Function of Culture

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Function of Culture


  1. For the person
  2. For the group


  1.   For the person

i Culture makes man human.

  1. Solve complex situations.

iii meeting human needs

  1. Personality building

V: Provides values ​​and ideals to humans.

vi determines human habits.

vii.  Determines morality.

viii bring uniformity in behaviors.

ix enhances experience and efficiency.

  1. Provides protection of the person.
  2. Solves problems

xii.  It gives yoga in socialization.

xiii determines the status and role.

xiv.  Assistant in social control


  1. For the group


 i keeps social relations stable.

 ii elaborates a person’s point of view.

 iii generates new requirements.



    Phase of culture


 Dr  Dube discusses six stages of culture.

  1. Adi Stone Age

  2 .  Palaeolithic age

  1. Neolithic Age
  2. Copper age
  3. Cos era
  4. iron Age


 Normative Bases of Culture


Emile Durkhim said in relation to the need of regulatory grounds to maintain the unity and stability of the society.  W.  G.  Sumner emphasized the need for regulatory bases for the effective functioning of society. When we talk about the regulatory grounds of culture, we discuss all the intangible forms that control social behavior in some way,  We direct and influence.  Examples – rules – values, generalities, stereotypes, laws, customs etc.  Let’s do it.


  Social Sanction There are two types of social discipline.

  1. Positive Sanction

 2 .  Negative Sanction

Positive orientation is that which brings expected action to an action and in doing so, it increases social esteem.  For example, arriving on time in the office is a good thing and those who do so are considered good.  Negative disciplines, such actions, on which prestige falls, are punished.  For example, in India, it is considered bad to raise hands on women, and that causes prestige to fall.


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