Process or Steps of Soreal Research 

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Process or Steps of Soreal Research 


Prismatic descriptive analysis of social research After a systematic explanation of its nature and type, let us try to understand that a social research is organized on purpose. People who are involved in the concept of research, but they are actually ignorant of the scientific process of social research. Therefore, from the point of view of collection, classification and analysis of facts, it is necessary for the researcher to have complete knowledge of the process of research. The process of social research passes through many phases and step-by-step legislations have also mentioned these different stages in different ways.

P . v . Young has mentioned the major stages of the process of social research, which are as follows.

1. Certainly listing the subject of study,

2 , Construction of working hypothesis ,

3. Problem investigation and validation with scientific methods,

4. uniformity of facts,

5. classification of recorded facts into categories or sequences,

6. Making scientific generalizations.


Georg Nuberg, in his major work ‘Social Research’, explained the process of research, which are as follows:

1. construction of working hypothesis,

2 . observation and compilation of facts,

3. Classification and organization of aggregated facts,

4. Generalization.


Gil Banner in his work ‘Investigation Profitable Business Problem’ has mentioned five basic stages of social research which are as follows


1. Formation of working hypothesis to explain the problem and provide direction to the research

, 2 . collection of facts,

3. classification and tabulation,

4. To draw conclusions ,

5. Examination of Conclusions.




According to Francis there are twelve major stages of social research which are as follows

1. Selecting the problem area

2 . Knowledge of the latest theory and knowledge about that study area,

3. problem definition ,

4. construction of hypotheses,

5. construction of formal arguments,

6. demarcation of sources of facts,

7. Creation of research tools (questionnaires, measurement and plotting methods),

8. writing hypothetical arguments,

9. Pre-examination of research equipment and possible modifications in them,

10. systematic collection of facts,

11. analysis of facts,

12. Write down the conclusions obtained.




Characteristics of Social Research 


Social research is a continuous process. There is always an effort to acquire knowledge.

There is no relation with the success or failure of social research.

In social research, not only the use of scientific tools, methods and methods is used, but emphasis is also laid on the development of new techniques.

4-Social research emphasizes on the acquisition of pure knowledge on the one hand and on the other hand tries to find practical solutions also.

5-Social research is a scientific method.

6- Through this, not only new knowledge is acquired in relation to social events, but the knowledge gained is verified.

7- It establishes causal relationship between various social events or facts.

The hypothesis is verified by social research.

9- The rules or principles are formulated from the conclusions obtained from it.






 Aims and objectives of Social Research 


Discovery of Universal Laws – The aim of social survey is to discover the rules by which social life and social events are regular and directed. Social events are also dependent on natural laws. An attempt is made to know these rules through research.


. Development of theories – Scientific concepts and theories are formulated on the basis of the facts obtained by social research. Practical Purpose – It is related to the use of knowledge. P . v . Young has written in this context, “The immediate aim of research is to control social behavior. “In social research, by acquiring knowledge, they find out the causes of problems so that they can be eliminated.


The practical and utilitarian approach does not mean that social research is concerned with various social problems. By increasing knowledge about social events, these can be controlled or welfare goals can also be achieved.

The practical and utilitarian purpose of social research can be understood as follows:


Solving problems – Social research helps in solving problems. The way to solve the problem emerges from the analysis of knowledge-growth and causal relationship.


. Social Development – Social research prepares social plans which can be implemented successfully. Social development depends on the active cooperation of the people. All these things come from research.

. Help in administration work – It is difficult to run administration work without knowing human relations. Methods of administration are developed through social research.  This shows the difficulties in the way of administration. In this way social research helps in administration work.


Control of social events – Our knowledge about social events is very limited. Controlling social events on the basis of limited knowledge is a difficult task. • Through research, our knowledge increases, so that social events can be controlled. Thus the aim of social research is to gain control over social phenomena.


. Exploration of alternatives – The purpose of social research is to find the right alternatives. There are ways to do any work and solve a problem. The work of finding more efficient and better methods of these methods is done through social research. Therefore, the aim of social research is to find out true alternatives.


Helpful in prediction – It is easy to face the difficulties in the future through prediction. The future can be predicted through social research. As a result, it is convenient to establish adjustments from the obstacles that may arise in the future.


Acquisition of new knowledge – The main objective of social research is to acquire knowledge about social phenomena. Under this purely social life has to shed light on new facts and search for truth.


. Verification and re-examination – The purpose of social research is to verify and re-examine old facts. That is, the facts already obtained are exactly the same in the present situation or there has been any change in them, it is checked by social research. This gets rid of misconceptions that create misconceptions.


Cause-Cause Relationships – The aim of social research is to find out the causal relationships and functional relationships between different phenomena. Unless such relationships are known, social phenomena cannot be understood.



Difference between Social Survey and Social Research 


Both social research and social survey are scientific methods. Along with similarities, differences are also found in both. First we will discuss the similarities found between the two.


Similarities :

1. Social events are studied through both social research and social survey. Both are scientific methods of study whose main feature is observation, verification, objectivity, reliability and generalization. 3. New facts are discovered in both. This increases knowledge. 4 Efforts are made to know the causal relationship through both. 5. Similar study methodology in both such as; Interview, questionnaire, schedule, sampling and observation are used. 6. In both the old facts are verified.




Along with being similar in social research and survey, there are also some differences between them. Following are some of the major differences


Social research lays emphasis on the theoretical subject. It does not have direct relation with social reform and solution of problems and welfare. In contrast, social survey is concerned with social problem, pathological situation and its solution and welfare. Under this, the causes are analyzed so that they can be resolved.

Social research is long term. It is not related to transient or present problems. Social survey is instantaneous. It deals with urgent problems of the society.

Social research is a deep and minute study whereas social survey is a detailed study. The phenomenon is not seen in depth in social survey

Knowledge obtained from social research may or may not be beneficial or it may not have any relation with its usefulness. But social survey is related to social welfare.

Social research is done individually. Apart from individuals, social surveys are also conducted by various organizations and government departments. Some organizations do survey work commercially.

Social research is not team work. These are often conducted individually. But social surveys are party work. Generally these studies are conducted by teams. That is to say that social survey is a collective and collaborative effort.


The study area of ​​social research is general whereas survey is related to a specific area. Research deals with general abstract and universal conditions. On the other hand, the survey is concerned with specific individuals. from places and situations.

The purpose of social research is academic and theoretical while the purpose of social survey is practical and utilitarian. Often in social research, facts are collected for new knowledge. They have nothing to do with profit or loss. But social survey is concerned with practical goal.

In social research, the hypothesis related to the event or problem is definitely made. But the formulation of hypothesis is not necessary in social survey. in this context

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