Importance or Merits of Observation Method 

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Importance or Merits of Observation Method 


The method of observation is the basis of all scientific investigations. Science started with observations. Observational method has special importance in social research. This method can be achieved by not relying on something as simple as human behavior and social phenomenon. It can be manifested by this Vaitanik, which no other method can do. This method can be understood in the dated form of significances or multiplication.

Wider Use: The observation method is used in almost all types of sciences. John Madge wrote, “All modern science is based on observation”. He is going .
Simplicity: The observation method is considered the most simple. Through simple training a person can be able to observe. Unlike other methods, it does not face as many difficulties in its use. Even an ordinary person can observe the phenomenon by the use of his senses. It is easiest to observe the phenomenon through the use of human senses. . (8) Basis of Scientific Knowledge: Almost all scientists believe that observation is the basis of scientific investigations. Science has started only through observation. At the same time, observation is also needed to test the veracity of the principles. Any discipline which has to get the status of science, emphasizes on the use of observation as much as possible. It is clear from the above description that the observational method is considered a very important method of social research. a . Moser (CAMoser wrote, “Observation can be a method of a very high order of scientific discovery . . . “




3. Direct Method of Study: In the observational method, the researcher can take stock of the situation by observing the events themselves. Under this, the researcher does not have to stay on the experiences of the informant and answer, says Majer, the daily activities of the individuals. Observation of Sociologists is able to provide kind of facts, which he can hardly credible by any other means.In this form observation is most useful.

Study of Natural Behavior: Through observational method, it is possible to study human behavior in their natural condition, which cannot be done by any other method. Even through life history and deep interviews that reality could not come. that comes through observation.
Intensive Study: The observation method is helpful in explaining the phenomenon with depth. The basic reason for this is that the researcher himself is present at the scene of the incident. At the same time, he does not only look at the events that happen, but also tries to understand the relationships found between those events, in such a situation, deep study by observation naturally becomes.
Accuracy and Reliability: The information gathered by observation method is more accurate and reliable than other methods. In other methods, the researcher has to depend on the informant. The account of the incident heard may be wrong. But the event which the observer himself has seen and tested, the possibility of it being wrong is negligible. This is the reason that the information obtained by this method is more accurate and reliable.
Helpful in the Formation of Hypothesis: Many of the hypotheses of science have been born only through observations of events. The formulation of hypotheses is the first step in the scientific process. The observation method is of special importance in this construction work. The reason for this is that repeated observation increases the experience of the researcher. On the basis of this experience it is possible to make hypotheses.





Limitations or Demerits of Observation Method 

Observation method has a special importance in social research, yet this method has some limitations. There is a drawback to this method. Mentioning its limitations, PV Young (P. V. Young) has written. “Not all events provide free opportunities for observation. All events that can be observed do not occur when the observer is present, it is not possible to study all events at the expense of observational methods.” cannot be used in every situation. Its major drawbacks or limitations can be understood as follows.

Unsuitable for abstract events: Some events are intangible and cannot be observed. For example, the thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and values ​​of individuals are such subjects which are not possible to be seen. Therefore, observation method proves to be inappropriate in the study of such problems.

2. Possibility of opinion: The researcher is independent in the study by observation method. Each person may have a different point of view in looking at facts and events. The culture in which a person grows up influences his attitude. Therefore, the researcher’s Personal opinion can have an effect on the observed fact which is detrimental to scientific research.

Artificiality in Behaviors: It is generally found that the people who are being observed, whenever they become aware of this, then they deliberately try to display artificial behavior. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to study their actual and natural behavior by observation.
Misleading Observation: Observation is dependent on the use of the eyes. But the description of the phenomenon seen by the eyes can be misleading. Most of the observation is done selectively. Therefore, an event which is important to one person may not be of any importance to another. Thus, misleading observation is a defect of observation method.

More time consuming and costly method: The speed of study is slow in observation method. Reliable inspection is not possible in a hurry. It takes a lot of time to study through it. Due to the more time taken, it also costs more. Thus observation method has its own limitations or demerits. Despite this, it is the initial and basic method of all types of research studies. Most of the scientific knowledge has been accumulated by this method. If the researcher uses this method with understanding and honesty, then its defects can be avoided.
Observation not allowed: Some events are such that the researcher does not get permission to observe. For example, the researcher may not be allowed to observe the relationship between husband and wife in family life. Thus it is difficult to study such events by observation method.
Uncertainty of events: There are some events which are uncertain. Study of such events is not possible by observation method. For example, the researcher wants to study the fight in college. The incident may not happen when the researcher is present in the college and it may happen when the researcher is not there.
Study of past events is not possible: Through observation method, the researcher studies what he sees directly. Therefore, the events that have happened in the past or the situations that have arisen cannot be studied by observation method.



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