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A social problem related to caste-system is casteism which in a sense widens the gap found between different castes and is expressed as hatred, malice or competition etc. towards each other.  Understanding the selfishness of one’s own caste is paramount, the most common form of casteism, which is based on the feeling that members of one caste have a moral duty to their caste first, then the question of whether to perform that kind of duty towards other people arises.  Huh .  But before taking further discussion in this regard, it would be appropriate to understand the meaning of casteism in a more clear way.  Casteism is the feeling of the members of a caste that leads to disregard and often abuses the common interests of other castes in the interests of their caste.  How should the welfare and progress of only their caste allow them to take care of the common interests of the country or society or castes.  Racism is this narrow form of human emotion.

 In the words of Kailashnath Sharma, “Casteism or casteism is the feeling of individuals of a caste who, irrespective of the general interests of the country or society, only uplift the members of their caste, strengthen the ethnic unity and social status of the caste.  Inspire you to do.  “It is clear from the above definitions that there are two distinct aspects of casteism – emotion and action. The first is psychological and the second is a pragmatist from a psychological point of view. A person affected by casteism focuses his feelings in his own caste and cares for his welfare. 

This concern or such sentiments are narrow because it takes care of the general interests of the society as a whole. That is why it is fatal to the general or public welfare. From this point of view, casteism is also called anti-social.  The other aspect of casteism is functional or practical. It means that a person inspired by casteism not only thinks for the welfare of his own caste, but also acts accordingly i.e. his thoughts and feelings.  It also gives a practical form. The result of this is that people of one caste also do something which is beneficial to the members of that caste.

By opening ethnic education institutes etc. or by building hospitals or at the time of recruitment for jobs.  Behave biased  All the work that is done to benefit the people of the pani caste, they all come to the end of the functional or practical aspect of casteism.  Therefore, it is clear that internal feelings in casteism are also not sufficient, keeping in view the interests of the members of their caste, external expressions are also in the form of actual actions of those feelings.  In practical terms and from a psychological point of view, worldly emotions become the driving force for external actions.




 Factors in the growth of Casteism


Marriage restricions: Under caste-system, there is a directive to marry in one’s own caste and this has been followed for thousands of years.  This ethnic rule regarding endogamy allows in practice to marry only in one’s own sub-caste and a sub-member’s member number is also a committee.  It is understood that each member has become related to each other in one way or the other through marriage.  In this type of relationship – relationships take care of each other’s interests and work accordingly.  Its casteism develops.


  Development of the means of transport and propaganda: Due to lack of traffic and means of publicity, casteism was not known in ancient times.  But today that deficiency has gone away and the connection among the members of a scattered caste is becoming stronger.  While on the one hand members of one caste were scattered in different parts of the country due to the advancement in the means of transport, on the other hand the same means also helped to organize them.  Today, caste conferences are held in different parts of the country and at different times and members of that caste come to participate from every corner of the country and think and try to do the same to protect their common interests.  Also, the propagation of feelings of casteism has become easier through newspapers and ethnic magazines.


  Urbanization: Due to urbanization, a well-established gathering of different castes is possible in every city.  As a result, every caste has the opportunity to form its own special organization to protect its interests.  In fact, the circumstances of the city are such that it needs specialization.  That is why it is seen that specific committees and institutions related to different aspects of life exist in the cities.  A specific organization to protect the interests of workers are trade unions, the owners have their own organization for the protection of the interests of the owners.  Similarly, lawyer association, shopkeeper association, confectioner association, even rickshaw.  Driver associations have also flourished in cities to protect the interests of different classes.  Why did caste last in this environment?  This condition of the city motivates every caste to protect their interests through a specific organization and provide them all facilities to enhance the prestige of the members of their caste in the civil community.


 To improve one’s caste status: Today’s world has opened the door to equality for all.  But the prestige of the caste can remain stable on the basis that by taking advantage of this facility, more and more people of a caste can elevate their position, for that it needs to be tried in a new way, because as already mentioned.  Is, the grounds that determine social status have changed.  Today it is necessary that more and more members of a caste are educated, rich, and are appointed to good positions.  Or possess political power;  Then somewhere the status of that caste can rise in social life.  Therefore, every caste is trying to provide maximum facilities to its members so that their social status can be elevated.



  Industrial Development: Along with modern development, innumerable new professions were born and everyone was given the opportunity to work in those professions.  That is, on the basis of caste, those occupations were neither divided nor possible.  As a result of this, from the perspective of many professions, members of all castes stood at the same level and there was enough competition in relation to the appointment of those professions.  As a result, it became necessary for every caste to provide protection to its members tomorrow regarding appointment in professions because on the basis of experience it was understood that relying only on personal merit would not be appropriate, personal efforts are also needed.  , That is, on the one hand, there should be facility of education etc. for the development of personal qualities of the members on behalf of the caste, as well as those of that caste who are in a high position, they should also try personally that in relation to employment  Even members of their own caste get more opportunities, even if they have less personal qualifications.  Because in open competition, even qualified people can come from them and come.  Industrial development has also helped in the development of casteism in another form.  Today, due to industrialization, innumerable job sector has spread all over the country and people have to leave their homes and go to other places to do jobs.  At the same time, industrialization destroyed the home industries of the village and many of the artisans engaged in them became useless and started migrating from village to city in search of jobs.  All these reasons led to the disintegration of the joint family and the security provided to the people on a family basis was to a large extent.  Hence the need was felt that in the new circumstances arising as a result of industrial development, the members of their caste should be provided security in some new form.  In this way, casteism developed.



  Consequences of Casteism

Casteism is a danger to democracy: Both caste and democracy are opposed to each other.  Many professional leaders benefit from this casteism in the political arena and ask for votes in the name of caste at the time of elections.  And also succeed.  Often people are chosen by this, who sacrifice the general interests of society in front of the interests of their own caste.  There is a slogan of equality, but in practice, the sting of casteism keeps ringing.


   Hindrance to technical efficiency: Since the appointment in government and other types of jobs is on the basis of caste, there is often a lot of people who are unqualified and worthless.  The result is that qualified and skilled people do not get a chance.  In the studies conducted in relation to the workers working in various industries, it is found that due to casteism, hundreds of skilled skilled workers are wandering in the city unnecessarily and novice, unqualified and unskilled workers are engaged in a large number of industries.


  Moral degeneration: Many unfair and immoral measures are resorted to in order to provide all kinds of facilities to the members of their caste, inspired by casteism.  There is also a moral fall in the name of casteism.  Ethics are opposed to all forms of parochialism, but casteism teaches that the common interests of other castes or the welfare of the entire society can be violated even in the interests of their own caste.  When this narrow form of human emotion appears in the form of casteism, moral degradation is possible.


  Hindrance to the growth of Nationality: Casteism hinders the development of a healthy nationality.  One is that the caste system itself has divided Indian society into many parts.  When the tension or conflict between these different parts becomes bitter on the basis of casteism, the narrow form of community feeling is really terrible.  It is necessary for the development of nationalism that healthy community spirit is removed, but casteism does not allow that situation to arise.  This is three times fatal to national unity and progress, it may not need to be explained separately.  Where today the leaders of the nation and the car are trying to remove the discrimination of caste and caste and where the Constitution of India does not make any discrimination against any citizen only on the basis of religion, race, caste, place of birth or any of these.  It gives, there, casteism under its narrow field, presents some narrow ideals and tries to achieve those ideals.  This condition is fatal for the country and the public interest.  Caste is not bigger than the nation nor its place is higher than the nation, why do the promoters of casteism forget this truth, it is a subject of intense psychological study.



Casteism and socialism are conflicting.  (Casteism and Socialism are opposite to each other) This statement is indeed true that casteism and socialism are conflicting.  This can be automatically clarified by the definition of casteism and socialism.  Dr .  According to Sharma, “Casteism or caste-devotion is the feeling of the members of a caste who only care for the upliftment, ethnic unity and social status of the caste members, irrespective of the general interests of the country or society.”  To motivate you to persevere.  “On the contrary, as Worship Bapu has written,” Socialism is a beautiful word and as far as I know all members of society are equal in socialism;  There is neither low nor high.  This is totalism.  “In a socialist society every person will work – not only for himself but for others. In such a society it is not possible to collect wealth only for himself or for his class, because there is equal distribution of national wealth; production, division and  The right of society on distribution, the elimination of bourgeoisie, kings and landlords, is the basic policy “to each according to his needs but to his ability” and any distinction based on sex, caste, birth, species, etc.  – Emotion is not allowed to flourish.  In this sense, socialism is very broad and its aim is to fulfill the maximum interests of all members of the whole community.  On the contrary, casteism is very determined because it motivates the members of one caste to give top priority to the welfare and progress of the members of their own caste by sacrificing the common interests of their country or society.  This narrow form of casteism is seen in all areas of religious, political and social life today.  Educational institutions and hospitals are opened in the name of caste;  Temples are built, appointments are made in various jobs and even during the elections, votes are sought in the name of caste itself.  Today, when the importance of both birth and caste is decreasing and social prestige or high status is being decided on the basis of education, wealth, power, honorable job etc., in such a situation, if people of one caste raise their social status  If you do not take the help of your caste in organized form to maintain it, then surely your situation will fall from day to day. 

Therefore, the need is that ethnic organizations and attitudes should be organized in such a way that more social, economic and educational facilities are accessible to the members of their own caste so that members of a particular caste will get education, money and authority, respectable  Keep getting jobs etc. and their social status also rises progressively, no matter how much harm is done to other people of the society.  Casteism is based on this purpose and organized to fulfill its purpose.  As a result of this casteism, a member of a particular caste gets more education related facilities, at the time of election, by asking for votes in the name of caste, these individuals are made successful in the election.


Casteism and socialism are conflicting.  (Casteism and Socialism are opposite to each other) This statement is indeed true that casteism and socialism are conflicting.  This can be automatically clarified by the definition of casteism and socialism.  Dr .  According to Sharma, “Casteism or caste-devotion is the feeling of the members of a caste who only care for the upliftment, ethnic unity and social status of the caste members, irrespective of the general interests of the country or society.”  To motivate you to persevere.  “On the contrary, as Worship Bapu has written,” Socialism is a beautiful word and as far as I know all members of society are equal in socialism;  There is neither low nor high.  This is totalism.  “In a socialist society every person will work – not only for himself but for others. In such a society it is not possible to collect wealth only for himself or for his class, because there is equal distribution of national wealth; production, division and  The right of society on distribution, the elimination of bourgeoisie, kings and landlords, is the basic policy “to each according to his needs but to his ability” and any distinction based on sex, caste, birth, species, etc.  – Emotion is not allowed to flourish.  In this sense, socialism is very broad and its aim is to fulfill the maximum interests of all members of the whole community.  On the contrary, casteism is very determined because it motivates the members of one caste to give top priority to the welfare and progress of the members of their own caste by sacrificing the common interests of their country or society.  This narrow form of casteism is seen in all areas of religious, political and social life today.  Educational institutions and hospitals are opened in the name of caste;  Temples are built, appointments are made in various jobs and even during the elections, votes are sought in the name of caste itself.  Today, when the importance of both birth and caste is decreasing and social prestige or high status is being decided on the basis of education, wealth, power, honorable job etc., in such a situation, if people of one caste raise their social status  If you do not take the help of your caste in organized form to maintain it, then surely your situation will fall from day to day.  Therefore, the need is that ethnic organizations and attitudes should be organized in such a way that more social, economic and educational facilities are accessible to the members of their own caste so that members of a particular caste will get education, money and authority, respectable  Keep getting jobs etc. and their social status also rises progressively, no matter how much harm is done to other people of the society.  Casteism is based on this purpose and organized to fulfill its purpose.

  As a result of this casteism, a member of a particular caste gets more education related facilities, at the time of election, by asking for votes in the name of caste, S persons are made successful in the election, who keep crushing the common people of society in front of their caste interests.  Are, giving preference to members of their own caste in jobs only leads to the useless and inept persons.  Self-denial, tolerance, affection, sense of nationality etc. do not develop virtues;  Whereas socialism is based on the principles and goals of progress, welfare and prosperity of every common and special.  Therefore, it is clear that casteism and socialism are conflicting.




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