Importance or Merits of Interview Method 

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Importance or Merits of Interview Method 


Interview method is useful and important in many ways in social research and survey. Through this, it is easy to understand the attitudes and qualitative social facts of the people. Along with this, the benefit of observation is also available in it. Its importance can be understood as follows.

Direct Method of Data Collection: Interview is basically a direct method of data collection. In this, both the researcher and the informant are in a face-to-face relationship. The researcher goes on asking questions and the informant goes on giving answers. In this way, information is obtained by asking directly in the interview. In this form, the advantage of observational properties is also available in it. Also, it is possible to get basic information information.

Collection of Intensive and Detailed Information: Interview is an important method to understand the deepest processes of human behavior and the secrets under it. The interviewer can get information about the past events of a person’s life, his reactions, attitudes, future plans, hopes and aspirations etc. by making a special relationship with the respondent and asking. Also, information about many aspects of sexual behavior, confidential and personal life is possible only through interview.

More Meaningful Information: In the interview, the researcher gets the answer of the question from the respondent as well as observes it. In this way one can also see the context of the information in it. He also observes that what is the attitude and currency of the respondent. G. H. Mead, therefore, has not called interview as mere conversation, but according to him interview is an interaction of physical movements and postures. In this way the facts gathered by interview with observation become more meaningful and valid.



Flexibility: A special importance of the interview is the flexibility in it. There is flexibility in asking questions, that is, adjustments can be made according to the appropriate situation. For example, the interviewer may ask more about certain questions, repeat them, explain them in case of confusion or language difficulty. He can insert new questions or omit some questions as and when required.

Verification of Facts: Verification of the answers obtained by interview is possible to a great extent. In this method, freely open views on the subject are clarified. Therefore, once said, the truthfulness of what is said is revealed in its explanation. On the other hand, in case of doubt about the correctness of the information given by the respondent in the interview, the interviewer can check the truth by asking other questions.

Control: It is possible to control in terms of questions and answers in the interview. Under this, the interviewer can control the process of fact-collection, due to which the interview becomes more authentic and uniform method. In this, the researcher can check that the process of fact-collecting is going on in a confidential manner in the right environment, the right respondent is answering the questions etc.

Mutual Motivation: In the interview, information has to be obtained in the face-to-face situation of two or more persons. In such a situation, the presence of one inspires and motivates the other. Through this motivation, the informant can present his information in the correct form independently. Due to this, new initiatives related to the subject keep coming to the fore.

High Response Rate and Co-operation: Through interview, more number of respondents respond and cooperate. Most of the people get ready for the interview. Wherever there is a situation of non-cooperation, the researcher manages the situation with his skill. This is the reason why the response rate is high. Thus it is clear that interview is an important method of social study having many qualities. That is why G. A. Lundberg has called it ‘Tool par excellence’.



Demerits or Limitations of Interview 

Interview is said to be the best method. Despite this, this method has its limitations. How skilled an interviewer is, affects the process and conclusions of the interview. Similarly, the weaknesses of the respondent make the corporeal Kanishka perverted. Therefore, the conclusions of the interview by both the interviewer and the respondent can be understood as follows –

Faulty Memory: This defect related to memory is equally manifested on both the interviewer and the respondent. In unstructured interviews, the possibility of originality of some excerpts from the lengthy talks by the interviewer cannot be ruled out. In the description-analysis of past events, it is possible for the respondent to forget some things. hence faulty

Due to this, distortion in the collected information is natural.




Feeling of Inferiority Complex: In the interview method, the interviewer has to contact with different people. In this context, the behavior of some persons (respondents) is rude and disrespectful. This develops inferiority complex in the interviewer. As a result, he completes the interview work in some way. This condition helps in obtaining incomplete information, which affects the conclusion.

Interviewer’s Bias: Often yes, interviewers make some assumptions about the findings of the research in advance. This distorts the process of research because on the one hand the researcher asks a question which suits his bias and on the other hand he interprets the information received according to his bias. _

Need of Much Time, Cost and Energy : The collection of information through interview method takes more time, money and labor. In this, many respondents have to meet on a personal level. Then one has to go many times to contact many, which requires more time and labor. Special funds are needed for workers’ training, salary and travel expenses etc.

Invalid Information: The authenticity of the information obtained through the interview is doubtful. Respondents may suppress or provide false information. No significant control is possible in the interview method to prevent this type of defect.

Difference in Social Background: Different socio-cultural background of the interviewer and the respondent creates significant interference in the interview. Due to different language, gestures and conduct, close relations cannot be formed. As a result, the interviewer does not get the correct information from the respondents. Many social scientists have mentioned this difficulty. _ _ _ Tum type interview method has its own special advantages and disadvantages. But in spite of these defects, it is an important method of social action. The natural and valuable information that is obtained through this is not possible with other methods.


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