Consumerism And Leisure Time Activities

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Consumerism And Leisure Time Activities


 Festivals: Commercialization, Secularization, Diffusion


  • To enable students to understand the unique urban cultural life.
  • To provide knowledge about the changing trends and attitudes towards city festivals.
  • To create awareness among students about the impact of commercial entertainment.


Urban culture, entertainment and consumerism have become an integral part of contemporary society. Since 1991, India broke away from Nehruvian socialist ideology and went for market economy to achieve progress in Indian economy. It is now the fourth largest country in the world in purchasing power parity. Our consumption of goods is clearly a function of our culture. Today, the revolution in communication technology and the rise of virtual reality are redefining the urban space. Urban planning, capital investment, architecture, interior design etc. are involved in defining urban development. Branded products, designed clothing and accessories, beauty pageants, sporting events, etc. have become creations of symbolic capital. Capital accumulation can be seen in religious festivals like Ganpati festival in Maharashtra, Durga Puja in Bengal or Dandiya Ras in Gujarat, cricket matches and film-music shows. These new urban forms create new social relations as they promote styles and symbols. Mass media especially films and TV act as important intermediaries in this process.

Although entertainment is a universal phenomenon, society’s recreational activities vary according to class, education, moral standards, and income. They also differ in rural and urban areas. Until recent times all recreational activities took place on the farm or in connection with the church. Nowadays a lot has changed due to automobile, radio, TV etc.

India has always been a laboratory of cultural diversity and pluralism, which has been responsible for India’s pride on the world map; Festivals in cities have an important place in the society. Religious events in cities like Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata are very well ingrained in the public culture of the cities. These festivals are largely influenced by the mass media – films, TV music or advertisements etc. 


Meaning and importance of urban culture


Urban culture refers to a range of practices in people’s lifestyle such as food, clothing, housing, art, literature, painting, dance, music and mass media – TV, film, publishing books, magazines, journals, newspapers, celebration of festivals Does and the creation of place, style and identity for both the individual and the community.

The urban culture of India is influenced by the size, density, demographic and ethnic structures and spatial organization of urban settlements. In urban culture there has been a tremendous change in relation to rural and urban, local, regional and global, private and public spaces, elite and popular etc.

  Leisure time activities such as working in parks or beaches, participation in religious and cultural festivals, festivals, sports such as wrestling, playing gulli-danda, participation in plays and films, define urban culture for both the elite and the masses. . Earlier going to the movies was a group activity. But now due to the increasing multiplexes, it has remained confined to a special class. Technological changes have made some public activities private. For example, movies can now be viewed at home on television sets or on VCD’S and DVD’S.

Cultural activities in cities have also become class-specific and even for communities and genders. For example, practices such as going to the theatre, discos and pubs have been identified with the elite. These practices are related to food, clothing and style of living inside and outside the home. Furthermore our bodies are now treated as objects of production through the fashion and beauty industries and cultural activities such as playing cards or celebrating religious events. As a result of commercialization, sports like cricket or football

have become public sector. Religious festivals such as the Ganapati festival have become a major factor in the folk culture. Popular culture in India is not limited to mass media and traditional activities and festivals. It also includes production and axa

Street food (bhelpuri, vadapav and pavbhaji) work, making and changing clothes. The cities of India have started witnessing new culture and lifestyle. For example, in Gurgaon outside the city of Delhi, there are designated spaces for consumerist culture around spatial structures such as malls, theme parks, tourist parks, multiplexes, restaurants and celebrity events. These public spaces are privatized to be restricted to the elite. Cell phone or mobile culture, Bollywood style, fast food, aerated drinks like pepsi, cola, joggers park etc reflect the nature of urban culture that has developed in a city.


In addition there are other cultural institutions in the cities, including reading rooms, dance and music clubs, poetry and writers clubs, fashion academies and even mobile libraries. They are dedicated to promoting art and culture. Some cities such as Mumbai are well represented and have been identified as cosmopolitan and global, while some cities such as Bangalore have been identified as maintaining new cosmopolitan practices and cultures. However, cities have become centers of modernity and multiple identities.

From the above, some of the following generalizations can be made. These are :-

1) Urban culture has its roots in famous places, cities, centres, monuments, shopping centres, children’s parks and playgrounds, tourist attractions etc.

2) Every city is unique in space and has its own traditions, values and cultures.

3) The city is an interface between personal experience and cultural expectations.

4) Urban cultures are understood not only through intellectual process but also through imagination and dream processes.


  urban consumerism

Our consumption of goods is clearly a function of our culture. At the individual level, consumerism emphasizes status goods. With the advent of consumerism, the role of the urban man as a ‘consumer’ is gaining more importance. Material possessions, especially status, contribute to an individual’s self-definition and social identity. In a free urban marker they can choose products to reflect the values they want to portray.

In traditional Indian societies, lifestyle was largely governed by long-standing practices and norms. Today’s postmodern trends like rising consumerism have given rise to new social identities. proliferation of malls and supermarkets with efficient distribution and


Services have given rise to consumerism. Rising income levels, easy access to multiple data sources, living in a media-dominated environment and consumer access to information budgets have also contributed to the growth of consumerism among city dwellers. There are a lot of products and substitutions happening in the urban market. An average consumer today without any knowledge about the origin of the brand or product type remembers the advertisement with warm and good feel as it is perceived to have its own image unique to it. Multinational companies like Mc Donalds have been able to establish themselves in India and owe their success to the Indianisation of their offerings by using Indian spices and giving them names like Maharaja, Mac Aloo, Tikki etc.






Meaning and Definition of Leisure and Recreation

Work and rest are two inseparable parts of human life. Earlier society never used to differentiate between work and leisure. The whole family worked together and entertained together. Thus leisure was never a problem but in modern industrial society leisure has become a unique activity welcomed by the people. They use their leisure activities like shopping, traveling, singing, dancing, watching TV. They do this in various ways like watching events, socializing, eating in hotels, club activities, sports etc.

In simple words leisure means free time after doing all the activities. Rest should not be confused with laziness. It is an opportunity to indulge in some kind of activity which is not necessary for daily requirement. Sleeping, eating more than necessary is leisure.

According to the Dictionary of Sociology, “leisure is time spared after the practical necessities of life have been satisfied.”

Recreation is any activity undertaken during leisure or free time and motivated primarily by the personal satisfaction derived from it. When people engage in some activities that are interesting or relieve their boredom, or bring pleasure or enjoyment, they can be considered as recreation. Different people have different interests. It may be related to education, culture, social or material aspect of their life. Thus entertainment can be in various forms. For example, if one is interested in reading novels, another may be interested in participating in sports.




Recreation is defined as a leisure time experience

E in which a person gets mental or spiritual satisfaction by participating in a particular type of activity.











The need for entertainment in modern society


In a society, for many people entertainment is the attraction in life. The place of entertainment in modern society cannot be fully understood without considering the importance and development of leisure as the increase in leisure time is mainly responsible for the demand for entertainment.

Entertainment is very important in urban life as it removes the monotony and boredom of the busy city life.

Recreation as a physical and mental activity contributes to building a healthy and stress free urban life. This makes people feel relaxed and happy. In other words, a certain amount of play, recreation and relaxation is a physical and psychological need.

The lack of adequate neighborhood ties in cities also fuels the need to participate in some sort of entertainment.

Mass forms of entertainment have become popular and play an important role in modern life. In addition to an increase in free time, there are several factors that have contributed to the popularity of recreation and entertainment in cities. These include increase in income and purchasing power, reduction in working hours, development in science and technology, transport and communication etc. Recreational activities are also influenced by geographical and ecological factors, population, political and economic organizations etc.

Besides providing mental, physical and emotional satisfaction, recreation helps in developing the personality of man and promoting the spirit of co-operation in man. In the company of others man forgets his narrow self, comes out of his personal self, forgets his worries and problems and enjoys himself. In this way, entertainment not only fulfills the biological needs of man but also the social needs. However, which entertainment is likely to be most appropriate will depend on people’s particular tastes and interests, their gender and age. cultural factors also affect


entertainment suitability. Overall, entertainment caters to the all-round development of man and his integrated personality development.




Meaning, Definition and Nature of Commercial Entertainment


In simple words, commercial entertainment is a profit making business for the entertainment of a large number of people. Such recreational and recreational activities are provided to the people at a cost. For example movies, sports, night clubs, dance halls, orchestras, cabarets, swimming pools, amusement parks, museums, gambling dens, reading libraries and such other recreational institutions and activities. Apart from this, mass media like radio, T.V. And the movies are also both educative and entertaining. Huge industrial establishments and commercial organizations sponsor entertainment programs on TV by advertising their products. Professional entertainment also includes organizing community feasts and festivals, cultural organizations such as women’s clubs, youth organizations, etc. to provide an outlet for talent in the community and to provide a moral foundation.


Definition of Professional Entertainment


Todd defined commercial entertainment as “more or less organized entertainment enterprises engaged primarily in profit making”.

Commercial entertainment is a modern form of entertainment in modern urban societies, especially in highly industrialized countries. It is a profit making business for the entertainment of the people. Although it is a modern phenomenon, it existed in earlier times as well. In the pre-industrial era people traveled from village to village by paying dancing girls, charans and “tamasha” groups. Major towns had opera houses, theaters and orchestra groups to entertain the elite and upper middle class who could afford to pay higher prices for entertainment. There were circuses and drama companies that traveled from place to place offering entertainment to large masses of people.

Rapid developments in the technology of communication have given an unprecedented boost to commercial entertainment as a competitive, profitable activity. In today’s society, commercial entertainment has become a lucrative (easily earning income) business that engages talented, creative minds who are business minded and only interested in money-


and they do not think about its harmful effect on the public, especially the youth. Today there has been an increase in leisure, which is now considered a right of all and not a privilege of a few. Professional recreation is clearly a result of industrialization and changing economic and social patterns that have resulted in reduced working hours, increased wages, developments in communication and primary education. Economic motives have made lei more commercialized.

People’s fixed hours. Unfortunately, the effects of such commercial entertainment in urban areas are more disorganized than organized.



due to commercial entertainment

Collective forms of entertainment have become popular and occupy an important place in modern life. It is as essential to life as food and water.

There are many factors that have contributed to the popularity of commercial entertainment and recreation in cities. These include profit motive, erotic influence, increase in income and purchasing power, reduction in working hours, development in science and technology, modern industrialization, lack of other recreational facilities, etc. These are discussed below.

1) profit motive


As mentioned earlier, commercial

Amusements bring huge profits to the individuals who operate them and are considered to be one of the most prosperous industries. It is estimated that about one-fifth of the total national income is spent annually on commercial entertainment.

2) Sensual effect


Commercial entertainment of any form like orchestra, drama, beach resort, cab, cinema etc. gives people momentary enjoyment of sensory organs like eyes and ears. They are attracted by its sensual pleasure, even though they may not have the means to meet other needs.




3) Increase in income and increase in purchasing power


The rise in income of the townspeople and their proportionate increase in purchasing power has led them to turn to commercial entertainment for fun and company. They have no other option to spend the money.

4) industrialization


Increasing industrialization characterized by shorter working hours and more leisure time has also encouraged commercial entertainment. The monotony of machine life has increased the need for change and entertainment. When a person repeats the same work every day, he feels bored and tired. To get rid of this monotony, he may take recourse to different types of recreational activities.

5) Lack of other recreational facilities


Lack of other recreational facilities is one of the important reasons for their conservation. Due to lack of space in large cities, there are not enough playgrounds or other healthy recreational activities to entertain the townspeople.

6) Decline in importance of social institutions


The decline in the importance of social institutions such as the joint family and religion has also led many people to resort to commercial entertainment. The traditional joint family provided entertainment to the members within the home; They could spend time in family gatherings, feasts and gossip. But with the breakdown of the joint family system, the elders have lost control over the younger ones and they go to cheap recreational agencies to spend their free time. Likewise, declining religious interest among youth and adults has led many to indulge in obscene and unhealthy recreational practices.

7) Rapid development in communication technology


Rapid advances in communication technology have given an unprecedented boost to commercial entertainment as a competitive activity. Every commercial or business organization tries to find a slot on T.V when people watch the programme. To popularize a program, producers seek the patronage of well-known film stars or celebrities. Booming towers and multi-storey shopping complexes and malls have become other major sources of commercial entertainment in cities.




the act of entertainment or the functional role of entertainment

  • Relieve physical and mental stress

The routine and hectic routine of daily life exhausts the energy resources of man. A change of routine is always refreshing. This is where entertainment becomes a great source of change by relieving and relaxing physical and mental stress. Thus making a person physically and mentally healthy and fit. For example, indoor and outdoor games like table tennis, football are suitable for youth while picnics, walks etc. are pastimes for adults. Slum children do not have adequate playgrounds and children are either deprived of entertainment or have to play in the streets. Older people sometimes have difficulty getting enough entertainment.

  • Clean and curative effect

Entertainment is often touted as the antidote to every social ill. Experts agree that the more parks and playgrounds, the more families get together; picnics, etc. will reduce family quarrels and reduce juvenile delinquency, promote family community organizations and also break down all barriers between race class groups and communities.


Harmful effect of commercial entertainment or Harmful effect of commercial entertainment


Lack of proper entertainment leads man to sin and crime. on t

At the same time unhealthy entertainment can also inspire guilt and sin in a person. Commercial entertainment includes nightclubs, gambling dens, brothels, bars, etc. Cinema is a healthy form of commercial entertainment, as long as they show films that reflect the healthy aspects of our social culture.




Some of the harmful effects of commercial entertainment are discussed in



  • Excess of anything has undesirable effects on those who become addicted to it. Excessive emphasis on entertainment prevents the development of maturity and makes people irresponsible and negligent towards their obligations as citizens.
  • Commercial entertainment has an eye on profit and is completely indifferent to ethical considerations. It is well known that men have less emotional instincts and are largely exploited by professional entertainment agencies like cinema dancing halls, night clubs etc. People who visit him become so addicted that they even steal or borrow money to satisfy their lust for adventure. Climate. This leads to a gradual degeneration of character and affects both marital and family relations and thus results in family and social disorganization.

Such substandard recreation centers can be classified as pathological or degenerative, as they are detrimental to health.

They are a danger to the public and disorganize people and spoil the neighborhood.

  • Exposure of children and adolescents to TV and cinema often leads to criminal tendencies and behaviour. Youngsters not only copy the hairstyles and dressing styles of their favorite TV or film stars, but also resort to criminal behavior such as rape or theft.
  • Cinema and Disorganization:- Among all other mediums of commercial entertainment, cinema is the only effective medium in the formation of social attitudes and values in our society. The popularity of cinema is due to the fact that in a big city, cinema provides the cheapest means of entertainment for poor and middle class men. Cinema is a healthy form of business relationship to a large extent, as long as they show films that reflect the healthy side of our culture. The aim of the filmmakers is to make maximum profit and this is done by portraying themes like love, sex and violence and suspense in the films. There are films that highlight adultery, group sex, gay sex, prostitution, premarital sex, and all of them encourage sexual promiscuity among youth. Many youngsters get involved in gangrape after watching the rape scene in the film. There are cases of young lovers committing suicide after watching romantic movies in which their favorite film stars end their lives when their parents oppose their marriage. In this way, the credit for increasing incidents of crime and misconduct is also given to the influence of cinema and TV.

Teenagers often get confused impressions from the picture, which includes conflicting standards of conduct. Although behavior and


The values of young men can be social or antisocial depending on the content of the film, the skill and sympathy with which the various characters are portrayed and the social environment in which they are brought up. Therefore, there are many people who believe that movies inspire guilt and blame in teenagers. Many of the traits that form the basis of criminal behavior are inspired by movies.

For example, the specific techniques of conducting a crime, the idea of “easy money” and luxury from crime, etc. lay the foundation for criminal behavior among them. This includes petty theft, dacoity, murder, lascivious sexual behavior, rape, etc. Under the influence of movies, the relationship between a boy and a girl can turn from an innocent teenage flirtation to illicit sexual intercourse.

  • Children living in disorganized neighborhoods and communities are highly susceptible to the adverse effects of movies. In other words, an adolescent who lives in crime-prone areas will have acquired a set of attitudes and values that will quickly respond to suggestions of antisocial behavior in movies.

As observed by an expert Dr Jain. “The greatest danger of cinema is that it creates illusions in our mind. Cinema strengthens crime instincts by creating an artificial world and illusion of values on the one hand and teaches them the techniques of crime on the other. But bad It alone cannot be held responsible for having an effect unless the child or the man himself is already vulnerable.”

  • Addiction to television and movies also makes people lazy, passive and receivers of passive thoughts and behavior patterns. Apart from this, neither children nor adults are able to do any physical exercise. This type of commercial entertainment can thus affect both physical and social health. Various studies have indicated that television addicted students are academically poorer than others. This leads to loss of interest in schooling and eventually leads to school dropouts. Family peace and harmony can be disturbed when members differ in their preferences for viewing certain programmes.

This adversely affects the family. In this way films have wreaked havoc on the social institutions like family, school, religion etc. in the human society. Hence there is an urgent need for formal control over undesirable and illegal commercial entertainment.


control of commercial entertainment

In today’s world, we cannot stay away from commercial entertainment. They have become an integral part of our life. Although commercial entertainment is functional in serving various purposes of human life such as relaxation, relief from stress and anxieties of life, they are harmful to the character, personality and social outlook of the individual. Hence it needs to be controlled or regulated. Commercial entertainment is controlled by the government. Censor boards play a major role in allowing screening of films for the public.

Board members exercise legal powers by ordering the removal or alteration of objectionable scenes or passages. It can also ban films that hurt the religious sentiments of certain communities or films that are dangerous to the maintenance of law and order.

The cities require periodic supervision of entertainment centers such as dance halls, night clubs before issuing a license or withdrawing their license. The vigilance branch of the state police can play an important role in controlling evils like gambling, prostitution etc. A strong uncorrupted police force committed to public welfare, but backed by the power of the government, anti-social elements and organizations

can hold on to what they provide. Unhealthy entertainment for your vested interests. Education can be an effective means to control the bad effects of commercial entertainment. Producers of commercial entertainment should feel responsible for the quality and ultimate impact of the programs they provide to the public.


The changing nature of urban festivals

One festival is more than another day. It is a time to forget the worries and anxieties of everyday life and celebrate. Festivals are practiced from generation to generation. Festivals are occasions where all the relatives come together. Not all occasions are celebrated at the same time. That’s why we have various festivals like Ganpati, Gokulashtami, Diwali, Holi, Dussehra etc. in every month. It is a medium through which people meet each other and share happy moments for all.

India has always been a laboratory of cultural diversity and pluralism, which has been responsible for India’s pride on the world map. Festivals in India have an important place in the society. Of all the cities in India, it is arguably Mumbai that is the most saturated with media networks. Religious events in the city remain entangled in the folk culture of the city. They show the direct influence of the media—the adoption of film music, advertisements, and the actual use of film and video during festival events and performances. Newspapers and cable, satellite and terrestrial television provide day-to-day coverage of these events.

It is noteworthy that moments of celebration such as the Ganapati festival and other mass celebrations have facilitated the process of creating a public sphere of debate, action and empowerment since the colonial period. Under the influence of Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the festival was mobilized for the nationalist agenda in the 1890s. Due to the influence of Western culture, religious ceremonies in India became another forum for public debate. Thus secularization of law, administration of justice, education and politics took place. Western civilization with all its vigor challenged the beliefs and values of Hindu culture in almost every sphere of social, cultural and religious life.


secularization of festivals

The importance of religion in its traditional nature and form has greatly diminished in modern times.

facts about ganpati festival

Ganapati Vishnu is the most popular deity worshiped after Shiva. He is the typical embodiment of success in life – prosperity, peace. Hence his images and temples are seen all over India. Ganesha is the first to be invoked in all ceremonies (except funerals) and undertakings.

Ganapati is the god of wisdom. He is called the elephant-god, because he is depicted as a short, fat man with a pot belly, the head of an elephant.

The fourth day of the Hindu month of Bhadrapada (August–September) is celebrated as Ganapati’s birthday. Ganpati is worshiped to remove every obstacle for the smooth progress of the year




On the day of Ganpati Chaturthi, offerings of fruits, milk, flowers, coconut etc. are offered to him by all Hindus. Clay idols of Ganapati are made, which are decorated with

To take down, worship and then submerge or immerse in water, tank or sea. The idol is immersed in a procession accompanied by music and dance.

In September 1893, the first Sarvajanik ten-day festival (public festival) of Ganapati was started in Pune under the leadership of Tilak. Tilak organized it as a huge community festival which lasted for ten days. Under his guidance, big cities and small villages made the worship of Ganapati a public and social festival, which was celebrated with great pomp and enthusiasm. Every evening a huge crowd of people thronged to see the artistic performance of Ganapati’s glorifying myths depicted on public pandals (stages). Talks and lectures were held on religious, political and cultural subjects. Plays were staged and songs were sung. Through all this the main themes of independence and national unity were emphasized.

The Ganpati festival in Pune sees the participation of housing societies, communities and social organisations, and the entire city. People visit pandals not only to offer prayers but also to see the latest decorations and tableaux. The festival in Pune ensures that the festival retains its socio-cultural identity along with religious significance. Over the years, Ganesh Utsav has held a mirror to the society with its tableaux depicting social themes like AIDS, population control, Kargil war, political forces, major population events, natural calamities etc.

Not only the Ganapati festival, other religious festivals like Diwali or Navratri are also losing their religious significance, where Lakshmi Puja or the worship of Goddesses Saraswati and Durga has become an essential ritual or only a small part of the celebration.



  commercialization of festivals


Today commercialization has spread its wings everywhere. It has not even spared festivals, be it Diwali, Eid or Dussehra. Each day is a different celebration day like Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day etc. This is because of globalization. In modern days all these festivals whether religious or secular are seen as the business of religion.

During festivals the shops and streets are decorated with colorful lights. Furniture, Clothing, Kitchen Products

Shops and malls attract people with huge discounts on products like shoes, jewellery. Thus the shops and markets are heavily crowded as people shop in a frenzy, especially in the sweet and gift shops. Cinema halls also run houseful when a new film is released. Flat bookings also peak in cities during festivals, as it is a very auspicious time for new ventures and better prospects.

Durga Puja


Durga Puja is the most important festival of West Bengal. Commercialization has always been a part of Durga Puja festivities in Kolkata since the mid-1980s. This is the period of mega consumption and the best time to publicize products and commodity companies are willing to advertise. Commercial advertising in itself is a major venture during festivals. In the new millennium, there has been an increase in the consumption of lifestyle products. All India retail chains such as Pantaloons, West Side and Big Bazaar reported increased sales during the Puja. While the innovative designs of pandals decorations, lights and image of the deities had gained a great deal of attraction in the past, in the new millennium these pujas have become a fashion. Restaurants also advertise special menus and traditional Bengali food during the festival. During this time Kolkata attracts tourists not only from India but also from different parts of the region.




As far as celebrating Ganeshotsav in Maharashtra is concerned

Regional Marathi language newspapers such as Loksatta, Saamana, Sakal etc. provide the widest and most comprehensive coverage of the festival. Even English news dailies like Times of India, Indian Express, Asian Age, Mid Day etc. also report on the festival, like colorful pictures of Ganapati idols (idols), mythological stories etc. In the past, the Ganapati festival was a festival of togetherness where a circle is placed in a common area, and an idol is placed separately; Mantras were chanted so that the deity remained at the same place even after the idol was immersed in water. Pooja and Naivedya were duly completed. Moreover, there was only one mandal in a locality and hence it became the only source from where visitors could have darshan. These mandals did not get any sponsorship from potential party and goons. That’s why it was people’s choice to donate. As there was no political interference, there was no need for police protection and there was not much violence but all these areas have undergone many changes over the years.

Since the mid-1980s, there have been a number of competitions that have been started with regards to organization and judging.

Board. In fact competitions have become a very prominent part of the festival. was in mu

i, that the first Ganeshotsav Sarvajanik (public) competition took place in 1986. Due to their massive popularity, the fever of the competition has spread to other cities in western India such as Pune, Aurangabad, Nagpur and Ahmedabad. Other smaller towns and villages also have their own district-run competitions. In Mumbai, the Ganpati festival competition was organized by Shri Sitara Deora Foundation, Saamana (a newspaper edited by Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray). In 1996, Philips India started sponsoring competitions with large prizes in association with cable operators in Mumbai. Most of these competitions are related to demonstrating interest in social obligations such as family planning, polio vaccination campaigns, environmental concerns, national solidarity, and educational or literacy campaigns. Sponsors put up hoardings at all places (pandals) where the community celebrates Ganpati festival






The festival of twinkling lights, twinkling houses, dazzling firecrackers, gleaming silverware and traditional sweets is a time of joy and merriment dedicated to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Diwali has become a consumer’s delight and a retailer’s dream. Diwali has now become synonymous with grand shopping spree, lavish parties, annual discounts, peak sales, expensive gifts and lots of happiness. It is the time of the year when people go shopping for lifestyle items, clothing, jewellery, and non-stop entertainment.

Diwali was consumerized on a large scale in the mid-90s when multinational companies entered and increased competition in the market. Today Diwali is more a commercial festival than a religious one. A quick tour of any shopping area reveals that festive discounts, special prizes and lucky draws are irresistible draws for shoppers. During Diwali, shops woo customers by offering 10-15% discount on their products.

Politicians believe that in the post-liberalisation era, gifts have become a yardstick to measure a person’s status. Considering Diwali is still a family-oriented festival, it is the shortest time for bars and cafes. According to many Diwali parties, domestic get-togethers between friends and relatives are encouraged. For housewives, Diwali is a time when the house is given a facelift with a fresh coat of paint, a special ornament is bought, sweets and gifts are exchanged and other modern gadgets in the kitchen are exchanged. – is provided. So as our culture is losing its way, so are our festivals.





Politicization of Ganesh festival


Ganapati is considered the patron deity of Maharashtra. It is still confined to individual homes and temples. Bal Gangadhar Tilak inaugurated the festival.

Emphasis on giving a community touch by using it as an effective means of creating creative enthusiasm, religious consciousness and social solidarity. Tilak organized the festival as a huge community festival which lasted for 10 days. During festivals, friends and relatives eat together and exchange sweets with each other. People used to gather in large crowds every evening to watch artistic performances of myths glorifying Ganapati painted on public pandals. Talks and lectures were organized on religious, political and socio-cultural subjects. On the last day of the festival, according to Hindu tradition, the Ganapati idol was to be immersed in water. This massive public procession served as a clarion call against the British government and the Muslims.

The Ganeshotsav competition in 1994 explained the purpose behind the festival competition. The growing vulgarity of Ganpati festival was a competition that could give the festival a strong direction and social responsibility. An “anything goes” trend, including wild dancing, drinking and Ganpati idols, with images of film actors such as Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan and in some cases playing Hindi film music instead of devotional music Vulgarization for. Many pandals are under the control of regional party Shiv Sena for political propaganda. In addition, the organizers wanted to promote national integration, especially in light of the rise of communal politics.


Urban culture, leisure and entertainment are integral parts of contemporary Indian society. Mass media and TV have become important intermediaries in this process. The urban culture of India is influenced by the size, density, demographic and ethnic composition and spatial organization of urban settlements. Indian cities have started seeing new cultural and lifestyle trends like Bollywood style, fast food etc. Proliferation of malls and supermarkets with efficient distribution and distribution




Services have given rise to consumerism. Recreation is a form of leisure time activity that gives spiritual and mental satisfaction to its participants. is entertainment

It is important because it helps to beat the monotony and boredom of city life. Commercial entertainment has made inroads into urban entertainment. Industrialization, technological development, increase in income, sensual influence etc. are some of the reasons for commercial entertainment. Although commercial entertainment has some healthy and therapeutic effects, it has adverse effects on children, youth and adults. Improper and unhealthy entertainment leads to personal, family and social disorder. That’s why control over commercial entertainment is very important.

Festivals in India have an important place in the society. Religious institutions like temples, mosques and festivals have greatly diminished in importance. This is reflected in the secularization and commercialization of festivals such as Diwali. Ganeshotsav, Navratri or Dandiya festival. Competitions have become an important part of the city’s festivals. These competitions throw light on various social issues like national integration, environmental concerns, family planning etc. The city’s festivals are heavily highlighted in media coverage – movies, TV, newspapers, advertisements, concerts, etc.

New Sociology


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