Field work in Sociology 

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Field work in Sociology 

Field work has a special importance in sociological studies. Most sociologists accept the fact that field work is used exclusively for the study of phenomena. Social studies done on the basis of field work are called empirical studies. This study is the basis of Applied Biology. Applied sociology is that which aims to make social life more healthy by collecting useful from the lives of groups and communities. Work refers to those studies which are done by the researcher by collecting primary information from the people related to the study subject. The gathering of information is done through a systematic method – observation and interview etc. Through this, the causes and consequences of the occurrence of social events are known. Thus, in social sciences, there is an alternative to field work experiment.
Thomas and Znaniecki first studied the farmers of Poland through field work. That is why Thomas and Jainism are considered as the architects of the study based on field work. Today there are many topics related to social life – population, problems related to town and village, crime and education etc., in respect of which information related to different aspects is obtained through field work. Field – The nature of work can be understood as
1. Practical experience is gained through field work.
2 . The views of individuals of a group and community can be known only through field work.
3. Field work is the method through which it is possible to discuss the causes and consequences of social events.
4. The basis of the field work is the incorporation method of the study.
5. Statistical analysis of a fact is possible through field work.
6. Fieldwork does not believe in historical studies.
7. Under field work, the life of a group can be understood only on the basis of the present facts.
8. Field work recognizes that social events are variable.




Types of Field Work 

Field work is divided into two main parts – functional field work and cognitive field work. This can be understood as follows
(1) Sematic Field Work: The meaning of functional field work is to understand the causes and magnitudes of different social houses. With the help of this, by understanding various problems, they are able to get near its solution. It is based on the belief that unless we understand the real meaning of the actions and behaviors of the people of a group, the actual behavior of that group cannot be discussed.
(2) Epistemic Field Work: When field work is done for facts related to social events for the purpose of acquiring knowledge, then it is called cognitive field work. This field work is based on the assumption that it is not possible to explain social phenomena without direct experience.




 Importance of Field Work in Sociology 

Field work is a useful method in sociological studies. Much of the sociological knowledge is based on facts from field work. Knowledge of social events and changes, determination of social policies and social planning, rural and urban studies, verification of facts and scientific research etc. The role of field work has been special. The importance of field work in sociology can be understood as follows

(1) Knowledge of Social Problems: Through field work, the real nature of social problems, their causes and consequences can be understood. Correct information about problems like domestic violence, inter-generational conflict, mistreatment of women and casteism etc. prevailing in India can be obtained from field work. Based on this, problems can be solved.

(2) Understanding of Social Change: Change is a universal process. Through field work, accurate information about these changes is available. In India M. N. Srinivas ( M. N. Srinivas ) S. C . Dubey ( S. C. Dubey ), M. s . a . Rao ( M. S. A. Rao ) et al., through the field work itself, mentioned several processes which were considered important for understanding the changes taking place in the structure of Indian society. Sanskritization, westernization, secularization, modernization, urbanization and industrialization are similar processes.

(3) Heipful in Determining Social Policies: The development of society is possible through the determination of policies. In sociology, facts are collected through field work, then policies are decided by the government and administrator, so that the society can be taken towards development. In India, the policy of social awareness was adopted on the basis of knowledge gained through field work. Due to this, many problems could be solved.

(4) Co in social planning

Helpful in Social Planning: Social planning has a special role in organizing the society. There are various conditions related to social planning like improvement of slums, rural and urban planning, welfare of weaker and backward classes, population control etc. This can be understood through field work. Then social planning can be done in the context of these conditions.

(5) Scientific Investigation: Field work has special importance in the scientific discovery of various facts related to social life. Through field work it is possible to understand various social facts, then with their help, development of new concepts becomes possible. As such it is scientific in nature.

6) Study of Quantitative and Quantitative Facts: Quantitative facts, on the one hand, which can be told in numbers that information is possible, and on the other, qualitative facts – attitudes, hopes and aspirations. etc. information is possible. Both these types of facts are helpful in understanding social life.

( 7 ) Other Importance : Many other importance of field work can be stated ( 1 ) it is possible to check the answers obtained to a large extent. (ii) Factual information is possible through field work. (iii) The possibility of removing various types of biases and misconceptions through field work is more. (iv) It is possible to have rural studies through field work. Many other importance can be mentioned – (i) Area – Functions




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