production growth, but also for the establishment of social justice, political stability and full opportunity for development for all.  It is our duty that we all come together and get ready to solve this problem with full devotion.  Have been done and planned the complex problem of Nikara.


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