Unity in Diversity in Indian Society

Unity in Diversity in Indian Society


  Integration in historical diversity –

India has been a center of attraction for foreigners since time immemorial.  Due to its natural splendor, wealth, wealth and fame, foreigners cannot give up the temptation to come to India.  As a result, foreigners continued to visit Yen-Cane in India.  Some were looted and many people of different religions and species settled here.  It is natural for them to have differences in history, but when they settled permanently in India, they created a co-ordinated culture.  Since ancient times, different religions, castes and cultures have created a similar Indian history.


  Unity in ethnic diversity –

Different types of castes are found in India under the caste-system.  The caste-system is a divisive structure which includes many subcastes.  Each section has its own characteristics, customs and practices.  Despite these differences, there are many similarities among all castes.  The mutual dependence found between different castes also kept the castes in the thread of unity.  From time to time, many external invaders have come here, but they all got mixed up in the Indian caste-system and became part of it.  They have also been dependent on each other through Jajmani practice.  The caste-system maintained the unity of all India even when the whole of Europe was submerged in a quagmire of barbarism.  Thus the caste-system has helped in maintaining unity in India.  (9) Unity in mental diversity India is a country of different religions, castes and languages.  There is an amazing confluence of different cultures in this country.  Every culture, language and religion has its own characteristics that affect the person mentally.  The indelible impression of his religion and culture can be seen on the thoughts of every person.  Therefore, it is natural to find mental diversity in a country with different cultures and religions.


  Cultural Unity –

The cultural life of Indian society is full of diversities.  The cultural tradition of India is very special.  Religion, karma and caste occupy an important place in the philanthropic system of social stratification of Indian culture.  To some extent, the unity of these elements has emphasized the process of balance and stratification in Indian society and this is the reason why there is not a big change in Indian culture.  It has been said that the changes that have taken place in Indian society are in its cultural system and not in the entire system.  In other words, our basic cultural and social values ​​and standards continue with little modification. To understand the unity of Indian culture, it is necessary to look at its historical perspective.  The processes of tolerance and assimilation in the form of social and cultural change have been unique in India.  Grahary and Dravir stayed together.  Hindus and Muslims also lived closely with each other.  Later, Christians also joined them.  Today in the social and public life of India, whether it is industry, commerce or government establishment, all Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians etc. work together in it.  Therefore, it can be said that even after so much diversity, there is a philosophy of continuous unity in Indian society.


  Martial Integration –

– There is enough inclusion of economic variations in Indian society, although agriculture and agribusiness is the soul of Indian economy, but even in the modern technological field, Indian society is not lagging behind in any form.  The technological revolution created amazing variations throughout the economy itself, but still there is no doubt about the strength of the Indian economy.  HamayanKabiran has written that “The geographical unity of the country has had an impact on the economic life of the people. Geography is bound to shape the economy in a special way. Here too the prav and fertility of the country helped in unity. The shape of the country  And due to the variety of deposits, the expansion of the people gradually and the spread of cultivation gradually happened. If the country was small in size, then those who were here before debari – if not cleared by turn, then at least must be outside.  Were expelled and cultivation was increased much faster. Due to differentiation of land varieties, there would be uneven development in different areas. If any of these two coincided, there would be equal use of production method and new – Naga authority  Society existed. There is no doubt that the relations of different classes with the customs of production and the powers of production have a profound effect on the forms of society. It has been about four-five thousand years, the continuous agricultural predominant meaning in India  – The reputation of the system has been and has been developing – due to the fact that it has increased somewhat.  Smriti, the depth and hive of traditions are understood.  Having spent so much time has also helped in creating a similar attitude.  This trend has been further strengthened by being the sole organization of the Grievance Organization across the country.  It is a matter of everyone’s experience that the people of one-to-one business also have the same attitude.  As mentioned above, the economy of India has been basically agricultural.


   Social Unity –

The best means to understand the power and weakness of social aspects of Indian culture – to study the narrative system.  The protests against varna-division are clear.  Due to this the unity of Indian life was destroyed.  This hindered the development of democracy.  This led to appearances and a sense of arrogance in the upper classes.  This led to inferiority and slavery in the lower borgs.  All these attacks against the varna-system are right and there can be further attacks, but still one thing has to be accepted that the birth of this system is basically due to the spirit of intolerance.  To assume the expression of tolerance of the varna system, at first – seems somewhat contradictory.  But if we remember that India has been an arena where many castes, like the Wizards, were later conquered on the Prai by the later invaders themselves, then that contradiction dissolves.  Between such diversity of blood, color and language, it was impossible to form a social and political entity in the country, living in different practices and beliefs.  European colonizers also faced similar problems in America, Australia and Africa in the 18th – 19th centuries.  The Europeans and its native inhabitants had great contrast, but the invasions of India often did not exceed the great contrast they faced.  The truth is that the problem of reconciling each other in India was very complicated.  The local tribes the Europeans had to deal with were largely diverse.  Their development status was also largely the same and the same.  In India, the castes and tribes that interacted with each other were many but at the same time there was immense diversity and dissimilarity in the levels of their civilization and culture.  The European colonists had to resolve the conflict between the two elements, but the Aryan settlers had to find such unity among the immense diversity that their work would continue.

 Religious Unity –

The story of Indian religions is also a story of unity and continuity.  We have briefly mentioned that the surprising variety in Indian religions is because of the different and perhaps conflicting views in the thinking stream of Hinduism.  Pradi Arya used to worship the powers of nature and he has humanized them in his mythology and mantras.  Immediately after settling in India, we see that the Vedic gods gradually lose their importance.  Tridev takes his place.  In these Vedavas, respectively, the place of Brahma was replaced by Shakti.  There is no mention of any goddess in Vedic literature who has any resemblance to Shakti and there are very few references to Vishnu and Shiva.  Birth of different religions – many religions, religion, religious to say in India: If you look a little deeper you will find that all religions

Are dependent on the same philosophical and moral principles.  All religions believe in God, spirit, rebirth, spiritualism, karma, maya, salvation, sin – virtue, truth, untruth, heaven – hell, mercy, honesty, truth, non-violence, etc.  The seven sacred rivers of the Indians (Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Sindh, Saraswati, Narmada, Kaveri) are located in different parts of the country, but the entire Indians consider them equally sacred and revered.  The deities of India such as Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Vishnu and Pradi are also sung almost all over India.  The four dhams located in all four directions (Badrinath in the north, Rameshwaram in the south, Jagannathpuri in the east and Dwarika in the west) are strong proofs of India’s religious unity and integrity.  All Indians equally have reverence for Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Quran, Bible, Theology, Purana etc.  In this way religious unity and integrity can be seen in India.


  Linguistic Unity –

The unity and unease of Indian culture is also expressed in its various languages.  Today, there is often an emphasis on the mutual distinctions of the languages ​​of India and there are clearly some political reasons to exaggerate these distinctions.  But even by working with superlatives, the basic unity of their nature and vision cannot be ignored.  One cannot deny from this that their sources are different – Priya, Dravidian, ethnic people.  Like the synthesis of castes, languages ​​have also been synthesized and due to this synthesis many of them are alive and they have got complete development opportunities by being bound in the formula of the same approach developed forms of  Even a language like Tamil – whose literature was well developed even before the arrival of the Paryas on the land of India – could not remain untouched by the influence of culture.  Time has passed but the color of this tradition of Sanskrit has not faded.  New invaders came, new languages ​​came with them and they challenged the sovereignty of Sanskrit, but the influence of Sanskrit has remained as it has been, perhaps even more.  In this way, all Indian languages ​​have a lot of word-stores and they have similarities in grammatical composition as well.


  Unity of Art & Literature

Unity of art in Indian life is also no less notable subject.  In the field of architecture, sculpture, painting, dance, music, etc., we find an all-India resemblance.  In all these areas there is a unique union of different arts of the country.  This union is seen in temples, mosques, churches and buildings built in different parts of the country.  Darbari, MianMalhar, Dhra Pad, Bhawan, Khyal, Tappa, Thumri, Ghazal and even Western tunes are spread all over India.  Similarly, Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Kathak, Manipuri Pradi dance of all kinds are prevalent in all parts of India.  Therefore, we can say that in the field of art also there is unbroken unity in India.

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