Measures for Eradicating Corruption

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Measures and Suggestions for Eradicating Corruption


 The problem of corruption is indeed a serious problem and many reasons are responsible for it.  Therefore, multi-pronged efforts are also required for its disposal.  We can present some tips and suggestions in this way


  (1) Improvement in the moral standard of politicians is first necessary for the prevention of corruption.  A government run by morally politicized politicians often enacts laws that benefit only their own party or certain groups supporting them – businessmen or industrialists.  As Mr. Sullivan wrote, in fact organized crime cannot survive without the encouragement of corrupt politicians.  Along with this, it is also necessary for them to get the hand of corrupt police.  “Therefore, it is necessary for the control of corruption that the moral standard of the politicians is high and they should adopt more honesty in their lives.


  (2) Honesty is also a necessary condition among police officers.  If the real fear of the police is in the heart of the people then most of the questioning will automatically disappear.  But when people believe that a crime can be removed from the claws of the police on the basis of recommendation or bribe, which openly thrives corruption in society.  Therefore, the police will have to be honest.




  (3) The quality of honesty and duty will also have to be developed among other prominent government officials.  These officers include Income-tax, Sales-tax, Excise and Customs Officer, Public Works Department Officer and Railway Officer (Ticket Checker) etc., which are directly related to the income of the community and the money.  To remove the corruption prevailing among these officers, it is necessary that the Anticorruption Depart ment and C.R.  I.  D.  Department officials themselves should stay away from corruption and do not leave corrupt officials affected by bribe or recommendation.


 (4) We must first remove the corruption prevailing in the court.  The court is the institution of justice.  At the same time, when injustice and corruption is spread, corruption also prevails in the society: therefore it is necessary that the judging class should be free from favoritism and any political pressure and recommendations.


  (Traders and industrialists will also have to try to instill a sense of honesty. They have to understand that success in business is also possible on the basis of honesty and honest business and how much the welfare of the general public depends on their honesty.


 (6) Promotion against corruption can also prove helpful in this direction.  Only through active publicity can people be filled with the feeling that corrupt measures are not only anti-social, but anti-individual.  Are also.  As a means of publicity, the help of newspapers, magazines, movies etc. can be taken.


 (7) Simplification of law is also an essential measure to remove corruption.  Due to understanding the complexity of the law, many people get in a circle of government employees and lawyers etc. and give bribe etc. to get their work done.  Therefore, it is necessary that the law should be so understood.



 (8) Many corruption will be reduced by government ban on fake advertisements.  People who collect forms and exam fees from thousands of people by giving fake advertisements of jobs are vacant, those who cheat people by sending plastic toys – radios by advertising of sending radis for ten rupees – thousands of similar types of fake  Strict punishment will have to be provided for those who advertise and do wrong things.  Only then will this kind of corruption be eradicated.


  (9) Proper management of moral education and religious teaching can also prove beneficial in this direction.  Our aim will not be to tell people about any particular religion, but to make them aware of the good and common teachings and conduct of all religions.  For this, experts of all religions will have to be active.  Moral education will have to be started from the initial classes in the school itself so that the moral standard of the coming generation can be raised high enough.  Moral education and religious teachings will help in slowing down the materialistic extremist attitude of the people and people will not make the mistake of accepting money as everything.  This will also eradicate corruption.


  (10) The economic progress and awareness of public welfare of all sections of people in the service will also be helpful towards eradication of corruption.  The spirit of public welfare will have to be awakened in the heart of the people, they have to be conscious about their duty towards society and nation and instill in them the belief that personal selfishness is despised in front of community selfishness.  This will be possible not only on the basis of preaching or hollow preaching, but also by making necessary amendments in the pay scale of all sections of the people to improve their economic condition.  Many petty employees keep away the matter of two or four rupees, take a bribe of ten to twenty money and take it because their salary is not possible to maintain their family.  This absence situation has to be overcome.


  (11) Finally, it is also necessary to formulate strict rules against corruption and apply it rigorously.  This law should be applied equally to the rich and poor and by not giving any kind of merit to high social status, wealth, position or recommendation, stringent punishment should be arranged for every corrupt person.  If it is known that a person has adopted corruption or provided protection to corruption by taking the cover of his high position, wealth, social dignity, etc., then there should be a system of harsh punishment for him;  Only then can the end of the evil of corruption be possible.





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