


Regionalism is also one of the concepts that have expanded their influence in socio-political life in modern India.  It is difficult to tell when and how this regionalism or regionalism was born, but it can be said that the fierce form that has emerged today makes the problem of national unity even more serious.  At the time of independence – the division of the country at the time of attainment, the insult which was fought on the integrity of India has become even more terrible due to regionalism.  Due to this feeling of regionalism taking root in public life, today our country is divided not only in Hindustan and Pakistan but in multiple regions and people of each region have taken the lead to prove their superiority over others.  But before writing anything else in this regard, it is necessary to understand the real meaning of regionalism.


Lundberg has written that “regionalism is related to the study in which the relationship between a geographical area and human behavior is emphasized.  Regionalism in this form is a kind of worldview-science because its interest is in functional Forganic relationships found between different regions and between different organs of the same region.  “1 In the above definition, Mr. Lundberg sees regionalism as a branch of science whose study – the subject is the social behavior of one area – of particular people in the context of other fields. From this point of view, regionalism is also a form of human behavior.  There is a special expression and the remarkable feature of this expression is that it continues to be influenced and guided by the circumstances of its territory. That is, it has a clear view of the situational conditions of a particular region. Regionality refers to  People have a regional character and their behavior can be understood in the real sense in the context of the same.


.  Bogardus has written that if the economic resources of a geographical area are developed in such a way that it is possible for them to maintain their singularity, then the collective interests of the people there can develop and thus regional ideals can develop.  This is where the foundation of regionalism lies.  Pro .  Bogardus has also written that regionalism involves a cultural wholeness (regionalism) involves a cultural wholeness.  ).  3 There is some similarity between the cultural characteristics of a region.  A region has its own cultural history.  On the basis of this, similarity or eccentricity arises in the thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviors of the people of that region and an attempt is also made to maintain it.  Nevertheless, these regional ideals and interests are not allowed to grow so much or to take extreme forms to violate the national interest.


Hence Dr.  Radhakamal Mukherjee has written that regionalism is subordinate to nationalism 14 On the basis of the above discussion, it can be said that regionalism is a region-specific people’s own  There is that special attachment and feeling of belonging to the region which is expressed in the form of some common ideals, behaviors, thoughts and beliefs.


 Narrow Meaning of Regionalism

Regionalism in a broad sense is subject to nationality, ie it does not include any such action, feeling or idea which is fatal to national interests or to national unity.  Be proven  But this elaborate form of territoriality is often distorted and in such narrow sentiments that people of one region only have the interests of their own region paramount.  Believing that they try to protect them.  In this narrow form, regionalism refers to the ideals, behaviors, ideas and programs that cultivate a sense of superiority and superiority in the minds of a particular region and on the same basis, they can provide all political and economic facilities  To achieve this, we get ready like this for the interests of the vast nation and national unity.  They also forget the requirements.  This form of regionalism fills the feeling of the people of that region that their language, their culture, their history and social traditions are the best and that is why all possible facilities are necessary for the all round development of that region and those facilities will be given to them.  Should be available only as a right.  The demand is that the area should get administrative rights – more and more, attention should be given to their problems first, their language should be recognized on a national basis and their importance in respect of all national subjects must be acknowledged.  If they had to loose their ties with the entire nation for all this, they would have been ready for that too.  Huh .  In this sense, regionalism can also be a supporter of the policy of secession.


  Nature of Regionalism In the broad sense, regionalism or regionalism is based on certain social, cultural, economic similarities found in a region.  This region can be a part of a single nation or society or it may also include multiple small and small nations which are similar in relation to their geographical location, language, religion and interests.  But there is a fierce and narrow state of regionalism under which regional interests are considered more important than national interests.  However, to understand the reality of regionality, we should keep the following points in mind


 Regionalism strengthens local patriotism and a sense of regional superiority (Regionalism strengthens local patriotism and regional ethnocentrism): A region-group has its own common culture and based on the same commonality, there are some common ideals, feelings, perceptions among the inhabitants.  And ideas flourish and at the same time, this belief also becomes in the heart of people that these ideals, feelings and perceptions, etc. are far better or better than the ideals, feelings and perceptions of other fields.  Also, the common language, common cultural traditions, similar historical events and similar socioeconomic and political problems found in that region help the local people to cultivate local patriotism i.e. special attachment to that area.  This special attachment and feeling of superiority along with other areas helps in creating a state of tension


 Regionalism is a learned behavior: A region – the special affection that a group members have towards their region and the sense of understanding the cultural heritage of their region as superior to that of another region.  All that is learned is learned behavior.  The feeling of territoriality, like racial or physical characteristics, is not attained to the individual through the process of reproduction or heredity, but rather through the exchange of ideas through language and other symbols and during social interactions.  The person keeps on transferring and in the same way the feeling of regionalism continues.  It not only develops familiarity, but also motivates us to consider ourselves an active participant in its cultural, social and economic heritage and to behave in the same context.


 Regionalism is of many degress: This nature of regionalism can be explained from two different perspectives – firstly the amount of regionalism can be from liberal to aggressive ie the nature of regionalism can be so generous.  It is to include many similar nations in its arms and always be active keeping national interests in mind.  On the contrary, the form of regionalism can be so fierce that it should not hesitate to sacrifice its national interest in front of its own interests, considering its territory as paramount.  The form or form of territoriality between these two opposite ends may be at least moderate or extreme.  In the other sense, the sense of territoriality differs among people of different regions or not in all people of the same region.  For example, the more aware the people of the northern region of India about their regional heritage, the more awareness they may not have among the people of the region of central India or their



Awareness seems to have faded in front of the fierce awareness of the people of the southern region.  In the same way, it cannot be said that all the people of the southern region have equal awareness of their regional heritage.  In many people, this awareness may be more or less, moderate or aggressive, and in practice it occurs.


Negative regionalisan may result in the demand for regional self-government, even natural segregation (Negative regionalism) (Negative regionalisanmey read to demand for regional autonomvorevenpoliticalsepartism).  Can demand  En mam is a fierce competition among the people of different regions by grabbing the economic and political rights, due to which the bitterness between the different regions increases.

Regionality lasts 191.  This situation was neither beneficial for national unity nor for national progress.


 Regionalism expresses the narrowness of outlook: Regionalism in its fiery form can never prove to help people develop emotion because it represents the attitude according to which one’s own region  The cultural traditions, religion, language, ideals, principles and ethos are considered to be far superior than other areas and every proper – inappropriate step is taken to introduce them in the same form.  That is why people from other regions in their region are treated in a partisan manner and sometimes they are even victimized by social, economic injustice as well as regional patriotism and regional loyalty.  All these partisan injustices in the name should be searched for some justification.


Factors in the emergence of regionalism


  Geographical factors: Often geographical factors become one of the most influential factors in regional development.  India is a perfect example of this.  India is naturally divided into four distinct geographical regions and those regions are the hilly region of the north, the vast plain of the Ganges-Indus, the southern plateau and the desert region of central India.  The geographical conditions of these four regions are not only different, some subjects are also completely opposite to each other.  As a result, the division that took place in different regions or territories had an impact on every side of life and the social religious customs of a region – Rewa, language, cultural traditions, dress, jewelery, nature, food, living and living etc. were different from other areas.  .  This difference contributed significantly to the development of regionalism.


 Historical factors: Like geographical factors, historical factors can also help in the development of regionalism.  Due to the vastness of this country and the different regions, India was a country of vast territorial states in ancient and medieval times.  Although some ‘powerful ambitious kings established kingdoms in which India was all over, yet a vast central state could not remain in India for long due to the vastness of the country and lack of means of transport.  Whenever the central emperor became powerless and unstable, the subordinate territories and feudatories declared their independence and started local self-government.  Not once during the historical development of India, this happened many times, due to which the desire to establish regional self-government became a political tradition of this country.  Due to the transfer of the same tradition, there is a demand for Nagaland, Tamil Pradesh, Punjabi Suba, Andhra division etc. today.


   Political factors: Many political factors also play an important role in the development of regionalism.  There are some political organizations or parties in India that try to become popular by inciting a sense of regionalism and at the same time succeed in accomplishing their narrow interests.  These parties are sometimes wearing religious and language-related jama to make it easy for them to incite popular feelings.  Under the guise of religion and language, these parties keep the people of one region lured that the teams of their own states are going to get an independent power, after which they will be able to revive all the lost glory and traditions of their region.  .  In this way, regional parties become important factors in the development of regionalism.  Not only this, regional leaders also have adequate cooperation in this direction.  These regional leaders are very influential people and not only extend their influence on the central government but also in comparison to the government of the central government in the matter of accomplishing their territorial interests.

Do not hesitate to do 192.  These leaders only think about their own region and do not hesitate to crush the interests of other areas.  .


 Cultural factors: We are also not important in the development of regionalism.  The geographical conditions of India have divided India not only in some geographical areas but also in many cultural areas.  This means that each geographical area has its own distinct cultural life-pattern and a peculiar attachment to that pattern has arisen in the people of that region.  This attachment sometimes becomes so clear and one-sided that people of one region begin to perceive their cultural paradigm as far superior than in other regions.  For example, the people of the northern region take pride in saying that Vedic association and culture emerged in their region.  He claims that the Indus Valley civilization and the Aryan civilization were going to give new light to the whole of India and in their area, they were and still remain the main centers of Indian culture, fine arts, literature, philosophy, even politics.  Hindi is the original language of this region and the Prime Minister of independent India also belongs to this region.  Secondly, the people of the southern region of India claim that many fundamental elements of ancient Indian culture exist in their region.  Their region is a place of Dravidian civilization, culture and languages ​​etc.  Adi in this sense – the true form of India is his only field, this form cannot be seen in any other region of India.  At the same time, the people there are always dear, hard-working, courageous, and independent, and they never hesitate to sacrifice everything to protect that freedom.  This is his traditional pride.  It is clear that all these claims of the people of the northern or southern region, despite being false, prove to be helpful in the development of regionalism.


Linguism: An important factor in the development of regionalism in cultural factors is linguism.  The situation in India is that members of the main group of sub-cultural region speak and write a particular language.  These are called regional or regional language.  Speakers of each regional language have a very emotional attachment to their language, as a result of which they believe that their own language style, vocabulary, literary richness and depth are more attractive and superior in nature than all other languages.  is .  Merely considering one’s own language as such and taking all other regional languages ​​as their own increases the territorial distance and develops regionalism.


Evil Consequences of Regionalism


Conflct and tension between different regions: The first side effect of narrow regionalism that we see in India is that it has caused economic, political, even psychological conflicts and tensions between different regions.  It is increasing day by day.  The reason for this is that each region gives the highest position to its selfishness or interests and it does not worry about how much damage will be done to other areas.  Today there is a border dispute between different states, a university should not be opened in our area but in this area, people of that area agitate, the topic of establishment of Steel Plant Project is also a big movement  It becomes the subject of, even in the northern region, sitting in the Lok Sabha, why should the Lok Sabha have meetings in the southern region as well – this becomes a good topic of debate and thrives on the disconnect between different areas.  is .


Centre State Relation: The relationship between the central government and the government takes hold due to territoriality in India.  In every region, self-interest groups, regional leaders, big industrialists and politicians give priority to the interests of their respective regions and try to attract the attention of the sitting government.  The central government, whose side too has become a subject of controversy, becomes a matter of dispute and the mutual relations between the central and state governments are not able to remain cordial.


Emergence of self-centered leadership and organization: Another side effect of regionalism is that it leads to the development of some kind of leadership and organizations in different fields that can affect the sentiments of the public.  Want to fulfill their narrow interests by raising.  These types of leaders and organizations neither care about regional interests nor national interests at all, their attention is focused on proving their own interests by increasing their popularity.  These leaders sometimes create a ruckus about the language question and sometimes stand up to raise slogans against the partisan behavior of the central government.  Whether any of these problems are real or only imaginary.  Such leaders and

Nothing is good for organizations, yet they get a good chance to flourish in the regionalism worm.  (


Language problem be comes more complex: Another bad effect of regionalism is that regional loyalty.  (regional lovlty) Instead of being helpful in solving the language problem, it helps in making it even more complex.  Regional loyalty is directly related to or special attachment to the regional language, due to which the people of that region make the mistake of giving more importance to the regional language.  The result is that of any other language.  There is no sense of tolerance at all and various



Bitterness between linguistic areas only increases with the question of language.  This result of regionalism proves to be very deadly from public welfare and national progress.


 Challenge to National Integration: Narrow regionalism becomes a challenge for nationality unity.  India today is going through a transitional period, while abandoning centuries-old traditions and moving towards modernization.  The pace of change in social, cultural, political and economic fields is not uniform at this critical period.  Therefore, it is only natural for the country to have an imbalance in its social system.  In such a state, due to regionalism, the tension and conflict between different regions arises which blossoms all perceptions and feelings of national unity.  As a result of regionalism, people of different regions sometimes have questions about regional interests, sometimes political self-government or a separate state with questions, sometimes political self-government or a separate state question, sometimes with the question of territorial language which fights and  Difficulties stand up and they prove fatal to national unity.  –


Measures for checking Regionalism


Regionalism is not a good thing for national life.  It is only appropriate to ban it.  The following measures can be suggested in this regard:



(1) Equal economic facilities should be provided to the people of the region so that unnecessary economic tension between them is minimized.  – The spirit of competition and Ia could not flourish.


(2) As far as possible aspirations of possible and practical areas are to be fulfilled, if they do not have any ill effects on national life and organization.


(3) The solution of language related conflicts should be found soon.  The most appropriate solution in this regard is that all regional languages ​​should be given equal recognition.


(4) Hindi language should not be forced on any regional group, but it was propagated and expanded in such a way that different regional groups automatically accept it as a link language.


(5) But all enthusiasm and resources should not be spent only in the development of Hindi language, but all the regional languages ​​should be given equal opportunity to develop according to their own specialties by making sure plans.

(6) Through various means of propagation, the general knowledge of the people about the cultural characteristics of different regions should be increased so that people of one region do not develop a sense of tolerance towards another region.

(7) The policy of the Central Government should be such that all the subcultural areas of Grcultural regions) should have a balanced economic development, so that there is at least a minimum of different regions.



(8) There should be a balanced representation of the leaders of all the regions in the Central Cabinet so that regional partisan policies can be contradicted and no one doubts the intentions of the Central Government.


(9) In order to make the mutual relations between the Central Government and the State Governments more cordial, both sides should adopt such a policy and code of conduct that mutual trust is not broken and opportunities should never come to each other.  Mud to be required.  Selfish leaders of narrow mindedness look for similar opportunities and try to instill a sense of regionalism as soon as they get opportunities.  State governments and especially the central government should never give this kind of opportunity to the regional leaders.  Remember that all the above measures are complementary to each other, as they should be adopted.  But the real solution to regionalism is not possible until the feeling of taking root in the mind of every Indian is that our own region is our own, but a vast area – India – is much more than that.  Our own region is only a river, but India is a great one – the significance of the river lies in merging the vastness of that community.  This is his ultimate speed, ultimate liberation.  The message of that liberation is to be delivered to every household in India!

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