Reasons for social disintegration in India

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Reasons for social disintegration in India


  The balanced development and national construction of one organ is sufficiently serious in the nature and status of social problems in India and its expansion is so much that they present themselves to us in a complex form.  Multiple reasons continue to operate in this country to create this complexity.  These factors can be summarized as follows in the Social Causes.


  Caste System and Casteism: Indian caste system has divided Hindu society into various segments.  This segment-division implies, Dr.  According to Ghuriyya, it is that in a society bound by caste-system, the community spirit becomes momin and that community feeling belongs to one caste and not to the entire human community.  Members of that caste first try to be loyal to their caste.  This creates a state of tension between castes.  One reason for this stress is also that  was different The sections have a gradual rise or fall and the upper castes are given privileges of type on the strength of which they persecute the lower castes.  This disconnection between lions is further aggravated by casteism.  Casteism is the feeling of a caste men that leads to disregard and often violation of the common interests of other castes in the interests of their caste.


 Untouchability: Like caste-system, untouchability is also a notable cause of social problems.  Untouchability not only separates millions of people from the society and social life by making them victims of various types of religious, social, economic and political disabilities, but also drives them to abuses and atrocities.  As a result of these disabilities, social unity is obstructed, political divisions flourish, economic disparities prevail in society, demonization of illiteracy and impoverishment reigns over the so-called untouchable castes, their level of health falls and nation-building.  They do not take an active part in work.  This worsens the balance of social life.


 Defective Social Customs: Indian society is a victim of multiple malpractices that create obstacles on the path of balanced development of society.  Among these evils, dowry system, child marriage practice, noble marriage practice, marriage separation and widow remarriage are notable.


  The dowry – the practice goes on day after day and takes a bitter form and even after the creation of Kanan to stop it, its outbreak has not reduced even today.  The groom’s parents take loans to meet the growing demands or sell or mortgage their property and sow the seeds of family disintegration, laden with the burden of lifelong debt.  It is also the case that girls choose suicide as a means of self-defense, upset by their parents’ misbehavior or taunts, or seeing them stumbling ratelessly in search of a worthy groom.


  Restrictions on marriage and widow remarriage are other social evils that cause social and family problems in India.  There is such a web of social and religious laws in the marital life of Indian society, especially Hindu society, that a Hindu woman trapped in it cannot even think of making happy unhappy life;  Even if the husband is a tyrant, an alcoholic, a gambler, a thief and a corrupt man, the ideal of living a wife with him is filled from childhood.  As a result, even though legally the marriage is valid, the women think very little about the divorce.  The result is that the status of women in society falls and family life remains unhappy.  Similarly, prohibition of widow re-marriage causes many social problems, which results in social disintegration.  The problem of child widows is really  It is touching.  Sexual desire is a natural human instinct.  Improper sexual intercourse is encouraged only when widows try to stop it by forcibly remarrying.  In this way, the widows whose feet are slipped either protect the family and their honor by committing suicide, or by excommunication from the society and family, they convert to religion or are prostitution.  Feminist movement: The women’s movement and women “have already advanced the status of women in society as a result of their dissemination. Despite this being true, this truth cannot be denied that the women’s movement and women’s education  The resulting awakening in women has also resulted in a situation of social imbalance, not because the women’s movement and awakening is bad, but because the men are not properly adapted to the circumstances arising out of it, but also the women themselves.  Wives, too, are sometimes not conscious of basic duties in the zeal to consume the rights gained as a result of the women’s movement. They do jobs, but also disrespect the elders of the family; receive education,  But hating the illiterates also begins: Marriage, but after marriage in the tune of maintaining my ‘I am husband or wife’ we become or should forget this truth; become a mother,  But for fear of spoiling the feature ‘or’ figure  The child does not even like to feed her milk – this work is relieved by leaving the responsibility of ‘Amul’ or Glaxo company.  The problem starts from here, it starts like this.



 Economic Causes- There are also some economic reasons for social problems in India, the most prominent of which are:


  Industrialization as a cause of social problems: Industrialization is the most important of all the economic factors responsible for giving rise to problems in Indian society.  Industrialization creates social problems as follows


  By reducing the family importance – due to industrialization, many functions of the family have now been taken by outside committees and institutions.  Not only this, due to industrialization, the employment sector in the cities has expanded and family members have moved around the country in which the joint family has disintegrated.


   Due to industrialization – by creating a shortage of residences – the population increases rapidly in the cities, but houses are not able to be built at that fast due to which the rent of houses in industrial centers is very high.  Many people have to live in mess and hotel etc. due to not being able to afford a house for a high rent and in that case they have no family control over them and can work arbitrarily – whether gambling, drugging or  Perform prostitution.  This would lead to personal and family mobilization or stress along with being a waste of money and health.


  By creating a difference in the ratio of female-male – due to lack of houses and high inflation, many men living in the city are unable to bring their wives and children to the cities and live alone.  Due to this, more men live in cities than women.  Men who cannot lead a healthy family life, by spreading adultery, prostitution, gambling, alcohol etc., not only destroy and disintegrate their lives but also social life.


   Industrialization helped in mass production – by increasing competition and unemployment.  As a result, many things started to be generated to fulfill a need, due to which competition in economic life has increased immensely.  Those who are not able to succeed legitimately in competition often adopt illegal methods.  In this, after the additional industrialization in the country, all those works were taken by a machine.  This reduced the need for workers and led to unemployment in the country.  Or by destroying village industries – Another side effect of industrialization in India is that it led to destruction of village industries.  This led to the destruction of village industries and at the same time the economic condition of the village deteriorated and on the other hand thousands of people engaged in these industries have become useless and their personal and family life has deteriorated.  Some people came to the bar and got a job and some of those who did not get it, adopted the trades of theft, robbery etc.


   By developing slums – a very severe social consequence of industrialization is the development of slums.  Industry – Due to the flourishing of the businesses, the population of the city increases greatly and the houses become highly skilled.  Slums are developed in cities to fill that gap.  Without seeing how bad the condition of houses in these settlements is, one cannot be judged in relation to it.  Industrial centers like Bombay, Calcutta, Kanpur, etc. keep 6 to 9 persons in a small room.  In these rooms, there is no provision of air and light, house and urine.  Even at twelve o’clock in the day, nothing is visible without a light.  The floors are rough, where there is heavy gathering and the whole environment is contaminated and intolerable.  With the idea of ​​saving on rent, 4 to 6 families rent a house where there are no positions left for women or for young girls. 

Older people often make them victims of their lust.  Living in unhealthy houses not only spoils the health of the people, but they also fall prey to many diseases which do not leave them for generations.  Child-death, malaria and tuberculosis, etc. take place in the family of such people.  The mood of workers living in dirty environment also becomes dirty.  In it, the habit of stealing, the habit of drinking alcohol, the hobby of gambling, etc. become bad.  There is an absolute lack of confidential space in such houses.  For this reason, children are observing and absorbing the sexual behavior of parents and other adults.  It has a bad effect on the moral development of children.  At the same time, children do not get a place to play inside the house, they go to play on the way, get trapped in bad company and become child criminals.


   Industrial Disputes: One of the worst side effects of modern industrialization is the industrial quarrels which create a situation of conflict between the two living means of the process of economic production – the capitalist and the labor.  The owner wants to fill his vault and the workers take his stomach.  But when the vault is filled and the stomach is empty, then the vault and stomach – between the owner and the workers – struggle.  Industrial quarrels have a very bad effect on workers, owners and nations.  In the state of strike and lockout, workers do not get wages, which leads to poverty and indebtedness;  Due to active participation in some unconsciousness, one has to lose his job.  This increases unemployment.  And unemployment are both social problems that make economic and social life hollow.


  Poverty: Poverty itself is an expression of social problem, but poverty is also the cause of social problems in other ways.  Poverty can end social balance by causing child crime, crime, suicide, divorce and unemployment.  Some scholars state that poverty is the main cause of child crime.  Similarly, crime also arises due to poverty.  Stealing is easier than seeing women and children starving before their eyes.  The poverty-stricken person saves himself from self-immolation by committing suicide in the condition of bread and clothes of his dependents. Therefore, it is clear that poverty is a cause of social problems by raising child crime, suicide, unemployment.



  Unemployment: The problem of unemployment in India is very serious.  This unemployment situation is itself a social problem as well as a major reason.  Former US President H.R.  Hover (H. Hoover) has rightly said that there is no more waste in the world than unemployment.  The worthless person is unable to meet even the basic needs of himself and his dependents.  He neither gets to eat properly nor has the facility to live in good houses.  This not only decreases the standard of living, but also the level of health.  It is easy for a worthless person to take the path of theft, robbery, forgery or prostitution.  Unemployment gives rise to social problem of begging, playing jaa and drinking alcohol.


   Backward Condition of Agriculture: Agriculture is the most prominent and ancient occupation of India.  75 percent of the people of this country depend on agriculture for their livelihood.  Yet the sad thing is that the state of agriculture in India is very backward.  This condition has greatly defeated the condition of the people of the village.  The backward condition of agriculture is a major cause of the problems of disintegrating the rural community, such as the problem of landless agricultural laborers, the poverty problem of the rural masses, indebtedness and health problems.  Dr.  Hackerwal (Haikerwal) states that in India, the year in which the crop is not good in the state, there is an immediate increase in the number of criminals.  Crimes against property such as robbery, theft, etc. start happening a lot which makes the rural community go through an uncertain and crisis situation.  Run


   Over-population: Another notable factor that disintegrates and hollows out Indian life and society is the condition of overpopulation here.  Our national life is not as threatened by Pakistan or Chinese attacks as by the situation of overpopulation.  Various census shows that in 1921, India’s population was usually 25.  13 crores which was increased to 84 in 1991.  39 crores.  47 in the population of this country.  There is a daily increase of 319.  Due to overpopulation, much of the nation’s money is spent in raising food for the people and capital is not created.It is easy to steal.  The poverty-stricken person saves himself from self-immolation by committing suicide in the condition of bread and clothes of his dependents.

 Therefore, it is clear that poverty is a cause of social problems by raising child crime, suicide, unemployment.


  Unemployment: The problem of unemployment in India is very serious.  This unemployment situation is itself a social problem as well as a major reason.  Former US President H.R.  Hover (H. Hoover) has rightly said that there is no more waste in the world than unemployment.  The worthless person is unable to meet even the basic needs of himself and his dependents.  He neither gets to eat properly nor has the facility to live in good houses.  This not only decreases the standard of living, but also the level of health.  It is easy for a worthless person to take the path of theft, robbery, forgery or prostitution.  Unemployment gives rise to social problem of begging, playing jaa and drinking alcohol.


   Backward Condition of Agriculture: Agriculture is the most prominent and ancient occupation of India.  75 percent of the people of this country depend on agriculture for their livelihood.  Yet the sad thing is that the state of agriculture in India is very backward.  This condition has greatly defeated the condition of the people of the village.  The backward condition of agriculture is a major cause of the problems of disintegrating the rural community, such as the problem of landless agricultural laborers, the poverty problem of the rural masses, indebtedness and health problems.  Dr.  Hackerwal (Haikerwal) states that in India, the year in which the crop is not good in the state, there is an immediate increase in the number of criminals.  Crimes against property such as robbery, theft, etc. start happening a lot which makes the rural community go through an uncertain and crisis situation.  Run


   Over-population: Another notable factor that disintegrates and hollows out Indian life and society is the condition of overpopulation here.  Our national life is not as threatened by Pakistan or Chinese attacks as by the situation of overpopulation.  Various census shows that in 1921, India’s population was usually 25.  13 crores which was increased to 84 in 1991.  39 crores.  47 in the population of this country.  There is a daily increase of 319.  Due to overpopulation, much of the nation’s money is spent in raising food for the people and capital is not created.  Due to overpopulation, the per capita income decreases and a situation of poverty arises.  Poor people are sick, weak and unskilled.  Due to this their efficiency is also reduced and production decreases.  Not only this, in the case of overpopulation, the problem of repatriation becomes serious, which itself is a cause of social problems.  Due to overpopulation, the pressure of the population on the land also increases and the fields become small pieces.  In both cases, the rural population suffers from economic loss.


  Cultural Causes: Some cultural causes of social problems in India are also notable, which are as follows


  Defective Elucational System: The current education in India is failing to meet the metaphorical needs, due to which the problems of practical life are not being solved by this education.  Current education is neither practical nor natural, nor is the entire education system or examination system flawed.  The result is that the amount of discipline in the students is decreasing day by day.  Lack of discipline in students is social disorganization ORED is a symptom because school discipline gradually in the family and then in the family nation 3AQUAD CAMERA because school discipline slowly


 Conflict of Language: India is a country where many languages ​​are spoken.  Depending on the language, the difference in India is not as much in the world as in Dania.  Each language also tries to suppress the other to prove its excellence.  The result is conflict based on language.  Hindi is the national language, yet how much protest-movement took place in the provinces of Bengal, Madras, recently against accepting it in that form.  Everyone is aware of this.  The fight is over language, but the common man is killed.  Not only this, in this country, there is a demand for partition in separate provinces on the basis of language which encourages riots, strikes etc.


 Religion: In our country, many thugs and crooks, as sadhus and priests, carry out anti-social activities under the guise of religion.  Drugs like cannabis, ganja, hashish etc. are given religious recognition in this country and people who do this type of intoxication never accept that they are doing a bad job.  The most bitterly manifestation of religion in India is in the conflict between Hindu and Muslim religious groups.  Before the attainment of independence, such fights were often happening which caused the death of many people on both sides and the waste of house, business money etc. was separate.  In 1942, we have not been able to forget the direct action that took place in Calcutta and other parts of Bengal.  With the slogan ‘Islam is in danger, Akhand Bharat, Hindus and Muslims living in brotherly form for thousands of years, was divided into two pieces.  The United States was divided, millions of people were left homeless, plundered, lost.  How much religion was protected by this is doubtful.  Yes, hatred, partiality, violent feelings, intolerance and mistrust against humanity must have arisen.  This is the phenomenal effect of religion.


 Recreation: Various modes of entertainment in India also generate social disintegration.  The commercialization of recreational means in this country is increasing day by day.  Merchants related to entertainment also attack the welfare of the public only to get the most from it.  The lewd, obscene, erotic scenes shown in cinemas and theaters through its excellent entertainment means young men and women of India learn new methods and ‘wonders of romance, adopt a sense of disrespect to parents, romantic ways  Marries and falls into the trap of family disintegration.  Sexual offenses are also encouraged by the cinema.  It is only by cinema that people get so much attracted towards luxury life that even illegally they try to reach that standard of living.  Social problems only begin.


  Political Causes Political causes are also very important in India’s social problems.  We can briefly mention the main reasons which are as follows


  Political intervention  One notable feature of the political life of India is Dalbandi.  Apart from the tense situation which is prevalent in different political parties, in addition to the same party, groupism continues to malign the commoners.  This situation takes a more clear view at that time when the political party that rules the country, Jabang Di, takes an ugly cut.  A gatsako name spun one – another.  But mud leaks and helps spread corruption.  As a result of Saptando, however, the administration of the Hawak regime comes into the hands of Dasregar from a group and then reaches its peak of all tensions.  As a result, an uncertain situation arises in the society so that problems arise on their own.


  War: Another important reason for disintegrating Indian society is war which has been suffering Indian life for the last 15 – 20 years.  In September 1965 and again in the end of 1971, in the end of 1971, another neighboring nation of Pakistan, together and brother-in-law, waged an indirect war, which soon took the form of real war.  .  In this war, except for the ruin of wealth, city, village, temple, mosque and churches, 2, 226 Indian soldiers had to lay down their lives to take care of Mother India.  Our 7,870 jawans were injured.  This has undoubtedly protected India’s glorious dignity, but many personal, family and social problems have also arisen, this truth also has to be accepted.  Thus it is clear that there are multiple reasons for social problems in India.  But remember that often one of these reasons does not succeed in creating a social problem until it gets the support of other causes.  Like other societies, social problems in India are also the result of activation of multiple causes.  In any scientific analysis it would not be appropriate to reject this truth in any way.





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