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Phenomenon – science carries with it a purely philosophical approach. It negates utilitarianism. That is why its place of origin is Germany i.e. Europe. Such ideas get a respectable place in Europe. Max Weber is a direct example of this. But phenomenology has not been able to take its roots in a country favoring utilitarianism like America. Although George Santayana accepted phenomenology in America and tried to develop it, but the science of phenomenology could not flourish there. It is also not easy to define phenomenology or to explain its meaning. It is believed that every phenomenologist’s point of view is different, that is, as many phenomenologists, as many phenomenology.

The originator of phenomenology is Edmund Husserl. Although the real originator of this approach is considered to be Alfred Schutz. It happened that the German philosopher Husserl created many ideas related to social reality, but he could not give systematic form to these ideas. Heusserl’s disciple Alfred Schutz, a resident of Austria, organized his master’s ideas and presented them in the form of ‘phenomenology’. By the way, the word phenomenology was first mentioned by Husserl in his German language book ‘Ideas: Introduction to Pure Phenomenology’. This book in English language was published in 1969. In addition to Heuserl and Schutz, sociologists who contributed directly and indirectly to the development of phenomenology include Peter Berger, Thomas Lakman, Georges Pastus, Douglas, Roche, Max Weber, Mens Scheler, George Simmel, Karl Mannhim, Charles Cooley. The names of George Herbert Mead, and William James are notable. In addition to these, Martin Heidegger, Marilyn Ponty, Jean Paul Sarch and Mortij Giggatt are also notably associated with this approach.


Phenomenology is not an ideology but a method of study, an approach, and overall a philosophy. The clear belief of phenomenology is that it may be our mistake to assume the object as it appears. If we want to know about the reality of the object, then we have to go to the root of that object.


He accepts the views of Hürsel that man adopts a natural approach and accepts the life-world as fact. Schutt also confirms Hussail’s view that man lives a common world of life and acts as a living being of a common world of feelings and sensations. But in order to know the consciousness of the people, he supports Weber’s method of empathic introspection.




The experiences of individuals about the life-world can be known not by the end-to-end microscopication, but only by observing the interacting persons. This approach of Schutz freed phenomenology from the domain of philosophy and inspired the sociologists to study the ‘construction and implementation of interdisciplinaryism’. Schutz considers it the most important ‘Social Reality’.


The word ‘phenominology’ is derived from the combination of two words, namely ‘phenamai’ and ‘logus’ (lazy). ‘Fenmai’ means to appear or be seen and ‘logus’ (lazi) means to study or reason. How does human reasoning or knowledge arise? What is the phenomenology of Phenomenology or Phenomenology? This is the main subject of study or discovery. What is the nature of prejudices, preconceptions or reasoning about an event in the form in which knowledge is presented, and it is more important to know the knowledge of knowing direct experience than to be unaffected by philosophical understanding. How does the human brain work? In fact, phenomenology is of the human mind, called phenomenology or phenomenology. As a method, phenomenology is a method of knowing the mechanism of events, which emphasizes the suspension, suspension or refusal of preconceptions by which human knowledge or the creation of reason. it occurs . The first use of the word ‘phenominology’ as a method of philosophy is to find systematic information about consciousness, the basic subject of phenomenology.


It was developed as a philosophical method by the German philosopher Edmund Husserl (1964, 1970). Husserl made the discovery of individual consciousness the subject of his phenomenology. The meaning of phenomenology will become more clear from the following definitions. Edmund Husserl – “Phenomena – science is a discipline that has the ability to systematically convert indirect into direct.” It rejects accepted standards and brings out the meanings in them. “K Alfred Schutz-” Incident –


Action science is not interested in things but in their meanings. The brain creates meaning. “Encyclopedia of Social Science-” It is a method of philosophy which begins with the individual and whatever the individual receives from self-experience, it is included in it.


“Maurice Nettensen-” Phenomenology is that address by which the meaning of social action is explained on the basis of individual point of view. “Here. Bloomstel- “ Phenomenology is such a cleverness by which clear meanings are rendered meaningless to find out what they mean. Through this process we can consciously convert phenomena that are not understood to the irrational mind. Explain on the basis of


It is clear from the above definitions that phenomenology or phenomenology is such a philosophical approach that does not study events externally but emphasizes on finding reality by going deep into meditation.



Phenomenology – Science has a primitive urge or tendency in man to know and understand himself and his relationship with others, keeping this in mind, Phenomenology tries to identify or know three events


(1) The meanings that people attach to their world-object, person, event.

(2) The perspective or perspective by which people view themselves and others.

(3) The intentions which are inherent in their behaviour.


The reality is that all these three things are fundamental to any social or behavioral science. Chinoy and Hewitt wrote that it is, as some claim, an essential essence of sociology.




Impact of Symbolic Interactionalism


Schutz, under the influence of symbolic interactionist Herbert Mead, discovered that “the mind is a social process arising from the inner world.” Mead’s other concepts of role-taking (Rol: Taking) and the generalized second also had a great influence on Schutz. Another symbolic interactionist, W. Pie . Thomas’s Definition of Position’ The clear impact of the concept of Schutz’s ‘Inter-Subjectivity’ can be seen on the process of Schutz’s phenomenon of scientific orientation (Phenomenological Orientation of Schutz) Mutuz’s belief that man rules in his mind. Social customs are carried on with the concepts of proper behavior and other concepts, due to which it becomes possible to get success in social life. The sum of these rules, instruments, concepts and names has been decorated by Shutaj to the ‘store of life’ of the individual. This store of life gives the devotee the Gandharbha-Gandhara or orientation with the help of which he analyzes the events. Shootz has mentioned the following features of this ‘knowledge-store’ prominently




The reality of people is their storehouse of knowledge. Their ‘repository of knowledge’ for the members of a society creates the ‘Supreme Reality’. It is the ultimate or absolute reality that directs all social events. While interacting with other people in his environment, the doer makes use of his wealth of knowledge.


The existence of the store of knowledge, its accession through socialization and the traditionalization of perspectives to the doers all together provide a sense or presumption in a situation that the world is the same for all. This preconception of the world being equal binds the society together.




The existence of a knowledge store gives a sense of reality to events that are accepted by the social world as fact (Hussell’s concept gives nature. is done .


The store of knowledge gets depleted. It is acquired by socialization in a general socio-cultural world, but it becomes a reality for the actions of the world.


People act within their beliefs which allows them to create a ‘mutability of perspectives’.


The notion of the same world allows karmas to participate in the process of ‘drafting’. In most situations, except in personal and deep relationships, the action begins with an interaction. Because the actors use their knowledge base to categorize each other and to make sense of their answers from those models.







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