Functions of Rural Leader 

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Functions of Rural Leader 


The post of  rural leader is full of responsibilities. Seeing the need of his culture and village, he has to do many types of work. The leader is the center of his followers. He is the guide of the people and the cause of awakening in them. In the changed circumstances, the tasks and responsibilities of the village leader have increased even more. Generally a village leader has to perform the following roles in the village


Managerial Functions – The village leader works as a manager in the mother. He divides the work among the people. He asks the government to make arrangements for assistance to mobilize the needs of the villagers in times of famine, natural calamities etc. and places the demand of the village before the government.


Planning – The rural leader makes plans for village development and public interest. If he is an officer in the Gram Panchayat, Co-operative Society and other institutions, then he makes many plans for the benefit of the village and gets help from the government for their implementation. He also suggests various ways to carry out his plan. He also sees whether the plan, its aims and means are practical or not. There are two types of plans, immediate and long-term. The plans for rural development and welfare are long-term, whereas short-term and short-term plans are made for small tasks that need to be completed in a short period of time.



Policy formulation – The village leader decides the ideals, objectives and policy of the group. In policy making, he can use his wisdom or can get the guidance of a leader higher than himself. He also takes care of the reaction of his followers to the policy and revises the policy if the followers reject it.


Acting as an expert – For the rural people their leader plays the role of an expert. Being an expert, he removes the difficulties in planning and implementing them. The leader provides ready information and ready solutions to the villagers. He is an expert for the villagers in government work and judicial matters.


Representation of the group – The leader also does the work of representing his group. For example, the Sarpanch of the village speaks in the Panchayat Samiti, before the district level officers and others as a representation of the entire village and acquaints them with the exact condition of the village. At the time of mutual disputes between two villages or when there is a dispute between the legal castes and groups in the village itself, the leaders of the village, caste and groups represent their own groups and present their demands and sides in front of other leaders and officials. The leader acts as the gatekeeper for the group. In this form he transmits the internal information of the group to the outside and the outside information to the group.



Control of internal relations – Village leaders look after the internal affairs of their respective community, party, faction and caste. Controls the interpersonal relations of the members and maintains mutual coordination when tensions arise among them. For the fulfillment of the objectives of Sun Ho, they get the cooperation of all the members.


Arrangement of Reward and Punishment – ​​The leader arranges rewards for his members who work for the benefit of the group. He admires them and tries to bring them financial benefits. Criticizes the members who act against the collective interest and excludes them from the group. The head of the caste can excommunicate the members of the caste who violate the rules of the caste, ask them to give caste food or fine them.


Acting as arbitrator and mediator – The leader also acts as arbitrator and mediator at the time of conflict between the members of the group and also gives his decision after hearing both the parties. He maintains the organization of the group by stopping the process of factionalism in the group.


Becoming a model – The village leader is an ideal person for the villagers. Everyone in the village considers him superior to himself and tries to emulate his conduct. He is a source of inspiration for the villagers.


Becoming a symbol of the group – The leader is considered a symbol of his group. The behavior and behavior of the group can be traced by observing the behavior and behavior of the leader. Others make inferences about the leader and his followers by looking at the leader.


Acting as a guide for the group – The village leader is the guide of the villagers. He accompanies them in times of crisis and acts as a teacher and aide in their creative work. When people are not able to decide what they should do to deal with a certain situation, they take refuge in the leader and take him as a lamp of the way and act according to his advice and accept his direction.


Acting as Guardian – The village leader is supposed to be the guardian of the entire community. When an outside officer or police is found in the village, he takes the side of the villagers. He gives them protection. Hitchcock mentioned this role of the leader in his study of the village of Khalapur.




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