Adult and Continuing Education

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Adult and Continuing Education:


NPE The perspective of adult education has been explained in paragraphs 4.10 to 4.13 and Chapter VII of the Action Plan-1986. The policy links adult education to national goals such as poverty alleviation, besides facilitating the building of reading and writing abilities. , promoting national integration, environmental protection, energizing the cultural creativity of the people, adherence to small family norms and equality of women. Adult education has also been considered as an R.
Responsibility of the whole nation- all sections of the society including teachers, students, youth, employees, voluntary

agencies, etc., besides the Central and State Governments and political parties and their mass organisations.

A resolution was passed to set up a committee to review NPEs. The resolution states that “Despite the efforts for social and economic development since independence, most of our people are deprived of education which is one of the basic requirements of human development. It is also a matter of grave concern that illiterate people of the world 50% of our people in India and a large proportion of children are deprived of an acceptable level of primary education. The government accords top priority to education as a human right and as a means of bringing about change towards a more humane and enlightened society. There is a need to make education an effective means to achieve a status of equality for women, and persons belonging to backward classes and minorities. More than that it is necessary that education be given work and employment orientation”.


National Literacy Mission:

In pursuance of the policy, a National Literacy Mission was established in 1988. The thrust of the mission was not on numbers alone but on achieving certain pre-determined norms and parameters of literacy, numeracy, functionality and awareness. Under this programme, 2,84,000 centers are functioning in the country with an estimated participation of 84 lakh adult learners (about 35 lakh males and 49 lakh females). About 30,000 Jan Shikshan Nilayams have been sanctioned to provide post-literacy programmes.

A mass campaign under NLM was launched by the then Prime Minister in May, 1988. Similar campaigns were launched by 24 states and union territories on the same date and thereafter. The program got affected due to paucity of funds.

Schemes have been formulated/implemented for complete eradication of illiteracy in area specific and time bound manner. Kottayam in Kerala became fully literate in 100 days. (April-June, 1989). Ernakulam district of Kerala was made fully literate in one year (January-December 1989). Projects for Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) have been started in Kerala, Goa and Pondicherry. The literacy campaign was started on 1 May 1988 by Gujarat Vidyapith.

Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) and Post Literacy Campaign (PLC) have brought about a significant and qualitative change in the lives of the people of Pudukottai in Tamil Nadu. The District Conference was launched on July 23, 1991 by TLC. After the induction phase, the program was inaugurated on October 2, 1992. During that year, 250,000 learners out of a potential 290,000 were enrolled under TLC having completed the first primer, 200,000 learners completed the second primer and 180,000 of these achieved the final TLC stage of completing the third primer .

Through TLC, the Mission has tried for national awakening. Today it covers more than 200 districts of the country. In just five years, 33 million people have been made functionally literate. The success has given the nation now a target of making 100 million people literate. The important fact of TLC is that it goes beyond the listed objectives like reading, writing and numeracy, but is something that has empowered people, especially women. This increased awareness about their rights and facilities to be provided. The program gave new confidence, enabled them for employment and thus through self-reliance, importance of health, child care etc. Today’s scenario can be summed up in the words of a TLC activist from Karnataka; Today’s atmosphere shows that the real leaders of the campaign are the neo-literates themselves. In this lies our success”.


Minimum Level of Learning (MLL):

The impact of development can be seen in the quantity as well as in the quality of education. There is widespread concern about the quality of education being provided in our schools. The National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986, emphasizes the need to achieve minimum standards of learning for all children. The need to prescribe ‘Minimum Level of Learning’ (MLL) emerges from two basic concerns: (i) excessively heavy curriculum and low quality of learning at the primary stage (ii) the need for equity. The MLL approach seeks to focus on the minimum amount of learning that practically all children, even disadvantaged children, can achieve. So the effort is to combine quality with equality

……and miles to go.

Sketched projects and programs are pictures of the future. Eagerly awaiting their chance to be present, they are slowly emerging from behind the veil of time. Testimony to a nation in a hurry, this sketch is very
indicate the country’s determination to break ties with the However, his aim was less to present a stark picture of the state of education and more to provide clues to the emerging landscape. To greet
It is a reminder of the distance traveled by the actors leading the movement to transform India into a fully literate society. For all, covering only half the distance on the bumpy road of education is an achievement. Still miles to go







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