Gender and Stratification

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Gender and Stratification

The oldest basis of social stratification is gender discrimination. Men and women are the cornerstones of human society. Society cannot be imagined in the absence of any one. Despite this, in most societies, the position of men is considered higher than that of women. In different areas of life, as much facilities and freedoms are available to men, women do not have as much. The basic functions of women were considered to be reproduction, housekeeping and subordination to men.

When the status of high and low is provided in a society on the basis of sex, then this condition is known as gender inequality. In Indian society from the very beginning, men have dominated women as a group and kept their status low in the family and society. The problem of gender inequality is basically a problem related to women. The position of women in Indian society has been presented as ideal in the theoretical point of view , but in practical terms they are treated with discrimination and their disdain . The humiliation and harassment continues even today. Even now, seriousness is not shown to know their opinion, they are not treated like men and they are not given due respect. This is gender inequality. In the relationship between men and women, only a person with a strong personality gets the dominant position. In general, the man understands the authority of the woman to command, although in some cases the woman is also in a position to exercise control over the man. From the very beginning in India, the status of women was not equal to that of men, but low. Their participation in family and social decisions is found less.

Scientists have explained gender inequality through various approaches. For example, biologists believe that in comparison to biological point of view, women lack intelligence and power. That is why women are subordinate to men and they are not able to attain the same status as men. Anthropologists believe that the earliest form of social evolution was patriarchal. Men dominated the family. Women were subordinate to men, this is where gender inequality is still there. Psychologists believe that women are psychologically weaker than men. As a result, their position in the family and society is lower than that of men and it is natural for them to be subordinate to men. Sociologists believe that the status of women is less than that of men is the result of society and culture. Our thinking and behavior is determined by social values ​​and norms. Social value norms give special importance to men. This is the reason why the status of women is lower than that of men. As a result, the problem of gender inequality developed. In this way, it can be said that when the status of women is determined by considering them as subordinate to men on the basis of gender, then it is known as gender inequality.




Problems of gender Inequality

Economic Dependency:

One of the major problems of gender inequality is the economic dependence of women on men. A man can spend his income according to his will. Women are financially dependent on men on the one hand. As a result, she cannot spend her husband’s income on her own volition. On the other hand, women who are financially independent, they also spend according to the wishes of their parents before marriage and husband after marriage.

Role Conflict:

One of the major problems of gender inequality is the role conflict associated with women. Today’s working women work in office or other places for 8-10 hours, due to which they have to face innumerable problems. The life of the house has to be adjusted with the routine of the office, then it has to be arranged at different points from the housework and traditional routine. This creates the problem of role conflict.

Problem Regarding Property Right:

One of the major problems of gender inequality is that of property rights related to women. Legally, the daughter has the right in the property of the parents, the wife in the property of the husband and the mother in the property of the son. But in practice it is not so. Even today the property of parents is divided among their sons. Mentally, even the letter does not accept its right. In rural areas, even less women are aware of these rights.


Political Inequality:

A major problem of gender inequality is seen in the political participation of women. Most of the women vote for the desired person according to the wishes of their husband or other men in the family. The participation of women in the political field is low. According to the Panchayati Raj system, the influence of their husbands or other male members is seen on the decisions taken by the women who have been elected to the reserved seats.


Marital Inequality:

Man and woman enter into family life through the process of marriage. But there is a clear disparity between the two in the marriage process. Even today, as much freedom as boys have in the choice of life partner, girls do not get as much freedom from tradition.




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