Problem of Objectivity in Sociological Research

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Problem of Objectivity in Sociological Research

Difficulties in Social Research 

It is clear from the discussion so far that ‘social phenomenon’ is the biggest problem for the social scientist. Due to this, despite the scientific spirit for research, many types of difficulties have to be faced in the study. The practical difficulties that the researcher faces due to this nature of social events are as follows: The problem of controlled experimentation There are two fundamental problems in relation to social events, which cannot be controlled in any way, and

They cannot be used. Control and experiment are fundamental features of science. Since social phenomena are of an abstract and complex nature, it is often impossible to study them scientifically.

Measurement Impossible – Measurement is a fundamental feature of the scientific method. Through measurement, facts are presented in correct numbers and results, but the events of society can neither be measured nor can they be presented on the basis of numbers.

Forecast Impossible – Scientists can tell on which date of the month the monsoon will enter North India. He can also tell how much water will fall in the monsoon that year. But the sociologist cannot tell when what kind of change is going to happen in human behavior. Social events cannot be predicted in advance.


Lack of subjectivity – Social events are introverted. Behind these social events are the attachments and thoughts of the individual. The result of this is that the research is not able to be neutral and non-biased. In the study of social events, his thoughts and feelings together increase it. As a result, there is a lack of subjectivity in the results obtained from the study.

Social Phenomenon and Social Law

It is clear from the above discussion that due to the complexity and abstraction of the nature of social phenomena, scientific study cannot be done. Today’s era is the age of science. We accept every fact and event only when it has been obtained through science. Scientific spirit is accepted in every sphere of life. Through social research, social life attempts to make a scientific study of social problems and social phenomena. Due to the nature of social phenomena, subjectivity and scientificity are not available in social research. The fundamental problem that arises due to difficulties in social research is the ‘Generalization of social phenomena’. Generalization means to formulate ‘Social Laws’. Social laws or social rules are the pillars of society, on the basis of these laws, definite information can be obtained about the society. For example, the rules related to the family are the cause of family dissolution, divorce, suicide and crime. Similarly, by studying social events, rules related to society can be made. Social laws will be formed when different types of methods are used in sociology to scientifically study the events of society. These methods explain the society and make rules regarding the society.





Problem of Objectivity in Sociological Research

The fundamental aim of social research is to make a scientific study of a social phenomenon. The function of scientific study is to bring out the reality. For this there is a need to bring objectivity in social studies. To study a particular event in the same way “as it really is” is called objective study. The phenomena that scientists study are basically divided into two categories – natural phenomena and social phenomena. When a researcher studies natural phenomena, he does not face any difficulty in maintaining objectivity. But this does not apply in the case of social events. For example, the way in which one person sees the incident of indiscipline found in the students, it is not necessary that the other person also sees it in the same way. Therefore, it is a very difficult task to make actual study of social phenomenon. Lundberg has written that, “Attention and bias are elements of complexity in all sciences, but their importance is less in the physical sciences than in the social sciences. “

Each person has his own thoughts and attitudes, his own rituals and symbols. These thoughts and rituals sell the mental state of a person. The reason for this is that people have different thoughts and rituals regarding events. What seems good to one person may seem very painful to others. In such a situation it becomes very difficult task as to how to draw conclusions about the incident. Also, events are complicated. Due to the complex nature of these events and due to the selfishness of the researcher, the possibility of bias in research increases. Thus, when the researcher studies the social phenomenon neutrally by staying away from bias, then ,This is what is called objectivity.

To study social events, the researcher collects material related to social events and facts. This collected material is of two types, the material related to social facts, which the researcher has collected from his point of view and interpreted it in his own way.

The material related to social facts which the researcher has seen in the form in which they actually occur. While doing this, the stream keeps separate of the first compiled material. This type of study done by the researcher is called real study. The actual study itself is called objectivity in the language of social research, the following are the major definitions of objectivity.

Green – “Objectivity is the willingness and ability to observe evidence objectively.” No Car – “The objectivity of truth means that the world of vision is a reality independent of one’s beliefs, hopes or fears, which we intuitively understand. and not by imagination, but by actual observation.”

Fairchild – “Objectivity means the ability in which a researcher is able to separate himself from the circumstances in which he is involved and to see the facts in his own natural background, rather than by prejudice and presumption of evidence or on credit. can.”

Thus ‘objectivity’ can be defined as the feeling and ability of the researcher to see events as they actually happen.




 Characteristics of Objectivity 

Based on the above definitions, objectivity has the following characteristics:
Objectivity is not a means of collecting material used in social research, but it is an end in itself.
Objectivity is not a physical thing but its nature is intangible.
Objectivity is concerned with the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, abilities and abilities of a person.
Objectivity is that power, with the help of which a person tries to show the events in their true form.
Lastly, objectivity is the main element of the scientific spirit.


 Importance and Need of Objectivity 

Objectivity is the most important fact of social research. Without this social research cannot be called scientific. The following reasons reveal the importance of objectivity in social research

Successful use of scientific method – Scientific methods are used in social research. The use of these methods is useful only when objectivity is given place in it. If objectivity is not given a place in social research, then no matter how well we use the scientific method, the conclusions that will be drawn with its help will neither be true nor can they be verified. For successful use of scientific methods in social research, it is necessary that objectivity should be given place in it.

For new investigations – The whole life of a person is full of new knowledge. The amount of knowledge that has been gained about life is not enough. The basis of the knowledge gained about life is truth and its verification. If in social research, using scientific methods, it is actually studied, then new knowledge is gained from it, along with it such a hypothesis is also formed, which presents the basis for social research. does. Therefore, objectivity is of great importance in social research from the point of view of developing the possibilities of new research.

Real study – In order to take social research towards reality by the researcher, it is necessary that it should be made objective. When the study of the same object or phenomenon is done by different people, then this study is called objective or actual study. When different conclusions are drawn for the same event, it means that the study has neglected reality. Therefore, in social research, objectivity is essential for bringing facts and events into reality.

To get original facts – Objectivity is also needed for obtaining owner facts in social research. The purpose of social discipline 29 is that the basic facts contained in social life and events should be obtained, but it is very difficult to get those basic facts, because in this a person can make a little bit of addition and subtraction from his side. tries to bring. Therefore he who studies and the facts he obtains. They cannot be considered universal truths. The facts obtained by the study should be considered as universal truth, therefore it is necessary that objectivity should be given place in social research. Objectivity is of utmost importance in order to make social research real and to translate the facts obtained from it into universal truth.
Unprejudiced conclusions – The sole purpose of conducting social research is that the conclusions drawn are non-biased.

That is, it should not contain the personal views of the researcher and his own point of view. While studying social phenomena it is very difficult for the individual to remain completely separate from bias. It is not possible that whatever he studies, there is objectivity in it. Because there is a lot of potential for bias in the researcher. Therefore, there is an even greater need for objectivity in social research.

Essential for verification – The fundamental feature of science is that the conclusions that can be drawn with the help of it are true, they can be examined and re-examined at any time. When the researcher associates his thoughts and feelings with the subject matter of the study, then verification is not possible. That is, the conclusions that will be drawn will not stand the test of examination and re-examination. That is why objectivity is important in social research.

 Difficulties in achieving Objectivity 


Objectivity is essential in social research. In the absence of objectivity, it is impossible to take social research towards science. How to achieve objectivity? There are many practical difficulties that come in the way of achieving objectivity. Here the practical difficulties that come in the attainment of objectivity in social research are as follows

Vested interest of researcher – The personal interest of the researcher also hinders the attainment of objectivity in social research. The conclusion that a person draws through social research, does not hurt his selfishness as soon as he makes such an effort. He does not accept the conclusion which is contrary to his interests. At the same time, trying to obtain such facts which are favorable to the interests and interests of that person. In such a situation, it is impossible for that person to maintain integrity.

Possibility of counter-prejudices – If the devotee tries to avoid biases in social research, he is compelled to oppose or criticize them. In these two limits, if a person chooses any, then his study cannot be scientific. If he does not want to be biased, he is so careful and has such a keen eye that it becomes inevitable for that person to criticize. In such a situation the question of objectivity does not arise.

Immediate decision – Social research is done through scientific method. So it requires time and courage. The researcher has to wait patiently for the findings. Not all research related to social life is done for the purpose of acquiring knowledge. Some a, the aim is to solve a specific problem. Such research has to be done quickly. Objectivity in social research also does not come due to the quickness of the findings.

Difficulties due to external interests – It is not only the personal interests of the researcher who hinder the achievement of objectivity, but external causes and circumstances also present a hindrance. When the researcher is studying his own group, he tries to avoid the situation by giving brief information about many things; For example, the establishment of sex relations before marriage, motherhood before marriage, etc. In this way, external interests also present an obstacle in the path of objectivity in social research.

Nature of social phenomena – Lastly, the nature of social phenomenon poses an obstacle in the way of objective study. Social events are qualitative in nature. Elements like social values, ideals, religion, morality etc. are attached to it. The researcher does not get objective opinion about these elements. Thus, there is an obstacle in the way of objectivity.

Distinctive Radical Misconception – W. I . According to Thomas, a difficulty in achieving objectivity in social research is also a specific fundamental fallacy. Due to the specific fundamental fallacy, the researcher needs to consider a single cause of the social phenomenon.

Gives more importance and considers one aspect of the event as the most important and draws conclusions on the basis of insufficient and unrelated facts, which makes it difficult to obtain objectivity. _ _ _

False idols – Francis Bacon has told through a specific phrase the mistakes made by the researcher in any research. According to Francis Bacon, “These images are of many types; For example, the Idols of Cave, that is, those mistakes which the researcher makes in relation to an event or person because of his narrow and disjointed thoughts, these ideas He has his own views or there are such, about which no one else knows. Market place) i.e. the mistake of placing unnecessary emphasis on custom, tradition, custom etc. and drawing conclusions on the basis of that. The Idols of the Tribe i.e. the researcher can interpret an object or event in his own way.

Makes the mistake of seeing or thinking. It is often difficult for the researcher to draw some conclusions outside his limited knowledge about his personal outlook or life. Due to these false images, it is difficult to achieve objectivity.


Various sources of bias – An artificial state of bias is an artificial situation. Due to this, the social researcher sees the phenomenon of the study subject in its predetermined imaginary form rather than seeing it in its real form. Attitudes are those conditions and factors which hinder the viewing of events in their true form. When an event is not presented in its true form, but is presented by coloring it with external influences, then the act of doing so is known as orienteering. Therefore, due to the inclusion of bias in social research, objectivity does not come. As a result, there is a lack of scientificity in the study and there is a lack of verification in the conclusions drawn. Thus bias is the biggest obstacle in achieving objectivity in social research. Attitudes come from many sources and present a hindrance in research. Following are the major sources of bias

Bias of researcher – The researcher’s own attitude is important in the important attitude that hinders the attainment of objectivity in social research, the fundamental reason for this is that the researcher is unable to separate himself from the study. . P . v . Young is of the view that pure observation of social events is not possible, the reason for this is that the senses of the researcher are deceived. The researcher has his own values, thoughts, environment, culture, his social heritage, attitude, attitudes and attachments, which present obstacles in the way of attainment of objectivity.
Bias of informants – The second attitude which is important in the attainment of objectivity, is related to the informants. The veracity of social research is based on the answers of the informants. If the answer is yes, they cannot be considered universal truths. The facts obtained by the study should be considered as universal truth, therefore it is necessary that objectivity should be given place in social research. Objectivity is of utmost importance in order to make social research real and to translate the facts obtained from it into universal truth. (

Unprejudiced conclusions – The sole purpose of conducting social research is that the conclusions drawn should be non-biased. That is, it should not contain the personal views of the researcher and his own point of view. While studying social phenomena it is very difficult for the individual to remain completely separate from bias. It is not possible that whatever he studies, there is objectivity in it. Because there is a lot of potential for bias in the researcher. Therefore, there is an even greater need for objectivity in social research.

Essential for verification – The fundamental feature of science is that the conclusions that can be drawn with the help of it are true, they can be examined and re-examined at any time. When the researcher associates his thoughts and feelings with the subject matter of the study, then verification is not possible. That is, the conclusions that will be drawn will not stand the test of examination and re-examination. That is why objectivity is important in social research.

Successful use of scientific method – Scientific methods are used in social research. The use of these methods is useful only when objectivity is given place in it. If objectivity is not given a place in social research, then no matter how well we use the scientific method, the conclusions that will be drawn with its help will neither be true nor can they be verified. For successful use of scientific methods in social research, it is necessary that objectivity should be given place in it.

For new investigations – The whole life of a person is full of new knowledge. The amount of knowledge that has been gained about life is not enough. The basis of the knowledge gained about life is truth and its verification. If using scientific methods in social research, its actual study is done, then new knowledge is gained from it, as well as such a hypothesis is also formed, which is related to social life and events. it happens . Man is a social animal. Therefore, the attachment and prejudice of the individual to these social events are natural. The events of society are related to social values ​​and ideals. The attachment of a person towards these values ​​is his feelings. The events are of quantitative nature. It is difficult to do their quantitative study. Emotional tendencies compel the individual and thus hinder the attainment of objectivity.

Moral prejudices – Every person has his own moral values.These moral values ​​are closely related to the life and actions of the individual. One protects these values ​​and behaves in accordance with them. Not only this, a person who ignores these moral values ​​gives rise to opposing views about him. If there is any such fact, which does not match with the moral values, then the person takes an indifferent attitude towards it. In such a situation the information collected is one-sided and hinders the attainment of objectivity.

General understanding – The knowledge and understanding of every person is limited. The understanding and knowledge of an individual cannot be considered as the understanding and knowledge of the general society. The facts which are in accordance with our common understanding are accepted and the facts which do not match are taken as wrong. In such a situation, information about the actual facts is not available and the lack of objectivity is found in the material which is collected.

Cultural environment – Every person has his own cultural environment. Individuals form their thoughts and attitudes according to the cultural environment in which they grow up. The facts collected by the individual during social research, he tries to understand them according to his culture. In such a situation, he tries to study the events of the society in his cultural environment. Despite many efforts, he is unable to separate his cultural patterns and ideals from social events. In such a situation, objectivity does not come in what he studies.




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