The Execution of Real Interview 

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The Execution of Real Interview 


After these preparations, the interview goes to meet the interviewer. It depends on his cleverness and intelligence how to deal with him.


1. To Establish Contact _ _ _ with the Interviewees – Arrives for interview at the designated place and time of interview. At the first contact, he should take care that his dress is not flashy, his behavior is not artificial and he should not reveal such thing or show such gestures that the informer starts thinking wrong about him in the first meeting itself. Therefore, the dress of the interviewer should be serious, simple and gentle. First of all politely greet, introduce yourself, later explain the purpose of the interview.


2 . Appeal for Co-operation – After the purpose of his, introduction, interview, the interviewer should pray for his cooperation. The request for cooperation should be made very sweetly and politely. In order to satisfy him, it should be said that because of his knowledge and experience in such research, he (the interviewer) has been selected. But too much praise and exaggeration should always be avoided by the interviewer, otherwise the next person will understand that the interviewer is considering him as a fool. The interviewer should give him full assurance that he will keep the information given by him confidential.


3. Asking Questions – After the above things, the interviewer should ask the questions of the schedule one by one and write their answers. As far as possible, he should not ask questions outside the schedule. But it may be that some questions arise from the answers of the interviewer whose information is very useful for his research, in such a situation he should get answers by asking new questions very cleverly and politely. The interviewer should not ask complicated, domestic, personal questions which he may hesitate or hesitate to answer. The interviewer should control his impulses so that he does not ask such a question which may lead to the situation of ‘T-Ta, Main-I,’. The questions should be asked keeping in view the mood and mental state of the interviewer.



4. Listening with Patience and Sympathy – After asking the question, the interviewer should listen to the interviewer with patience and empathy. The interviewer may get lost in the detailed description or tell a story, but the questioner should listen to him very patiently. The questioner should humbly remind him of the main subject. But while reminding him, he should be very careful because his mood may be hurt, so some motivational sentences should be said like ‘measurement has given very important and useful information,’ Papa has a lot of command on this subject, etc. .


5. Controlling and Validation of interview – Controlling the interview means that the informant should not give wrong, misleading and inconsistent information. If the respondent gets engrossed in descriptive or affective things that have nothing to do with the research , the questioner cleverly diverts his attention from such things . Such other questions should be asked so that the authenticity of the interview can be proved. Authentication means to find out the contradiction in the information given by the interviewer and remove the reasons thereof. If the respondent has lied somewhere. If you have been cheated, then you should get the right information by asking cross questions.


Closing of the Interview – It is necessary to achieve the end of the interview in a natural, sweet and gentle environment. It depends on the skill of the interviewee, how to end the interview so that the person in front does not feel that his time was wasted, he was harassed or information about secret things was obtained from him. If the respondent is feeling tired or unwilling to continue with the interview, the original interview should be stopped immediately. If there are some important questions left, he can interview them a second time and get answers. At the end of the interview he should show his gratitude to the informant and give an assurance with great humility that everything he says will be kept strictly confidential.

 Report After conducting the interview, the interviewer should come to his home or office and prepare his report immediately. He should not show laziness or indifference in this work because all his conclusions depend on the report itself. If this is not done, he will forget many things, many references will not be remembered, and many new information will be difficult to remember. While writing the report, he should avoid partiality and personalization. Only fair and authentic reports make research important and reliable.


The Qualities of an Interviewer The interviewer has a very important place in the interview. Success or failure depends on his personal qualities. A good interviewer should be full of tolerance, patience, objectivity, intellectual honesty and skill. The interviewer has to meet many types of informers. Some interview giver is very generous, honest and gentle, while some are quite the opposite. Some informants are cunning or cunning, and have a tendency to exaggerate something. Some interviewers brag big to satisfy their ego. That is to say that all these types of people are brought up by the interviewer, so one should deal with them with great skill, intelligence and confidence. The most important quality is that of impartiality, objectivity and intellectual honesty as these are the main conditions of research.




Interview Guide

Goode Pauer Hutt has defined interview guide as saying, “Interview guide is a list of points of topics that the interviewer should complete at the time of interview.”

1 There is a lot of flexibility in these. In this, the language, order, manner of asking are dynamic in relation to asking questions. 1. Interview guide helps in focusing on the important points of study.

2 . Comparative data in different interviews helps in gathering one or more interviewees.

3. it helps to test hypotheses or to collect analytical data related to items of the same type.


Qualitative studies related to life history help to collect specific and concrete information. Through this qualitative life history can be studied. Interview guide is very useful when its various small details are reclassified and well remembered by the interviewer and used by him as per the requirement. In the interview it is not necessary that the questions should be asked in the order given in the guide. The Interview Guide is not an oral questionnaire.

The purpose of the guide becomes useless if it is given too much importance. Goode and Hutt say that interview guides are constructed in much the same way as questionnaires and schedules. Interview guide is a selection of main questions related to the problem and aspects of the study, on the basis of which the interviewer completes the interview process. When data has to be collected from many informants by interview method, in such a situation there are many interviewers who collect uniformity and comparative information related to the problem. For this the interview guide acts as a very helpful tool. It is possible to collect facts related to all aspects through the directory. On the basis of memory, it is possible that the interviewer forgets to ask questions related to some aspects at the time of Q&A, whereas with the help of the guide this mistake can be avoided and the process of interview goes on in a systematic manner and remains natural and in some way there is no obstruction or obstruction.




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