Suggestion for Success of the Family Planning Program

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Suggestion for Success of the Family Planning Program

Suggestion for Success of the Program Following are the suggestions for the control of population and the success of family planning program in India.

1. Population Education- Population related education should be provided to the youth. This education should be arranged in schools.

2. Make family welfare program effective – To make family welfare program effective, people should be motivated by wide publicity that small family is in their interest. Means of contraception should be distributed free of cost to the people in the villages. Mobile hospitals should be increased for sterilization and once a year sterilization camp should be organized in every village.

Those who have undergone sterilization operations, their proper care should be done by inspection from time to time. The doctors and staff associated with this program should be given proper training. There should not be any pressure to adopt family welfare programme. People should be educated and prepared.

Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act is in force in India since April 1, 1971, under which a woman can get her pregnancy aborted by a registered doctor, but there is a dearth of such hospitals in India. Especially in rural areas where abortion can be done. Therefore, arrangements should be made for such hospitals and trained doctors to work in them. In place of operation for sterilization, some other method should be invented, so that people can get rid of mental fear of operation.

3. Compulsory registration of marriage, birth and death – Registration of marriage, birth and death should be made compulsory. This will automatically count the members of the family and this will help in identifying the target couple for family welfare. The registration of marriage will help to find out those who are married at an early age.

4. Formulation of policy according to regional and rural needs – The family planning program should be designed keeping in mind the regional diversity and rural needs of India. The reason for this is that differences are still found in the country at the social, economic, cultural and educational level.

There is also variation in the growth rate of population and the level of education of women. The rate of population growth in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu is lower than that of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan. The age of marriage of women also varies from state to state. Ginnie
Women are more educated in the states where the age of marriage is also higher. Therefore, emphasis should be given on general education and women’s education in backward states.

5. Increase in social security programs – The government should increase social security programs and make them effective, so that people avoid the tendency of producing children to get support in old age.

6. Coordination in Rural Development and Family Welfare Programs The ongoing development projects in rural areas should be linked with family welfare programmes. The financial assistance given to each development block and gram sabha should be given on the basis of contribution to the family welfare programme.

7. The need to take some tough decisions – For the success of the family welfare program, tough decisions should be taken by the government. The government should impose additional tax on such people who have a large family. Such people should be declared ineligible to contest elections by amending the Representation of the People Rules.

Government servants with large families should not be promoted. People who get married at an early age should be debarred from government service and contesting elections. This will awaken the feeling of limiting the family. In the end we can say that for proper implementation of family planning programs reforms are required at the organizational level. It is necessary to take these programs to those sections where it has not been reached yet.
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