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Interview is a dialogue and oral response between two persons or several persons. In this, social relations are established between two persons, one is the researcher and the other is the informer. The researcher collects facts by asking questions from the informant. When these responses are verbal in the karmic sense, they are determined by a number of other factors, some of which are karmic and some are subjective.

Interview method has an important place in social research and survey. It is generally not possible through Jawali etc. Its information becomes possible, which by other methods – observation and questionnaire etc., it is generally possible to know the internal thoughts of similar persons. As a result, it is considered a useful method of collecting many qualitative and elementary facts.

Hader and Lidman also explained the interview method and said that due to the question and answer verbal in the interviewer and the respondent, many factors affect it, in which the respondent has more influence because he repeatedly starts giving information from objective to subjective. Is .



M . N. According to Buss, “the interviewer may be defined as the persons meeting face-to-face at some point.”   p. v . Young has described the interview method as such a method by which it is possible to collect facts related to the internal life of an unfamiliar person. Young’s definition is as follows “Interview may be regarded as a systematic method by which one person (scientist) enters the inner life of another person in a more or less imaginative form which is comparatively unfamiliar to him ordinarily.”


Young has also pointed out that the researcher imaginatively enters the life of the informant and collects information about the past, present and future of his life.


v . M . Palmer, explaining the interview method, wrote that “interview creates a social situation between two individuals in which both individuals mutually respond to a psychological process.” Palmer, while explaining the interview method from a sociological point of view, wrote that it involves Social relations are established between two persons, one is the researcher and the other is the informer. The researcher collects facts by asking questions from the informant.




William J. Goode and Paul K. Hutt wrote, “In modern research, interviewing has become more important than allowing qualitative interviews to be re-evaluated.” . In social research, interview is a systematic method in which both the researcher and the informant are in a face-to-face relationship. The researcher asks the question and the informant gives the answer. It is the endeavor of the researcher that the informant should always give ideas related to the incident. In this way, the researcher enters the inner life of the respondent and gets information about the facts related to the incident. As such, interview is a planned method of data collection. Some of the important definitions are as follows


P . v . Young (P. V. Young) has defined interviewing as, “Interview may be regarded as a systematic method by which a person enters into the inner life of another person in a more or less imaginative form than is normally comparable to him.” It is clearly unfamiliar.” It is clear from this definition – (1) Interview is a systematic method. (2) In this one person is the researcher and the other person is the informant. (3) The researcher enters the life of the informant and collects the facts related to the inner life. (4) Interview in this form is an intensive method.


Sin Pao Yang wrote, “Interview is a method of field work used to observe the behavior of an individual or person, write statements and observe the actual outcome of social or collective interaction.” This statement shows – (1) Interview is a method of obtaining facts (2) It is necessary to have two or more persons who interact or interact with each other (3) This method is used to observe the behaviours. It is used to write the statements and the actual result of the interactions.

In the words of N. K. Denzin, “Interviews are face-to-face conversational exchanges in which one person receives information from another person.” There should be a face-to-face situation between two persons. (2) In this one person is the investigator. and another informant. (3) Interview is a pleasant conversation. (4) In this one person (researcher) collects information from another person (informer).


William J. Goode and Pal K. According to Hutt (William LGoode and Paul K. Hatt), “Interview is fundamentally a process of social interaction.” It is clear from this definition – (1) Interview is a process. (2) Under this process there is a social interaction between the interviewer and the respondent. (3) This interaction should be purposeful.

In the words of M. N. Basu, “Interview can be defined as the meeting of some persons in a face-to-face situation at a particular point.” It is clear from this definition – ( 1) Interview is a face-to-face meeting between two or more persons. (2) The purpose of this meeting is to obtain information about any subject. (3) It is a type of formal dialogue, especially for a specific purpose. Thus, on the basis of the above description, it can be said that interview is such a systematic method in which the face-to-face relationship between the interviewer and the respondents is established to answer questions on some point. Through this method, the researcher enters the inner life of an unfamiliar person and obtains qualitative facts. In this method, due to the face-to-face situation, the researcher takes advantage of the properties of observation and schedule. In this form interview is a useful method of obtaining real facts.



Characteristics of Interview


Interview is a purposeful and systematic conversation, under which information related to facts, beliefs, attitudes, experiences and ideas is obtained from the respondents according to the research objectives. In this form the following characteristics of the interview method are formed.

-. There are two aspects to the interview method. There is one aspect of the researcher, who is in the role of interviewer. The other party consists of one or more respondents. In this way the process of interview is completed in bilateral situation.


In the interview method, there is a special relationship between the two parties, in which the primary relationships are found face to face. The ideal condition of this method is that there should be mutual trust and information between the interviewer and the respondent. Reliable facts are obtained only by mutual trust.


A special feature of the interview is the objective. Its purpose is to collect the facts related to the research topic. Interview schedule is used for this purpose. The interviewer always keeps his objective before himself.


Through interview, information is not only obtained orally, but this method also provides an opportunity to observe the events. In this way, the advantage of observation method is also available in this method.


.- Interview is also a psychological process. Through this, the researcher can get more in-depth and internal information from the respondent. Such facts are collected by interview which are sometimes not available by other methods of research.


The interview method is sometimes used as an adjunct to other methods as well. For example, it can be used as a supplementary method in observation method. The purpose of interview as an auxiliary method is to combine the facts obtained from other methods and to check their authenticity.




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