Measures for the eradication of Casteism

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Measures for the eradication of Casteism


  To end caste-system:

To end casteism, it is often suggested that caste-system should be abolished.  The Indian constitution has put forward the ideal of eradicating the discrimination of caste.  Officially some laws have also passed.  On the basis of all this it is assured that a casteless society will soon be formed in India.  But this kind of imagination is not really practical because the root of caste-system in Indian society is so deep that it cannot be eliminated by passing two-four laws.  In fact, some practical measures have to be taken out of it.  The same thing will be clear from the following discussion.


 Least use of the word ‘caste’: As has been said above, the solution of casteism is not possible by making laws or by the efforts of two-four days, for this, continuous effort is necessary and meanwhile the word ‘caste’  Should be used to a minimum, so that no residue remains in the minds of young children.  Education institutions and government offices have to be very careful in this regard and should not promote the importance of caste by mentioning the word caste in any form.


  Promoting inter-caste marriages: Dr. Dhuri has emphasized the need to popularize inter-caste marriages in solving the problem of casteism.  Inter-caste marriages provide an opportunity not only to two boys and girls of different castes but also to the two families of both of them.  In this form, caste-system will be neglected and the gaps between different castes.  It will be destroyed and there will be an active voice of opposition to casteism.  Those people who marry by breaking the bonds of caste will not only create a casteless environment but will also nurture a generation who will be staunch opponents of the caste-system.  In such a state, the seeds of casteism will not get a chance to flourish.  But the need in this regard is to generate favorable conditions in the society to encourage inter-caste marriages.  Even today, the social conditions in this country are not favorable for such marriages, and those who do such marriages have to face a lot of trouble.  Fortunately, a change in direction has started and this is the reason that – as such marriages will be encouraged, as such marriages will be encouraged, as soon as it will have some effect on the dismantling process of casteism.  .



  Economic and Cultural Equality: Economic and cultural inequality among different castes gives rise to mutual malice and competition among them, the basis of which is casteism later.  To end this, economic and cultural equality will have to be brought in them so that on the basis of this equality, they can come closer to each other.  This work can be done only through social and economic progress so that an industrially mature society can be built and a social system can be established in which all citizens get equal opportunities.


   Proper education: To eliminate casteism, an important requirement is proper education.  In educational institutions, through various means of entertainment, etc., such arrangements should be made in such institutions without entertainment that the discrimination of caste and caste may not arise in the mind of another child and the other can generate healthy public opinion against casteism.  For this, mass education is required and cooperation of all institutions and resources is also necessary in this work.  Efforts will have to be made to develop new attitudes and behaviors in the society through this type of education.  Then casteism can be eliminated.


 New types of social and cultural organizations: Some scholars are of the opinion that caste-system and its related emotions are prevalent in the entire environment of India and are embedded in the vein of every person here.  Therefore, it is only natural for them to express ethnic sentiments in one form or the other.  It would not be appropriate to suppress its expression.  The more scientific way would be to change the field of this expression.  For these, it is necessary to organize new types of social and cultural groups.  For these it is necessary that new types of social and cultural groups should be organized and people of all castes should be included in these organizations.  With this type of organization formed, people will get a basis to express their ethnic sentiments, but from this basis the interests of multiple castes and not of one caste.  Defense and general progress will be possible.  But remember that these types of groups should not get organized to fulfill any specific group – selfishness.  It may be that people with similar economic or religious interests form an organization together and over a period of time the organization becomes so powerful that common interests get hurt.  That situation can be another form of casteism or more terrible than that.  It is important to keep this in mind while developing new types of social and cultural subjects.




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