Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan  (RUSA)

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Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan



Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS), launched in 2013, with the objective of providing strategic funding to eligible State Higher Educational Institutions. Central funding (in the ratio of 65:35 for general category states and 90:10 for special category states) will be norm based and outcome dependent. The funds will flow from the Central Ministry through the State Governments/UTs to the State Councils of Higher Education before reaching the identified institutions. funding to states
b State Higher Education Plans will be made on the basis of critical appraisal, which will describe each state’s strategy to address issues of equity, access and excellence in higher education.
The main objectives of RUSA are:
• Improving the overall quality of State institutions by ensuring conformance to prescribed norms and standards and adopting accreditation as a mandatory quality assurance framework.

• Initiate transformational reforms in the state higher education system by creating a facilitative institutional structure for planning and monitoring at the state level, promoting autonomy in state universities and improving governance in institutions.
• Ensure reforms in affiliation, academic and examination systems.
• Ensuring adequate availability of quality faculty in all higher educational institutions and ensuring capacity building at all levels of employment.
• To create an enabling environment in higher educational institutions to devote themselves to research and innovations.
• To expand the institutional base by creating additional capacity in existing institutions and setting up of new institutions to achieve the enrollment targets.
• Correcting regional imbalances in access to higher education by setting up institutions in unserved and under-served areas.
• Improving equity in higher education by providing adequate opportunities for higher education to SC/ST and socially and educationally backward classes; Promote the inclusion of women, minorities and differently-abled persons.

Component: RUSA will create new universities through upgradation of existing autonomous colleges and conversion of colleges into a cluster. It will create new model degree colleges, new professional colleges and provide infrastructural support to universities and colleges. Faculty recruitment support, faculty improvement programs and leadership development of educational administrators are also an important part of this plan. The existing Central Scheme of Polytechnics to promote skill development has been subsumed into RUSA. A separate component has also been included in RUSA to synergize vocational education with higher education. In addition to these, RUSA also supports the reform, restructuring and capacity building of institutions in the participating state.

Institutional Hierarchy: RUSA is implemented and monitored through an institutional structure including National Mission Authority, Project Approval Board and National Project Directorate at the Center and State Council of Higher Education and State Project Directorate at the State level.


National Policy on Education

Since the beginning of human history, education has continued to grow, diversify and expand its reach and coverage. Each country develops its own education system to express and promote its unique socio-cultural identity and to meet the challenges of the times. There are moments in history when a centuries-old process has to be given a new direction. That moment is today. The country has reached a stage in its economic and technological development when a major effort must be made to extract maximum benefits from the assets already created and ensure that the benefits of change reach all sections. Education is the highway to that goal. Keeping this objective in mind, the Government of India announced in January 1985 that a new education policy would be formulated for the country. A comprehensive assessment of the existing educational scenario was done followed by a countrywide debate. The views and suggestions received from various quarters were carefully studied. The National Policy of 1968 marked a significant step in the history of education in post-independence India. Its objective was to promote national progress, a sense of common citizenship and culture, and to strengthen national integration. It stressed the need for a radical reconstruction of the education system to improve its quality at all levels, and pay more attention to science and technology, the cultivation of moral values, and the close relationship between education and people’s lives. , Since the adoption of the 1968 policy, there has been a substantial expansion of educational facilities at all levels across the country. More than 90 per cent of the country’s rural habitations now have schooling facilities within a kilometer radius. There has been a significant increase in facilities in other phases as well. Perhaps the most notable development is the acceptance of a common structure of education across the country and the introduction of the 10+2+3 system by most states. The school curriculum included science and mathematics as compulsory subjects, and work experience was given importance, in addition to creating a common scheme of study for boys and girls. courses at the graduate level

Restructuring was also initiated. Centers of Advanced Study established for post-graduate education and research
And we have been able to meet your requirements of educated manpower.

While these achievements are impressive in themselves, the general formulation contained in the 1968 policy did not translate into a detailed strategy of implementation, with specific responsibilities and assignment of financial and organizational functions.

help. As a result, the problems of access, quality, quantity, utilization and financial outlay accumulated over the years are now of such a magnitude that they must be addressed with utmost urgency. Education in India is standing at the crossroad today. Neither the normal linear expansion nor the current pace and nature of reform can meet the needs of the situation. Human beings in Indian thinking are a positive asset and a valuable national resource, which needs to be cherished, nurtured and developed dynamically with tenderness and care. Every stage of human development from womb to grave presents a variety of problems and needs. The catalytic action of education in this complex and dynamic development process needs to be carefully planned and executed with great sensitivity.

The political and social life of India is passing through a phase which threatens the erosion of long accepted values. The scapegoats of secularism, socialism, democracy and professional ethics are coming under increasing pressure. Rural areas with poor infrastructure and social services will not benefit from trained and educated youth unless rural-urban disparities are narrowed and measures prescribed to promote diversification and diffusion of employment opportunities are done. Our population growth needs to be significantly curtailed in the coming decades. The biggest single factor helping to achieve this is the spread of literacy and education among women. Life in the coming decades is likely to bring new stresses together with unprecedented opportunities. New designs of human resource development will be required to enable people to benefit in the new environment. The coming generations should have the ability to constantly and creatively assimilate new ideas. They have to be imbued with human values and a firm commitment to social justice. All this implies better education. Moreover, various new challenges and social needs make it imperative for the government to formulate and implement a new education policy for the country.


SOCIOLOGY IN ENGLISH: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuVMyWQh56R3KgAeBpmbY8Gv6201xh2dQ

essence and role of education

In our national belief, education is essentially for all. It is fundamental to our all-round development, physical and spiritual. Education has a degrading role. It refines sensibilities and perceptions that contribute to national integration, a scientific temper and freedom of mind and spirit – thus furthering the goals of socialism, secularism and democracy enshrined in our Constitution. Education develops manpower for different levels of the economy. it’s also

The substrate on which research and development flourishes is the ultimate guarantee of national self-reliance. In short, education is a unique investment in the present and future. This fundamental principle is the key to the National Policy on Education.



national education system

The Constitution embodies the principles on which the national education system has been conceived. 3.2 The concept of a national system of education implies that all students, irrespective of caste, creed, location or gender, have access to education of comparable quality, to a certain level. To achieve this, the government will launch appropriately funded programmes. Effective measures will be taken in the direction of normal school system as recommended in the policy of 1968. The national system of education envisages a common educational structure. The 10+2+3 structure is now accepted in all parts of the country. With regard to the further break-up of the first 10 years, an attempt will be made to move towards a primary system comprising 5 years of primary education and 3 years of upper primary, followed by 2 years of high school. Efforts will also be made to accept +2 stage as a part of school education throughout the country]. The national system of education will be based on a national curriculum framework that includes a common core with other components that are flexible. The Common Core will include the history of India’s freedom movement, constitutional obligations and other material necessary to nurture national identity. These elements will cut across subject areas and are designed to promote values such as India’s common cultural heritage, egalitarianism, democracy and secularism, equality of the sexes, protection of the environment, removal of social barriers, and adherence to small family norms Will be done Scientific temper. All educational programs will be run strictly in accordance with secularism
AR value. India has always worked for peace and understanding among nations, considering the whole world as one family. In line with this age-old tradition, education must reinforce this worldview and inspire the younger generation for international cooperation and peaceful coexistence. This aspect cannot be ignored

Promoting equality will require that everyone be provided with equal opportunities not only in access, but also in conditions of success.
Promoting equality will require that everyone be provided with equal opportunities not only in access, but also in conditions of success.
समानता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए यह आवश्यक होगा कि सभी को न केवल पहुंच में बल्कि सफलता की स्थितियों में भी समान अवसर प्रदान किए जाएं।
To promote equality, it will be necessary to provide equal opportunity to all not only in access but also in conditions of success.
समानता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए न केवल पहुंच में बल्कि सफलता की स्थितियों में भी सभी को समान अवसर प्रदान करना आवश्यक होगा।
In addition, an awareness of the inherent equality of all will be created through the core curriculum. It aims to remove prejudices and complexities transmitted through social milieu and accident of birth. A minimum level of learning will be prescribed for each stage of education. Steps will also be taken to promote among students an understanding of the diverse cultural and social systems of people living in different parts of the country. In addition to promoting the link language, programs will also be launched to substantially increase translation of books from one language to another and to publish multilingual dictionaries and glossaries. The youth will be encouraged to rediscover India, each in their own image and perception. Steps will be taken to facilitate inter-regional mobility by providing equal access to higher education in general, and technical education in particular, to every Indian with the requisite qualifications, regardless of his or her origin. The universal character of universities and other institutions of higher learning is to be underlined. In the field of research and development and in the field of education in science and technology, special measures will be taken to establish network arrangements among various institutions in the country to pool their resources and participate in projects of national importance . It will be the responsibility of the nation as a whole to provide resource support for implementing programs of educational transformation, reducing disparities, universalization of elementary education, adult literacy, scientific and technological research, etc. Lifelong education is a cherished goal of the educational process. ,

It assumes universal literacy. Youth, housewives, agricultural and industrial workers and professionals will be provided with opportunities to pursue education of their choice at a pace suited to them. In future emphasis will be given towards open and distance education. [The institutions that will be strengthened to play a key role in shaping the national system of education are the University Grants Commission, the All India Council for Technical Education, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and the Medical Council of India. An integrated scheme will be established between all these bodies so that functional linkages can be established and programs of research and postgraduate education can be strengthened. These, in association with the National Council of Education Research and Training, National Institute of Educational

planning and administration, the National Council of Teacher Education and the National Institute of Adult Education will be involved in implementing the education policy]. ,

The constitutional amendment of 1976, which included education in the Concurrent List, was a far-reaching step, the implications of which—fundamental, financial and administrative—necessitated a new division of responsibility between the central government and the states with regard to this important sector. of national life. While the role and responsibility of the states with regard to education will essentially remain unchanged, the central government will bear a greater responsibility for maintaining the quality and standards of education (including the teaching profession at all levels) and for strengthening the national and integrative character of education. Will accept ), to study and monitor the educational needs of the country as a whole in relation to manpower for development, to meet the needs of research and advanced studies, to look after the international aspects of education, culture and human resource development and, in general, the country To promote excellence across all levels of the educational pyramid. Concurrent signifies a partnership that is meaningful and challenging at the same time; The national policy will be oriented towards implementing it in letter and spirit.


Restructuring of Education at Different Levels Early Childhood Care and Education

The National Policy on Children particularly emphasizes investment in the development of young children, especially children from sections of the population in whom first-generation learners predominate. Recognizing the holistic nature of child development, nutrition, health and social, mental, physical, moral and emotional development, Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) shall receive high priority and be suitably integrated with the Integrated Child Development Services Program Will be done. wherever possible. day care percentage
RAGE will be provided as an ancillary service to universalise primary education, to enable girls taking care of siblings to attend school, and to working women from poorer sections. The programs of ECCE will be child-oriented, focusing on sports and personality of the child. The introduction of formal methods and 3Rs would be discouraged at this stage. The local community will be fully involved in these programmes. full integration of child care and

Pre-primary education will be brought in as both a feeder and a strengthening factor for primary education and human resource development in general. School health program will be strengthened by continuing this phase.


Open University and Distance Education

Launched Open Learning System to increase opportunities for higher education, as a means to democratize education and make it a lifelong process

has gone. The flexibility and innovation of the open education system is specially adapted to suit the diverse needs of the citizens of our country, including those who have joined the professional stream. To fulfill these objectives, the Indira Gandhi National Open University established in 1985 will be strengthened. It will also provide assistance for setting up of open universities in the states.


rural university
The new pattern of rural university will be consolidated and developed on the lines of Mahatma Gandhi’s revolutionary ideas on education to meet the challenges of microplanning at the grass root level for the transformation of rural areas. Institutions and programs of Gandhian basic education will be supported.

Technical and Management Education
Though the two streams of technical and management education are functioning separately, it is necessary to look at them together keeping in view their close relationship and complementary concerns. Restructuring of technical and management education should take into account the anticipated scenario by the end of the century, with special reference to possible changes in the economy, social environment, production and management processes, rapid expansion of knowledge and great progress. Science and Technology. The infrastructure and service sectors as well as the unorganized rural sector also require induction of better technologies and supply of technical and managerial manpower. The government will pay attention to this. To improve the situation with regard to manpower information, the recently established Technical Manpower Information System will be further developed and strengthened. Continuing education, established as well as emerging technologies will be promoted.

As computers have become important and ubiquitous tools, minimal computer experience and training in their use will be part of vocational education. Computer literacy programs will be organized on a large scale from the school level itself. Keeping in view the present stringent requirements for admission to formal courses limiting the access of a large section of people to technical and managerial education, the programs will be offered through the distance education process, including the use of mass media . Technical and management education programmes, including education in polytechnics, will also be on a flexible modular pattern based on credits, with a provision for multi-point entry, a robust guidance and counseling service will be provided. To enhance the relevance of management education, especially in the non-corporate and under-managed sectors, the management education system will study and document the Indian experience and create a body of knowledge and specialized educational programs suited to these sectors. Suitable formal and non-formal programs of technical education will be designed for the benefit of women, economically and socially weaker sections and the physically challenged. The emphasis on vocational education and its expansion will require a large number of teachers and professionals in vocational education, educational technology, curriculum development, etc. Programs will be launched to meet this demand. Training in entrepreneurship will be provided through modular or elective courses in degree or diploma programs to encourage students to consider “self-employment” as a career option. To meet the continuous needs of updating the curriculum, the renewal should systematically eliminate obsolescence and introduce new techniques of subjects.


Reorienting the Content and Process of Education: Cultural Perspectives

There is a need to bridge the existing divide between the formal system of education and the country’s rich and diverse cultural traditions. The preoccupation of modern technologies cannot be allowed to root out our new generations in the history and culture of India. De-Sanskritization, De-Humanization and the Foreign
To be avoided at all costs. Education can and must bring the best synthesis between the change-oriented technologies and the continuity of the cultural tradition of the country. The curriculum and processes of education shall be enriched with cultural content in as many manifestations as possible. Children will be able to develop a sensitivity to beauty, harmony and sophistication. Resource persons of the community, irrespective of their formal educational qualifications, will be invited to contribute to cultural promotion

of education employing both literate and oral traditions of communication. In order to preserve and carry forward the cultural tradition, the role of the old masters who trained the students in traditional ways will be supported and recognized. Links will be established between the university system and higher educational institutions in art, archaeology, oriental studies, etc. Due attention will also be given to special subjects of fine arts, museology, folklore etc. In these, teaching, training and research streams will be strengthened so that specialized manpower can be replenished in them.


SOCIOLOGY IN ENGLISH: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuVMyWQh56R3KgAeBpmbY8Gv6201xh2dQ





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