Norms and Values

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Norms and Values

Ideal rules are those standards of society and group acceptable behavior, whose sustenance is expected from society and group individuals.  It is a type of akusha or control.  People follow this as a means of husbanding social needs.  Its caste is simple.  Without thinking too much – a person has been behaving according to it.  We adopt the methods approved by the culture to meet our various needs.  They are social norms in the broadest sense.  Social norms control divergent behavior in society and help in running the social system smoothly.  If all the norms of social norms are destroyed then there will be chaos.  Equally, he keeps creating standards from time to time in order to keep his system strong and to find solutions to new situations and problems, so Maril has said that ‘human standards’ is the creature to be created.  (Man is a norm making animal) The term social paradigm has come from philosophy in sociology.  Generally, the rules of society are called social norms according to which the members of the society behave and behave.


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 Characteristics of Norms


Its nature can be understood more clearly based on the characteristics of ideal rules.  These are


  1 .. Part of the Culture: Norms are part of culture.  Robert Bierstedt has divided the elements of culture into two parts – Non material Elements and Material Element.  They have divided non-material elements into two parts – ideal rules and ideas.  The normative rules are the normative rules governing the behavior of a person.  These are – rules, laws, rituals, public practices, ethos, practices, traditions, prohibition, etc.


  1. Varieties: Norms have the properties of diversity. These present different options under the special cultural law.  The ideal rules of every society are not the same.  They have variety.  In a society, the ideal rules are not the same.  There are many ideal rules of conduct.  Therefore, there are different types of ideal rules.


  1. Social Rules: Norms are social rules. It includes various rules and bye laws, big and small. Its subsistence is expected from all members of the society.  It is related to ‘duty-feeling’.  The power of the whole group and society is behind this.  Everyone is expected to follow ideal rules.  Human thinking and behavior are guided and influenced by ideal rules.


  1. For the Existence of Man: Norms are integral to human existence. It is a means to fulfill human needs.  The development and observance of every ideal rule is related to one or the other requirement.  As a result, it has become internal to a large extent.  R.  In the words of R Bierstedt, “Where there is no ideal rule, there is no society either.” It is related to social utility.


  1. Way of Life: Norms  is the way of life of human.  Its construction and development is based on factual circumstances.  According to this, a person does not have to make special efforts to conduct.  Model rules are simple in nature.  Without thinking too much – a person keeps on behaving according to them.  Since childhood in the process of socialization


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Only they become familiar with the ideal rules of our society and it becomes natural to conduct accordingly.  As a result, it becomes a method of living.


  1. Technique of Control: Norms is a major method of control, mentioned by K. Davis (K. Davis) has done.  In his words, “Social norm rules are a type of control. Human society keeps the control of its members on the strength of these controls in such a way that they continue to serve as a means of meeting social needs, even if their  This hinders the psychological needs. “


7 .. Rules which were expected to be followed by all the members of that society.  There are many small and big rules and bye-laws in social paradigms. Preservation of social existence is essentially found in all societies,

.  Rearing is not due to external pressure but becomes a part of natural behavior.

8  Norms are relative, ie do not apply equally to all persons or in all circumstances.  Are related to the sense of moral duty,.  Affect the person and also affect them.  Social utility and needs, both written and written

  1. Social Control Social paradigms are the means of social control that control and organize human behavior.


Kingsley Davis states that two types of systems are found in every society –

  1. Normative order,

 2 .  Factual order

The Norms system tells us how to behave, ie the ideal system: ‘What is supposed to be explained.  In other words, the expectations that society has from its members.  Are the form of ideal system.  For example, people taking tickets at a railway station are expected to give tickets by standing in a line to maintain order.  Apart from this, another type of reality is found in the society, which makes sense of the system as it is.  Where .  The ideal system gives a sense of how the behavior should be done, while the system as it tells what kind of behavior actually happens. There can be two types of behavior.  (A) compatible with social norms, (b) unfavorable to social norms.  In the real case, a person can behave in accordance with the norms and also in accordance with the norms.

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