Major Social Problems of India

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Major Social Problems of India

and Forms of Secial Disorganization


 Caste Differentiations and Casteism

The Indian caste system has divided Hindu society into small pieces and has also set a stage of high and low among them.  This means that innumerable parts of Indian society, which are bound by caste-system, are living separately from each other and there is no less social distance among them.  Not only this, each caste cares only for the interests of its own caste and does not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of another caste to fulfill those interests.  Economic, social and cultural organizations are formed in the name of caste, hospitals, schools and ashrams are opened in the name of caste;  Even after being disqualified, people of their own caste are appointed in jobs and elections are fought and votes are sought in the name of caste itself.  Each caste is concerned about its own ethnic members and continues to increase social stigma.  The caste system imposes multiple restrictions on its members on food and social cohabitation, on the choice of profession and on the choice of marriage partner.  As a result of these restrictions, the division of society and social distance in different groups becomes even more clear which ultimately leads to social disintegration.  The next one chapter on this subject will discuss the mind in detail.



Though untouchability has been abolished by law and it is a punishable offense to believe or promote untouchability, yet this problem still exists.There remains a serious problem of Indian social life.  According to provisional figures of 1991 census in India, 11, 95, 31.  009 (ie 1416 percent of the population of India tomorrow) are members of unsuspecting castes, whose condition cannot be considered satisfactory even today.

They are still greatly exploited in villages today.  The upper caste mahajans and sahakar still take their labor from them, they are still landless agricultural laborers, they get the lowest wages and are victims of social employments of their kind, that is why Mahatma Gandhi made untouchability a black on the varna system  The spot – the biggest stigma – is said.  We will also discuss this in detail in the next chapter.  Here it will suffice to say that untouchability is a notable expression of the social imbalance and division seen in this country.  Disintegration of Joint Family) A fundamental institution of Indian society was the joint family system.  The disintegration of this family system has started nowadays.  From this, the disintegration in Indian society can be estimated.  Joint family consists of joint property and joint residence, mutual duty – realization and equality in relation to social and religious duties.  But now due to the disintegration of this family system, the combined form of the family has ended.  It is no longer able to act as social insurance for its members, nor does it provide shelter to old men, widows, orphans.  While living in a joint family, the first children read lessons of generosity, tolerance, service, companionship, love, harmony, obedience and the art of moving together and learning to sacrifice their interests for the benefit of all in the family.  But now as the family system is getting disintegrated, subjectivity is developing and family control is getting loosened on the person.  It is an indicator of social disintegration.  Poverty Poverty is a good criterion for India’s social disintegration.  The standard of living in India is still very low around the world.  According to the current prices in India, the annual per capita income was only 3284 in 1987 – 88, whereas in the US, 79.  Rs 795  , 46860 in Sweden and 63, 525 in Japan.  was .  According to a World Bank report, India is one of the poorest nations of the world.  The number of people living below the poverty level in this country is 35 crore, of which 30 crore people are in rural areas.

Due to poverty, most of the people of this country are not able to consume balanced food, neither live in healthy houses nor are they able to consume proper amount of clothes.  Per capita consumption of cotton clothes in this country only 13.  6 meters per year.  73 in big cities like Kanpur, Bombay etc.  9 percent of the people live in one-room houses.  Due to poverty, one cannot get balanced food and due to non-availability of balanced food, the number of diseases increases due to which the death rate increases.  Due to poverty, when the primary needs are not met legally, then the attempt is made to fulfill the legalities that lead to increase in crime rates in the country.  Due to poverty, self-people are not available to the people and for them body-building is the cheapest in the country, which is a serious problem due to itself when the family lives in houses where children play –  There is no place to jump, in which children play on the streets, fall in bad company and become child criminals.  Moral collapse can also occur at any time.  All these consequences of poverty are evident in India and many people even commit suicide to get rid of it.  It is common to hear of multiple suicides of this type every year in India.




  Unemployment –

Another notable expression of social disintegration in India is unemployment.  The fate of this country is that it does not provide the necessary opportunities for those who want or do work.  Both unemployment and short-term work are available in the village and there is very little difference between them.  Unemployment in the village is often in the form of getting work for a short period of time or for a few days in a year.  In cities, people get work according to the increase in industry – occupations, transport and work – decreasing of work.  At this time, there is no proper data regarding unemployment in India, but whatever information is available shows that this problem is indeed very serious in this country.  It is estimated that at present there are 7 crore unemployed people in the country, which will increase to 12 crore in the next five years.  It is found from the number of ten people in the state that the employment opportunities in the country have not been developed so much that all those who remain idle can be given work.  By 1980, the number of registered unemployed in India has reached 18 lakh 89 thousand and the number of postgraduate unemployed has reached 9 lakh 34 thousand.  These are official figures.  In fact, at present there are 40 lakh educated unemployed.  This shows the seriousness of the problem of unemployment.  Unemployment leads to poverty, ill effects on health and food, crime and child-crime tendencies, prostitution can also be adopted or suicide rates may rise.


Crime and Delinquency Poverty, unemployment and crime and child crime are intrinsically related to each other.  This is especially true for India.  Against money, this country is growing rapidly.  Similarly, there is no decrease in the rate of sexual offenses.  The number of murderers is also increasing in this country and now it is slaughtered in minor things.  Like crime, the number of child crimes, especially in industrial centers, is also increasing rapidly in this country.  There are at least 89, 797 juvenile offenders in this country who have been produced before the court for consideration.  The majority of these juveniles are those who have committed crimes against property.


  Prostitution –

Prostitution is another serious problem that continues to strike the moral life of India.  Till the year 1956, prostitution was open and common in street and markets.  Although this problem is spread in all the cities and even villages, but its outbreak is very much in the strict industrial centers of India.  Industrial workers have to work 18 – 9 hours continuously for the pathetic conditions of work, due to the lack of houses available in the cities for them to live, the women leave the village in the village and live alone in the city on their own.  Or there is no rava.  Also, due to lack of any other means of healthy entertainment, Raab removes fatigue by drinking and going to the liquor shop to calm the sexual apps.  Prostitution does not only result in the moral degradation of prostitutes, but also drags those who buy their bodies into the path of immorality.  This leads to mite in social life.  Not only this, the poor laborers of India get trapped in the clutches of prostitutes and waste all their money on them, then other family members are fascinated by the money.

As a result, family poverty, indebtedness, stress and conflict increase.  People who have physical relations with these prostitutes soon fall prey to many types of latent diseases and due to poverty, they establish physical relations with their wives without having to treat them and thus transfer these diseases.  Not only the wife, but also the children, because many latent diseases are hereditary, thus the vicious cycle of prostitution goes from personal moral degradation to dissolving poison in family life.  There are often 20 lakh 96 thousand prostitutes running this vicious cycle in India.




  Beggary is a centuries-old curse for our country.  This causes mental decline of people, it is not a healthy form for the country.  In every state and village of India, in every road and public place, in temples, mosques and railway stations, even on moving trains, we see beggars of all kinds.  Many of them are lame.  Take  There are beggars suffering from blind and various types of diseases, and many hardened beggars.  Apart from these two types of beggars in India, there is another distinction of beggars who are called religious monks who take money or other things from the people by taking advantage of the religious weaknesses of the people.  Most of these sadhus are artificial religious monks, whose real work is to cheat people along with paternity.  There are also many men and women of this type in India who work in mills and factories at night and beg during the day.  Most beggars accept beggary as their profession and are not willing to do any other work.  A beggar teaches the child the art of begging from his childhood, as a result of which the number of beggars increases and the cycle of begging continues.  Beggarship makes one part of society inactive and this organ remains completely unproductive and does not participate in national construction work at all.  As a result, balanced development of the society is not possible.  Apart from this, in India, there are problems of physically and mentally incapacitated people, problems of criminals, suicides, black marketing and bribery and corruption, which are making social life hollow every moment.



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