Culture Lag

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Culture Lag


This concept was discussed by W. F. Ogbum in his book ‘Social Change in 1925’.  According to Ogborn, culture can be broadly divided into two parts.

  1. Physical and
  2. Non physical

These two parts of the spiritual culture do not change at the same pace.  For some reason one part goes ahead.  The second one is left behind.  As a result, cultural delays arise.  Diseases arise in this society.  The society changes as soon as the missing part is brought forward.  In this way Sansk. According to Ogborn.  This delay is a mantra in the hands of sociologists through which society changes. All the examples given here make it clear that material culture goes ahead and remains immaterial.  He received a lot of criticism on this.  Acknowledging these criticisms, in his 1957 book ‘On Social and Culture Change’, he defined it as a theory defining cultural delay.  According to – a culture lag occurs when end the two parts which are co – related or change before or in greater degree than the other part does their by causing less adjustment between the part then exist its previously.  It is clear from this definition that the following conditions are necessary for cultural delays.  Any two variables, both physical or non-physical.  ii.  It is necessary to have a correlation between the two variables.  iii.  Adaptation between the two variables at a particular time is necessary.  IV.  For some reason one moves forward one backward.  As a result, both get delayed.


There are four factors causing cultural lag.

  1.   Conservatism

  2 .  Allegiance to the past

  1. Fear of new ideas
  2. Vested interests


 Criticizing this, Mackivar and Page stated that Technological Lag should be used instead of Cultural Lag.  In today’s sociology, Culture Lag is insignificant because it only talks about two variables whereas in any science today there are multiple factors.


Culture Change – The question arises as to why culture changes.  Sumner has given three reasons for this

  1. 100% transfer of culture is impossible.

 2 .  Changes in external conditions

  1. Attempt to adapt.


  Culture Contact – When two different cultures come in contact with each other, then they make cultural contact.  Sanskritisation or due to cultural contact –


The process of acculturation begins.  Accultraltion (on – Sanskritization) – According to Harshakavitas, “When the elements of two cultures intermingle – they meet. It is a two way process like – Indian Muslims and Hindus have adopted each other’s elements.


  Culteral Relativism –

This is mentioned by Harshakovitas.  Cultural relativity means the founding of different cultures.  We can express cultural relativism by the example of salutation.  In India, we join hands for salutation, shaking hands and hats in Western societies, in Japan the body is bowed, then the people of the Masai tribe of Africa spit on each other.  The experiences, decisions and behavior of every human being are in accordance with their culture, this is called cultural relativism.  Therefore, Harshakovitas says that no culture should be compared on the basis of the values ​​of another culture, rather every culture should be evaluated in relation to its own culture.



(self-centered culture) – its discussion on American sociologist W.W.  G.  Sumner has done.  When people of one culture consider their culture to be higher and evaluate other cultures on the same basis, it is called Ethnocetrism.


(autocentric centrality) Bierstedt discussed that the pastor of every form is considered more important.



(process of transculture) is the process in which two or more cultures exchange themselves. This is called Trans-Culturation.


 Cultural Pluralism

Cultural Pluralism refers to a society where a lot of people live together.  Everyone respects each other, no one considers anyone inferior.  Indian culture as an example.







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