Theory of Cultural Lag

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Theory of Cultural Lag


 Changes are found in every society, but not every aspect of civilization changes in the same quantity and at the same pace.  Those who believe in the theory of cultural delay believe that industrial progress is so rapid that we cannot adjust to it.  In other words, the progress of non-material culture lags behind the progress of material culture. 

The development of one side of the two sides of the culture and the other being unable to grow in the same proportion is considered by William Augburn to be a ‘Cultural Lag’.  This cultural delay also creates social problems.  For example, elections in India have been taking place since 1947, but the prevalence of violence in elections has become very high.  In this, the benefit of insurance scheme (accident) has been sanctioned to the election employees due to the risk.  The development of industrialization in India started from the middle of the nineteenth century and the number of accidents in factories increased but the Workers Compensation for Workers Act, 1923 was passed. 

The law relating to controlling the relations of owners and workers and preventing the exploitation of workers and settling the quarrels of owners and workers was passed only in 1946 and the formation and development of labor organizations took place only after 1930.  Thus the intervening period was a period of cultural delays.  Similarly, unemployment is found so much in the country, but till now a scheme of protection like unemployment insurance has not been started. 

The tension between this situation and the need will be called ‘cultural delay’.  In the absence of social security scheme, if unemployed persons are distracted by social rules then the problem of crime is natural.  This shows how social problems arise from cultural delays.  Augburn has cited the reasons for this cultural delay as the conservatism of individuals, fear of new ideas, loyalty to the past, vested interests and difficulty in examining new ideas. 

The theory of cultural delay explains some social problems but not everyone.  The material age is variable, culture changes according to these changes.  Society can avoid cultural deviations by making modifications according to these changes accordingly.  But in fact even those who follow this theory do not claim that ‘cultural delay’ clarifies and clarifies all kinds of problems.




 “Theory of Value – Conflict: Social values ​​are important for our life because this value system determines what is important for society and its members, what goal should we try to achieve?”  And what practices should be considered taboo? That is, the values ​​of a society are its preferences and rejected grounds. In this society many values ​​are less important than some other values, while some are basic in every function of society. 

Price differences can also be found due to the different values ​​of different groups. Differences in these values ​​or changes in meanings lead to social problems. For example, conservative traders based on individual incentives and profit-motives of old capitalism.  In favor, while liberal businessmen seek strict control of the government or they are in favor of socialism, in both the systems there is more difference in the values ​​apart from the major difference of policies.  Conservatives consider capitalism to be good for individuals because this structure encourages values ​​such as desire, enthusiasm, smallness and hard work, etc.  On the other hand, in the liberal framework (capitalism) an average person is exploited and some specific persons benefit.  Social problems arise from such conflicts of values.  Richard Fuller also states that “crime increases due to our economic interests, unemployment in the workforce due to capitalist profiteering and unmarried mothers neglect children because of the emphasis on the practice of monogamy.  “

Cuber and Harper have referred to the struggle between the adult and young generation’s values ​​in social problems related to family in American society.  The values ​​of the adult generation believe in the purity of marriage, the faith of the orthodox, the traditional person of the subject (chief) of the doer (tradition), while the values ​​of the younger generation are based on individualism, individual merit, equal rights, rationalism etc.  Wallar has described the origins of social problems, based on organizational values ​​and conflicts in humanistic folklore.  They include individualism, personal property etc. values ​​in the organization related values ​​and in humanistic ethos include desires like making the world good or resolving people’s sufferings. 

There are some defects in their analysis.  Fuller’s belief that our current ethos overpowers money and this belief encourages the problem of theft crime is not correct because the whole crime problem cannot be explained only on the basis of conflict of values.  Kuber and Harper believe that some of the problems of the present family are caused by some kind of conflict.  correct . 

To believe that all family problems can be explained only on the basis of the conflict of values, would be wrong because in communities where there is complete agreement on the values, the relationship between husband and wife or parents and children is not completely problematic.  See because the younger generation modern amenities such as T.  V.  , Likes the movie while the parents like the old idea, it is a price struggle.  It can be said here that values ​​- conflicts create social problems in society in two ways – first, they create problems by giving opposing definitions of desirable social conditions and second, they excite the moral dilemma by which  Personal deviation is encouraged.  According to Harton and Lesley in the use of this study method, some questions are asked in this way – in which values ​​conflict is found?  How deep is the price struggle?  Suggestions to solve the problem, which values ​​want to be eliminated, etc.




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