What is the meaning of crude death rate ? 

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What is the meaning of crude death rate ? 

Crude Death Rate

The crude death rate is the easiest method to measure the rate of death. It shows the ratio of deaths to the total population registered in a particular year. That is, the crude death rate for a given year represents the rate at which the deaths in that year have reduced the population. It is also called “death per person per year”.

It is expressed as per thousand. To find the crude death rate, the total deaths at a particular time are divided by the mean population. The amount obtained by multiplying the quotient obtained by 1000 is called the crude death rate per thousand. In formula form, crude death rate = total number of deaths mid-year population C.D.R. = or where C.D.R. = Crude death rate per thousand ED EP x 1000 x 1000 ED = Total number of deaths in an area in a particular year It can be defined as the difference between the number of deaths in a given population in a given year and the population in the middle of that year.

Merits of Crude Dealth Rate —
The properties of crude mortality rate are as follows
1. It is the easiest index to express mortality which can be easily calculated.
2. Less life data is required in its calculation.
3. Due to expressing the death rate of the entire population of a country in only one issue, the rate is mentioned in annual manuals and statistical publications.
4. Can find and compare mortality rates between rural and urban or different castes or income groups or between men and women by crude death rates. It is also useful in comparing the death rates prevailing in two different countries.

5. By this the duration of the life span of the people can be estimated externally.

Demerits of Crude Death Rate –
The following are the defects of crude mortality rate
1. The composition of the population is not taken into account while calculating the mortality rate. In this, communities with different mortality rates of the population are mixed and averaged, which comes out for all classes, whose result is sometimes opposite for a particular community.

2. Due to this, knowledge of differences and effects of different age groups and different elements is not able to be known. Therefore, the conclusions derived from this may make policy making risk full.

3. While calculating this, the data is taken from two different sources. The source of total population is census while the source of total number of deaths is registration. It is an unscientific process to statistically analyze the data taken on the basis of two different sources.

4. Census takes place after 10 years while the registration of death takes place in a particular class. Therefore, the results obtained on the basis of data obtained in two different time periods cannot be called scientific and factual.

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