Types Of Co-Operation

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 Types Of Co-Operation

Many types of cooperation are found between individuals and groups.  Different sociologists have discussed different types and forms of cooperation.  The types and forms made by some prominent sociologists are being mentioned here.


Maciver and Page discuss two types of collaboration

 Direct cooperation

When different individuals or groups work together face-to-face with the Rambandha, we call it direct relationship.  Not for example.  Playing sports, participating in cultural programs, farming together etc.  Everyone while playing the game.  Cooperates directly with each other.  Similarly, when many people present a drama or dance together in a cultural event, there is also a direct connection between them here.  Meaning to say.  It is that when motivated by the same objectives and goals, the individual and the group help each other through face-to-face relationships, they will cooperate directly.  Here the person works in a face-to-face situation.


 Indirect Co-operation

When an individual or a group works separately for the same purpose separately, it is called indirect cooperation.  This is to say that in indirect cooperation, people have the same interim goal but they perform different tasks differently.  Take a shoe factory for example.  In this factory, different people are engaged in different tasks, then the shoe is ready.  Here division of labor is found among the people.  Everyone achieves their tasks with skill.  Thus wherever the division of labor is found, be it office or factory, Sado have the same purpose or goal but, they are engaged in different types of work.  Here all people cooperate each other indirectly.  The division of labor and specialization has become more prevalent in modern society, as a result, the importance of indirect cooperation is increasing day by day.  The direct relationship between individuals decreases as the secondary relationship predominates.  In such a situation there is indirect cooperation between them.  That is, people cooperate each other indirectly.


 Green (Green) mentions three types of cooperation based on related conditions.

 Primary cooperation

(primary co-operation) In primary cooperation, the person considers the selfishness of the group as his own selfishness.  Under this, instead of thinking of personal interest, the group talked about tomorrow.  goes.  Primary cooperation is found in primary groups.  Individuals in this type of cooperation.Sacrifices his greatest – greatest happiness – facilities for the group.  This type of cooperation is found among the members in the family.

 Secondary cooperation

In secondary cooperation, an individual or group collaborates with other individuals and groups for the fulfillment of their selfishness and interest.  In this type of cooperation, the person works inspired by his selfishness.  In this, the welfare of the individual is not the priority of group welfare.  No person can fulfill his rights by remaining separate.  Therefore, he cooperates with other people to fulfill his selfishness.  Secondary cooperation is found exclusively in the secondary group.  This cooperation is also called balanced cooperation (formal co-operation).  There are many examples of this type of cooperation in modern society, such as cooperation between different organizations and parties.  In such organizations or institutions, the person cooperates with others only to fulfill his interests.  .

 Tertiary cooperation

When different individuals or groups adjust to the situation keeping in mind their privileges, it is called tertiary cooperation.  Here the person cooperates with the other to approve the situation.  It is particularly opportunistic.  When there is nothing to gain from the conflict between two different individuals or groups, they commit themselves to each other.  That is to say, this type of cooperation is done to avoid conflict.  In the days to come, there are strikes in various resources and units.  Individuals have to make commitments with the authorities to avoid this strike and conflict.  This approval here said IIIk cooperation.



Ogburn and Nimkoff)also discuss three types of cooperation.

 General cooperation (common co-operation) In normal cooperation, some people do similar work together.  Similarity is found in the thoughts and behaviors of such cooperating persons, that is, when some people of similar attitude and interest do the same thing together, such effort is called normal cooperation.  On special occasions such as when something has happened accidentally or on the occasion of a cultural ceremony, the person cooperates with each other, then such cooperation is called general cooperation.

 Friendly cooperation (friendly co-operation) – In friendly cooperation, the person cooperates with each other for the attainment of joy and happiness.  The purpose of this type of cooperation is to get joy on any special occasion, participating in group dance, singing, drama and gossiping is an example of friendly cooperation.  The main objective of participating in such a program is the attainment of joy and happiness, that is, the approach of this cooperation is to entertain.

 Differentiated Cooperation (Differentiated Co-operation) In differentiated cooperation, a person performs unequal tasks for the same purpose.) This is to say that different individuals serve the same goal.  Perform different types of tasks.  For example, all the workers engaged in the construction of the building work separately.  They cooperate with each other.  Here masons, laborers etc. have the same purpose but work is different.  .





Cause Of Co-Operation

 Fichtor has highlighted several reasons for the collaboration.  He told that when some people have equal interests, they selfishly cooperate with each other.  Second, some people get so mixed with their group that they are ready to sacrifice everything in the interest of the group.  For example, the army personnel are unitedly cooperating on the border for their country.  Thirdly, when people feel that there is a threat to their group, then the people of that group cooperate among themselves.  When a war between two nations takes place, all the people of one nation are ready to cooperate with each other.  In the end Fiector pointed out that social structure is very important.  Without this, it cannot be possible to maintain a social structure.  Human entities are eternal.  One has to depend on each other to fulfill these needs.  For all these reasons there is cooperation between different groups and people of the society.



 Importance Of Co-Operation


Cooperation is the mainstay of social life.  Cooperation is very important in all areas of social life.  Cooperation is an important place in cultural, social, economic, political and psychological fields.  There is a facility to do any work through cooperation.  A person encounters difficulties together.  This saves time as well as resolving the problem.  There have been many indicators today as a result of cooperation between different people, making our lives happier and simpler than before.  Cooperation creates a feeling of unity among the people and the person is bound by the spirit of us.  The organization of society remains with the spirit of us.  Everyone, according to their position and situation, has a group-welfare approach.  With our spirit and group – welfare, the country is also powerful.  The importance of cooperation in the economic sector is also noteworthy.  The work of production is done only through cooperation.  In the present era, the nature of cooperation is changing due to division of labor and specialization, but cooperation has been found to be mandatory either directly or indirectly.  Cooperation is required to meet different types of needs.  Development of a person’s personality is also a result of cooperation.  When a child is born, he is absolutely helpless.  In such a situation he gets support from his parents and other family members.  As a result, he changes from a biological being to a social animal.  Children could not survive in the absence of cooperation. ‘From birth to death, one needs another.  During this time, he also learns to support others.  This shows that human progress depends on cooperation.  Without cooperation, a person is not able to work peacefully.  Cooperation fills a sense of brotherhood by reducing individualism.  Even after different kinds of unity, the person progresses towards cooperation.











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