Means for achieving Objectivity 

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Means for achieving Objectivity

The real aim of social research is the attainment of objectivity. There are many such problems, which present obstacles in the way of objective study. The fundamental question here is that what are the fundamental obstacles in the way of achieving objectivity in social research? How can these constraints be achieved? Removing these obstacles is the only way to pave the way for objectivity. Objectivity in social research can be achieved through the following means:

Use of empirical methods – The best and simplest way to make social research objective is to use scientific methods in it, but the same scientific methods should be adopted, which by using empirical methods, the researcher does his work. personal thoughts. And can prevent prejudice from feelings. Empirical systems are those with the help of which quantitative studies can be done and their timely. Exam can also be done. The empirical systems provide the researcher with such a basis, by which the researcher conducts research within a limit. The facts that will be obtained with the help of systems will not only be correct, but they can also be tested and verified. Thus, by using the method of teaching used in social research, the learner can achieve objectivity.




Standardization of terms and concepts – Due to the difference in language, words and concepts are also found. This difference makes it difficult to draw factual conclusions. To eliminate this difficulty, it is necessary to create a standard level of terms and concepts to be used in social research. This will eliminate the disparity in terms and concepts and the conclusions drawn will be universally accepted.

Use of mechanical devices – The nature of social phenomena is qualitative and the methods used to study it are not scientific and mechanical. This is the reason why there is an obstacle in the attainment of objectivity. To overcome this obstacle, it is necessary that mechanical means should be used. Mechanical devices include computers, tape recorders, films, cameras, computers, etc. With the help of these tools, it helps to achieve objectivity in social research.

Use of random sample – Due to bias in the selection of research units, there is also a barrier in achieving objectivity in social research. To eliminate this problem, divine vision should be used. By using divine modeling, the researcher will be saved from personal bias and bias. In this way, the research work he will carry out will have objectivity and can be checked and verified.

Group research – There may be a possibility of bias in the research done by an individual. A person’s thoughts and attitudes can lead to conclusions. A person’s self-interest may also be involved in this. In this way, there may be a lack of objectivity in the research work done by a person. To solve this problem, it is necessary that the research should not be done by an individual but by the group. In this, the conclusions drawn by different scholars can be compared, faults can be removed, facts can be compared mutually, conclusions can be checked and edited and thus objectivity can be achieved in social research. Is .

Inter-disciplinary research – The importance of inter-scientific method is increasing continuously for achieving objectivity in social research. Social events are not only related to each other but also based on each other. That’s why one has an effect on the other. That is why emphasis is not given on one factor of an event. Through inter-scientific method, persons trained in various fields and initiatives carry out research work. and study different aspects of the problem. There is a considerable degree of objectivity in the conclusions thus drawn.

Use of questionnaire and schedule – The objectivity of social research is based on the collected facts, therefore, the most importance should be given to the compilation of facts, as well as the facts should be compiled with the help of such methods, which are reliable enough. Questionnaires and schedules are the best methods of data collection in social studies. In these the questions and the answers to those questions are sufficiently definite. Due to the systematic writing of questions and answers, there is less chance of mistakes. Thus objectivity in social research can be achieved by using schedules and questionnaires. suppose that

Use of experimental method is the basic foundation of testing science. The test method is used for two types of groups – experimental group and This is done by selecting the controlling group. These two groups are similar in all respects. No attempt is made to bring change in the controlling group and efforts are made to keep it controlled or unchanged in that state. Simultaneously, the experimental group was studied under changed conditions. When these two groups are compared and an attempt is made to know the difference between them. The degree of objectivity in the studies done in this way is high.

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