Measures for checking Regionalism

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Measures for checking Regionalism


 Regionalism is not a good thing for national life.  It is only appropriate to ban it.  The following measures can be suggested in this regard:


(1) Equal economic facilities should be provided to the people of the region so that unnecessary economic tension between them is minimized.  – The spirit of competition and Ia could not flourish.


(2) As far as possible aspirations of possible and practical areas are to be fulfilled, if they do not have any ill effects on national life and organization.


  (3) The solution of language related conflicts should be found soon.  The most appropriate solution in this regard is that all regional languages ​​should be given equal recognition.


 (4) Hindi language should not be forced on any regional group, but it was propagated and expanded in such a way that different regional groups automatically accept it as a link language.


 (5) But all enthusiasm and resources should not be spent only in the development of Hindi language, but all the regional languages ​​should be given equal opportunity to develop according to their own specialties by making sure plans.

  (6) Through various means of propagation, the general knowledge of the people about the cultural characteristics of different regions should be increased so that people of one region do not develop a sense of tolerance towards another region.

  (7) The policy of the Central Government should be such that all the subcultural areas of Grcultural regions) should have a balanced economic development, so that there is at least a minimum of different regions.





 (8) There should be a balanced representation of the leaders of all the regions in the Central Cabinet so that regional partisan policies can be contradicted and no one doubts the intentions of the Central Government.


  (9) In order to make the mutual relations between the Central Government and the State Governments more cordial, both sides should adopt such a policy and code of conduct that mutual trust is not broken and opportunities should never come to each other.  Mud to be required.  Selfish leaders of narrow mindedness look for similar opportunities and try to instill a sense of regionalism as soon as they get opportunities.  State governments and especially the central government should never give this kind of opportunity to the regional leaders.  Remember that all the above measures are complementary to each other, as they should be adopted.  But the real solution to regionalism is not possible until the feeling of taking root in the mind of every Indian is that our own region is our own, but a vast area – India – is much more than that.  Our own region is only a river, but India is a great one – the significance of the river lies in merging the vastness of that community.  This is his ultimate speed, ultimate liberation.  The message of that liberation is to be delivered to every household in India.



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