Difference between Ascribed and Achieved status

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 Difference between Ascribed and Achieved status

two – three decades ago there was a debate in sociology.  The debate was environmental versus inheritance.  Both sides used their arguments to argue that hereditaryists said that the color of a human body and its physical characteristics are derived from birth and that therefore, inheritance produces the potential of humans. The argument of environmentalists was somewhat different.  He said that inheritance

No matter how effective it is, until it finds a favorable environment, personality development stops. The conclusion of this debate is that both environment and inheritance are not contradictory, both complement each other.  Some such comparisons are made between conferred and earned conditions.  Actually, to see which situation is important in these two, it cannot become a matter of any discussion.  If both have to be understood.  So, here we are giving the difference of status given and earned.  Here we will explain the difference between these two situations with this view.

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The status provided is socially stable – the status provided is almost permanent based on biological factors.  The gender difference between male and female is continuous.  Among the species of the world, which is the biological and natural difference, is from the beginning.  We take stability in any given situation.  Sometimes there is a difference, it is seen in hundreds – thousands of years.  The second and earned status is temporary by its nature.  Today’s billionaire may go bankrupt tomorrow.  And beyond this, the dynamics that have come in the business have brought a revolutionary change in the status of the situation in the USA and Europe, then it is a matter of instability in the conditions of tomorrow, who was in the position of a professor reader, today becomes a professor and maybe vice chancellor in the coming days  .  Therefore, the situation provided here is permanent to a large extent, while the earned status is dynamic.  It is of course that in highly industrialized societies, the change in status achieved comes very quickly whereas in rural and tribal societies this change is slight and minimal.  In many such societies, the status of the farmer continues to be obtuse.

2 The given status is the basic situation – when Lynton referred to the earned status, he firmly asserted that until the beginning of the 20th century, the status provided took the meaning of social relations by birth, ie, industrialization, the difference in status.  Urbanization, etc. resulted in  Therefore, from a historical point of view, one has to say that the given status is the basic situation.  Earned status is a recent discovery.

3 The given status is not dependent on the wishes of the individual – created the biological and physical structure of nature.  The leaves of a tree cannot change its color if man desires.  The mountains cannot be bent and bent at the will of man.  Those of low stature cannot be tall and women cannot become men if they want to.  Some conferred conditions are also due to traditions.  Generally, their transformation is also not in human hands.  Therefore, in the nature of the given and acquired status, it is important that the given status is biological and natural.  In some parts it is also traditional, while the status achieved is the achievement of the individual himself.  In any situation he is in.  He is himself responsible for the doctor, the teacher, etc.  At least not biological factors.

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4 The role of a given status changes – roles are associated with each status. It is true that the status assigned does not change.  But when society goes through a rapid phase of change, it changes the roles associated with this situation, the role of parents is to provide education to their children.  But this role of imparting education has been taken by secondary institutions.  However, parents played the role of getting adult children married.  This role has now passed into the hands of the children themselves.  It has been that the conditions conferred have become permanent but equal roles are coming in the roles associated with them.  The roles of earned status have also been changing to the same as earned status. For example, the doctor does not consider the service as his business, for that the service has become a commodity.  We earnestly want to say that the roles which were associated with the given status have changed a lot today in the grip of democracy and liberalism.  Commercialization has come in them. The interesting thing here is that there has been a change in the roles associated with both paid and Ajit status.  This means that despite the difference in circumstances, there is a similarity in their roles, the roles associated with both are variable.

5 The given conditions are more distinguished in primitive societies – there are two conclusions of studies of human beings on the basis of which it can be said with certainty that the place of place in primitive societies is the place of reputation.  Even now the status of panchayat and its chiefs in these societies is hereditary.  If today a person is the head then after that naturally his son will become the head; If we look at the phase of change in the traditional conditions prevailing in these societies, then we will see many earned conditions.  The given and earned status are not opposite to each other, they are both types of status, both are status and both are complementary to each other.  When we look at these situations from a sociological point of view, then we should keep in mind that these types of situations have arisen from the social structure and are connected to social culture, so society is nothing but a network of status when the situation changes  Or the society changes, then the situation and role also change.  We feel that a separate analysis of the situation is meaningless unless we see it in the context of the society as a whole.  The status of status in developing countries is different from that of developed society and the situation in primitive societies always refers to the situation in primitive societies unlike the place which is in developing societies.


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