Reasons for failure of family planning in India

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Reasons for failure of family planning in India

For some years, family planning has been implemented on priority at the government level, but still the desired reduction in the birth rate has not happened.

The pace of population control has been slow. The following obstacles and difficulties are behind the partial success of family planning

1. Preference has been given to control of child birth – maternal and child health, nutrition etc. aspects are considered secondary. The positive aspects of family welfare have been forgotten by paying more attention to sterilization and loop installation.

2. Poor people – It is also difficult for that public to pay the cost for family planning tools and methods. The one who does not get full stomach food. The expenses arising out of sterilization and installation of loops are beyond their limits.

3. There has been a lack of family planning facilities and publicity in rural areas – there are neither adequate facilities for family planning medical centers, nor are there adequately trained doctors.

4. Lack of sex education- In India, due to lack of sex education among young men and women, adequate awareness about family planning has not been generated.

5. Lack of social consciousness- In Indian society towards family planning, along with distaste, non-cooperation and confusion, consciousness towards family welfare has not been awakened.

6. Lack of proper care- Large-scale vasectomy operations were done to fulfill the goals, but after that many health-related problems arose due to lack of proper medical care.

7. Unknown fear of operation – Indians have an unknown fear of sterilization by operation. Sometimes there is an increase in fear due to the hazards arising due to the negligence of the doctor in the operations, later due to lack of care etc.

8. Illiteracy and lack of public cooperation – About 48 percent of the country’s population is illiterate, so they consider the birth of children to be a gift of luck. Now it is slowly improving, yet the absolute lack of public cooperation is the biggest obstacle.

9. Conflicting propaganda and misconceptions- Due to conflicting propaganda from time to time by politicians and religious gurus regarding family planning in the country, misconceptions about it have become house in the general public.

Following are the reasons for the failure of family planning in India

1. Lack of training and skill among workers –
The success of any program depends a lot on the skill, knowledge, experience and devotion of the workers who execute it. Due to the inefficiency, ignorance, carelessness and neglect of the employees, various types of confusion and fear have arisen in the rural people regarding family planning. Harm-Profit is not explained properly and is forced. Therefore, distrust and rebellion have arisen in the public against these workers and programs and people tend to run away from family planning.

2. Lack of advertisement and negligence of employees –

In a country with a large area and population like India, where there is a lack of means of education, transportation and communication, there is a need for widespread and effective advertising to make the family planning program accessible and popular to the masses. On the other hand the employees appointed for this work have not worked with integrity, dedication and self-confidence.

3. Lack of ideal method of child custody-

Even today there is a great lack of ideal method and means of child birth control in India. Which can be called a completely suitable, effective and ideal method. In fact, for a country like India, there should be such a method of child custody which is simple, reliable, suitable, interesting, ethical and also religiously friendly so that the general public does not face difficulty in adopting it.

4. Housing Problem

Housing problem is also a hindrance in the path of success of family planning programme. For the use of chemical and mechanical means of family planning, people do not get a secluded place in the house because they lack adequate housing.

5. Protest on grounds of morality –

Many people also oppose family planning on moral grounds. Because people will no longer fear to hide their sins because of artificial means.

6. Opposing family planning by some intellectuals—

One obstacle in the way of family planning program is the opposition to it by the intellectuals. Efficient and efficient population will decrease and inferior type population will increase. Because most of the means of family planning are used by the educated and capable class only.

7. Lack of sexual information –

Sex education is lacking in India. Lack of sex education itself is a big obstacle in the path of family planning, due to which people do not understand the means of more sexual activity, reproduction, contraceptive and their use properly, which is a big obstacle in the path of success of family planning program. works of.

8. Religious Obstacles-

The use of artificial means of family planning is considered irreligious and anti-religious. The child is considered a gift from God. Necessity of marriage, child marriage, more importance of son, fatalism, notion of getting rid of paternal debt, sexual purity and morality, use of artificial means as unnatural, beliefs related to increase in the number of religious people, the path to success of family planning There are major religious barriers.

9. Social Barriers –

India is a traditional rural country where 48 Even today % of the population is illiterate. There is immense faith and reverence in the customs, customs, traditions and customs in the country. The general public is of the view that the use of artificial means of contraception will lead to sexual immorality, prostitution will flourish, girls will not be able to maintain their modesty and premarital sex will become common.

10. Illiteracy, ignorance and neglect-

Most of the people of India are still uneducated, ignorant and conservative. Due to illiteracy and ignorance, the public is completely ignorant of the need, importance and its means and methods of family planning.

11. Where it is not possible to obtain resources due to poverty, • The extra birth is seen as a laborer and not as a consumer. According to Dr. Aashiv Bose- “The misconception of our family planning program is that in a country like India, the change in reproductive behavior can be done through advertisements and advertisements- people have become aware and slogan ‘Garibi Hatao’. The public will demand proactive measures and will not be satisfied with the negative slogans of family planning, ‘two or three’.”

12. Lack of public cooperation.
13. Fear of surgery in public.
14. Consistent birth of girls and high infant mortality rate.
15. Lack of means of effective, simple, cheap and harmless contraception in the country.
16. Lack of necessary and suitable doctors and nurses and family planning and health centers in the country.

According to Dr. Aashiv Bose- “The misconception of our family planning program is that in a country like India, the change in reproductive behavior can be done through advertisements and advertisements- people have become aware and slogan ‘Garibi Hatao’. The public will demand proactive measures and will not be satisfied with the negative slogans of family planning, or ‘three’.

17. Financial difficulties – To run the family planning program in India in a comprehensive and intensive manner, a lot of money is required but there is lack of capital and necessary resources in the country. The pace and progress made in the family planning program in the last few years certainly gives a lot of happiness and satisfaction, but there is still a need to make the program more active, successful and effective because without the success of family planning, the country Progress can’t be imagined.

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