Causes of Social Problems

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Main Causes of Social Problems


  There are many reasons for the origin of social problems.  Social marketing, social aspirations, social practices, social mobility, etc. are some of the major reasons for causing social problems.  Many scholars have mentioned these reasons of social problem according to their opinion.


  Rob and Seljanic hold five reasons responsible

  1.   When the ability to organize the relations of the people of an organized society appears to be exhausted.

 2 .  When various institutions of society seem to be disturbed.

 3 When the laws of society started being violated.

  1. When the transmission of society’s values ​​(generation after generation) stops.
  2. The aspirations of ordinary citizens started croaking


  Paul Landis mentions four primary causes of social problems.

  1. Failure to adjust person

 2 .  Defect in social structure

  1. Failure in institutional adjustment
  2. Institutional Delay in Social Policies.


  Robert A. Nisvet also mentioned four major causes of social problems.

  1. Conflict of institutions,

  2 .  social mobility ,

  1. Individuality and
  2. Occupational Conditions.


  Robb and Seljnik and Paul Landis have analyzed social problems separately, while Herman and Walsh have criticized this type of study method because it is now believed that all problems are interrelated.  And all problems have a common basis.  The five principles of this common ground – the principle of social disintegration, the principle of cultural defection, the principle of mala-struggle, the principle of individual deviation and the principle of social deviation are found.



  Pro .  Timms wrote that “states that give rise to social problems are states of social disease, social disintegration, differences and divergence. Timms has discussed two general methods of studying social problems.


  1. Process of deviation

  2 .  Structural Method.


 Regarding the first method, Timms states that some people get distracted due to certain circumstances and they try to form a group of their own.  They thus create social problems.  In the second structural method, Timms indicated the notion of abnormal or discrepancy developed by Purton.  Even in societies such as the United States, where the cultural goals of success and the fact that many people in society do not seek institutional help to accomplish their goals, the rate of delinquent behavior is high.


  “Professor Merton has described it as beneficial to divide social problems into ‘Social Disorganization’ and ‘DevientBchaviour”. In addition to this there are some other classes which have been termed as family dissolution, criminal behavior and community conflict  Can go and from which both social disorganization and deviant behavior are felt in different areas.


 Just like the problem of unemployment prevailing in India, it is a social problem because it affects a large section or section of the society (especially the youth) and its solution is not possible through the efforts of any young man, youth, government and others.  This is possible only with the joint efforts of non-government institutions.  Poverty, population explosion, war, discontent, terrorism, etc. are some examples of social problem.  To understand the nature of social problem. It is necessary to have a look at some of its features.  Some of its key features are:


  1. Social problems are a kind of deviation from ideal and social standards.

 2 .  The origin of social problems has a common basis.

  1. All social problems are more or less interrelated.
  2. Society is the root of all social problems.
  3. All social problems are also social because they directly or indirectly affect the whole society.
  4. The responsibility of solving social problems is social rather than individual.


  In other words, the solution of a problem is possible only by the efforts of society rather than by any individual. 


Social problem is a condition that creates anxiety, tension, conflict or frustration and the social problem that hinders the fulfillment of need is responsible for emotional or mental distraction.  Concern is found as a dynamic element in the problem.  A problematic situation forces those who are affected by it to find a solution.  To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to change the situation through social changes. 

In the study of social problems, the focus is on social conditions.  A social problem is a problem related to human relations which poses a serious threat to society or which impedes the attainment of important aspirations of individuals.  Social problems are unfulfilled aspirations for the welfare of individuals.  A social problem refers to a social situation that attracts the attention of a large number of qualified observers in a society, and warns them to reconcile or solve social or collective action through one form or another.  .  The patterns or situations of behavior that many members of society at any time consider to be objectionable or undesirable are the social problems.  It is the belief of these members that to solve these problems and reduce their scope of work Reforms in India require policies, programs and services.


 Common elements of social problem Based on the above definitions, the following common elements are found in social problems: _

  1. The social problem is such an annoying condition that hinders development in both the individual and society.

 2 .  The psychological and physical expansion of the social problem is so much that it hinders the fulfillment of a felt need.

  1. In order for a social condition to be called a social problem, it is necessary that awareness is found in the group or public.
  2. The need for social action and control to prevent irreconcilable powers and their consequences.  It falls.
  3. Structural modification in the environmental situation is necessary to reconcile.  Hence, social problems can be defined as social conditions that pose a threat to social welfare, which many people in a society are aware of, and for which any collective work to solve them or  It requires effort.  –


  According to Fuller – To understand and solve a social condition as a social problem, it is necessary to go through three stages:

  1. To consider a situation as a social problem, it is necessary that people have a firm belief that the situation is unfair to the people in terms of value and something must be done to solve it.

 2 .  On accepting the existence of a social problem, an attempt has been made to consider one of the many suggestions for redressal and to find a suitable means.

  1. To solve a social problem, an instrument is then implemented and reformed.




  Causes to social problems


  1. Social problems arise when the ability to organize the relations of the members of an organized society begins to wane or seems to end.

 2 .  When the institutions of society start getting distracted then social problems arise.

  1. When the people of a society start violating the laws then social problems start to emerge.
  2. When people’s expectations start to crumble, social problems arise.  M


Elliott and Merrill defined social disintegration as “social disorganization is the process by which relations established between members of a group are broken or terminated.”  These scholars state that “social disintegration arises when the forces that make up the balance change and the social structure is broken in such a way that the earlier paradigms no longer apply and the accepted forms of social control do not function effectively.”  do .


  In the words of PH Landis, “Social disorganization mainly refers to the disintegration of social control which leads to disorder and disturbances.


   According to Faris, “Social work is the breakdown of functional relations between human beings to the extent that it hinders the acceptance of group actions. You have further written that a society would experience dissolution at that time.”  However, its various parts lose their integration and are unable to work according to their intended objectives.


Neumeyer has written that “when the unity of group unity and purpose is disturbed, when the balance of structure is disturbed, and when the working relationship of society goes out of order, then these states of disintegration .




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