Different levels of social behavior

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Different levels of social behavior

We can define social behavior by social interaction. But interaction refers to the interaction of two or more persons with each other and influence on A. This interaction affects the persons concerned. If we look at the subject matter of social psychology in E, it is clear that the study of these effects is done at the level of the individual, at the interpersonal level and at the level of the group. The dividing line between these levels is not always clear. For their nature, it is necessary to discuss these levels of social behavior in some detail.

Individual level:

A major focus of the study of social psychologist and behavior is. He seeks to explain and predict the social influence on the behavior of the individual. His interest is to generalize about attitudes and values ​​etc. Keep in mind that he does not want to know about individual differences because he has to explain the social behavior of man. There have been a great deal of research on social perception, motivation, social learning and social cognition, where social influences have been examined at the individual level and conclusions have been drawn. The design of these studies is very similar to the general studies of psychology. The only difference is that these non-dependent variables are often of social category.

Interpersonal level:

This level draws our attention to the end that occurs between two or more persons. Behaviors such as communication, attitude change, interpersonal cooperation and helping others come at this level. It should be noted that here the effect of behavior is two-sided. For example: When two unacquainted persons become friends, there is a change in both of them. We are influenced by others and we also influence others. Sadness, happiness, anger and grief cannot be imagined in the absence of social interaction.





Group level:

When two persons interact with each other as different individuals, it is called interpersonal level behaviour. But when we discuss the behavior of a Dyad, it goes to the level of the group, not interpersonal. The need to mingle with people, make friends and companions can be grouped. But group is a special social unit in itself which influences our behavior in a particular direction by its own characteristics. Group B positions are formed simultaneously, the roles of the positions are formed, they are formed in the group and there is pressure of the group on the individual. That is, it is definitely formed as a member of the group, but the power and sphere of influence of the group is very wide. These groups are also of many types such as – family friend – congregation. Work colleagues, political parties, etc. Needless to say that in the life of an individual, the relationship with the group inevitably starts in the beginning and progresses in the direction of voluntary social behavior.




The more interesting the study of social behavior at the group level, the more complex it is. Being active and interacting simultaneously is a very important characteristic of human behavior. In this interaction, individuals also understand different actions and interact with each other in the background of the same understanding. Social psychologist studies the behavior of individuals in social context. Here the person is seen by keeping him in his social environment. In the course of social interaction, the behavior of one person becomes a stimulus for another person and the behavior of another person acts as a stimulus for the first person. This often happens naturally because we understand the meaning of each other’s behavior and have clear expectations about it. The behavior of an individual in an interacting situation can be explained within the systems of personality, society and culture. Psychologists emphasize on the system of the individual level, sociologists on the system of social relations, while anthropologists on culture. Social psychologists derive most of their input from personality characteristics and individual behavior and take variables from other systems as needed. But in spite of not being of primary importance in the analysis of the behavior of the individual, the role of social and cultural systems is not less.

The nature and importance of social behavior is such that it has attracted both psychologists and sociologists and their works reflect two clear tendencies of social psychology. Although the main stream of social psychology is experimental, two other streams also appear. These can be called symbolic interactionism and social ethnomethodology. Symbolic interactionism holds that man does not behave according to a predetermined psychological framework, but understands the meaning of his and others’ behavior and behaves accordingly. In this approach, action is taken as a process of adjustment with one’s surroundings. It means that in this ideology the person is an active agent creating his action.



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